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This Law regulates the registration of tourists entering and leaving Georgia, and the creation of a bank of statistical data, and promotes the development and implementation of state policy in this area.
Article 1 - General provision
The registration of tourists is a means of controlling and regulating tourist activities and a means to systematically manage this area in Georgia.
Article 2 - Definition of terms
For the puroposes of this Law, the terms used herein have the following meaning:
a) tourist – a person who continuously stays outside the place of his/her permanent residence in a foreign environment for leisure, business or other purposes, for not less than 24 hours and not more than a year, and whose activities in the location where he/she stays are not reimbursed;
b) organized tourist – a person who has purchased a tour, or whose trip is organized by a tourism entity (a company, a firm, an enterprise, an organization, a tour operator, etc.) and receives a full package of services therefrom;
c) transit tourist- a person who is travelling to a third country through the territory of Georgia.
Article 3 - Scope of the Law
1. This Law shall apply to:
a) all tourists who have entry visas to Georgia, or whose entry without a visa is permitted under the international agreements of Georgia;
b) citizens of Georgia and permanent residents of Georgia who are traveling from Georgia as tourists.
2. The requirements of this Law shall not apply to:
a) honorary citizens of Georgia;
b) heads and employees of foreign diplomatic missions and consular offices;
c) persons who enjoy privileges and immunities under the legislation of Georgia and the international agreements of Georgia;
d) transit tourists (passengers) of international airlines, who do not have permission to leave specially allocated areas in an airport;
e) crew members of international flights.
Law of Georgia №6439 of 12 June 2012 – website 22.6.2012
Article 4 - Procedures for the registration of tourists
The registration of tourists entering and leaving Georgia shall be carried out on the basis of a migrant card as provided for by the Law of Georgia on Inspection of Migrants.
Article 5 - Agencies carrying out the registration of tourists
1. The registration of tourists shall be carried out by the Migration Control Department of the Ministry of Refugees and Accommodation of Georgia in accordance with the procedures provided for by the Law of Georgia on Inspection of Migrants.
2. The said department shall inform the State Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia on the movement of tourists on a quarterly basis and in the prescribed manner.
Article 6 - Entry into force of this Law
This Law shall enter into force from 1 January 1999.
President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze
December 24, 1998
No 1756–რს
J, ehtuekbhjdfybb extnf d]tp;f.ob[ d Uhepb.
b dstp;f.ob[ bp Uhepbb nehbcnjd
Yfcnjzobq Pfrjy htuekbhetn extn d]tp;f.ob[ d Uhepb. b dstp;f.ob[ bp Uhepbb nehbcnjd b jlyjlytdys[ dbpbnthjd (lfktt - @nehbcn@) b cjplfybt ,fyrf cnfnbcnbxtcrb[ lfyys[= cjltqcndetn hfphf,jnrt b jceotcndktyb. ujcelfhcndtyyjq gjkbnbrb d jnhfckb\
Cnfnmz 1\ J,ott gjkj;tybt
Extn nehbcnjd zdkztncz chtlcndjv rjynhjkz= htuekbhjdfybz nehbcnbxtcrjq ltzntkmyjcnb b cbcntvyjuj eghfdktybz jnhfckb\
Cnfnmz 2\ Hfp]zcytybt nthvbyjd
Bcgjkmpjdfyyst d Pfrjyt nthvbys bvt.n pyfxtybt|
f) nehbcn - kbwj= yf[jlzottcz pf ghtltkfvb vtcnf gjcnjzyyjuj ;bntkmcndf d xe;jq chtlt d wtkz[ jnls[f= d ltkjds[ bkb bys[ wtkz[ chjrjv yt vtytt 24 xfcjd b yt ,jktt jlyjuj ujlf ytghthsdyj b ltzntkmyjcnm rjnjhjuj d vtcnt ght,sdfybz yt zdkztncz jgkfxbdftvjq+
,) jlyjlytdysq dbpbnth - kbwj= yf[jlzottcz pf ghtltkfvb gjcnjzyyjuj vtcnf ;bntkmcndf d xe;jq chtlt d wtkz[ jnls[f= ltkjds[ bkb bys[ wtkz[ chjrjv yt ,jktt 24 xfcjd b ltzntkmyjcnm rjnjhjuj d vtcnt ght,sdfybz yt zdkztncz jgkfxbdftvjq+
d) jhufybpjdfyysq nehbcn - kbwj= ghbj,htnitt neh= nj tcnm gentitcndbt rjnjhjuj jhufybpjdfyj nehbcnbxtcrbv ce,]trnjv (abhvjq= ghtlghbznbtv= jhufybpfwbtq= nehjgthfnjhjv b lheubv)= b jn ytuj rjvgktrcyjt j,cke;bdfybt+
u) nhfypbnysq nehbcn - kbwj= yfghfdkz.ottcz d nhtnm. cnhfye xthtp nthhbnjhb. Uhepbb\
Cnfnmz 3\ Cathf ltqcndbz Pfrjyf
1\ Yfcnjzobq Pfrjy ghbvtyztncz|
f) gj jnyjityb. rj dctv nehbcnfv= bvt.obv d]tplye. dbpe d Uhepb. bkb d]tpl rjnjhs[ ,tp dbps ljgecrftncz d ckexfz[= ghtlecvjnhtyys[ vt;leyfhjlysvb ljujdjhfvb Uhepbb+
,) gj jnyjityb. r uhf;lfyfv Uhepbb b gjcnjzyyj ghj;bdf.obv d Uhepbb= dstp;f.obv d rfxtcndt nehbcnjd bp Uhepbb\
2\ Требования настоящего Закона не распространяются на почетных граждан Грузии, на глав и сотрудников дипломатических представительств и консульских учреждений иностранных государств, на лиц, пользующихся согласно законодательству Грузии и международным договорам Грузии привилегиями и иммунитетом, на транзитных туристов (пассажиров) международных авиалиний, не имеющих права покинуть выделенную территорию в аэропорту, на членов международных рейсовых транспортных экипажей.(12.06.2012 N6439)
Cnfnmz 4\ Gjhzljr extnf nehbcnjd
Extn d]tp;f.ob[ d Uhepb. b dstp;f.ob[ bp Uhepbb nehbcnjd jceotcndkztncz gjchtlcndjv rfhnjxrb vbuhfynf= ecnfyjdktyyjq Pfrjyjv Uhepbb @J, bycgtrnbhjdfybb vbuhfynjd@\
Cnfnmz 5\ Jhufys= jceotcndkz.obt extn nehbcnjd
1\ Extn nehbcnjd jceotcndkztncz ltgfhnfvtynjv rjynhjkz pf vbuhfwbtq Vbybcnthcndf gj ltkfv ,t;tywtd b hfcctktyb. Uhepbb d gjhzlrt= ecnfyjdktyyjv Pfrjyjv Uhepbb @J, bycgtrnbhjdfybb vbuhfynjd@\
2\ Dsiterfpfyysq ltgfhnfvtyn d ecnfyjdktyyjv gjhzlrt jlby hfp d rdfhnfk byajhvbhetn Ujcelfhcndtyysq ltgfhnfvtyn nehbpvf b rehjhnjd Uhepbb j gthtldb;tybb nehbcnjd\
Cnfnmz 6\ Ddjl Pfrjyf d ltqcndbt
Yfcnjzobq Pfrjy ddtcnb d ltqcndbt c 1 zydfhz 1999 ujlf\
Ghtpbltyn Uhepbb "lefhl Itdfhlyflpt
24 ltrf,hz 1998 ujlf
` 1756-dc
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