Об энергоэффективности зданий

Об энергоэффективности зданий
Номер документа 5900-სს
Издатель документа Парламент Грузии
Дата издания 21/05/2020
Тип документа Закон Грузии
Источник опубликования, дата Вебсайт, 28/05/2020
Регистрационный код 300280020.05.001.019858
Консолидированный публикации
Вебсайт, 28/05/2020
Об энергоэффективности зданий
Парламент Грузии
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Первоначальный вид (28/05/2020 - 10/06/2021)






Chapter I – General Provisions


Article 1 – Purpose and scope of the Law

1. The purpose of this Law is to promote the rational use of energy resources and to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, taking into account the external climate and local conditions of buildings, the demand for indoor climate conditions and cost-effectiveness.

2. This Law does not apply to the following buildings:

a) buildings that have been granted cultural property status in accordance with the legislation of Georgia if ensuring compliance with the minimum energy performance requirements of building(s), parts of buildings, or elements of buildings, will change their special character and appearance;

b) buildings used as places of worship and for religious activities;

c) temporary buildings intended for use for a period not exceeding 2 years, industrial facilities, workshops, non-residential, agricultural, low-energy buildings;

d) residential buildings used for a period of less than 4 months per year or intended for use for this time limit;

e) free-standing buildings, the useful floor area of which is less than 50 m2.


Article 2 – Definition of terms

For the purposes of this Law, the terms used herein have the following meanings:

a) new building – a building, the application for the construction permit of which will be submitted after 30 June 2021;

b) boiler – a combined body of a combustion chamber and a boiler that transfers to fluid heat released as a result of combustion;

c) decentralised energy supply system based on energy from renewable sources – devices required to receive and store energy from renewable sources and located in the buildings they serve, or close to these buildings;

d) energy received from renewable sources – energy received from non-mineral, renewable sources, in particular: wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, sea wave energy, hydropower, renewable biomass energy, gas and biogas energy received from landfills and waste-water treatment plants;

e) independent expert – a certified natural person or an accredited legal entity authorised to carry out the certification of the energy efficiency of a building or to inspect heating and/or cooling and air conditioning systems in a building;

f) European Standard – a standard of the European Committee for Standardisation, of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC), or of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSi), which is registered in the register of standards by the Legal Person under Public Law called the Georgian National Agency for Standards and Metrology (GeoSTM);

g) Energy Community – an organisation established on the basis of the Treaty Establishing Energy Community signed in October 2005;

h) energy efficiency class – a measure indicating the energy efficiency of a building, which is easy to understand, and is expressed in the letters of the Latin alphabet from "A" to "G";

i) energy performance certificate – a document reflecting the energy efficiency of a building or a part of a building issued by an independent expert;

j) useful efficiency – the maximum capacity of heat generation, expressed in kW, the supply of which is determined and guaranteed by the manufacturer in the case of continuous operation, in compliance with the efficiency regime specified by the manufacturer;

k) ventilation system – a set of components required for the processing and ventilation of indoor air;

l) heat pump – a mechanism, installation or device that transfers heat from a natural environment, particularly water, air or soil, to buildings or industrial equipment by changing the natural flow of heat so that it flows from low temperature to high temperature. A reversible heat pump can also take heat outside the building, in a natural environment;

m) nearly zero-energy building – a building that has a very high energy efficiency and nearly zero or very low energy demand, a significant part of which is satisfied with energy received from renewable sources produced in the same place or in a nearby area;

n) cogeneration – the process of the simultaneous generation (production) of electric power and heat energy;

o) major reconstruction – in each specific case it has one of the following meanings defined by the relevant act/acts of the Government of Georgia adopted on the basis of this Law and/or the Law of Georgia on Energy Efficiency:

o.a) the reconstruction of more than 25% of the surface of a building envelope;

o.b) the upgrade of a building envelope or technical systems, the value of which exceeds 25% of the value of the building (not including the value of the land on which the building is located);

p) primary energy – energy received from renewable sources or energy received from non-renewable sources, which is not obtained as a result of transformation or transfer from one state to another;

q) the Ministry − the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia;

r) useful floor area – the area of a building or part of a building where energy is used to create an indoor climate;

s) building – a whole building (including the building envelope, load-bearing structure and engineering and technical support systems), where energy is used to create an indoor climate, hot water supply, and other conditions/services related to lighting and the use of a building;

t) building envelope – a set of the integrated parts of a building that separate the interior of the building from the environment outside the building;

u) building element – an engineering and technical support system of a building or a part of a building envelope;

v) energy efficiency of a building – the calculated or measured amount of energy required to meet the energy demand for the purpose of the use of a building, which includes the energy consumed for heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating, lighting, and other energy;

w) part of a building – a section of a building, storey or apartment that is designed or redesigned for separate use;

x) building engineering and technical support systems – technical equipment required to provide heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating, lighting, or a combination thereof, of a building or part of a building;

y) total energy efficiency of a building – the calculated amount of primary energy required for the intended use of a building, which includes the energy consumed for heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating, lighting, and other energy;

z) central heating or central cooling – the supply of heat energy to several buildings or places from the central source through a single network by means of steam, hot water or cooled liquid, in order to use a space, or heating or cooling process;

z1) cost-optimal level – the level of energy efficiency, which conditions the lowest costs during the operation of a building;

z2) air conditioning system – a combination of those components that are required to process the indoor air of a building to regulate the temperature of the air to be supplied, with the possible combination of ventilation (air exchange) level, humidity and air filtration management.


Chapter II – Energy Efficiency Requirements for Buildings and the Parts of Buildings


Article 3 – National methodology for calculating energy efficiency of buildings

1. The energy efficiency of a building shall be determined in accordance with the procedure established by the national methodology for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings, according to the estimated amount of energy consumed during the year to meet the various needs associated with the use of the building in question.

2. The national methodology for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings shall be approved by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

3. The national methodology for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings shall include at least the following aspects of a building:

a) the architectural design of a building; the location and orientation of a building, including the consideration of external climatic conditions;

b) passive solar systems;

c) calorific power, thermal insulation, passive heat, cooling elements, thermal bridges;

d) heating systems, hot water supply;

e) air conditioning systems;

f) natural and mechanical ventilation;

g) indoor lighting systems;

h) internal climatic environment (conditions);

i) internal energy load;

j) systems based on energy from renewable sources;

k) electric power generated (produced) by cogeneration.

4. The national methodology for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings shall be used for the following types of buildings:

a) an individual residential house;

b) a block of flats;

c) an office, administrative building;

d) a building of an educational institution;

e) a building of a medical facility;

f) a hotel, a mass caterer;

g) a sports facility;

h) a wholesale and retail trade service building;

i) other types of building consuming energy.

5. The national methodology for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings shall, in order to ensure the transparency of the performance of buildings, determine the total energy performance indicator (EPI), which is the numerical value of the annual primary energy consumption, expressed in kWh/m2. The national methodology for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings shall take into account the relevant national standard, the European Standard, the Delegated Regulation No 244/2012 of 16 January 2012 of the European Commission and the legislation of the Energy Community.


Article 4 – Minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, parts of buildings or building elements

1. Minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, parts of buildings or building elements (minimum energy performance requirements) shall be approved by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

2. Minimum energy performance requirements shall apply to all new buildings, parts of new buildings and new building elements, and in cases of major reconstruction, also to all existing buildings and parts of existing buildings, except for cases when the application of these requirements is not cost-effective during the operation period of a building.

3. Minimum energy efficiency requirements may be determined separately for different types of buildings, taking into account the cost-optimal level.

4. Minimum energy performance requirements when replacing and modernising those elements of buildings that form the building envelope and have a significant impact on the energy performance of a building shall be determined taking into consideration the cost-optimal level.

5. The cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements shall be calculated based on the comparative methodology of calculating the cost-optimal level of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, parts of buildings or building elements. When developing this methodology, the legislation of the Energy Community and the relevant national parameters shall be considered.

6. Minimum energy efficiency requirements shall be reviewed regularly, at intervals of not more than 5 years, and, if necessary, updated in accordance with technical progress in the construction sector.


Article 5 – Energy performance requirements of the engineering and technical support systems of a building

1. Taking into account the total energy performance of a new building/existing building, the procedures for correct selection and installation, and the regulation and management of the engineering and technical support systems of a building, shall be approved by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

2. The energy performance requirements of the engineering and technical support systems of a building shall be determined for new, modified and modernised engineering and technical support systems and shall be used if they are technically, functionally and economically feasible.

3. The energy performance requirements of the engineering and technical support systems of a building apply to at least large heating, hot water supply, air conditioning and ventilation systems, or combinations of these systems.

4. Measures that ensure the encouragement of the installation of smart metering systems for energy saving during the construction or major reconstruction of buildings, and if necessary, the installation of automatic control (management) systems, shall be determined by the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan.

5. The following high-efficiency alternative systems may be used when designing a new building or during the major reconstruction of an existing building if their implementation is technically, functionally, economically and environmentally feasible:

a) decentralised energy supply systems based on energy from renewable sources;

b) cogeneration systems;

c) central heating and central cooling systems, particularly systems based on energy from renewable sources;

c) heat pumps;

6. Permission documentation for a new building shall include the assessment of the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of high-efficiency alternative systems and relevant justification.


Article 6 – Nearly zero-energy buildings

1. All buildings, for which the application for a construction permit is submitted after 30 September 2029, shall meet the requirements for a nearly zero-energy building.

2. All buildings that are occupied and/or owned by a public institution and for which the application for a construction permit is submitted after 30 September 2029, shall meet the requirements for a nearly zero-energy building.

3. Meeting the requirements of a nearly zero-energy building shall not be mandatory when its cost-effectiveness indicator is negative during the operation of the building in question.


Article 7 – Energy performance certification of a building

1. The procedure for certifying the energy performance of buildings shall be approved and the procedure for placing the energy performance certificate and the information to be included in it shall be determined by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

2. The energy performance certificate of a building or a part of a building shall include at least:

a) the assessment of the energy efficiency of a building and the values of minimum energy performance requirements so that the owner of the building and the tenant/lessee can assess the energy performance of the building;

b) the recommendations on the cost-optimal improvement of the energy performance of a building or a part of a building, when such improvement is not rational towards the requirements established for energy performance.

3. The certification of energy performance of a building or a part of a building shall be mandatory:

a) for a new building or a part of a building;

b) for an existing building that is for sale or rent/lease;

c) for a part of an existing building which is for sale or rent/lease;

d) for a building used by a public institution the total area of which is more than 500 m2 and that is often visited by outsiders, and from 30 June 2026, for a building used by a public institution the total area of which is more than 250 m2 and that is often visited by outsiders.

4. If a building or a part of a building is sold or rented before the completion of the construction of the building, the owner of the building shall be obliged to implement the assessment of the future energy performance of the building. In this case, the energy performance certificate shall be issued no later than the entry into the service of the building.

5. The certification of the energy performance of a building shall be the obligation of the owner of the building and shall be carried out on the basis of a contract concluded with an independent expert.

6. The energy efficiency certificate (or its copy) of a building under construction or of a constructed building, or a building for rent or lease, or a part of a building, shall be presented to all prospective buyers or tenants/lessees, and in the case of the sale or the renting of a building or a part of a building, the energy performance certificate of the building or a part of the building shall be handed over to the buyer or tenant/lessee.

7. The energy performance certificate of a building shall be put in a place visible to the public in the following buildings:

a) in a building used by a public institution, the total area of which exceeds 500 m2 and that is often visited by outsiders, and from 30 June 2026, in a building used by a public institution, the total area of which is more than 250 m2 and that is often visited by outsiders;

b) in a public building having an energy efficiency certificate, the total area of which exceeds 500 m2 and which is often visited by outsiders.

8. Information regarding the energy efficiency indicator or class given in the energy performance certificate of a building or a part of a building shall be included in the relevant advertising and commercial posters of the following buildings when sold and/or rented/leased:

a) a building with an energy performance certificate;

b) a part of a building that does not have an energy performance certificate, but the building has an energy performance certificate;

c) a part of a building with an energy performance certificate.

9. The validity period of the energy performance certificate of a building shall be 10 years.


Article 8 – The inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings

1. Procedures for the regular inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings shall be approved by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

2. The objects of regular inspection shall be the available parts of heating and air conditioning systems with a useful efficiency of more than 70 kW. Their inspection shall be regulated by the normative act provided for by paragraph 1 of this article.

3. The inspection shall include the assessment of the efficiency and capacity of heating and air conditioning systems provided for by paragraph 2 of this article with respect to the heating and cooling requirements of a building. The repeated assessments of capacity shall not be required prior to changes to heating/air conditioning systems, or changes to the heating/cooling requirements of buildings.

4. The inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in a building shall be the responsibility of the owner of a building and shall be carried out on the basis of a contract concluded with an independent expert.

5. After each inspection of heating/air conditioning systems in the building, an inspection report of the heating/air conditioning systems shall be drawn up. This report shall be handed over to the owner or tenant/lessee of the building. The inspection report shall include the results of inspection and recommendations for cost-effective improvements in the energy performance of the inspected systems.

6. The Government of Georgia shall be authorised to develop recommendations as an alternative to the inspections provided for by paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this article, on the use of an alternative solution to the issue, namely alternative measures for the replacement of a boiler, the implementation of various changes in the heating system and the assessment of the efficiency and capacity of the boiler.

7. In the case of using alternative measures for the inspection of heating and air conditioning systems, a report on the compliance of the results of these measures with a regular inspection shall be prepared and submitted to the Energy Community Secretariat.


Article 9 – Independent experts

1. The certification of the energy performance of a building and the inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in the building shall be carried out by an independent expert.

2. The procedures for the accreditation and certification of an independent expert issuing energy performance certificates of buildings, and inspecting heating and air conditioning systems in buildings, and the procedures for monitoring and registration, shall be approved by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

3. A certificate issued to a natural person shall be valid for 4 years from the date of issuance, and the term of the accreditation of a legal entity shall be 4 years. After the expiration of the validity term of the certificate or accreditation, a person may undergo recertification or reaccreditation.

4. An independent expert whose certificate or accreditation is cancelled may undergo recertification or reaccreditation no earlier than 6 months after the cancellation of the certificate or accreditation.

5. The Ministry shall create, update and publish a database of independent experts on its official website.

6. In order to ensure independence and impartiality, a person who has participated or is participating in the designing and construction and/or functioning process of a building shall not be eligible to participate in the certification of the energy performance of that building and to prepare an inspection report on heating and air conditioning systems in that building. For the purposes of this paragraph, such persons are:

a) the designer of a building;

b) the developer, builder and/or supplier of installations and technical equipment ensuring the energy efficiency of a building;

c) a person participating in the maintenance and/or ensuring the proper operation of the heating and air conditioning systems of a building;

d) a person carrying out energy saving measures in a building.


Article 10 – Independent and impartial inspections

1. The energy performance certificates of buildings and the inspection reports of the heating and air conditioning systems of buildings issued by an independent expert shall be subject to examination and verification.

2. The procedures for the examination and verification of the energy performance certificates of buildings and the inspection reports of heating and air conditioning systems shall be approved by a legal act of the Government of Georgia.

3. The Ministry shall create a register of the energy performance certificates of buildings and the inspection reports of heating and air conditioning systems and a database of independent experts, and approve the procedure for their processing.

4. An independent expert shall be obliged to submit to the Ministry in electronic form the energy performance certificate of a building and/or the inspection report of heating and air conditioning systems, and the data used to prepare this certificate and/or report.

5. The independent expert shall submit the energy performance certificate and/or the inspection report provided for by paragraph 4 of this article to the Ministry within 10 working days after their preparation.

6. The Ministry shall be obliged to enter the energy performance certificate and/or the inspection report provided for by paragraph 5 of this article in the register of the energy efficiency certificates of buildings and the inspection reports of heating and air conditioning systems within 5 working days after receipt.

7. The Ministry shall examine the energy performance certificates of buildings and the inspection reports of heating and air conditioning systems included in the register of the energy performance certificates of buildings and the inspection reports of heating and the air conditioning systems on a random basis. The number of examined energy performance certificates and inspection reports shall amount to a significant percentage of the number of energy efficiency certificates and inspection reports issued annually. The percentage of energy efficiency certificates and inspection reports to be examined annually shall be determined by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.

8. The energy performance certificate of a building shall be examined by one of the following methods:

a) by checking the data and results included in the energy performance certificate of a building;

b) by checking the data included in the energy performance certificate of a building, verifying the results and issuing relevant recommendations;

c) by a full examination of data included in the energy efficiency certificate of a building, a full verification of the results, the issuance of relevant recommendations and an on-site inspection of a building.

9. Issues related to the examination and verification of energy performance certificates of buildings shall be regulated in detail by a normative act of the Government of Georgia.


Article 11 – Information and measures for financial incentives

1. The Government of Georgia shall, in order to encourage the implementation of measures to improve the energy performance of buildings, ensure:

a) the preparation and dissemination of information, methodological materials and textbooks for the owners and tenants/lessees of buildings on the energy efficiency of buildings, the energy performance certificates of buildings, the heating and air conditioning system inspection reports, the cost-effective means of improving the energy efficiency of buildings and existing financial instruments;

b) access for experts working in the field of the energy efficiency of buildings to relevant training, certification and accreditation guide books and other information;

c) the representation of the measures required for the implementation of recommendations included in the energy performance certificates of buildings used by public institutions in the relevant national plans;

d) the compilation of a list of measures and instruments every 3 years, to encourage energy performance of buildings, including the definition of financial instruments that will help to improve and upgrade the energy performance of buildings.

2. A cost-optimal level shall be considered when proposing the incentive measures of energy performance during the construction or major reconstruction of a building.


Chapter III – Responsibility for the Violation of Requirements Established by this Law


Article 12 – Failure to implement the assessment of the future energy performance of a building or the certification of the performance of a building or a part of a building

1. The failure to implement the certification of the performance of a building or a part of a building as provided for by Article 7(3) of this Law shall result in the imposition of a fine on the owner of a building or a part of a building accordingly:

a) in the case of a building or a part of a building up to 150 m2 – in the amount of 300 GEL;

b) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 150 m2 to 250 m2 – in the amount of 500 GEL;

c) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 250 m2 to 500 m2 – in the amount of 800 GEL;

d) in the case of a building, or a part of a building of 500 m2 or more – in the amount of 1500 GEL.

2. The failure to implement the assessment of the future energy performance as provided for by Article 7(4) of this Law shall result in the imposition of a fine on the owner of a building or a part of a building accordingly:

a) in the case of a building or a part of a building up to 150 m2 – in the amount of 300 GEL;

b) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 150 m2 to 250 m2 – in the amount of 500 GEL;

c) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 250 m2 to 500 m2 – in the amount of 800 GEL;

d) in the case of a building or a part of a building of 500 m2 or more – in the amount of 1500 GEL.

3. The same action committed repeatedly shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the amount of the original fine.


Article 13 – Violation of procedures for submitting and/or handing over the energy performance certificate of a building or a part of a building

1. The failure to submit and/or hand over the energy performance certificate of a building or a part of a building as provided for by Article 7(6) of this Law shall result in a warning being issued to the owner of a building, and the failure to correct the violation within the time limit of 10 days after the warning shall result in the imposition of a fine, as follows:

a) in the case of a building or a part of a building up to 150 m2 – in the amount of 300 GEL;

b) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 150 m2 to 250 m2 – in the amount of 500 GEL;

c) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 250 m2 to 500 m2 – in the amount of 800 GEL;

d) in the case of a building or a part of a building of 500 m2 or more – in the amount of 1500 GEL.

2. The same action committed repeatedly shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the amount of the original fine .


Article 14 – Failure to put the energy performance certificate of a building in a place visible for the public

1. The failure to put the energy performance certificate of a building in a place visible for the public as provided for by Article 7(7) of this Law shall result in a warning being issued to the owner or tenant/lessee of the building, and the failure to correct the violation within the time limit of 10 days after the warning shall result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of 200 GEL.

2. The same action committed repeatedly shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the amount of the original fine.


Article 15 – Failure to include in the advertising and commercial posters of the sale and/or rent/lease of a building or a part of a building information regarding the energy efficiency indicator or class given in the energy performance certificate of a building or a part of a building

1. The failure to include in the advertising and commercial posters of the sale and/or rent/lease of a building or a part of a building information regarding the energy efficiency indicator or class given in the energy performance certificate of a building or a part of a building as provided for by Article 7(8) of this Law, shall result in the imposition of a fine on the owner of the building in the amount of 200 GEL.

2. The same action committed repeatedly shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the amount of the original fine.


Article 16 – Failure to inspect heating and air conditioning systems

1. The failure to inspect heating and air conditioning systems as provided for by Article 8(2) of this Law shall result in the imposition of a fine on the owner of a building, as follows:

a) in the case of a building or a part of a building up to 150 m2 – in the amount of 300 GEL;

b) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 150 m2 to 250 m2 – in the amount of 500 GEL;

c) in the case of a building or a part of a building from 250 m2 to 500 m2 – in the amount of 800 GEL;

d) in the case of a building or a part of a building of 500 m2 or more – in the amount of 1500 GEL.

2. The same action committed repeatedly shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the amount of the original fine.


Article 17 – Responsibility of an independent expert

1. The violation of the requirements established by this Law and a normative act of the Government of Georgia regarding the issuance of energy performance certificates shall result in a warning being issued to an independent expert, and the same action committed repeatedly shall result in the cancellation of his/her relevant certificate/accreditation.

2. The violation of the procedures for handing over the heating and air conditioning system inspection report provided for by Article 8(5) of this Law shall result in a warning being issued to an independent expert, and the same action committed repeatedly shall result in the cancellation of his/her relevant certificate/accreditation.

3. The failure to submit an energy performance certificate and/or a heating and air conditioning inspection report to the Ministry within the time limit established by Article 8(5) of this Law shall result in a warning being issued to an independent expert, and the same action committed repeatedly shall result in the cancellation of his/her relevant certificate/accreditation.


Article 18 – Procedure for the imposition and payment of fines

1. The Ministry shall draw up an administrative offence report on the imposition of a fine on an offender.

2. The offender shall pay a fine to the State Budget of Georgia within 30 calendar days after the order on the imposition of a fine is handed over to him/her.

3. In the case of non-payment of the imposed fine, an offender shall be charged with an additional default charge in the amount of the fine, after the expiration of the time limit established by paragraph 2 of this article, and a time limit of 30 calendar days shall be determined for its payment.

4. In the case of non-payment of the fine and default charge provided for by paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article, the order on the imposition of the fine shall be immediately executed in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings.


Chapter IV – Transitional and Final Provisions


Article 19 – Transitional provisions

1. The Government of Georgia shall ensure:

a) by 30 June 2021:

a.a) the approval of the national methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings;

a.b) the approval of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, parts of buildings or building elements;

a.c) the approval of a comparative methodology for calculating the cost-optimal levels of the minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, parts of buildings or building elements;

a.d) the approval of the procedure for the development and use of one or more programme(s) for the calculation of energy performance;

a.e) taking into account the total energy efficiency/performance of a new building/existing building, the approval of the procedures for the proper selection and installation, regulation and management of the engineering and technical support systems of a building;

b) by 1 January 2022:

b.a) the approval of the procedure for the energy performance certification of buildings;

b.b) the approval of the procedure of the regular inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings;

b.c) the approval of the procedures for the accreditation and certification of an independent expert issuing energy efficiency certificates for buildings and implementing the inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings;

b.d) the approval of the procedures for inspecting and verifying the reports of the inspection of energy performance certificates and heating and air conditioning systems of buildings;

c) by 30 June 2023 – the approval of the national plan to increase the number of nearly zero-energy buildings.

2. By 1 January 2022, the Ministry shall ensure the approval of the Register of Energy Performance Certificates of Buildings and the Inspection Reports of Heating and Air Conditioning Systems and the procedure for the maintenance of the Databases of Independent Experts.

3. By 30 March 2024, the Ministry shall submit to the Energy Community Secretariat:

a) the first report on the analysis of the cost-optimal level of energy efficiency;

b) a report on the compliance of the results of alternative measures for the inspection of heating and air conditioning systems with regular inspections.


Article 20 – Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law, except for the Articles 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 12-18 of this Law, shall enter into force upon its promulgation.

2. Articles 4 and 5 of this Law shall enter into force from 30 June 2021.

3. Articles 7 and 12-15 of this Law shall enter into force from 30 June 2022 in respect of buildings used by state bodies provided for by Article 7(3)(d) of this Law, the total area of which exceed 500 m2.

4. Articles 10, 17 and 18 of this Law shall enter into force from 30 June 2022.

5. Articles 7 and 12 – 15 (except for their application to buildings used by the state bodies provided for by Article 7(3)(d) of this Law, the total area of which exceed 500 m2 ), and Articles 8 and 16 of this Law shall enter into force from 30 June 2023.



President of Georgia                                          Salome Zourabichvili



21 May 2020

No 5900-სს