О приостановлении и запрещении деятельности общественных объединений

Консолидированная версия (Окончательный вариант)




Article 1

This law determines the grounds and the procedures for the suspension and prohibition of activities of non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities, trade unions and other public associations.

Law of Georgia No 3973 of 14 December 2006 - LHG I, № 48, 22.12.2006, Art. 340


Article 2

The activities of public associations shall be suspended or prohibited only by a court decision in cases prescribed under this Law and in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia.


Article 3

1. A court may suspend the activities of the public association for up to three months, which has substantially engaged itself in entrepreneurial activities.

2. After the expiry of the term of suspension of activities of a public association which has been set by a court, the public association shall resume its activities.


Article 4

The court may ban a public association that aims to overthrow or forcibly change the constitutional order of Georgia, to infringe on the independence and territorial integrity of the country, or to propagandise war or violence, to stir up national, ethnic, religious, or social strife, or that is forming or has formed an armed group, or that resumes the activities laid down in Article 3(1) of this Law after the suspension of its activities by a court.


Article 41

A public association shall be deprived of the right to carry out activities and shall be liquidated on the basis of a judgment of a conviction that has entered into legal force against the public association.

Law of Georgia No 3537 of 25 July 2006- LHG I, № 37, 7.8.2006.


Article 5

The decision of a court to suspend or ban public associations may be appealed in compliance with the procedures determined by the legislation of Georgia.


Article 6

After banning a public association, its remaining property shall be distributed in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.


Article 7

This Law shall enter into force upon its promulgation.



President of Georgia                                                                                                                                            Eduard Shevardnadze


November 14, 1997

No 1103–I

Jhufybxtcrbq pfrjy Uhepbb


J ghbjcnfyjdktybb b pfghtotybb ltzntkmyjcnb

j , otcndtyys [ j ,] tlbytybq



Статья 1.

Настоящий Закон определяет основания и порядок приостановления деятельности непредпринимательского (некоммерческого) юридического лица, профессионального союза и других общественных объединений и их запрещения. (14.12.2006 N3973)


Cnfnmz 2\

Ghbjcnfyjdktybt ltzntkmyjcnb j,otcndtyys[ j,]tlbytybq bkb b[ pfghtotybt djpvj;yj kbim htitybtv celf= d ckexfz[ jghtltktyys[ Pfrjyjv b gj ghfdbke= ecnfyjdktyyjve pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb\


Cnfnmz 3\

Cel vj;tn yf chjr lj nht[ vtczwtd ghbjcnfyjdbnm ltzntkmyjcnm j,otcndtyys[ jhufybpfwbq= rjnjhst gj ceotcnde gthtikb yf ghjbpdjlbntkmye. ltzntkmyjcnm\

2\ Gj bcntxtybb chjrf ghbjcnfyjdktybz celjv ltzntkmyjcnb j,otcndtyyjuj j,]tlbytybz jyj dyjdm ghjljk;ftn cdj. ltzntkmyjcnm\


Cnfnmz 4\

Cel vj;tn pfghtnbnm j,otcndtyyjt j,]tlbytybt= wtkm rjnjhjuj - cdth;tybt rjycnbnewbjyyjuj cnhjz Uhepbb bkb cvtotybt tuj gentv yfcbkbz= cjdthibnm gjczufntkmcndj yf ytpfdbcbvjcnm cnhfys= yfheibnm nthhbnjhbfkmye. wtkjcnyjcnm bkb rjnjhsq dtltn ghjgfufyle djqys b yfcbkbz= hfp;buftn yfwbjyfkmyst b vtcnybxtcrbt htkbubjpyst bkb cjwbfkmyst rjyakbrns= cjplftn bkb cjplfkj djjhe;tyyst ajhvbhjdfybz= bkb gjckt ghbjcnfyjdktybz celjv tuj ltzntkmyjcnb djpj,yjdkztn cdj. ltzntkmyjcnm cjukfcyj gthdjve geyrne cnfnmb 3 yfcnjzotuj Pfrjyf\


Статья 41 .

Лишение общественного объединения права на деятельность или его ликвидация допускается на основании обвинительного приговора суда, вступившего в законную силу, по уголовному делу в отношении общественного объединения. (25.07.2006 N3537)


Cnfnmz 5\

Htitybt celf j ghbjcnfyjdktybb bkb pfghtotybb j,otcndtyys[ j,]tlbytybq vj;yj j,;fkjdfnm gj ghfdbke= ecnfyjdktyyjve pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb\


Cnfnmz 6\

Bveotcndj= jcnfdittcz gjckt pfghtotybz j,otcndtyyjuj j,]tlbytybz= hfcghtltkztncz d gjhzlrt ecnfyjdktyyjv pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv\


Cnfnmz 7\

Yfcnjzobq Pfrjy ddtcnb d ltqcndbt gj jge,kbrjdfybb\



Ghtpbltyn Uhepbb �������������������� " lefhl Itdfhlyflpt

N , bkbcb

14 yjz,hz 1997 ujlf
