საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ სამართალდარღვევათა კოდექსი

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ სამართალდარღვევათა კოდექსი
დოკუმენტის ნომერი 161
დოკუმენტის მიმღები საქართველოს სსრ უმაღლესი საბჭოს პრეზიდიუმი
მიღების თარიღი 15/12/1984
დოკუმენტის ტიპი საქართველოს კანონი
გამოქვეყნების წყარო, თარიღი საქართველოს სსრ უმაღლესი საბჭოს უწყებები, 12-ის დანართი, 31/12/1984
სარეგისტრაციო კოდი
კონსოლიდირებული პუბლიკაციები
საქართველოს სსრ უმაღლესი საბჭოს უწყებები, 12-ის დანართი, 31/12/1984
საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ სამართალდარღვევათა კოდექსი
საქართველოს სსრ უმაღლესი საბჭოს პრეზიდიუმი
ყურადღება! ვერსია, რომელსაც ამჟამად ეცნობით, არ წარმოადგენს დოკუმენტის ბოლო რედაქციას. დოკუმენტის ბოლო რედაქციის გასაცნობად აირჩიეთ შესაბამისი კონსოლიდირებული ვერსია.

კონსოლიდირებული ვერსია (23/12/2017 - 07/03/2018)

Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR

On Putting into Effect the Administrative Offences Code of the Georgian SSR


In connection with the adoption of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia hereby resolves that:

1. The Code of Administrative Offences of the Georgian SSR shall be put into effect from 1 June 1985.

2. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR shall be assigned to establish the procedure for putting into effect the Administrative Offences Code of the Georgian SSR and to bring the legislation of the Georgian SSR in line with this Code.


P. Gilashvili, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR

T. Lashkarashvili, Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR


15 December 1984

No 161-XS




Section I - General Provisions


Chapter 1 - General Provisions


Article 1 - Objectives of the legislation of Georgia on administrative offences

The objective of the legislation of Georgia on administrative offences is to protect the property, socioeconomic, political and personal rights and freedoms of citizens, also the rights and legitimate interests of enterprises, institutions and organisations, the established rule of governance, state and public order; to ensure the avoidance of offences; and to educate citizens in the spirit of exact and strict observance of the Constitution of Georgia, laws of Georgia, respect for the rights of other citizens, honour and dignity, the ways of social life and fulfilment of assigned duties.

To accomplish the objective, the Code of Georgia on Administrative Offences determines the actions or inaction that constitute an administrative offence, as well as administrative penalties, the procedure for their imposition and the administrative bodies (officials) authorised to impose administrative penalties on perpetrators.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 2 - Legislation of Georgia on administrative offences

The legislation of Georgia on administrative offences consists of this Code of Administrative Offences and other legislative acts of Georgia.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 3 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 4 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 5 - Jurisdiction of the Abkhazian ASSR and the Ajarian ASSR in the field of legislation on administrative offences

Under the legislation of Georgia, Abkhazian ASSR and Ajarian ASSR in the field of legislation on administrative offences shall have authority to:

Determine administrative liability in matters related to protection of public order, unless these matters are regulated by this Code, as well as in matters relating to fighting natural disasters and epidemics.

Establish rules, the violation of which carries administrative liability under Articles 86, 102, 148 and 157 of this Code.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 6 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 7 - Avoiding administrative offences

Public authorities, social organisations and collectives of workers shall develop and implement measures to avoid administrative offences, identify and prevent the causes and conditions contributing to their commission, and to educate citizens in the spirit of high consciousness and discipline, and strict observance of the laws.

State and local government bodies, which ensure the enforcement of laws under the Constitution of Georgia, as well as the protection of state and public order and the rights of citizens, shall coordinate within their jurisdictions the operation of all state and public bodies so as to avoid administrative offences, and supervise the activity of internal affairs bodies tasked with fighting administrative offences.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 8 - Ensuring the lawfulness of sanctioning for administrative offences

No one may be sanctioned for administrative offences except on the basis of, and according to the procedure laid down by, the legislation.

Proceedings for administrative offences shall be conducted with strict observance of the law.

Authorised bodies and officials shall impose sanctions for administrative offences within their scope of authority, in strict compliance with the legislation.

A systematic control by superior bodies and officials, prosecutorial supervision, the right to appeal and other remedies determined by the legislation shall ensure observance of the requirements of the legislation in imposing sanctions for administrative offences.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 9 - Operation of the legislation concerning liability for administrative offences

An administrative offender shall be held liable based on the legislation that is in force at the time and at the place where the offence is committed.

Normative acts reducing or abolishing penalties for administrative offences shall have retroactive force, i.e. they also apply to administrative offences committed before the issue of such acts. Acts introducing or increasing penalties for administrative offences shall have no retroactive force.

Proceedings for administrative offences shall be conducted based on the legislation that is in force at the time and at the place at which the hearing on the offence is held.


Section II - Administrative Offence and Administrative Liability


I – General Part


Chapter 2 - Administrative Offence and Administrative Liability


Article 10 - Definition of an administrative offence

An administrative offence (infraction) shall be an unlawful, culpable action or inaction (whether intentional or negligent) that violate the rules established to protect the State or public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, the established rule of governance, and for which the legislation prescribes an administrative liability.

Administrative liability for the offences provided for by this Code arises if because of their nature the offences do not incur criminal liability under the current legislation.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 11- Committing administrative offences intentionally

An administrative offence shall be deemed to have been committed intentionally if the offender was aware of the unlawful character of his/her action or inaction, foresaw its harmful consequences and intended to cause or consciously permitted them to occur.


Article 12 - Committing administrative offences through negligence

An administrative offence shall be deemed to have been committed negligently if the offender foresaw the possibility of the occurrence of harmful consequences of his/her act or omission but recklessly assumed their avoidance or did not foresee the possibility of the occurrence of such consequences, although he/she ought to have and could have foreseen them.


Article 13 –The age at which a person is subject to administrative liability

Persons who have reached the age of sixteen by the time that an administrative offence is committed shall be subject to administrative liability.


Article 14 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 15 - Liability of officials

Administrative liability shall be imposed on officials for administrative offences caused by non-compliance with rules of governance, rules protecting state and public order, nature, public health and with other rules, the ensuring of the observance of which is their official duty.


Article 16 - Administrative liability of military personnel and of other persons to whom disciplinary regulations apply

1. A military servant, a person called up for military refresher training, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and an employee of the State Security Service of Georgia shall incur liability for an administrative offence according to disciplinary regulations, and in the case of the violation of military service rules, traffic regulations, hunting, fishing and fish preserve maintenance rules provided for by this Code and for violating the rules defined by the Tax Code of Georgia for movement of goods across the customs border of Georgia, for committing an administrative offence provided for by Article 45 of this Code, shall be subject to administrative liability on a general basis, except as provided for in paragraph 11 of this article. Corrective labour may not be imposed on these persons.

11. For committing administrative offences specified in Articles 45, 116, 166 and 173 of this Code, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and an employee of the State Security Service of Georgia shall be subject to administrative liability on a general basis as well as according to the disciplinary regulations.

2. Persons, other than those referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, to whom disciplinary regulations or special disciplinary provisions apply, shall be subject to disciplinary liability for committing administrative offences in the cases directly provided for by such regulations or provisions, and in the rest of the cases administrative liability shall be imposed on them on a general basis.

3. In the cases set out in paragraph 1 of this article, the bodies (officials) who are authorised to impose administrative penalties, may instead forward the materials regarding offences to the relevant bodies for the imposition of disciplinary liability on the offenders.

Law of Georgia No 1857 of 1 July 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 257

Law of Georgia No 4322 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 62

Law of Georgia No 1142 of 27 March 2009 – LHG I, No 9, 13.4.2009, Art. 36

Law of Georgia No 3593 of 17 September 2010 – LHG I, No 54, 12.10.2010, Art. 345

Law of Georgia No 5953 of 27 March 2012 – website, 12.4.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2649 of 1 August 2014 – website, 18.8.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1222 of 26 July 2017 – website, 28.7.2017


Article 17 - Liability of aliens and stateless persons

1. Aliens and stateless persons in the territory of Georgia shall bear administrative liability equally with Georgian citizens, on a general basis, unless otherwise determined by this Code.

2. The question of liability for an administrative offence committed by an alien in the territory of Georgia who, under the treaties and international agreements of Georgia, enjoys immunity from the administrative jurisdiction of Georgia shall be resolved by diplomatic means.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110


Article 18 - Extreme necessity

No administrative penalty shall be imposed on a person who, when committing an act provided for by this Code and by other normative acts prescribing administrative liability for administrative offences, was acting in a state of extreme necessity, i.e. to ward off a danger threatening state or public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, the established rule of governance if under the given circumstances the danger could not have been averted by other means or if the harm done is less serious than the averted danger.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 19 – Necessary defence

No administrative liability shall be imposed on a person who, when committing an offence provided for by this Code and by other normative acts prescribing administrative liability for administrative offences, was acting in a state of necessary defence, i.e. inflicting harm on a wrongdoer when averting an unlawful breach of state or public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, the established rule of governance, provided the limits of necessary defence were not exceeded.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 20 - Insanity

No administrative penalty shall be imposed on a person who at the moment of committing a culpable action or inaction was in a state of insanity, i.e. was unable to appreciate the wrongfulness of his/her actions or to control such actions due to chronic mental illness, temporary disruption of mental condition, feeblemindedness or some other pathological condition.


Article 21- Forwarding administrative offence materials for hearing by a comrades’ court, social organisation or a collective of workers

An administrative offender shall be released from administrative liability and the materials shall be forwarded for hearing to a comrades’ court, social organisation or a collective of workers if, taking into account the nature of the offence committed and the person of the offender, it is appropriate to impose social sanctions on him/her.

A comrades’ court or public organisation set up in an enterprise, institution, organisation Or in their structural units shall be obligated to notify, within ten days, the body (official) that forwarded the materials of the social sanctions imposed on the perpetrators of the administrative offences provided for in Articles 50, 119, 122, 126, 155, 159, 161, 170 and 171 of this Code.

Edict No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 22 - Possibility of granting relief from administrative liability for petty offences

If a petty administrative offence is committed, the body (official) authorised to decide the case, may release the offender from administrative liability with only a verbal warning.


Chapter 3 - Administrative Penalty


Article 23 - Purpose of an administrative penalty

An administrative penalty is a measure of liability and is applied to educate an administrative perpetrator in the spirit of respect for the rule of law, the ways of social life as well as to avoid the commission of new offences, either by the offender or other persons.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 24 - Types of administrative penalties

1. The following administrative penalties may apply for committing administrative offences:

a) a warning;

b) a fine;

c) the compensated seizure of an item that was an instrument or material object of an administrative offence or an object of violation of the rules for movement of goods across the customs border of Georgia defined by the Tax Code of Georgia, or the means of transportation and delivery of goods;

d) confiscation of an item that was an instrument or material object of an administrative offence or an object of violation of the rules for movement of goods across the customs border of Georgia defined by the Tax Code of Georgia, or the means of transportation and delivery of goods;

e) suspension of the right to drive a motor vehicle granted to a citizen;

e1) deprivation of the right to carry arms;

f) corrective labour;

c) administrative detention.

2. The laws of Georgia may prescribe an administrative removal from Georgia for administrative offences committed by aliens and stateless persons who grossly violate law and order.

3. Deprivation of the right to carry arms shall mean depriving the right to carry service weapons, short-barrel defence firearms and/or short-barrel rifled sports guns. This type of administrative penalty shall apply to persons specified in Article 9 of the Law of Georgia on Arms if they commit offences defined by the Special Part of this Code. The decision to deprive a person of the right to carry arms shall enter into force from the day following the date of issue of the relevant administrative-legal act.

Ordinance No 1842 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 15 August 1988 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1988, Art. 201

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 285 of 5 May 2000 – LHG I, No 18, 15.5.2000, Art. 47

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 3593 of 17 September 2010 – LHG I, No 54, 12.10.2010, Art. 345

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 5953 of 27 March 2012 – website, 12.4.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013


Article 25 - Main and additional administrative penalties

1. The compensated seizure of an item, confiscation of an item, warning, fine, suspension of a driving licence and corrective labour may be applied both as main and additional administrative penalties. Administrative detention may be applied only as a main administrative penalty. Deprivation of the right to carry arms may be applied only as an additional administrative penalty.

2. A main administrative penalty, or main and additional administrative penalties, may be imposed for one administrative offence.

Law of Georgia No 432 of 28 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 66

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013


Article 26 - Warning

Warning as a measure of administrative penalty shall be issued in writing. Where so provided for by law, a warning may be executed in another established way.

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72


Article 27 - Fine

A fine imposed on citizens and officials for administrative offences may not be less than one hundredth of the minimum wage.

Ordinance No 785 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 11 June 1986 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1986, Art. 140

Ordinance No 1306 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 22 June 1987 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1987, Art. 152

Ordinance No 1842 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet the Georgian SSR of 15 August 1988 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1988, Art. 201

Law of the Republic of Georgia of 28 June 1991 - Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, No 6, June, 1991, Art. 450

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 28 - Compensated seizure of the item that was an instrument or a material object of an administrative offence

1. The compensated seizure of an item that was an instrument or a material object of an administrative offence or an object of violation of the rules for movement of goods across the customs border of Georgia as defined by the Tax Code of Georgia, a means of transportation or delivery of goods, shall mean its forced dispossession and subsequent sale, where the proceeds of the sale are given to the owner, net of expenses related to the sale of the dispossessed item.

2. A person for whom hunting is the main source of subsistence may not be dispossessed of a firearm and ammunition.

3. The procedure for imposing a compensated seizure and the types of items subject to confiscation shall be determined under the legislation of Georgia.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 285 of 5 May 2000 – LHG I, No 18, 15.5.2000, Art. 47

Law of Georgia No 3593 of 17 September 2010 – LHG I, No 54, 12.10.2010, Art. 345

Law of Georgia No 5953 of 27 March 2012 – website, 12.4.2012


Article 29 - Confiscation of an item that was an instrument or a material object of an administrative offence

1. The confiscation of an item that was an instrument, a material object of an administrative offence or an object of violation of the rules for movement of goods across the customs border of Georgia as defined by the Tax Code of Georgia, a means of transportation and delivery of goods (other than the item of an administrative offence provided for in Article 1536 of this Code) shall mean forced, gratuitous transfer of such item to the State. Unless otherwise provided for by the legislative acts of Georgia, only those items that are privately owned by the offender shall be subject to confiscation.

2. Confiscation of a firearm and ammunition or other hunting weapons may not be applied to a person for whom hunting is the main source of subsistence.

3. Confiscation of the item (goods) that was the object of the administrative offence provided for in Article 1536 of this Code shall be subject to a forced, gratuitous transfer to a self-governing unit of Tbilisi.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 285 of 5 May 2000 – LHG I, No 18, 15.5.2000, Art. 47

Law of Georgia No 3593 of 17 September 2010 – LHG I, No 54, 12.10.2010, Art. 345

Law of Georgia No 5097 of 11 October 2011 – website, 3.11.2011

Law of Georgia No 5953 of 27 March 2012 – website, 12.4.2012


Article 30 - Deprivation of a driving licence granted to a citizen

1. A driving licence granted to a citizen shall be suspended for up to three years for a gross or systematic violation of the rules for using the licence. The licence suspension period shall not be less than 15 days, unless otherwise provided for by the legislative acts of Georgia.

2. The driving licence of a person using the vehicle due to his/her disability status shall not be suspended unless he/she drives in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013


Article 31 - Corrective labour

Corrective labour shall be applied for a period of up to six months and the administrative offender shall serve the corrective labour sentence at his/her permanent workplace. In addition, up to 20 per cent shall be deducted from the salary of the offender for the benefit of the State. A corrective labour sentence shall be imposed on a person by a district (city) court judge, or an administrative judge. The period of corrective labour may not be less than 15 days, unless otherwise provided for by the legislative acts of Georgia.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 32 - Administrative detention

1. Administrative detention for up to 15 days shall be imposed and applied only in exceptional cases, for violation of certain types of military service rules and for administrative offences. Administrative detention shall be imposed on a person by the relevant district (city) court judge.

2. If a military personnel violates a military service rule or commits the administrative offences provided for in Articles 45 and 166 of this Code, a court shall hear a case for imposition of administrative detention based on the application of the relevant authorised person of the Military Police Department of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia or of the authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. In all the other cases, the relevant authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall apply to the court for imposition of administrative detention.

3. Administrative detention may not be imposed on pregnant women or on women who have children less than twelve years of age, to persons who have not attained 18 years of age, or on the first and second categories of disabled persons.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 1857 of 1 July 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 257

Law of Georgia No 4326 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 63

Law of Georgia No 1142 of 27 March 2009 – LHG I, No 9, 13.4.2009, Art. 36

Law of Georgia No 1505 of 17 July 2009 – LHG I, No 21, 3.8.2009, Art. 116

Law of Georgia No 2649 of 1 August 2014 – website, 18.8.2014

Law of Georgia No 1715 of 7 December 2017 – website, 14.12.2017


Chapter 4 - Imposition of Administrative Penalties


Article 33 - General rules for imposing penalties for administrative offences

A penalty for an administrative offence shall be imposed to the extent defined by the normative act that prescribes liability in strict compliance with this Code of Administrative Offences and other acts on administrative offences.

When imposing a penalty, due regard shall be had for the nature of the offence, the person of the offender, the gravity of his/her fault, his/her material status, and extenuating and aggravating circumstances.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 34 - Circumstances mitigating liability for administrative offences

The following shall be deemed to be extenuating circumstances for imposing liability for administrative offences:

1) sincere repentance by the offender;

2) aversion of the adverse consequences of the offence, voluntary compensation of damages or remediation of the harm by the offender;

3) commission of an offence in the heat of passion or due to the concurrence of grave personal or family circumstances;

4) commission of an offence by a minor;

5) commission of an offence by a pregnant woman or by a woman who has a child under one year of age.

The legislation of Georgia may also provide for other mitigating circumstances for administrative offences. A body (official) who is authorised to decide a case of an administrative offence may deem as extenuating other circumstances that are not specified in the legislation.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128


Article 35 - Circumstances aggravating liability for administrative offences

The following shall be deemed to be circumstances aggravating liability for administrative offences:

1) continuation of an unlawful conduct heedless of the demand of authorised persons to cease;

2) repeated commission of a similar offence during a year, for which the person has already been subjected to administrative liability; commission of an offence by a person who has previously committed a crime;

3) involvement of a minor into an offence;

4) commission of an offence by a group of persons;

5) commission of an offence during natural disasters or in other extraordinary circumstances;

6) commission of an offence in a state of alcoholic intoxication; the body (official) authorised to impose an administrative penalty has the right not find this circumstance to be aggravating.


Article 36 - Imposing administrative liability for several administrative offences

If a person has committed two or more administrative offences, an administrative penalty shall be imposed separately for each offence.

If a person has committed several administrative offences, which are concurrently heard by the same body (official), a penalty shall be imposed to the extent of the sanction that is prescribed for more serious violations. In that case, one of the additional penalties stipulated by the articles prescribing punishment for any of the committed offence may be added to the main penalty.


Article 361 - Administrative liability for violation of licence or permit conditions

1. Failure of a licence or permit holder to fulfil licence or permit conditions within the period fixed after the imposition of an administrative penalty shall result in tripling the imposed fine according to the rule laid down by the Law of Georgia on Licences and Permits.

2. If a licence or permit holder fails to fulfil the licence or permit conditions after the expiry of the period fixed after the imposition of a tripled fine, the imposed fine shall be tripled according to the rule laid down by the Law of Georgia on Licences and Permits.

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 37 - Calculating the term of administrative penalties

The term of an administrative detention shall be calculated in days, the period of corrective labour in months or days, and the period of suspension of special rights in years or months.

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013


Article 38 - Period for imposing administrative penalties

1. An administrative penalty may be imposed no later than two months after the day that an offence is committed, but if the offence is continuing, no later than two months after the day that it is detected.

2. If an administrative offence falls within the jurisdiction of a district (city) court, the time limit for imposing an administrative penalty provided for in paragraph 1 of this article shall not exceed four months, except as provided for in Articles 1595-1599 of this Code.

21. Where so provided for in Articles 1595-1599 of this Code, if an administrative offence falls within the jurisdiction of a district (city) court the period for imposing an administrative penalty provided for in paragraph 1 of this article shall not exceed six months after the day the offence is detected.

3. If a criminal prosecution or investigation is terminated but there are elements of an administrative offence in the offender’s actions, an administrative penalty may be imposed no later than one month after the day the decision on the termination of the criminal prosecution or investigation is made.

31. If an administrative offence report is appealed to a district (city) court, the period for imposing an administrative liability provided for in paragraph 1 of this article shall be suspended until the court delivers a final decision on the case.

4. The time limits set out in this article shall not apply to the imposition of confiscation of items of smuggling under the Tax Code or of the sanction prescribed by Article 1901 of this Code.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 984 of 17 October 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 44, 11.11.1997, p. 83

Law of Georgia No 1625 of 4 July 2002 – LHG I, No 23, 24.7.2002, Art. 112

Law of Georgia No 1350 of 20 April 2005 – LHG I, No 19, 28.4.2005, Art. 122

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 3593 of 17 September 2010 – LHG I, No 54, 12.10.2010, Art. 345

Law of Georgia No 4069 of 15 December 2010 – LHG I, No 74, 24.12.2010, Art. 459

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014


Article 39 - The period after the expiry of which a person is deemed not to have been subjected to an administrative penalty

If a person who is subjected to an administrative penalty has not committed a new administrative offence during one year after having served the penalty, he/she shall be deemed not to have been subjected to an administrative penalty.

Note: where a fine is imposed as a penalty, a person shall be deemed not to have been subjected to an administrative penalty if he/she does not commit a new administrative offence within one year after the day on which the fine is imposed.

Law of Georgia No 1142 of 27 March 2009 – LHG I, No 9, 13.4.2009, Art. 36


Article 40 - Imposing an obligation to compensate the inflicted material damage

1. If an administrative offence inflicts material damage on a citizen, enterprise, institution, organisation or the State, then in deciding the imposition of a penalty for the administrative offence, the judge shall be obligated to concurrently impose upon the offender the obligation to compensate for the material damage done.

11. Where so expressly provided for by this Code, a person may be released from the obligation to pay damages.

2. In the cases provided for in Articles 116(7), 119(8), 120(4), 121(3) and 125(5, 10 and 11) of this Code, where a vehicle has been damaged, the offender has been identified and the relevant fine has been issued, based on the application filed by the victim (owner/holder of the vehicle) and on the damaged vehicle examination report issued by an authorised expert institution, an authorised person of the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall adopt a relevant resolution and based on it issue a writ of execution imposing upon the offender the obligation to restore the damaged vehicle to the victim (owner/holder of the vehicle) or, if the vehicle cannot be restored, pay the costs required to replace it.

3. In the case referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, an authorised person of the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall consider an application requesting the adoption of a relevant resolution and the issuance of a writ of execution if the application and the examination report indicated in the same paragraph have been submitted not later than ten calendar days after the relevant fine was issued.

31. A writ of execution shall be issued based on the resolution on the payment of material damages specified in paragraph 1 of this article no later than five days after the expiry of the 10-day period fixed by Article 273 of this Code for appealing a fine (a resolution on the imposition of an administrative penalty). A writ of execution shall be issued based on the resolution on the compensation of material damages defined in paragraph 1 of this article regardless of whether or not the fine (the resolution on the imposition of an administrative penalty) is appealed.

4. The resolution specified in paragraph 2 of this article shall be adopted and the writ of execution shall be issued not later than five days after the expiry of the 10-day period fixed by Article 273 of this Code for appealing a fine (a resolution), provided that the fine has not been appealed. If the receipt has been appealed, the resolution specified in paragraph 2 of this article shall be adopted and a writ of execution shall be issued after the superior body has rejected the appeal or, if the resolution has been appealed by a court, the resolution shall be adopted and a writ of execution shall be issued after the court of first instance delivers a judgement.

5. If a writ of execution specified in this article and a relevant application are submitted, the enforcement bureau shall be obligated to implement measures necessary for the enforcement of the writ of execution, inter alia, attach on a priority basis and/or sell a motor vehicle with which any of the administrative offences indicated in paragraph 2 of this article have been committed.

6. Before:

a) a resolution specified in this article is adopted and a writ of execution defined in this article is issued and/or enforced, the victim and the offender may suspend or terminate enforcement at any time by written agreement;

b) if a resolution and a writ of execution defined in this article are appealed, the dispute shall be heard by a court according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia.

7. A victim who does not resort to the provisions of paragraphs 2-6 of this article may litigate with the offender according to the procedure laid down by the civil legislation of Georgia.

8. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall determine the form of the writ of execution defined in this article and the procedure for issuing it.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 4283 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 5, 15.1.2007, Art. 66

Law of Georgia No 3448 of 16 July 2010 – LHG I, No 44, 28.7.2010, Art. 275

Law of Georgia No 5628 of 27 December 2011 – website, 9.1.2012

Law of Georgia No 6090 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017


Article 401 - Procedure for compensation of material damages inflicted on the State and/or on a local self-governing unit as a result of an administrative offence

1. If an administrative offence inflicts material damage on the State and/or on a local self-governing unit, after having determined the extent of the damage, the interested body/official shall issue an administrative-legal act for the compensation of the damage (except as provided for in Article 40 of this Code) and forward it to the offender. The period fixed by the interested body/official for the compensation of damages shall not exceed 30 days.

2. If necessary, the interested body/official may call the offender in to give a statement.

3. The administrative-legal act indicated in paragraph 1 of this article shall be appealed according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia.

4. If the offender does not pay the damages within the period defined by the administrative act indicated in paragraph 1 of this article, the administrative-legal act on the compensation of damages shall be enforceable according to the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings.

Note: for the purposes of this article, the interested body/official shall be a state body/official and/or a self-governing unit body/official or a legal entity under public law that owns or uses the state and/or self-governing unit’s property that has been damaged as a result of the administrative offence or that is entitled under the legislation of Georgia to claim the damages.

Law of Georgia No 4072 of 15 December 2010 – LHG I, No 76, 29.12.2010, Art. 502


Article 41 - Performance of the duty for the non-performance of which an administrative penalty has been imposed

In the resolution imposing an administrative penalty the judge shall affirm the obligation of a person to perform the duty for the non-performance of which the administrative penalty has been imposed, and shall determine measures to be implemented to remedy the violation; such measures shall be implemented according to the procedure laid down by law.

Law of Georgia No 4283 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 5, 15.1.2007, Art. 66


II - Special Part


Chapter 5 - Administrative Offences in the Areas of Labour, Health and Social Protection

Law of Georgia No 2577 of 23 July 2003 – LHG I, No 23, 12.8.2003, Art. 170

Law of Georgia No 2461 of 23 December 2005 – LHG I, No 1, 4.1.2006, Art. 7


Article 42 - Violation of labour legislation and labour protection rules

Violation of the labour legislation and labour protection rules by an official of an enterprise, institution, organisation (regardless of its ownership and organisational-legal form) –

shall carry a fine of up to the amount of 100 times the minimum wage.

The same act committed within one year after the imposition of the administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of up to the amount of 200 times the minimum wage.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1025 of 31 October 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 45, 21.11.1997, p. 45


Article 421 - Evading participation in collective labour dispute resolution procedures

Failure of an employer’s representatives to participate in the procedures demanded by workers for resolution of social-labour issues, or refusal to allocate an appropriate space for holding a meeting (conference) or interference with its holding –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400.

Law of Georgia No 1682 of 30 October 1998 – LHG I, No 4, 20.11.1998, Art. 39


Article 422- Non-fulfilment of the agreement reached in a collective labour dispute

Failure of an employer’s representatives to fulfil an agreement reached in a collective labour dispute –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to 400.

Law of Georgia No 1682 of 30 October 1998 – LHG I, No 4, 20.11.1998, Art. 39


Article 423- Operation of private employment agencies without a mandatory notification

Operation of private employment agencies without the mandatory notification provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 32 of the Employment Law of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of 20 times the minimum wage.

The same act committed within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of 50 times the minimum wage.

Law of Georgia No 1090 of 28 September 2001 – LHG I, No 29, 17.10.2001, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 961 of 29 December 2004 – LHG I, No 3, 14.1.2005, Art. 12

Law of Georgia No 1789 of 24 June 2005 – LHG I, No 40, 18.7.2005, Art. 277


Article 424 - Violation of a minor’s labour rights

Violation by employers of minors’ labour rights provided for by the labour legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of up to 200 times the minimum wage.

Law of Georgia No 2437 of 20 June 2003 – LHG I, No 21, 15.7.2003, Art. 147


Article 425 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2577 of 23 July 2003 – LHG I, No 23, 12.8.2003, Art. 170

Law of Georgia No 2461 of 23 December 2005 – LHG I, No 1, 4.1.2006, Art. 7


Article 426 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2577 of 23 July 2003 – LHG I, No 23, 12.8.2003, Art. 170

Law of Georgia No 2461 of 23 December 2005 – LHG I, No 1, 4.1.2006, Art. 7


Article 427 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2577 of 23 July 2003 – LHG I, No 23, 12.8.2003, Art. 170

Law of Georgia No 2461 of 23 December 2005 – LHG I, No 1, 4.1.2006, Art. 7


Article 428 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2577 of 23 July 2003 – LHG I, No 23, 12.8.2003, Art. 170

Law of Georgia No 2461 of 23 December 2005 – LHG I, No 1, 4.1.2006, Art. 7


Article 429 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2577 of 23 July 2003 – LHG I, No 23, 12.8.2003, Art. 170

Law of Georgia No 2461 of 23 December 2005 – LHG I, No 1, 4.1.2006, Art. 7


Article 43 - Violation of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary anti-epidemic rules and standards

Violation of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary anti-epidemic rules and standards –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 for natural persons and GEL 100 for legal persons and institutions.

The same act committed repeatedly within one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200 for natural persons and GEL 500 for legal persons and institutions.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 2291 of 8 May 2003 – LHG I, No 15, 4.6.2003, Art. 111


Article 431 – Non-observance of technical regulations on sanitary norms of infection prevention and control in carrying out aesthetic and cosmetic procedures in public places

1. Non-observance of technical regulations on sanitary norms of infection prevention and control in carrying out aesthetic and cosmetic procedures in public places -

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 for natural persons/persons with small business status and GEL 100 for legal persons.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200 for natural persons/persons with small business status and GEL 500 for legal persons.

Law of Georgia No 5573 of 24 June 2016 – website, 13.7.2016


Article 432 – Carrying out aesthetic and cosmetic procedures in public places without having registered the activity

1. Carrying out aesthetic and cosmetic procedures in public places without having registered the activity in the registry of economic activities, or failure to include in the registry of economic activities any change in the registered data related to this activity -

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 5573 of 24 June 2016 – website, 13.7.2016


Article 44 - Operation of a facility and production and sale of goods without a hygienic certificate and/or a permit of state sanitary supervision bodies

Operation of a facility and production and sale of goods without a hygienic certificate and/or permit of state sanitary supervision bodies –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 1 500.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 2291 of 8 May 2003 – LHG I, No 15, 4.6.2003, Art. 111


Article 441 - Violation of the rules for production and sale of artificial baby food products, baby bottles and dummies

Violation of the rules for production and sale of artificial baby food products, baby bottles and dummies –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

The same act committed repeatedly within one year –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 1 500.

Law of Georgia No 2382 of 9 September 1999 – LHG I, No 43(50), 21.9.1999, Art. 221


Article 442 - Unlawful medical practice

1. Medical activities conducted without a permit –

shall carry a fine of not more than GEL 10 000.

2. Medical care activities conducted without a licence –

shall carry a fine of not more than GEL 5 000.

3. Medical practice without a state certificate –

shall carry a fine of not more than GEL 1 000.

4. An act indicated in paragraph 1 or 2 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine double the amount of the fine imposed for the administrative offence committed for the first time.

Law of Georgia No 1193 of 8 December 2001 – LHG I, No 36, 31.12.2001, Art. 141

Law of Georgia No 1316 of 1 March 2002 – LHG I, No 5, 21.3.2002, Art. 31

Law of Georgia No 2023 of 6 November 2009 – LHG I, No 35, 19.11.2009, Art. 269

Law of Georgia No 3554 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 46, 4.8.2010, Art. 280

Law of Georgia No 5719 of 28 February 2012 – website, 9.3.2012


Article 443 - Intentional damage of a seal affixed by state sanitary supervision bodies

Intentional damage of a seal affixed by state sanitary supervision bodies to suspend the operation of a facility, suspend or prohibit the production and sale of goods (raw material) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 500 to GEL 2 500.

Law of Georgia No 2291 of 8 May 2003 – LHG I, No 15, 4.6.2003, Art. 111


Article 444 - Sale of non-iodised salt, import and sale of expired iodised salt, or import of other counterfeit fortified food products

Sale of non-iodised salt (except in the cases provided for in Article 5(1) and (3) of the Law of Georgia on Prevention of Diseases Caused by the Deficiency of Iodine, Other Microelements and Vitamins), import and sale of expired iodised salt, or import of other counterfeit fortified food products –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 1056 of 25 February 2005 – LHG I, No 9, 17.3.2005, Art. 61

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394


Article 445 - Non-compliance with a medical care licence and permit conditions

1. Non-fulfilment of medical care licence conditions –

shall carry a fine according to the violation of the licence conditions, but not more than GEL 5 000.

2. Non-fulfilment of medical care permit conditions –

shall carry a fine according to the violation of the permit conditions, but not more than GEL 10 000.

Law of Georgia No 3835 of 7 December 2006 – LHG I, No 48, 22.12.2006, Art. 316

Law of Georgia No 3554 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 46, 4.8.2010, Art. 280

Law of Georgia No 5719 of 28 February 2012 – website, 9.3.2012


Article 446 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 4305 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 51, 31.12.2006, Art. 413

Law of Georgia No 3448 of 16 July 2010 – LHG I, No 44, 28.7.2010, Art. 275


Article 447–Breach of technical regulations of high-risk medical care activities

1. Breach of technical regulations of high-risk medical care activities –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to 500.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 3554 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 46, 4.8.2010, Art. 280


Article 448 – Performance of high-risk medical care activities without mandatory notification

High-risk medical practice without mandatory notification of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 3554 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 46, 4.8.2010, Art. 280


Article 449-Breach by medical care/practice/service providers of rules for maintaining medical documents (unless required by the relevant licence/permit/regulation)

1. Breach by medical care/practice/service providers of the rules for maintaining medical documents (unless required by the relevant licence/permit/regulation) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 500.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

3. The act specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed by legal persons–

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

4. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 500 to GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 3554 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 46, 4.8.2010, Art. 280


Article 4410 - Violation of conflict of interest rules by a medical institution and/or by healthcare personnel

1. Violation of conflict of interest rules prescribed by the Law of Georgia on Health Care by a medical institution and/or by healthcare personnel in discharging their professional duty –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000 for a medical institution and/or for healthcare personnel.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000 for the medical institution and/or for healthcare personnel.

Law of Georgia No 4133 of 17 December 2010 – LHG I, No 76, 29.12.2010, Art. 509


Article 4411 - Violation of the rules established for prescribing, writing prescriptions for and for the form of a prescription for pharmaceutical products falling within Group I under the Law of Georgia on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy

1. Violation of the rules for prescribing pharmaceutical products falling within Group I under the Law of Georgia on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

2. Violation of the rules for writing a prescription and for the form of a prescription for pharmaceutical products falling within Group I under the Law of Georgia on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

Law of Georgia No 6246 of 22 May 2012 – website, 8.6.2012


Article 4412 - Non- compliance with reporting requirements in the area of legal circulation of pharmaceutical products falling within Group I under the Law of Georgia on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy

Failure to provide information in the area of legal circulation of specially controlled pharmaceutical products in Georgia as required by the legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

Law of Georgia No 6246 of 22 May 2012 – website, 8.6.2012


Article 45 – Illegal manufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer and/or use of a small quantity of narcotic drugs, their analogues or precursors without a doctor’s prescription

1. Illegal purchase, storage, transportation, transfer and/or use without a doctor’s prescription of narcotic drug Cannabis in row 73 and narcotic drug Marijuana in row 92 of the ‘Narcotic Drugs’ list included in the table of Annex 2 to the Law of Georgia on Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors, and Narcological Assistance –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 or corrective labour for a term from one to six months.

2. Illegal manufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer and/or use of a small quantity of narcotic drugs (except for narcotic drugs provided for by paragraph 1 of this article), their analogues or precursors without a doctor’s prescription –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 or, in exceptional cases, if the application of this measure is considered insufficient after taking into account the circumstances of the case and the person of the offender – administrative detention for up to 15 days.



1. A person who voluntarily turns in narcotic drugs that he/she has in a small quantity and that he/she has bought or stored, also a person who voluntarily applies to a medical institution to seek medical assistance for the use of narcotic drugs without a doctor’s prescription, shall be released from the administrative penalty prescribed for committing administrative offences provided for in this article.

2. A police officer shall present a person reasonably suspected of having used narcotic drugs without a doctor’s prescription for examination to the person designated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

3. An authorised employee of the General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Corrections of Georgia shall present for examination to a competent body those officers within the Ministry of Corrections system, who are present on the premises of the Ministry of Corrections of Georgia, penitentiary institutions within its system, the Legal Entities under Public Law within the same Ministry – the National Agency of Execution of Non-custodial Sentences and Probation (including the territorial bodies of the National Agency of Execution of Non-custodial Sentences and Probation) and the Penitentiary and Probation Training Centre, and who are reasonably suspected of having used narcotic drugs without doctor’s prescription.

4. The procedure for determining by an authorised person of the fact of use of narcotic drugs shall be defined by a joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia and of the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.

5. For committing administrative offences provided for in this article, a person shall be deprived of the right to carry arms for up to three years.

Ordinance No 1426 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 23 September 1987 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 9, September, 1987, Art. 223

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4191 of 27 December 2006 – LHG I, No 49, 29.12.2006, Art. 359

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 1895 of 27 December 2013 – website, 30.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2649 of 1 August 2014 – website, 18.8.2014

Law of Georgia No 3538 of 1 May 2015 – website, 18.5.2015

Ruling No 1/16/770 of the Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court of Georgia of 22 December 2016 – website 27.12.2016

Law of Georgia No 1222 of 26 July 2017 – website, 28.7.2017


Article 46 - Concealing a source of a sexually transmitted disease or contacts with people presenting the risk of contraction

Concealment of a source of a sexually transmitted disease by persons suffering from a sexually transmitted disease, also concealment of the persons with whom they had such kind of contact that presents the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease –

shall carry a fine of up to three times the minimum wage.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 461 - Violation of the rules for obtaining and using human organs, organ parts or tissues

Violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia for obtaining and using human organs, organ parts or tissues –

shall carry a fine of 50 times the remuneration of labour; for officials’ – 100 times the remuneration of labour.

Law of Georgia No 1708 of 6 November 2002 – LHG I, No 30, 27.11.2002, Art. 133


Article 462 – Illegal educational activities

Educational activities without a licence for carrying out educational activities under the Law of Georgia on Licencing Educational Activities or educational activities carried out by a branch under the same law without complying with the procedures under the Law of Georgia on Licencing Educational Activities –

shall carry a fine of GEL 3000.

Law of Georgia No 5362 of 8 June 2016 – website, 17.6.2016


Article 463 – Non-compliance with the provisions of the licence for carrying out educational activities

1. Non-compliance with the provisions of the licence for carrying out educational activities –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.

Law of Georgia No 5362 of 8 June 2016 – website, 17.6.2016


Article 464 - Non-compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in the field of supervision of educational activities

1. Non-compliance by a person carrying out educational activities with the requirements of the relevant service of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in the field of supervision of educational activities -

shall carry a warning.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

Law of Georgia No 5362 of 8 June 2016 – website, 17.6.2016


Chapter 6 - Administrative Offences Encroaching upon Property


Article 47 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 478 of 12 November 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 31-32/6, 25.12.1996, p. 11

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 48 - Unauthorised occupation of a water body

Unauthorised occupation of a water body–

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 49 - Unauthorised occupation of a state forest reserve

1. Unauthorised occupation of a state forest reserve –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

2. Unauthorised occupation of land within the boundaries of a protected area –

shall carry a fine of GEL 400.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 491 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 50 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 785 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 11 June 1986 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1986, Art. 140

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 5185 of 3 July 2007 – LHG I, No 28, 18.7.2007, Art. 282


Article 501 – Evading the payment of compensation for material damage criminally inflicted on enterprises, institutions and organisations

Evading the payment of material damages criminally inflicted on enterprises, institutions and organisations by a person who is bound by a court judgement or decision to pay such damages –

shall carry a warning or a fine up to two times the minimum wage or corrective labour for up to six months, with 20% deduction from the offender’s salary.

Ordinance No 785 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 11 June 1986 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1986, Art. 140

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Chapter 7 - Administrative Offences in the Area of Environmental Protection, Natural Resource Management, Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments and Education

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 4413 of 2 March 2007 – LHG I, No 8, 23.3.2007, Art. 77

Law of Georgia No 3535 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 47, 5.8.2010, Art. 305


Article 51 - Non-compliance with land protection requirements

Failure to carry out duties involving stripping and stockpiling topsoil of agricultural land and land improvement activities, also non-performance by the land user of re-cultivation, anti-wind and anti-water erosion measures and other mandatory measures to avert soil deteriorating processes –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 – The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997–The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 511 - Misuse of the lands of protected areas and of their territorial-functional zones

1. Use by persons directly responsible for managing and protecting the protected areas, the lands of the protected areas and their territorial-functional zones for purposes other than those for which they have been allocated –

shall carry a fine from GEL 150 to GEL 200.

2. The same act committed within the established boundaries of the state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance –

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 500.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 512 - Topsoil stripping

Topsoil stripping and relocation not related to duly permitted activities–

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 500 to GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163


Article 513 - Failure to complete in the established manner documents confirming the use of state non-agricultural land

Failure to complete in the established manner documents that confirm the use of state non-agricultural land –

shall carry a fine from GEL 800 to GEL 1 000.

The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 3 000 to GEL 3 500.

Law of Georgia No 1981 of 28 May 1999 – LHG I, No 19(26), 4.6.1999, Art. 77


Article 514- Rendering soil and water unfit for use when using mineral resources in high-mountainous regions

Rendering soil and water unfit for use when using mineral resources in high-mountainous regions –

shall carry a fine from 30 to 50 times the minimum wage.

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 19 November 2002 – LHG I, No 31, 10.12.2002, Art. 139


Article 515 - Harvesting of alpine and subalpine plants in high-mountainous regions the use of which for fuel or any other purpose is prohibited

Harvesting those alpine and subalpine plants in high-mountainous regions the use of which for fuel or any other purpose is prohibited –

shall carry a fine from GEL 30 to 50.

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 19 November 2002 – LHG I, No 31, 10.12.2002, Art. 139


Article 52 - Contaminating or degrading land or otherwise rendering it unfit for use

Contaminating or degrading land or otherwise rendering it unfit for use –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 800.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163

Law of Georgia No 3500 of 24 July 2006 – LHG I, No 35, 3.8.2006, Art. 256

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 2354 of 1 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014


Article 53 - Failure to timely return temporarily occupied land or non-performance of the duty to bring it into a usable condition

Failure to timely return temporarily occupied land or non-performance of the duty to bring it into a usable condition

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to GEL 500.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163


Article 531 - Failure to timely return temporarily occupied land falling within the established boundaries of protected areas and of their territorial-functional zones

1. Failure to timely return temporarily occupied land falling within the established boundaries of protected areas–

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 300.

2. The same act committed within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance -

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 400.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 532 - Misuse of plots of land

Misuse of plots of land –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163


Article 533 - Transfer by a land user of state-owned land (or any part of it) to another land user in violation of the existing rules

Transfer by a land user of state-owned land (or any part of it) to another land user in violation of the existing rules –

shall carry a fine from GEL 600 to GEL 700.

The same action committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 2 000 to GEL 2 500.

Law of Georgia No 1981 of 28 May 1999 – LHG I, No 19(26), 4.6.1999, Art. 77


Article 54 - Deviating from a land use and protection project without a relevant permit

Deviating from a land use and protection project without a relevant permit –

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 500.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163


Article 541 – Non-compliance with warnings issued in the established manner for administrative violations of land legislation

Non-compliance with a warning issued in the established manner for administrative violations of land legislation –

shall carry a fine from GEL 600 to GEL 700.

The same action committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 2 000 to GEL 2 500.

Law of Georgia No 1981 of 28 May 1999 – LHG I, No 19(26), 4.6.1999, Art. 77


Article 55 - Destruction or damage of boundary marks or arbitrary alteration of boundary lines

Destruction or damage of land use boundary marks or arbitrary alteration of boundary lines –

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 700 or administrative detention for ten days, including bringing the boundary back into its original condition.

The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 500 to GEL 2 000.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163


Article 551 - Construction of facilities adversely affecting the condition of the land

Construction of facilities adversely affecting the condition of the land –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 2 000.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163


Article 552 - Occupying state-owned land without authorisation and/or using them without the right of land use

Occupying state-owned land without authorisation and/or using them without the right of land use–

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 2 000.

The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 3 000 to GEL 3 500.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 –The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1141 of 10 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 163

Law of Georgia No 1981 of 28 May 1999 – LHG I, No 19(26), 4.6.1999, Art. 77


Article 553 – Providing incorrect information on land resources, land condition and use, violation of the time limits for consideration of land allocation applications, petitions and complaints

Providing incorrect information on land resources, land condition and use, violation of the time limits for consideration of land allocation applications, petitions and complaints–

shall carry a fine for the official concerned from one to two times the minimum wage.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 554 – Destruction of boundary signs marking the borders of protected areas and their territorial-functional zones

1. Destruction of boundary signs marking the borders of protected areas and their territorial-functional zones –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 100.

2. The same act committed within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance -

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 150.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 555 – Unauthorised occupation of land owned by the State or by a self-governing unit of Tbilisi and/or its use without the right of use

1. Unauthorised occupation of land owned by the State or by a self-governing unit of Tbilisi and/or its use without the right of use –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 3 500.


1. If it is impossible to identify the offender, the authorised body may take actions to eliminate the offence.

2. For failure to pay the fine imposed under the relevant paragraph of this article within the period defined in paragraph 1 of Article 290 of this Code the offender shall be subject to a penalty in the amount of the fine imposed on him/her under the relevant paragraph of this article for the offence committed. If the offender fails to pay the fine and the penalty within 30 days from the imposition of the penalty, the payment of the fine and of the penalty shall be enforced against the offender according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 4067 of 15 December 2010 – LHG I, No 74, 24.12.2010, Art. 457

Law of Georgia No 4464 of 22 March 2011 – website, 5.4.2011


Article 56 - Violation of requirements for protection of mineral resources

1. Arbitrary development of the areas where mineral resource utilisation facilities are situated, non-compliance with the requirements for protection of mineral resources, for protection of the natural environment, buildings and structures from the adverse impact of mineral resource use activities, violation of the rules and standards for liquidation and conservation of various underground structures of a mining enterprise, and for re-cultivation of soil within the boundaries of the mining allotment–

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 800.

2. Causing the deterioration of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of mineral resources –

shall carry a fine from GEL 800 to GEL 1 000.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 –The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 478 of 12 November 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 31-32/6, 25.12.1996, p. 11

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 561 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 562 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 57 - Violation of the requirements for conducting a geological survey of mineral resources

Violation of the requirements for conducting a geological survey of mineral resources that could have resulted or has resulted in the destruction of or damage to groundwater observation wells, mine survey and geodetic survey markers, violation of cultural heritage sites and protection zones, violation of the title to geological information, intentional provision of delayed or false information on mineral resources –

shall carry a fine from 10 to 50 times the minimum wage for citizens and 50 to 70 times the minimum wage for officials.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 487 of 12 November 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 31-32/6, 25.12.1996, p. 11

Law of Georgia No 4713 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 143


Article 571 - Exploitation of mineral resources without a relevant licence

Exploitation of mineral resources without a relevant licence –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 1 500.

Law of Georgia No 487 of 12 November 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 31-32/6, 25.12.1996, p. 11

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 572 - Violation of safety rules and standards in exploiting mineral resources

Violation of standards for exploiting mineral resources as well as violation of safety rules and standards for using mineral resources –

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to GEL 700.

Law of Georgia No 478 of 12 November 1996– The Parliament Gazette, No 31-32/6, 25.12.1996, p. 11

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 573 - Violation of the conditions of a mining licence or of a licence for exploitation of mineral resources

1. Violation of the conditions of a mining licence or non-submission of mineral resources exploitation plan within the established period by the holder of a licence for exploitation of mineral resources or non-submission of a report on the compliance with licence conditions in accordance with the legislaton of Georgia

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

2. 2. Violation of the conditions of a mining licence or of a licence for exploitation of mineral resources (except for cases referred to in Section One of this article) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 2354 of 1 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 574– Exploitation of mineral resources in violation of the relevant conditions by a person who is exempted, in an established manner, from obtaining a mining licence

Exploitation of mineral resources in violation of the relevant conditions by a person who is exempted, in an established manner, from obtaining a mining licence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

Law of Georgia No 2354 of 1 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014


Article 58 - Violation of water protection regulations

1. Contamination, or sullying of water bodies, dumping waste and other garbage into water bodies –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 300.

2. Violation of regulations for protecting potable and household water bodies, discharge of industrial, utility, household, drain and other waste waters into potable and householder water supply and medicinal water bodies –

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to GEL 600.

3. Contamination or sullying of water with oil, chemicals, petroleum, mineral and organic fertilisers and pesticides from water transport, pipelines, or from floating and other structures situated on water bodies–

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 600.

4. The actions indicated in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 800.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3500 of 24 July 2006 – LHG I, No 35, 3.8.2006, Art. 256

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 581 - Violation of water protection rules within protected areas

Violation of the conditions for protection and use of water bodies existing within the boundaries of protected areas established by the legislation –

shall carry a fine from GEL 250 to GEL 350.

The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 450 to GEL 550.

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 582 - Sea contamination

1. Dumping household garbage or other waste from land into the sea –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 300.

2. Contamination or sullying the sea from land with oil, chemicals, petroleum, mineral and organic fertilisers and pesticides –

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 600.

3. The action indicated in paragraph 2 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 800.

4. Dumping household (solid) waste into the sea from a ship, other water craft, platform or another man-made structure in the sea in violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

5. Dumping isolated ballast water into the sea from a ship with up to 20 000 tons of total capacity in violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

6. Dumping isolated ballast water into the sea from a ship with 20 000 tons of total capacity or more in violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

7. Spilling (dumping, discharge) of harmful, contaminating substances, industrial, technical or other waste and/or materials into the sea from a ship, any other water craft, platform, pipeline or another man-made structure in the sea in violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 65 000.

Law of Georgia No 1625 of 4 July 2002 – LHG I, No 23, 24.7.2002, Art. 112

Law of Georgia No 3054 of 4 May 2010 – LHG I, No 26, 20.5.2010, Art. 174

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 583 - Washing a vehicle (except for water crafts) in the sea, lake, water reservoir, river or another surface water body and/or on its shore/bank at a distance of less than 10 m from the water

Washing a vehicle (except for water crafts) in the sea, lake, water reservoir, river or another surface water body and/or on its shore/bank at a distance of less than 10 m from the water –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

Law of Georgia No 1835 of 24 December 2013 – website, 3.1.2014

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 59 - Non-fulfilment of the duty to register in a ship’s documents operations relating to harmful substances and admixtures

Failure by the captain or by other persons of the command staff of a ship or other water craft of the statutory obligation to register in the ship’s documents operations relating to substances harmful to human health or to living sea resources and/or to the admixtures containing such substances in excess of established standards, also entry by such persons of incorrect information on such operations in the ship’s documents or unlawful refusal to present these documents to the relevant officials –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 300.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 591 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 3054 of 4 May 2010 – LHG I, No 26, 20.5.2010, Art. 174

Law of Georgia No 4429 of 11 March 2011 – website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 592 - Violation of rules for using ionising radiation sources

1. Violation of the licence conditions for a nuclear and radiation activity, in particular, violations of an organisational character (non-conformance of records management with the requirements set by the legislation of Georgia) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

2. Violation of the licence conditions for a nuclear and radiation activity that may result in the exposure of workers in excess of the established maximum dose or an unjustified exposure of a patient –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

3. Violation of the licence conditions for a nuclear and radiation activity that may have an adverse impact on the population and/or contaminate the environment –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

4. Emission of radioactive substances into the atmosphere in excess of the established limit from a facility containing sources of ionising radiation–

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

5. Discharge of radioactive substances in excess of the established quantity into the waters flowing from a facility containing sources of ionising radiation –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

6. Handling sources of ionising radiation (other than nuclear material or equipment, radioactive waste, radioactive substances) without a licence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 3054 of 4 May 2010 – LHG I, No 26, 20.5.2010, Art. 174


Article 593 - Non-payment of regulatory fees for the use of natural resources, oil refinement, gas refinement and/or transportation within the time limits and according to the procedures defined by the legislation of Georgia

1. Non-payment of regulatory fees for the use of natural resources, oil refinement, gas refinement and/or transportation within the time limits and according to the procedures defined by the legislation of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10000.

Law of Georgia No 4683 of 17 May 2011 – website, 1.6.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 2354 of 1 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014


Article 60 - Violation of water usage rules

1. Violation of requirements for common water usage–

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400.

2. (Deleted – 25.3.2013, No 453).

3. (Deleted – 25.3.2013, No 453).

4. Unlawful usage of surface water bodies of special scientific and aesthetic importance –

shall carry a fine from GEL 350 to GEL 550.

5. The acts indicated in paragraphs 1 and 4 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to GEL 800.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013


Article 601 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 602 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 603 - Violation of statutory regulations for water protection zones and sanitary protection zones

1. Violation of water protection regulations in a catchment area that causes water contamination, soil erosion by water and other harmful events –

shall carry a fine of up to GEL 100 for natural persons and up to GEL 500 for legal persons.

2. Violation of statutory regulations in water protection zones and sanitary protection zones intended for drinking, household water supply, medical and spa treatment needs –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000 for natural persons and GEL 2 000 for legal persons.

3. The same act committed within a strict sanitary protection zone –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000 for natural persons and GEL 4 000 for legal persons.

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4224 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 2, 4.1.2007, Art. 30


Article 61 – Damage of water facilities and of water protection facilities and equipment; violation of their operating rules

Damage of water facilities and of water protection facilities and equipment or violation of their operating rules -

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 200.

The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 150 to GEL 250.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 611 - Violation of water use reporting and primary accounting rules

1. Concealment of or distortion of information on accidents, salvo discharges or other extraordinary situations affecting water conditions –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 200.

2. The violation of the rules for primary accounting of water use –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 100.

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013


Article 62 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 63 - Violation of forest exploitation rules in timber production

The violation of rules regulating estimated cutting area determination, cutting area allocation, standing timber sale, final felling, thinning and special cutting–

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 200.

The same act committed on the 30o to 35o gradient slopes of state forest reserve –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 250.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 631 - Violation of rules for allocation and usage of cutting area reserves and for forest exploitation in the forests located in the forest reserve lands of the territories of traditionally used zones of national parks, sanctuaries, specially allocated zones within multiple-use areas, protected landscapes, traditional-cultural landscape zones of biosphere reserves

Violation of rules for allocation and usage of cutting area reserves and for forest exploitation in the forests located in the forest reserve lands of the territories of traditionally used zones of national parks, sanctuaries, specially allocated zones within multiple-use areas, protected landscapes, traditional-cultural landscape zones of biosphere reserves –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 300.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 64 - Destruction and damage of trees and shrubs and forest plantations in the territory of the state forest reserve

Destruction and damage of trees and shrubs and forest plantations or seedlings and saplings in forest nurseries and plantations that may stop their growth –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 641 - Illegal felling and damage of wood plants within the boundaries of protected areas and their territorial-functional zones

1. Illegal felling and damage of wood plants within the boundaries of protected areas and their territorial-functional zones –

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to GEL 500.

2. The same act committed within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zone of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance or against the species entered on the ‘Red List’ of Georgia –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 600.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 2359 of 6 June 2003 – LHG I, No 18, 24.6.2003, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 65 - Violation of forest exploitation rules and requirements

Violation of statutory rules and requirements for managing forest plantations, making forest wood plant products and secondary timber materials, using non-wood sources of the state forest reserve, use for agrarian purposes of state forests and forest lands, special purpose lands and unused lands of the state forest reserve, use of the state forest reserve for a special purpose, conduct of research and training activities within the territory of the state forest reserve, use of the state forest reserve for resort, recreational, sports and other cultural and therapeutic purposes, use of the state forest reserve for setting up hunting grounds–

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 150.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 651 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 652 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 66 - Illegal forest exploitation, forest exploitation in violation of the requirements set by the legislation of Georgia

1. Production of timber within the territory of the state forest reserve without the relevant documents provided for by the legislation of Georgia or setting up a hunting ground without the appropriate licence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500, with the confiscation of the object of the offence, with or without the confiscation of the instrument of the offence.

2. The act indicated in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000, with the confiscation of the object and instrument of the offence.

21. (Deleted – 25.3.2013, No 453).

22. (Deleted – 25.3.2013, No 453).

3. Violation of the conditions and requirements of a general forest exploitation licence, a special timber production licence, a special hunting ground licence or of the relevant contract concerning forest exploitation –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000, with or without the confiscation of the object and instrument of the offence.

4. Repeated violation of the terms and conditions of the relevant contract on forest exploitation specified in paragraph 3 of this article –

shall carry a fine of GEL 4 000, with the confiscation of the object and instrument of the offence.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011

Law of Georgia No 5594 of 23 December 2011 – website, 30.12.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013


Article 661 – Misuse of the areas allotted from the state forest reserve

Misuse of the areas allotted from the state forest reserve –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 200.

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 662 – Violation of a licence to export fir cones and snowdrop bulbs and/or cyclamen tubers listed in the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Violation of a licence to export fir cones and snowdrop bulbs and/or cyclamen tubers listed in the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 663 - Illegal trade in species, a part or derivative thereof included in Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (except for species included in the ‘Red List’ of Georgia), as well as the illegal export, import, re-export or introduction from the sea of these species or a part or a derivative thereof

1. The illegal trade in species, a part or derivative thereof included in Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (except for species included in the ‘Red List’ of Georgia) -

 shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000 with confiscation of the instrument of the offence.

2. The illegal trade in species, a part or derivative thereof included in Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (except for species included in the ‘Red List’ of Georgia), the illegal export, import, re-export or introduction from the sea of these species or a part or a derivative thereof –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000 with confiscation of the instrument of the offence

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 664 - Violation of the permit provisions for species, a part or derivative thereof included in Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (except for species included in the ‘Red List’ of Georgia), the illegal export, import, re-export or introduction from the sea of these species or a part thereof or a derivative thereof

The violation of the permit provisions for species, a part or derivative thereof included in Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (except for species included in the ‘Red List’ of Georgia), the illegal export, import, re-export or introduction from the sea of these species or a part or a derivative thereof –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000 with confiscation of the instrument of the offence.

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 67 - Violation of forest protection, care, reforestation and afforestation rules and requirements

Violation of rules and requirements for selecting and using plant species for forest protection or for state forest reserve care, reforestation and afforestation–

shall carry a fine from GEL 20 to GEL 50.

Violation of the requirements for using biological, chemical or selection methods to protect forests –

shall carry a fine from GEL 30 to GEL 150.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 671 – Violation of the rules for restoring and improving the condition of renewable natural resources within the controlled nature protection and reforestation zones of national parks, within sanctuaries and within the controlled nature protection (manipulation) and reforestation zones of biosphere reserves

Violation of the rules for restoring and improving the condition of renewable natural resources within the controlled nature protection and reforestation zones of national parks, within sanctuaries and within the controlled nature protection (manipulation) and reforestation zones of biosphere reserves –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 300.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 68 – Damage of agricultural lands of the state forest reserve

1. Damage of agricultural lands of the state forest reserve –

shall carry a fine from GEL 30 to GEL 50.

2. Damage of meadows, dales, fields, hay lands and pasturelands within the established boundaries of protected areas and violation of pasturing rules –

shall carry a fine from GEL 30 to GEL 50 for small cattle (sheep, goats and pigs) and from GEL 70 to 100 for bovine cattle.

3. The same act committed within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, a biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance–

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 70 for small cattle (sheep, goats, pigs) and from GEL 120 to GEL 150 for bovine cattle.

4. The act indicated in paragraph 2 of this article committed repeatedly during the year –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 150 for small cattle (sheep, goats, pigs) and from GEL 150 to GEL 200 for bovine cattle.

5. The act indicated in paragraph 3 of this article committed repeatedly during the year –

shall carry a fine from GEL 150 to GEL 200 for small cattle (sheep, goats, pigs) and from GEL 220 to GEL 270 for bovine cattle.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 1358 of 27 September 2013 – website, 9.10.2013


Article 69 – Violation of environmental regulations

1. Violation of the regulations laid down by the environmental legislation –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 300.

2. The same act committed by the person to whom an administrative penalty has been imposed during the year for the violation provided for in this article –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 691 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 692 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 693 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 694 - Violation of environmental requirements in commissioning a commercial facility

Violation of environmental requirements in commissioning a commercial facility –

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 500.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 695 - Non-compliance with environmental requirements in liquidating a commercial facility

Violation of environmental requirements in liquidating a commercial facility –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 696 – Violation of the requirements established in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment services

1. Acceptance of services of a non-certified technician by a business entity owning the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment specified in the Law of Georgia on Ambient Air Protection –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 for the business entity owning the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200 for the business entity owning the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

3. Maintenance of the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment specified in the Law of Georgia on Ambient Air Protection by a non-certified technician –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200 for the non-certified technician.

4. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 400 for the non-certified technician.

Law of Georgia No 4953 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016

Law of Georgia No 173 of 21 December 2016 – website, 29.12.2016


Article 70 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 –The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 71 - Littering and damaging forests in the territory of the state forest reserve

Damage of forests of the state forest reserve lands with radioactive, bacteriological, chemical or other harmful substances, radioactive waste, industrial, household or other waste waters, or with emissions of harmful substances that result in forest death or infection of forest areas–

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 2998 of 26 December 2014 – website, 12.1.2015


Article 711 - Littering and damaging the lands of protected areas

1. (Deleted –26.12.2014, No 2998).

2. (Deleted – 26.12.2014, No 2998).

3. (Deleted – 26.12.2014, No 2998).

4. (Deleted – 26.12.2014, No 2998).

5. Littering or damaging protected areas with radioactive, bacteriological, chemical or other harmful substances, radioactive waste, industrial, household or other wastewaters or with emissions of harmful substances–

shall carry a fine of GEL 3 000.

6. (Deleted – 26.12.2014, No 2998).

7. (Deleted – 26.12.2014, No 2998).

Note: An offender shall be given a reasonable period of time to remedy the consequences of the offences provided for in this article.

Law of Georgia No 1358 of 27 September 2013 – website, 9.10.2013

Law of Georgia No 2998 of 26 December 2014 – website, 12.1.2015


Article 72 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011


Article 721 Violation of the rules and requirements for accounting for the state forest reserve or for planning forest utilization

Violation of the rules for accounting for the state forest reserve or of special requirements for the system of accounting for protected areas of the state forest reserve –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to 150.

Violation of the forest utilization planning requirements or the use of forest or performance of forestry works without forest management or special examination documents approved according to the rule laid down by the legislation –

shall carry a fine from GEL 70 to GEL 200.

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 73 – Destruction or damage of forest draining trenches, draining systems and roads on the state forest reserve lands

Destruction or damage of forest draining trenches, draining systems and roads on the state forest reserve lands –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 200.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 74 - Destruction and damage of boundary marks in forests

Destruction and damage of boundary marks in forests –

shall carry a fine of up to GEL 10.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 75 –Violation of the special regime for the commercial state forest reserve protection

Violation of the rules for according a special protection regime to a commercial state forest reserve area and for implementing forestry activities under this regime –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 150.

Violation of the special regime for forestry activities and forest utilization within the territory of the soil protection and water regulation forest areas of the commercial state forest reserve that has been accorded a special protection regime, or violation of the conditions for commercial activity within the area of a special function or a landscape area of the commercial state forest reserve –

shall carry a fine from GEL 70 to GEL 150.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 76 – Violation of forest fire safety requirements or requirements for planning and implementing forest fire safety measures

Violation of forest fire safety requirements or requirements for planning and implementing forest fire safety measures –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 150.

Destruction or damage of a forest by setting fire or reckless handling of fire, or violation of forest fire safety requirements that results in the outbreak of fire in a forest or its spread across a certain area –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 200.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 380 of 14 June 2000 – LHG I, No 24, 30.6.2000, Art. 65


Article 77 - Lack of a technical report on the inventory of atmospheric air polluting sources and harmful substances emitted by them or lack of permissible limits for harmful emissions, exceeding emission limits or adverse effect on the atmospheric air

1. Lack of a technical report on the inventory of atmospheric air pollution sources and harmful substances emitted by them or lack of permissible limits for harmful emissions –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

2. Exceeding permissible limits of harmful emissions in the atmospheric air, or exceeding the limits established for adverse impact (including, noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields) on the atmospheric air –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013


Article 771 Exceeding of the permissible rates of acoustic noise in a residential house, in a building of privately owned real property or social/public institution during day time hours or night time hours

1. Exceeding permissible rates of acoustic noise in a residential house, in a building of privately owned real property or social/public institution during the day time or night time, –

shall result in warning of a natural or legal person.

2. Repeated commission of the offence under paragraph 1 of this article during one year from committing the same act for the first time, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 150 for a natural person, and in the amount of GEL 500 for a legal person.

3. Commission of the same act by a person imposed with an administrative penalty for the offence under paragraph 2 of this article, and/or commission of the same act by him/her after committing that act before the status of person imposed with an administrative penalty was cancelled, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300 for a natural person, and in the amount of GEL 1 000 for a legal person.


1. For the purposes of this article, acoustic noise shall mean the acoustic noise under the Technical Regulations on the Rates of Acoustic Noise in the Premises and Territories of Residential Houses and Buildings of Social/Public Institutions, including the noise generated by a pyrotechnic product.

2. For the purposes of this article, the permissible rates of acoustic noise shall be set under the Technical Regulations on the Rates of Acoustic Noise in the Premises and Territories of Residential Houses and Buildings of Social/Public Institutions.

3. For the purposes of this article, day time hours shall mean the time from 08:00 to 23:00, and night time hours shall mean the time from 23:00 to 08:00.

4. The requirement of this article shall not apply to the existing aviation, railway (including the underground), marine and motorcar infrastructure, to the measures connected with exercising the human rights guaranteed under Article 25 of the Constitution of Georgia, to the construction and repair works, and the recreational, cultural and sports events agreed upon with a local self-government body, which are performed during day time hours.

Law of Georgia No 1118 of 28 June 2017 – website, 13.7.2017


Article 772 – Use of a pyrotechnic product during night time hours

1. The use of a pyrotechnic product during night time hours, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 150 for a natural person, and in the amount of GEL 500 for a legal person.

2. Repeated and every following commission of the offence under paragraph 1 of this article during one year from committing the same act for the first time, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300 for a natural person, and in the amount of GEL 1 000 for a legal person.


1. For the purposes of this article, a pyrotechnic product shall mean a pyrotechnic-containing product permitted for free sale, and which is designed for creation of light, voice, smoke and combined (including stage) effects when conducting special works, as well as when performing mass or celebratory (festive) events.

2. For the purposes of this article, night time hours shall mean the time from 23:00 to 08:00.

3. The requirement of this article shall not apply to the New Year holidays (from 21:00 of 31 December to 23:00 of 2 January, and from 21:00 of 13 January to 23:00 of 14 January), to the day of adoption of the Act of Reestablishment of the State Independence of Georgia (9 April) and to the Independence Day of Georgia (26 May).

Law of Georgia No 1118 of 28 June 2017 – website, 13.7.2017


Article 78 – Violation of dust arrester equipment operation rules, or failure to use such equipment

1. Violation of dust arrester equipment operation rules –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

2. Failure to use dust arrester equipment –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 2 000.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 79 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 791 - Conducting a business without an environmental impact permit

Conducting a business without an environmental impact permit –

shall carry a fine from GEL 7 000 to GEL 9 000.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 792 – Violation of the conditions of an environmental impact permit (including an environmental permit) or of the conditions of an ecological examination report (including the state ecological examination report)

Violation of the conditions of an environmental impact permit (including an environmental permit) or of the conditions of an ecological examination report (including the state ecological examination report) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.


1. Failure to fulfil the duty within the established period assigned to eliminate the violation within the established period after the imposition of an administrative penalty for violating the conditions provided for in an ecological examination report (including the state ecological examination report) by an administrative body issuing the ecological examination report, shall triple the penalty under this article.

2. If, after the expiry of the term determined by the administrative body issuing the ecological examination report after the imposition of the tripled penalty under part one of the given note, the holder of the ecological expertise (including of the state ecological expertise) fails to fulfil the duties imposed on him/her, the imposed tripled penalty shall triple.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 793 – Failure to fulfil conditions established under the decision of the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia to continue the current activity

1. Failure to fulfil conditions established under the decision of the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia to continue the current activity, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 5 000.

2. After the administrative penalty under paragraph 1 of this article is imposed, the failure to fulfil conditions established under the decision of the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia to continue the current activity within a fixed period of time, –

shall result in tripling the imposed fine under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia.

3. After the expiry of a fixed period of time following the imposition of a tripled fine, the failure to fulfil conditions established under the decision of the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia to continue the current activity, –

shall result in tripling the imposed fine under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 3489 of 29 April 2015 – website, 14.5.2015

Law of Georgia No 909 of 1 June 2017 – website, 21.6.2017

Law of Georgia No 1715 of 7 December 2017 – website, 14.12.2017


Article 794 – Non-compliance with, or violation of the requirements established in the field of import, export, re-export and transit of ozone-destroying substances, or production of ozone-destroying substances, or trade in prohibited ozone-destroying substances

1. Violation of permit conditions for the import, export, re-export and transit of ozone-destroying substances –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

2. Import, export, re-export and transit of ozone-destroying substances without a permit –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 for each kilogramme of the substance.

3. Import, export, re-export or transit of the prohibited ozone-destroying substances –

shall carry a fine of GEL 30 for each kilogramme of the substance.

4. Production of an ozone-destroying substance –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

5. Trade in the prohibited ozone-destroying substances –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 4953 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016


Article 795 – Violation of permit conditions for the import, export and transit of the waste

1. Violation of permit conditions for the import, export and transit of the waste –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 4953 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016


Article 796 – Violation of the requirements under the prior consent for the import of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides

Violation of the requirements under the prior consent for the import of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

Law of Georgia No 4953 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016


Article 797 – Conduct of an activity under the Environmental Assessment Code without an environmental decision or a screening decision

1. Conduct of an activity subject to the environmental impact assessment without an environmental decision under the Environmental Assessment Code, or the conduct of an activity subject to a screening procedure without a screening decision, –

shall carry a fine in the amount from GEL 7 000 to GEL 10 000.

2. Repeated conduct of an activity subject to a screening procedure under paragraph 1 of this article without a screening decision, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 14 000.

3. An activity started on the basis of an appropriate enabling administrative-legal act issued in the field of the environmental impact assessment, which is conducted after 3 years from entry of the Environmental Assessment Code into force without an environmental decision, –

shall carry a warning.

4. Repeated commission of an act under paragraph 3 of this article, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 500.

Law of Georgia No 909 of 1 June 2017 – website, 21.6.2017


Article 798 – Failure to fulfil conditions established under an environmental decision

1. Failure of an entity conducting an activity to fulfil conditions established under an environmental decision, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 5 000.

2. After the administrative penalty under paragraph 1 of this article is imposed, the failure of an entity conducting an activity to fulfil conditions established under an environmental decision within a period of time fixed by an administrative body that has issued the environmental decision, –

shall result in tripling of an imposed fine under the procedure established by the Environmental Assessment Code.

3. After the expiry of a fixed period of time following the imposition of the tripled fine, the failure of an entity conducting an activity provided for in the Environmental Assessment Code to fulfil conditions under environmental decision, –

shall result in tripling of an imposed fine under the procedure established by the Environmental Assessment Code.

Law of Georgia No 909 of 1 June 2017 – website, 21.6.2017


Article 80 – Putting of the vehicles or mobile equipment into operation that emit pollutants exceeding established limits

Putting of the automobiles, aircraft, ships and other mobile equipment and machinery into operation that emit pollutants exceeding established limits, the content of pollutants of whose emissions, or the noise level produced by which during operation exceeds established limits –

shall carry a warning or a fine for officials from five to ten times the minimum wage.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 81 – Operation of such motor vehicles and other mobile equipment the emissions of which contain pollutants exceeding established limits

Operation by citizens of such motor vehicles and other mobile equipment and machinery the emissions of which contain pollutants exceeding established limits, or the noise level produced by which during operation exceeds established limits –

shall carry a warning or a fine of up to five times the minimum wage.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 82 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 2998 of 26 December 2014 – website, 12.1.2015


Article 821 - Failure to present records on ambient air polluting emissions in the established form and within the established time limits

Failure to present records on ambient air polluting emissions in the established form and within the established time limits –

shall carry a fine of GEL 150.

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 822 – Violation of the requirements of environmental technical regulations

1. Violation of requirements of environmental technical regulations (except as provided for in Article 582(5)(6) and in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

2. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

3. Violation of requirements of technical regulations by industrial or non-industrial facilities in discharging wastewater into the sea –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

4. The act provided for in paragraph 3 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 3 000.

5. (Deleted – 25.3.2013, No 453).

6. (Deleted – 25.3.2013, No 453).

Law of Georgia No 3054 of 4 May 2010 – LHG I, No 26, 20.5.2010, Art. 174

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 823 – Violation of the requirements under the Technical Regulations for the Maintenance Log Form of the Equipment Operating on the Refrigerant and the Reporting Activities

1. Failure to use a registration log book under the Technical Regulations for the Maintenance Log Form of the Equipment Operating on the Refrigerant and the Reporting Activities, or maintenance of the log book in violation of the requirements under the Technical Regulations –

shall carry a fine of GEL 150.

2. Failure to present data on the annual consumption of refrigerants in the form or within the time limits established under the Technical Regulations for the Maintenance Log Form of the Equipment Operating on the Refrigerant and the Reporting Activities –

shall carry a fine of GEL 150.

Law of Georgia No 4953 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016

Law of Georgia No 173 of 21 December 2016 – website, 29.12.2016


Article 824 – Non-compliance with, or violation of the requirements under the Georgian Standard – Requirements for the Safety of Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems and Thermal Pumps and the Environmental Protection

Non-compliance with, or violation of the requirements under a standard of Georgia – Requirements for the Safety of Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems and Thermal Pumps and the Environmental Protection –

shall carry a fine of GEL 400.

Law of Georgia No 4953 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016

Law of Georgia No 173 of 21 December 2016 – website, 29.12.2016


Article 83 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 84 - Non-compliance with the demands of bodies authorised to prepare a report on the administrative offences provided for in Article 239(4), (41) and (281) of this Code

1. Non-compliance within the established period of time after the commission of an administrative offence provided for in Article 239(4), (41) or (281) of this Code of the duty assigned by an administrative order of the body authorised to prepare reports on the elimination of such offences –

shall carry an administrative penalty(fine) to the extent of the sanction prescribed by the relevant article or by the paragraph of the article for the violation of which the elimination of the offence has been imposed on the offender, by reference to these articles, or, if an imposed administrative penalty (fine) exists, shall carry an administrative penalty (fine) of double the maximum penalty amount prescribed by the relevant article or paragraph of the relevant article of this Code for the violation of which the elimination of the offence has been imposed on the offender, by reference to these articles.

2. Non-compliance within the established period of time after the imposition of a penalty (fine) for violation of paragraph 1 of this article of the duty imposed by an administrative order of the body authorised to prepare reports on the elimination of the administrative offence provided for in Article 239(4), (41), or (281) of this Code –

shall carry a fine of double the amount of the already imposed main administrative penalty (fine).

3. Interference with the exercise of the rights and duties of the employees of a body authorised to prepare reports on the administrative offences provided for in Article 239(4), (41) and (281) of this Code –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

4. Non-compliance with the lawful demands of the employees of a body authorised to prepare reports on the administrative offences provided for in Article 239(4), (41) and (281) of this Code (failure to present the documents, materials and information provided for by the legislation of Georgia, disregarding by the facility to be inspected of a demand for making representatives available during the inspection process) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

5. The act specified in paragraph 4 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.


1. Administrative liability for failure to fulfil the duty assigned under an administrative order of an appropriate body to comply with the established requirements of the licence or permit conditions shall be determined according to the procedure laid down by Article 361 of this Code.

2. Administrative liability for failure to fulfil the duty assigned under an administrative order of an appropriate body to meet conditions established under the decision of the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia to continue the current activity shall be determined according to the procedure established under Article 793 of this Code.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 3054 of 4 May 2010 – LHG I, No 26, 20.5.2010, Art. 174

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 3489 of 29 April 2015 – website, 14.5.2015

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016

Law of Georgia No 909 of 1 June 2017 – website, 21.6.2017

Law of Georgia No 1715 of 7 December 2017 – website, 14.12.2017


Article 841 - Intentional damage of a seal affixed by a body exercising control in the area of environmental protection or over compliance with the conditions of a mining licence or a licence for exploitation of mineral resources

1. Intentional damage of a seal affixed by a body exercising control in the area of environmental protection or over compliance with the conditions of a mining licence or a licence for exploitation of mineral resources –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 3 500.

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 4429 of 11 March 2011 – website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 4651 of 5 May 2011 – website, 13.5.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 1715 of 7 December 2017 – website, 14.12.2017


Article 85 - Violation of the rules for protection of the habitat of certain wild animals, breeding areas, survival stations, migration and water access routes, also arbitrary resettlement of certain wild animals to new habitats, arbitrary translocation and hybridisation

1. Violation of the rules for protection of the habitat of certain wild animals, breeding areas, survival stations, migration and water access routes, also arbitrary resettlement of wild animals to new habitats, arbitrary translocation (introduction, reintroduction, restocking) and hybridisation

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 500.

2. The same act committed against the species of wild animals entered on the 'Red List of Georgia or within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wet lands of international importance –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 1 300.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 2359 of 6 June 2003 – LHG I, No 18, 24.6.2003, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 851- Violation of the standards for applying chemicals (including plant protection and soil fertilization chemicals) in the environment and of the rules for transporting, storing and applying these chemicals, which has caused harm to the fauna and their habitat

Violation of the standards for applying chemicals (including plant protection and soil fertilization chemicals) in the environment and of the rules for transporting, storing and applying these chemicals, which has caused harm to the fauna and their habitat –

shall carry a fine from GEL 150 to GEL 200.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 852 –Violation of the rules for creation or development of zoological collections (zoological parks, zoological gardens, oceanariums, gene pool reserves of endangered species entered on the Red List of Georgia) through removal (killing)

Violation of the rules for creation or development of zoological collections (zoological parks, zoological gardens, oceanariums, gene pool reserves of endangered species entered on the Red List of Georgia) through removal (killing) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 200.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 2359 of 6 June 2003 – LHG I, No 18, 24.6.2003, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261


Article 853 – Destruction of endangered wild animals entered on the Red List of Georgia or destruction of their egg rafts, eggs, lairs and other structures that may result in their destruction, dwindling or disruption of habitat and/or, in the special cases provided by law, hunting animals in violation of the hunting limits and/or requirements, buying or selling or holding them in captivity without the relevant permit

Destruction of endangered wild animals entered on the Red List of Georgia or destruction of their egg rafts, eggs, lairs and other structures that may result in their destruction, dwindling or disruption of habitat and/or, in the special cases provided for by law, hunting of animals in violation of the hunting limits and/or requirements, buying or selling or trapping them without the relevant permit –

shall carry a fine from GEL 150 to GEL 850, with or without confiscation of the offender’s personal effects that were used as the instrument of the offence, and the confiscation of the captured animals.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – Gazette of Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.7.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 2359 of 6 June 2003 – LHG I, No 18, 24.6.2003, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 5201 of 8 November 2011 – website, 14.11.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013


Article 854- Illegal trapping of wild animals, trading in illegally hunted fauna objects, derivatives of wild animals and products derived from them

Illegal trapping of wild animals, trading in illegally hunted fauna objects, derivatives of wild animals and products derived from them –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1000, with the confiscation of the fauna objects, their derivatives and products derived from them.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 855– Violation of the rules for regulating the number of wild animals

Violation of the rules for regulating the number of wild animals for sanitary and epidemiological purposes, for protection of community health and life, for prevention of agricultural and other domestic animal diseases or of natural environment, and for avoiding damage to a business activity –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 300.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 86 - Violation of fishing and hunting regulations; violation of the rules regulating different kinds of use of fauna objects

1. Violation of fishing and fish resource preservation regulations by using amateur and sports fishing instruments and methods –

shall carry a fine from GEL 50 to GEL 200, with the confiscation of the fish or other living water organisms that have been caught.

2. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly, within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400, with the confiscation of the instrument of the offence and of the fish or other living water organisms that have been caught.

3. Violation of special fishing requirements –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

4. The act provided for in paragraph 3 of this article committed repeatedly within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

5. Violation of the fishing and fish resource preservation regulations determined by the legislation of Georgia (except as provided for in paragraphs 1 - 4 and 8 of this article) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 400, with the confiscation of the instrument of the offence and of the fish or other living water organisms caught.

6. The act provided for in paragraph 5 of this article committed by using a small-size watercraft (a motor boat, a boat, a launch, etc. of up to 8 m in length)–

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to GEL 800, with the confiscation of the instrument of the offence and of any fish or other living water organisms caught, with or without confiscation of the watercraft.

7. The act provided for in paragraph 6 of this article committed repeatedly within one year from the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine from GEL 800 to GEL 2 000, with the confiscation of the instrument of the offence and of the fish or other living water organisms caught, and with confiscation of the watercraft.

8. Electric fishing, fishing with an electric shock machine, self-made electronic device, explosive or toxic substance or with any other means of mass destruction of fish or other living water organisms, or catching the fish and other living water organisms entered on the Red List of Georgia –

shall carry a fine from GEL 2 000 to GEL 4 000, with the confiscation of the instrument of the offence, of the fish or other living water organisms caught and of the watercraft.

9. Violation of fishing and fish resource preservation regulations determined by the legislation of Georgia by using a watercraft with 100 ton or lower total storage capacity and more than 8 m in length (except for the violations provided for in paragraphs 1 - 4 of this article) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 4 000 to GEL 5 000, with the confiscation of the fish or other living water organisms caught, with or without confiscating the instrument of the offence and the watercraft.

10. Violation of the fishing and fish resource preservation regulations determined by the legislation of Georgia by using a watercraft of more than 100 tons in total storage capacity(except for the violations provided for in paragraphs 1 - 4 of this article) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 30 000 to GEL 50 000, with the confiscation of the fish or other living water organisms caught.

11. Violation of a fishing licence conditions and requirements by a fishing licence holder –

shall result in a fine of GEL 2 000.

12. Violation of hunting regulations when hunting for the species categorised as hunting species –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 500, with or without confiscation of the hunted animal and of the hunting weapon and/or equipment.

13. Violation of hunting regulations (except as provided for in paragraph 12 of this article) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 700, with or without confiscation of the captured animal and of the hunting weapon and/or equipment.

14. Violation of the rules for different kind of use of the objects of fauna (except as provided for in paragraphs 12, 13 and 15 of this article) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 800 to GEL 1 000, with or without confiscation of the object hunted and of the hunting weapon and/or equipment.

15. Hunting with the weapons, or the means or methods that are prohibited (except as provided for in paragraphs 12, 13 and 14 of this article) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 2 000, with the confiscation of the object hunted and of the hunting weapon and/or equipment.


1. Hunting firearms shall be confiscated as an additional penalty in the cases provided for in paragraphs 12-14 of this article only if the Legal Entity under Public Law (LEPL) – the Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has not issued to the hunting person a document certifying the right to store and carry the relevant hunting firearm defined by the Arms Law of Georgia.

2. In the cases provided for in paragraphs 12-14 of this article, if the hunting person does not have with him/her the document referred to in paragraph 1 of this Note or if the hunting is performed with a prohibited hunting weapon, the offender shall be deprived of the hunting weapon temporarily, pending the hearing, and the weapon shall be returned or transferred to the State in accordance with the final decision of the body/official authorised to hear the case.

3. In the cases provided for by this article (except for parts 3, 4 and 11 of this article), a person shall be seized a hunted wildlife object/objects and, unless the impact to the environment as a result of obtaining a wildlife object is significant, a body preparing a protocol of an administrative offence shall be authorised to immediately distribute the obtained wildlife object/objects for the social purposes free of charge in accordance with the established procedures, and if the obtained wildlife object/objects shows/show signs certifying that the object/objects is/are inedible (has/have changed its/their usual colour and/or has/have unpleasant smell unusual for a healthy product), it shall immediately destroy it/them by burning or by burning it/them in an appropriate incinerator.

4. If, on the basis a decision made by a body and/or an official authorised to review appropriate administrative proceedings in the case provided for in part 3of this note, a person is returned the seized wildlife object/objects, this person shall be entitled, in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation of Georgia, to claim the damages incurred by him/her due to the seizure of the wildlife object/objects.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.7.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1625 of 4 July 2002 – LHG I, No 23, 24.7.2002, Art. 112

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 3054 of 4 May 2010 – LHG I, No 26, 20.5.2010, Art. 174

Law of Georgia No 723 of 12 June 2013 – website, 3.7.2013

Law of Georgia No 2354 of 1 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 861 - Violation of fishing prohibition regulations in seaport area and its adjacent waters

1. Violation of fishing prohibition regulations in seaport area and its adjacent waters by using amateur and sports fishing instruments –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

2. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

3. Violation of fishing prohibition regulations in seaport area and its adjacent waters by using a small-size boat (by a boat of seven meters or less length) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

4. The act provided for in paragraph 3 of this article committed repeatedly within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of GEL 400.

5. Violation of fishing prohibition regulations in seaport area and its adjacent waters by using a boat with 100 ton or lower total storage capacity (less than seven meters in length) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

6. The act provided for in paragraph 5 of this article committed repeatedly within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

7. Violation of fishing prohibition regulations in seaport area and its adjacent waters by using a watercraft of more than 100 tons in total storage capacity –

shall carry a fine of GEL 4 000.

8. The act provided for in paragraph 7 of this article committed repeatedly within one year after the imposition of an administrative penalty –

shall carry a fine of GEL 8 000.

Note: for failure to pay the fine provided for in this article within the term fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code, the offender shall be subject to a penalty of two times the imposed fine and for failure to pay the fine and the penalty within 30 days after the imposition of the penalty, the payment shall be enforced according to the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings.

Law of Georgia No 4624 of 11 December 2015 – website, 23.12.2015


Article 87 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370


Article 871 - Violation of regulations for operating in the field of genetically modified living organisms

1. Violation of special requirements for handling genetically modified living organisms when using genetically modified living organisms in a closed system -

shall carry a fine from GEL 300 to GEL 800.

2. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 800 to GEL 2 000.

3. Use of genetically modified living organisms in a closed system without the relevant licence –

shall carry a fine from GEL 100 to GEL 1 000, with or without confiscation of the object of the offence.

4. The act provided for in paragraph 3 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 2 000, with the confiscation of the object of the offence.

5.( Deleted – 02.03.2016, No4800).

6. (Deleted – 02.03.2016, No4800).

7. (Deleted – 02.03.2016, No4800).

Law of Georgia No 2660 of 18 September 2014 – website, 2.10.2014

Law of Georgia No 4800 of 2 March 2016 – website, 22.03.2016


Article 872 - Violation of conditions for safe transportation of genetically modified living organisms

1. Violation of conditions for safe transportation of genetically modified living organisms –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 500.

2. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 500.

Law of Georgia No 2660 of 18 September 2014 – website, 2.10.2014


Article 873 - Violation of regulations for labelling genetically modified living organisms

1. Violation of regulations for labelling genetically modified living organisms –

shall carry a fine from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

2. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 3 000.

Law of Georgia No 2660 of 18 September 2014 – website, 2.10.2014


Article 88 - Violation of regulations for performing works on cultural heritage sites, for their maintenance, for erecting monumental statues (sculptures), or for naming streets or squares

1. Violation of statutory rules for performing works or archaeological works on cultural heritage sites, violation of the relevant design or other permit conditions, also non-compliance or improper compliance with the conditions of a warning given by an authorised body for the non-compliance with the obligation to maintain a cultural heritage site defined by the Law of Georgia on Cultural Heritage –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000 for natural persons and GEL 10 000 – for legal persons or partnerships.

2. The same act committed against a national monument –

shall carry a fine of GEL 7 000 for natural persons and GEL 12 000 – for legal persons or partnerships.

3. The act provided for in paragraph 1 of this article committed in relation to the site entered on the World Heritage List –

shall carry a fine of GEL 9 000 for natural persons and GEL 15 000 – for legal persons or partnerships.

4. Violation of regulations for erecting monumental statues (sculptures), or for naming streets and squares –

shall carry a warning or a fine of up five times the minimum wage for the citizens or a warning or a fine of up to ten times the minimum wage for the officials.

5. Unless the grounds for the fines defined in this article are eliminated, the amount of the relevant fine shall be tripled compared to the amount of the previous fine, every 6 months.

Note: The cost of dismantling a monumental statue (sculpture) erected in violation of the erection regulations defined in paragraph 4 of this article shall be borne by the offender.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 4356 of 14 February 2007 – LHG I, No 6, 26.02.2007, Art. 68

Law of Georgia No 4713 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 143


Article 89 - Violation of the regulations and conditions for protection of protected areas and their territorial-functional zones

1. Violation of the regulations and conditions for protection of protected areas and their territorial-functional zones –

shall carry a fine from GEL 40 to GEL 70.

2. The same act committed within the established boundaries of cultural heritage protection areas, state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve’s nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance–

shall carry a fine from GEL 60 to GEL 90.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 4713 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 143

Law of Georgia No 1358 of 27 September 2013 – website, 9.10.2013


Article 891–Causing damage to a natural monument

1. Damage of a natural monument by a natural or legal person –

shall carry a fine of GEL 250 for natural persons, and GEL 700 for legal persons, institutions and organisations.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 for natural persons and GEL 1 000 for legal persons, institutions and organisations.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 5201 of 8 November 2011 – website, 14.11.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 1358 of 27 September 2013 – website, 9.10.2013


Article 892 - Bringing any equipment (other than non-manipulative scientific observation equipment) by a visitor into the territory of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, biosphere reserve nucleus (strict nature) zones and world heritage sites

1. Bringing any equipment (other than non-manipulative scientific observation equipment) by a visitor into the territory of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, biosphere reserve nucleus (strict nature) zones and world heritage sites –

shall carry a fine from GEL 150 to GEL 200.

2. The same act committed by a person who during the year was subjected to an administrative penalty for the offence provided for in this article –

shall carry a fine from GEL 200 to GEL 250.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 5201 of 8 November 2011 – website, 14.11.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 1358 of 27 September 2013 – website, 9.10.2013


Article 893 – Illegal entry, penetration into or movement in a protected area with a firearm or any fishing equipment or performance of the same act by using a boat

1. A person’s illegal entry, penetration into and/or movement in a protected area with a firearm (other than the area where a management plan or any temporary regulation permits hunting, or except for a person authorised to carry a service firearm according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia) –

shall carry a fine from GEL 250 to GEL 300, with or without the confiscation of the firearm.

2. The same act committed within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance –

shall carry a fine from GEL 450 to GEL 500, with or without the confiscation of the firearm.

3. A person’s illegal entry, penetration into and/or movement in a protected area with any fishing equipment (other than the area where a management plan or any temporary regulation permits hunting) or performance of the same act by using a boat –

shall carry a fine from GEL 250 to GEL 300, with or without confiscation of the object of the offence, including the boat.

4. The same act committed within the established boundaries of state reserves, strict nature zones of national parks, natural monuments, biosphere reserve nucleus (strict nature) zones, world heritage sites and wetlands of international importance–

shall carry a fine from GEL 450 to GEL 600, with or without confiscation of the object of the offence, including the boat.

Law of Georgia No 3516 of 25 July 2006 – LHG I, No 36, 4.8.2006, Art. 261

Law of Georgia No 1358 of 27 September 2013 – website, 9.10.2013


Article 894 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 4413 of 2 March 2007 – LHG I, No 8, 23.3.2007, Art. 77

Law of Georgia No 3535 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 47, 5.8.2010, Art. 305

Law of Georgia No 5653 of 27 December 2011 – website, 12.1.2012


Chapter 8 - Administrative Offences in the Fields of Industry, Electric and Heat Power Consumption and Water Supply

Law of Georgia No 2389 of 18 December 2009 – LHG I, No 48, 29.12.2009, Art. 367


Article 90 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1349 of 28 April 1998 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.5.1998, p. 18

Law of Georgia No 2914 of 8 April 2010 – LHG I, No 20, 19.4.2010, Art. 115


Article 901 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 3768 of 24 November 2006 – LHG I, No 45, 9.12.2006 Law of Georgia No 2914 of 8 April 2010 – LHG I, No 20, 19.4.2010, Art. 115


Article 91 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1349 of 28 April 1998 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.5.1998, p. 18

Law of Georgia No 2914 of 8 April 2010 – LHG I, No 20, 19.4.2010, Art. 115


Article 911 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 1349 of 28 April 1998 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.5.1998, p. 18

Law of Georgia No 2914 of 8 April 2010 – LHG I, No 20, 19.4.2010, Art. 115


Article 912 - Import or sale of tetraethyl lead, or counterfeit, adulterated liquid gas used for domestic and communal purposes in the territory of Georgia

Import or sale of tetraethyl lead, or counterfeit, adulterated liquid gas used for domestic and communal purposes in the territory of Georgia –

shall carry a fine from GEL 400 to 4000 with the confiscation of appropriate product.

Law of Georgia No 2299 of 22 July 1999 – LHG I, No 40(47), 11.8.1999, Art. 203

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 913 - Violation of qualitative norms of motor fuel and/or the norms of diesel fuel constituents determined by an ordinance of the Government of Georgia during the import, production and/or provision of motor fuel and/or diesel fuel in the Territory of Georgia

1. The import of motor fuel and/or diesel fuel to the territory of Georgia the quality of which does not comply with the qualitative norms of motor fuel and/or the norms of diesel fuel constituents determined by an ordinance of the Government of Georgia -

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

2. The production of motor fuel and/or diesel fuel in the territory of Georgia the quality of which does not comply with the qualitative norms of motor fuel and/or the norms of diesel fuel constituents determined by an ordinance of the Government of Georgia -

shall carry a fine of GEL 9 000. 3. The supply of motor fuel and/or diesel fuel in the territory of Georgia the quality of which does not comply with the qualitative norms of motor fuel and/or the norms of diesel fuel constituents determined by an ordinance of the Government of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 8 000.

Law of Georgia No 4798 of 2 March 2016 – website, 14.3.2016


Article 92 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1169 of 12 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 167

Law of Georgia No 1126 of 22 March 2005 – LHG I, No 13, 12.4.2005, Art. 78


Article 921-Violation of the requirements set by Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission

Non-compliance with the requirements set by the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission by commercial operators of the electrical system, small power plants, natural gas suppliers, electricity and natural gas licensees or direct consumers, also by potable water suppliers –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

Law of Georgia No 815 of 27 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 11

Law of Georgia No 1934 of 30 April 1999 – LHG I, No 15(22), 14.5.1999, Art. 63

Law of Georgia No 976 of 29 December 2004 – LHG I, No 4, 17.1.2005, Art. 18

Law of Georgia No 5471 of 20 November 2007 – LHG I, No 40, 3.12.2007, Art. 382

Law of Georgia No 93 of 5 July 2008 – LHG I, No 13, 16.7.2008, Art. 105


Article 922 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 3102 of 26 August 2003 – LHG I, No 29, 18.9.2003, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 4126 of 17 December 2010 – LHG I, No 75, 27.12.2010, Art. 486


Article 93 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1126 of 22 March 2005 – LHG I, No 13, 12.4.2005, Art. 78


Article 94 - Violation of rules for protecting power grids with voltage higher than 1 000V

Violation of the rules established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia for protecting power grids with voltage higher than 1 000V, if the violation has or could have resulted in disruptions in electricity supply to consumers, damage to the grid or any other loss to the public economy –

shall carry a warning or a fine from 10 to 50 times the minimum wage for citizens or a warning or a fine from 50 to 100 times the minimum wage for officials.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 95 - Violation of standards and rules for using gas

Violation of standards and rules for using gas as fuel and raw material:

Discharging gas into gas appliances without authorisation from public gas monitoring bodies; exceeding allocated gas funds or failure to comply with the established gas consumption regime; gas consumption without the application of the approved specific power requirements on gas appliances or exceeding such specific power requirements;

Operating gas-burning equipment without metering gas consumption or the thermal energy or product generated by gas consumption, or lack (breakdown) of the automatic gas burning regulation equipment stipulated by the design of the gas-burning equipment or lack (breakdown) of thermal monitoring instruments or of heat utilisation devices that ensure rational and effective utilisation of gas;

The failure of gas consuming enterprises, associations, institutions and organisations to be prepared for the operation of the standby heat systems or the failure to prepare gas appliances to operate with the designated type of standby fuel –

shall carry a warning or a fine from six to ten times the minimum wage for the directors, deputy directors, chief power engineers (chief mechanics), shop and service managers of the enterprises, associations, institutions and organisations concerned.

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 96 - (Deleted)

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1169 of 12 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 167

Law of Georgia No 1349 of 28 April 1998 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.5.1998, p. 18

Law of Georgia No 2914 of 8 April 2010 – LHG I, No 20, 19.4.2010, Art. 115


Article 961 - Stealing electricity or natural gas

1. Stealing electricity from the network of a generation licencee or from the transmission or distribution network of a small power plant or stealing natural gas from a transportation system or a distribution network, regardless of the form of stealing, consumption of electricity or natural gas without metering or in violation of metering regulations –

shall carry a warning.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 for natural persons and a fine of GEL 15 000 for legal persons and institutions.

Ordinance No 785 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 11 June 1986 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1986, Art. 140

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1169 of 12 December 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 47-48, 31.12.1997, p. 167

Law of Georgia No 976 of 29 December 2004 – LHG I, No 4, 17.1.2005, Art. 18

Law of Georgia No 3448 of 16 July 2010 – LHG I, No 44, 28.7.2010, Art. 275


Article 962 – Violation of the requirements set in the oil and gas sector by the Legal Entity under Public Law (LEPL) – the State Agency of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

1. Non-compliance with the requirements established by the Legal Entity under Public Law (LEPL) – the State Agency of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, by a general licence for the use of oil and gas resources, or by a licence for oil refinery, natural gas refinery, oil transportation or natural gas transportation –

shall carry a fine from GEL 1 000 to GEL 3 000.

2. The same act committed by the person who during the year was subjected to an administrative penalty for the offence provided for in this article –

shall carry a fine from GEL 2 000 to GEL 5 000.

Law of Georgia No 765 of 2 March 2001 – LHG I, No 6, 20.3.2001, Art. 18

Law of Georgia No 1859 of 25 December 2002 – LHG I, No 3, 17.1.2003, Art. 12

Law of Georgia No 3173 of 25 May 2006 – LHG I, No 17, 30.5.2006, Art. 117

Law of Georgia No 4296 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 1, 3.1.2006, Art. 8

Law of Georgia No 4863 of 5 June 2007 – LHG I, No 22, 19.6.2007, Art. 192

Law of Georgia No 4429 of 11 March 2011 – website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 453 of 25 March 2013 – website, 5.4.2013

Law of Georgia No 1715 of 7 December 2017 – website, 14.12.2017


Article 963 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 765 of 2 March 2001 – LHG I, No 6, 20.3.2001, Art. 18

Law of Georgia No 1859 of 25 December 2002 – LHG I, No 3, 17.1.2003, Art. 12

Law of Georgia No 3173 of 25 May 2006 – LHG I, No 17, 30.5.2006, Art. 117

Law of Georgia No 4296 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 1, 3.1.2006, Art. 8

Law of Georgia No 4863 of 5 June 2007 – LHG I, No 22, 19.6.2007, Art. 192

Law of Georgia No 4429 of 11 March 2011 – website, 17.3.2011


Article 964 – Stealing of irrigation water

1. Stealing irrigation water from a melioration system –

shall carry a fine of GEL 250 for natural persons and a fine of GEL 500 for legal persons.

2. The act specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 for natural persons and a fine of GEL 1 000 for legal persons.

Law of Georgia No 2389 of 18 December 2009 – LHG I, No 48, 29.12.2009, Art. 367

Law of Georgia No 4141 of 17 December 2010 – LHG I, No 76, 29.12.2010, Art. 514


Chapter 9 - Administrative Offences in Agriculture; Violation of Veterinary and Sanitary Regulations


Article 97 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 1475 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 2 November 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 11, November, 1987, Art. 279

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 98 - (Deleted)

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 981 - Liability for violation of the legislation of Georgia on pesticides and agrochemicals

1. Violation of the regulations for production, sorting, labelling, packing, bringing in, storage, transportation and/or sale of pesticides and agrochemicals –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

2. An act defined in paragraph 1 of this article, committed repeatedly within one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 400.

3. Placement of unregistered, expired and sub-quality pesticides or agrochemicals on the market-

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000 if the person’s annual turnover is up to GEL 200 000, and GEL 4 000 if the person’s annual turnover is GEL 200 000 or more.

4. An act defined in paragraph 3 of this article, committed repeatedly within one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 4 000 if the person’s annual turnover is up to GEL 200 000, and GEL 8 000 if the person’s annual turnover is GEL 200 000 or more.

5. Violation of the regulations for application of pesticides and agrochemicals –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 in the case of a natural person (except for an individual entrepreneur and a natural person having the status of micro business provided for by the Tax Code of Georgia), and GEL 200 in the case of a legal person, an individual entrepreneur or a natural person having the status of micro business provided for by the Tax Code of Georgia.

6. An act defined in paragraph 5 of this article, committed repeatedly within one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 in the case of a natural person (except for an individual entrepreneur and a natural person having the status of micro business provided for by the Tax Code of Georgia), and GEL 400 in the case of a legal person, an individual entrepreneur or a natural person having the status of micro business provided for by the Tax Code of Georgia.

7. Non-compliance with the instructions and recommendations of an authorised person of the Legal Entity under Public Law - National Food Agency under the state control of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, on the application and sale of pesticides and agrochemicals –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 in the case of a natural person (except for an individual entrepreneur and a natural person having the status of micro business provided for by the Tax Code of Georgia), and GEL 400 in the case of a legal person, an individual entrepreneur or a natural person having the status of micro business provided for by the Tax Code of Georgia.

8. Non-compliance with the instructions of an authorised person of the Legal Entity under Public Law - National Food Agency under the state control of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, on the prevention of the placement of unregistered, expired or sub-quality pesticides or agrochemicals on the market and/or on the withdrawal of such pesticides and agrochemicals from the market –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000 if the person’s annual turnover is up to GE 200 000, and GEL 2 000 if the person’s annual turnover is GEL 200 000 or more.

9. Export, import, placement on the market or application of banned and severely restricted pesticides without informed consent -

shall carry a fine of GEL 3 000.

Note: For the purposes of this article, the term ‘placement on the market’ means the placement on the market by a person of unregistered, expired or sub-quality pesticides or agrochemicals for the purpose of sale, including offers for sale or for transfer in any other form, delivery for consideration or free of charge, sale, distribution or delivery in any other form. For the purpose of this article, ‘placement on the market’ shall not be deemed the return by a buyer of unregistered, expired and sub-quality pesticides and agrochemicals to the person from whom the buyer purchased them.

Ordinance No 2610 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 19 April 1990 – The Gazette of Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 4, April, 1990, Art. 90

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 1698 of 25 November 1998 – LHG I, No 6, 24.12.1998, Art. 46

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1755 of 15 December 2017 – website, 28.12.2017


Article 982 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 1698 of 25 November 1998 – LHG I, No 6, 24.12.1998, Art. 46

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 99 - Exporting materials without quarantine inspection and appropriate treatment

Export without quarantine inspection and appropriate treatment from a frontier seaport (harbour), railway station, bus terminal (bus station), airport and any other border point of the materials imported from foreign countries –

shall carry a fine of up to five times the minimum wage for citizens and up to 10 times the minimum wage for officials.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 100 - (Deleted)

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 1001- Failure to take actions to ensure protection of crops containing narcotic drugs

Failure to take actions to ensure the fulfilment of the established conditions for protection of cannabis and opium poppy crops, of the places where the crops of these plants are stored and processed, also failure to destroy the crop or production residue containing narcotic drugs –

shall carry a fine of 100 times the minimum wage for officials.

Ordinance No 1426 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 23 September 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 9, September, 1987, Art. 223

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 1002-Illegal sowing, growing or cultivation of plants containing a small quantity of narcotics

Illegal sowing, growing or cultivation of any plant containing a small quantity of narcotics –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 or, in an exceptional case, if the application of the measure is deemed insufficient after taking into account the circumstances of the case and the person of the offender, an administrative detention of up to 15 days.


1. The quantities of the narcotic drugs provided for by this Code shall be determined by law.

2. For committing the offence provided for in this article, the person shall be deprived of the right to carry arms for up to three years.

Ordinance No 1426 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 23 September 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 9, September, 1987, Art. 223

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 2081 of 17 November 2009 – LHG I, No 37, 30.11.2009, Art. 279

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 2649 of 1 August 2014 – website, 18.8.2014


Article 101 - Gross violation by farm machinery operators of agricultural machinery maintenance and safety regulations

Gross violation by a farm machinery operator of tractor, harvesting combine or other agricultural machinery maintenance and safety regulations –

shall carry a fine in the form of suspension of the licence to operate the given machinery for up to one month.

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013


Article 102 - (Deleted)

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 549 of 28 October 2004 – LHG I, No 33, 12.11.2004, Art. 158

Law of Georgia No 4960 of 24 June 2011 – website, 6.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 1021 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 4960 of 24 June 2011 – website, 6.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 1022 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 4960 of 24 June 2011 – website, 6.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 1023 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 4960 of 24 June 2011 – website, 6.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 1024 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 4960 of 24 June 2011 – website, 6.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 103 - Violation of regulations for keeping dogs and cats

1. Violation of regulations for keeping dogs and cats –

shall carry a fine of one fifth of the minimum wage for citizens and one half of the minimum wage for officials.

2. Having a dog without a leash and a muzzle in a boulevard, park or square within the territory of a self-governing city –

shall carry a warning or a fine of GEL 20 for the owner.

3. The same act committed repeatedly during the year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 for the owner.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 4035 of 15 December 2010 – LHG I, No 76, 29.12.2010, Art. 490


Article 1031- Violation of regulations for keeping, holding, using and breeding wild animals in captivity and semi-free conditions

Violation of regulations for keeping, holding, using and breeding wild animals in captivity and semi-free conditions-

shall carry a fine of from GEL 10 to GEL 50.

Law of Georgia No 759 of 12 June 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 33, 31.7.1997, p. 3


Article 104 - Cruel treatment of animals and birds

Cruel treatment of animals and birds resulting in their death or injury, also abuse of animals and birds –

shall carry a fine of up to the amount of one minimum wage.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 105 - (Deleted)

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 549 of 28 October 2004 – LHG I, No 33, 12.11.2004, Art. 158

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 1051 - Violation of summerhouse construction rules or collective gardening organisation and management regulations

Construction of summerhouses by citizens without a duly approved project or deviating from the standards provided for by the current legislation of Georgia at the moment of the beginning of the construction –

shall carry a fine of up to one half of the minimum wage.

Violation by officials of the following regulations for summerhouse construction or gardening organisation and management:

Violation of allotment association admission regulations; use of land allocated for a collective garden without or in violation of the project for the arrangement and development of the territory of this allotment; issuance of summerhouse construction permits without a duly approved design or not in compliance with the statutory standards that are in force at the moment of beginning of the construction, acceptance of such houses into service; construction of public buildings and structures in the territory of a collective garden without a duly approved design or deviating from the design; illegal release of construction materials, vehicles, mechanisms, illegal use of a workforce, involving non-specialised construction organisations in the construction of the allotment association’s facilities –

shall carry a fine of up to one minimum wage.

Ordinance No 94 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 27 May1985 – The Gazette of Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 5, May, 1985, Art. 157

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 1052 –Violation of the rules for recording and reporting technological processes relating to the production and storage of products in the field of viticulture and winemaking

1. Violation of the rules for recording and reporting technological processes relating to the production and storage of products in the field of viticulture and winemaking –

shall carry a fine in the amount from GEL 500 to GEL 1 000.

2. Commission of the same act by a person who had an administrative penalty imposed for such an act within one year, –

shall carry a fine in the amount from GEL 1 500 to GEL 2 000.

Law of Georgia No 1637 of 4 July 2002 – LHG I, No 23, 24.7.2002, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 973 of 15 June 2017 – website, 30.6.2017


Article 1053 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 1637 of 4 July 2002 – LHG I, No 23, 24.7.2002, Art. 118

Law of Georgia No 1789 of 24 June 2005 – LHG I, No 40, 18.7.2005, Art. 277


Article 1054 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 25 of 18 June 2008 – LHG I, No 11, 4.7.2008, Art. 81

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 6156 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Chapter 10 - Administrative Offences in the Field of Transport, Public Roads and Communications


Article 106 - Violation of traffic safety regulations on railway transport

Placing on railway tracks such objects that may disrupt the movement of trains –

shall carry a fine of up to one half of the minimum wage.

Damage of a railway track, protective forest plantings, snow shields and other road objects, signalling and communication structures and devices –

shall carry a fine from four to five times the minimum wage for citizens and three to six times the minimum wage for officials.

Violation of the rules for movement of any animal-drawn transport across railway tracks, or for driving cattle across or pasturing near railway tracks –

shall carry a warning or a fine of up to the amount of one half of the minimum wage for citizens and a warning or a fine from one to two times the minimum wage for officials.

Failure to observe established loading or unloading clearance limits –

shall carry a fine of one to two times the minimum wage for officials.

Crossing railway tracks at unauthorised places –

shall carry a warning or a fine of one tenth of the minimum wage.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 107 - Violation of regulations for using railway vehicles

1. Unauthorised travel by a freight train, embarkation on or disembarkation from a moving train, traveling on a carriage stairs or roof, stopping a train arbitrarily, unnecessarily –

shall carry a fine of GEL 40.

2. Damaging any internal equipment or ticket machine of a passenger carriage, or any window of a locomotive or of a carriage –

shall carry a fine of GEL 40.

3. Dumping garbage or other objects out of a train carriage window or door –

shall carry a warning or a fine of GEL 40.

4. Smoking in a carriage (including the vestibule) of a regional commuter train, or in unauthorised places of long-distance and international passenger trains –

shall carry a warning or a fine of GEL 40.

[4. (Deleted – 17.5.2017, No 861). (Shall become effective from 1 May 2018)]

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6147 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 861 of 17 May 2017 – website, 30.5.2017


Article 1071– Damage of an internal equipment of public vehicles

Damage of an internal equipment of any air, railway and metro transport, sea and river transport, bus, trolleybus, tram and minim-bus –

shall carry a fine from three to six times the minimum wage.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 1072 – Violation of metro passenger safety regulations

Getting down and walking on metro tracks, placing on tracks objects that may disrupt the movement of trains –

shall carry a fine of up to two times the minimum wage.

Opening the door of a moving carriage, intentional prevention of the opening or closing of a door at a stop, stopping the movement of a train or of an escalator unnecessarily –

shall carry a fine of up to one half of the minimum wage.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 1073 – Violation of regulations for using a metro

1. Dropping substitutes or coins with no value into metro checkpoints, also passing or attempted passing of checkpoints without paying the established fare –

shall carry a fine of GEL 15.

2. Carriage of flammable, explosive and noxious substances and household gas tanks by metro –

shall carry a fine of GEL 40.

3. Littering of metro station lobbies, cross passages, platforms, carriages, escalators and tracks, also smoking tobacco in metro stations and carriages, following a train into turnaround dead ends and other violations of the regulations for using a metro –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20.

[3. Littering and dirtying of a metro station lobby, cross passage, platform, passenger compartment of a carriage, escalator and railway tracks, also smoking tobacco in such places, staying in a train moving into a turnaround dead end, or other violations of regulations for using the metro, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 20. (Shall become effective from 1 May 2018)]

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 956 of 30 September 2008 – LHG I, No 41, 30.12.2008, Art. 330

Law of Georgia No 861 of 17 May 2017 – website, 30.5.2017


Article 1074 - Violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia and/or by the representative body of the relevant self-governing city when riding a motorcycle, quadricycle, bicycle or any other similar mobile vehicle in a boulevard, park or square in the territory of a self-governing city

1. Violation of the rules established by the legislation of Georgia and/or by the representative body of the relevant self-governing city when riding a motorcycle, quadricycle, bicycle or another similar mobile vehicle in a boulevard, park or square in the territory of a self-governing city –

shall carry a warning or a fine of GEL 20.

2. The same act committed repeatedly during the year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

Note: This article shall not apply to mobile vehicles used by the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and by other authorised bodies defined by the legislation of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 4035 of 15 December 2010 – LHG I, No 76, 29.12.2010, Art. 490


Article 1075 - Violation of safety rules established by the legislation of Georgia when driving a snowmobile or a motor sledge on ski slopes and/or ski tracks covered with snow/ice located within the administrative borders of the municipality, as well as on any other places provided for by the legislation of Georgia

Violation of safety rules established by the legislation of Georgia when driving a snowmobile or a motor sledge on ski slopes and/or ski tracks covered with snow/ice located within the administrative borders of the municipality, as well as on any other places provided for by the legislation of Georgia –

shall entail the issuance of a warning or shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

2. The same offence committed repeatedly within one year shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

Note: this article shall not apply to mobile equipment used by the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and by other authorised bodies defined by the legislation of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 4790 of 19 February 2016 – website 7.3.2016


Article 108 - Violation of flight safety regulations

1. Arrangement in an aerodrome area of any signs or equipment similar to the aerodrome recognition markings and equipment, or burning, without permission from the airport or aerodrome authorities, of fireworks or setting up facilities that contribute to a mass gathering of birds, or the use of laser radiation tools which pose danger to aircraft flights–

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.

2. Non-compliance with the rules for arranging night and day markings or equipment on buildings and structures –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 500.

3. Damaging aerodrome equipment, the aerodrome signs of aircraft and their equipment –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 1000.

4. Crossing the territory of an airport, aerodrome, or flight radio and light support facilities without appropriate permission –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 100.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 4621 of 11 December 2015 – website, 23.12.2015


Article 109 - Violation of the rules for carrying hazardous cargo by civil aircraft

1. Violation of the rules for carrying hazardous cargo by civil aircraft –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

2. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 30 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 2.3.2014


Article 110 - Violation of the rules of conduct on board an aircraft

Non-compliance by persons on board an aircraft of the orders of a pilot-in-command –

shall carry a warning or a fine from one to two times the minimum wage.

Violation of the rules for taking photos or shooting movies or using radio communication devices from an aircraft –

shall carry a warning or a fine up to one minimum wage, with confiscation of the film.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 111 - Violation of normative acts applicable in civil aviation

1. Violation of normative acts applicable in civil aviation –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

2. Violation of normative acts applicable in civil aviation that endangered or could have endangered the safety of the flight and/or for aviation security -

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

4. The offence specified in paragraph 2 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

5. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

6. The offence specified in paragraph 2 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 000.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 23.12.2014


Article 1111 – Use of the Georgian air space without permission from the authorised body, violation of the rules for flying in the Georgian air space or air traffic service rules

1. Use of the Georgian air space by a civil aircraft without permission from the authorised body –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

2. Violation of the rules for flying in the Georgian air space or air traffic service rules by a civil aircraft –

shall carry a fine of GEL 2 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 30 000.

4. The offence specified in paragraph 2 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

5. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

6. The offence specified in paragraph 2 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

Law of the Republic of Georgia of 20 March 1991 - The Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, No 9, September, 1991, p. 32

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 23.12.2014


Article 1112 - Violation of civil aircraft operation rules

1. Violation of civil aircraft operation rules –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

2. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000. Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 23.12.2014


Article 1113 - Violation of civil aviation equipment maintenance rules

1. Violation of civil aviation equipment maintenance rules –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

2. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 23.12.2014


Article 1114 - Violation of the established flight safety and operation rules at a civil aerodrome

1. Violation of the established flight safety and operation rules at an international civil aerodrome –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

2. Violation of the established flight safety and operation rules at a domestic civil aerodrome –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

4. The offence specified in paragraph 2 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

5. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 000.

6. The offence specified in paragraph 2 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

Note: For the purposes of this article, a domestic civil aerodrome shall be a civil aerodrome that is not an international civil aerodrome. Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.05.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 23.12.2014


Article 1115 - Admission to the workplace of an aviation specialist lacking the relevant qualification (skills) and/or recognition

1. Admission of an aviation specialist lacking the relevant qualification (skills) and/or recognition to the workplace –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

2. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed again within a year after the commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 20 000.

3. The offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article committed for a third time within a year after the commission of the offence and every subsequent commission of the offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

Law of Georgia No 6094 of 26 April 2012 – website, 10.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 2872 of 11 December 2014 – website, 23.12.2014


Article 112 - Violation of sea transport traffic rules

Violation of the rules for ships to call at and depart from ports, to move and anchor within port waters, or violation of safety rules for embarkation, voyage and disembarkation of passengers –

shall carry a fine of up to one minimum wage for citizens and from one to two times the minimum wage for officials.

Performing diving operations within port waters without the relevant permit, disregarding signalling rules when conducting such operations –

shall carry a fine from one to two times the minimum wage for officials.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 113 - Violation of the rules for provision of safety in using means of sea transport

Damaging signal and communication structures and equipment on a sea transport, –

shall carry a fine from two to five times the minimum remuneration of labour for citizens and three to six times the minimum remuneration of labour for officials.

Smoking at unauthorised places on seagoing ships, –

shall carry a warning or a fine of up to one third of the minimum remuneration of labour.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


[Article 113 – Violation of the rules for provision of safety in using a sea transport

Damaging signal and communication structures and equipment on a sea transport, –

shall carry a fine from two to five times the minimum remuneration of labour for a citizen and three to six times the minimum remuneration of labour for an official. (Shall become effective from 1 May 2018)]

Law of Georgia No 861 of 17 May 2017 – website, 30.5.2017


Article 114 - Violation of cargo loading, unloading and stowing rules in seaports

Violation of cargo loading, unloading and stowing rules in seaports –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 4624 of 11 December 2015 – website, 23.12.2015


Article 1141 - Violation of the legislation on Georgian continental shelf, territorial waters and special economic zones

1. Erection of structures on the Georgian continental shelf, within Georgian territorial waters or in the adjacent area, establishing safety zones around it or around man-made isles, structures or equipment in a special economic zone in violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia, also violation of construction, reconstruction, operation, structure protection, liquidation, conservation or sea navigation rules –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 000.

2. Exploration or survey of the Georgian continental shelf or of a special economic zone or exploitation of its natural wealth without a relevant permit–

shall carry a fine of GEL 75 000.

Law of Georgia No 1625 of 4 July 2002 – LHG I, No 23, 24.7.2002, Art. 112


Article 1142 - Violation of a boundary regime within the internal and territorial waters of Georgia

1. Failure to give notice of passage of a small-size ship in the internal and territorial waters of Georgia–

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

2. Violation of the rules for setting up a base station owned by a natural person –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

3. Violation of the rules for keeping a small-size ship at a base station–

shall carry a fine of GEL 150.

4. Violation of the rules for departure of a small-size ship from a base station, except as provided for in paragraph 1 of this article –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

5. Violation of the rules for setting up a base station, except as provided for in paragraph 2 of this article –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.

6. Violation of the rules for using, including sailing by, a small-size ship –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.

7. Violation of boundary regime rules when conducting economic, fishing, exploration and other activities within the internal and territorial waters of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.

8. Any of the offences provided for in this article that has caused a minor injury –

shall carry a fine of GEL 800.

Note: for failure to pay the fine provided for in this article within the term fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code, the offender shall subject to a penalty of two times the imposed fine and for failure to pay the fine and the penalty within 30 days after the imposition of the penalty, the payment shall be enforced according to the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings.

Law of Georgia No 3779 of 28 October 2010 – LHG I, No 63, 10.11.2010, Art. 406


Article 1143 - Violation of maritime safety and security rules

1. Failure by a seaport to create appropriate conditions under the Sea Code of Georgia for State Supervision and Control Service of the Seaport -

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

2. Failure by a seaport to enter into a contract with a certified pilot service after receiving an appropriate warning from the authorised body -

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000.

3. Non-compliance of harbours existed at seaports with the set technical standards –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000 for each harbour at a seaport.

4. Carrying out of cargo loading operations by a seaport which are not allowed by the legislation of Georgia – shall carry a fine of GEL 15 000 for incompliance observed at each harbour.

Note: for failure to pay the fine provided for in this article within the term fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code, the offender shall be subject to a penalty of two times the imposed fine and for failure to pay the fine and the penalty within 30 days after the imposition of the penalty, the payment shall be enforced according to the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings.

Law of Georgia No 4624 of 11 December 2015 – website, 23.12.2015


Article 1144 – Violation of particular regulations by a ship sailing under the national flag of Georgia

1. Failure to submit a ship’s registration certificate to the Chief Registrar after the deregistration of a ship from the state register of ships of Georgia and/or after the termination or suspension of the registration of a ship –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000 of the ship owner and/or ship operator.

2. Wrongful indication of the ship displacement value during the registration of any water craft under the Sea Code of Georgia that has resulted in considerable reduction of the ship registration fee -

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

3. Navigating by any water craft under the Sea Code of Georgia engaged in the international navigation without necessary distinctive markings required under state registration procedures -

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

4. The use of state registration certificate of a ship by a captain or owner and /or operator of the Georgian ship engaged in the international navigation for any water craft under the Sea Code of Georgia for which the said certificated has not been issued –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000 imposed on the captain of the ship or owner and/or operator of the ship.

5. Ignoring tonnage restriction registered in the state register of ships of Georgia and the use of restricted tonnage during cargo loading operations for the purposes of transporting more cargo –

shall carry a fine of GEL 5 000.

6. Violation by a captain of the ship or by an owner/operator of the ship of the terms and conditions of the document for the safe crewing procedures of ships of Georgia engaged in the international navigation –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000 imposed on the captain of the ship or owner and/or operator of the ship.

7. Navigating by a ship of Georgia engaged in the international navigation without any compulsory certificate required under the legislation of Georgia, except for the cases of exclusion defined by the legislation of Georgia -

shall carry a fine of GEL 4 000 imposed on the ship owner.

8. Violation of the international regime for navigation by a ship sailing under the national flag of Georgia, including the entry into seaports that are closed for navigation –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10 000 imposed on the ship sailing under the national flag of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 4624 of 11 December 2015 – website, 23.12.2015


Article 115 - Violation of fire safety rules in railway, sea and air transport

Violation of the established fire safety rules on railway and sea transport –

shall carry a fine of up to one minimum wage for citizens and from one to two times the minimum wage for officials.

Violation of the established fire safety rules on air transport –

shall carry a fine of up to one minimum wage for citizens and from one to two times the minimum wage for officials.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308


Article 116 - Driving a vehicle in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication or permitting another person in this state to drive a vehicle

1. Driving of a vehicle in the state of alcoholic intoxication or evasion of a test for determining, , alcoholic intoxication under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia when driving a transport vehicle –

shall carry:

a) a 6-month suspension of the driving licence;

b) a 1-year suspension of the driving licence ­– for a person under the age of 18.

11. (Deleted – 27.11.2013, No 1644).

12. Driving of a moped in the state of alcoholic intoxication, or evasion of a test for determining alcoholic intoxication under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia when driving a moped, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 150.2. Commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 1 of this article during the period of suspension of the right to drive a motor vehicle by a person who has already been sanctioned with an administrative penalty provided for in the same paragraph–

shall carry a fine of GEL 700 for the driver and extension of the suspension period for one year.

3. Knowingly permitting a person who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication to drive a vehicle –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

4. Repeated commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 3 of this article during one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

41. Commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 1 of this article during the driving licence suspension period by a person who has already been sanctioned with an administrative penalty provided for in paragraph 2 of this article–

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000 and extension of the driving licence suspension period for two years.

42. Commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 1 of this article when the person who operates a vehicle has no driving licence or whose driving licence has been suspended for another offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

43. Repeated commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 42 of this article within one year after having committed it for the first time by a person who has had an administrative penalty imposed for the same action–

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500.

5. Driving of a vehicle in the state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication or evasion of a test for determining narcotic or psychotropic intoxication under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia when driving a vehicle –

shall carry a 3-year suspension of the driving licence.

51. Knowingly permitting a person who is in a state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication to drive a vehicle –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

52. Driving of a moped in the state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication, or evasion of a test for determining narcotic or psychotropic intoxication under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia when driving a moped, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.

6. Commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 5 of this article when the person operating a vehicle does not hold a driving licence or whose licence has been suspended for another offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

7. Driving of a vehicle that results in a light damage to the vehicle, cargo, road, road or other structures, other property or minor injury of a person and that is accompanied with the offence provided for in this article –

shall carry a 3-year suspension of the driving licence.

8. Commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 7 of this article –

a) when the person operating a vehicle does not hold a driving licence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

b) when the person operating a vehicle has the driving licence suspended for another offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000 and extension of the driving licence suspension period for three years.

9. Repeated commission of any of the offences provided for in paragraphs 6 and 8 of this article during the year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500 or an administrative detention for up to 15 days.


1. A police officer who ensures the safety of road traffic participants and supervises the observance of traffic regulations shall be obligated not to let a person who is reasonably believed to be in a state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication to drive a vehicle and shall present this person for examination to a person designated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

2. A police officer who ensures the safety of road traffic participants and supervises the observance of traffic regulations shall be obligated not to let a person who is reasonably believed to be in a state of alcoholic intoxication to drive a vehicle; if an offender does not dispute the fact that he/she has taken alcohol and confirms the fact by signing a report, the office shall be obligated to impose an administrative penalty at the scene, otherwise, the police office shall examine him/her at the scene; if the examination confirms that the driver has taken alcohol, the police office shall draw up an administrative offence report reflecting the results of the alcoholic intoxication.

3. The procedure for an authorised person to determine the facts of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication shall be defined by a joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.

4. Where the offences provided for in paragraphs 3, 4, 41, 6 and 8 have been committed a person shall be allowed to take a driving licence exam after he/she has paid the imposed fine.

41. When offences provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article are committed, the right of an offender to apply to a case-reviewing body for the early return of a driving licence shall originate not earlier than three months after an administrative penalty is imposed. If an offender applies to a case-reviewing body after expiry of this period, his/her driving licence shall be returned when one of the following conditions is met:

a) after an examination for obtaining a driving licence is passed according to the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia;

b) by the decision of the director of the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, after a fine of GEL 1 000 is paid.

5. Where so provided for in paragraph 5 of this article, after the expiry of the driving licence suspension period, the driving licence shall be returned to the person based on an examination by a medical institution that confirms that the person does not suffer from drug addiction.

6. If an offender voluntarily pays the damages after having committed the offence provided for in paragraph 7 of this article, provided the victim does not appeal the decision made in the administrative case, the body examining the case may replace the driving licence suspension with a fine of GEL 1 500.

7. If a person does not voluntarily pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code, the person shall be subject to a penalty for the offence provided for in this article of two times the amount of the fine, but not to exceed GEL 500.

8. (Deleted – 27.11.2013, No 1644).

9. For committing an offence provided for in paragraphs 41 and 9 of this article, also for driving a vehicle in a state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication as provided for in paragraph 5 of this article, a person shall be deprived of the right to carry arms for up to 3 years.

10. The state of alcoholic intoxication provided for in this article shall mean that the driver’s blood contains ethanol more than 0.3 per mile. If the state of alcoholic intoxication is detected by means of a test, the driver may apply, within two hours after the test, to a medical/expert institution to undergo a clinical-laboratory examination and/or to draw blood sample and determine ethanol content in it. If the medical institution does not have the means to determine ethanol content in blood, the blood samples drawn for determining ethanol content shall be sent to the relevant expert institution. In that case, the rules and time limits for drawing and storing a blood sample and for sending it to the relevant expert institution shall be defined by a joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia. Their order shall also define the list of medical/expert institutions that are authorised to conduct clinical-laboratory tests and/or to determine ethanol content in blood, also the list of those medical institutions that are only authorised to draw blood samples. If the clinical-laboratory examination does not detect a state of alcoholic examination of the driver, he/she shall be released from administrative liability. The driver may claim, according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia, the damages incurred by him/her.

11. If a driver of a transport vehicle is not a person who has reached the age determined by Article 13 of this Code when committing any offence under paragraphs 12 and 52 of this article, administrative liability shall be imposed on a legal representative of the driver of a transport vehicle.

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vo. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.7.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 4687 of 17 May 2011 – website, 1.6.2011

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 6442 of 12 June 2012 – website, 25.6.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 2649 of 1 August 2014 – website, 18.8.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 1161 - Driving a snowmobile/motor sledge in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication and/or avoiding the examination in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation of Georgia for the purposes of determining alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication when driving a snowmobile/motor sledge

1. Driving a snowmobile/motor sledge in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication and/or avoiding the examination in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation of Georgia for the purposes of determining alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication when driving a snowmobile/motor sledge -

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

2. The same offence committed repeatedly within one year shall carry a fine of GEL 200.


An authorised police officer shall be obliged not to let a person who is reasonably believed to be in a state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication drive a snowmobile and/or a moto sledge and shall present this person for examination to a duly authorised person designated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

2. An authorised police officer shall be obliged: not to let a person who is reasonably believed to be in a state of alcoholic intoxication drive a snowmobile and/or a motor sledge unless the offender disputes the fact of consuming alcohol and confirms this by signing a protocol, a police officer shall impose an administrative penalty on site, but if the offender does , the police officer shall examine him/her on site; if the examination confirms the fact that the driver of a snowmobile and/or a moto sledge has consumed alcohol, the police officer shall draw up a protocol of an administrative offence reflecting the consequences of alcoholic intoxication. If a driver of a snowmobile and/or a moto sledge dispute the fact of consuming alcohol or he/she cannot be identified on site, an authorised police officer shall be obliged to seize his/her snowmobile and/or a moto sledge until he/she is identified and/or the state of alcoholic intoxication is detected.

3. The state of alcoholic intoxication provided for in this article shall mean that the blood of the driver of a snowmobile and/or moto sledge contains ethanol more than 0.5 per mile. If the state of alcoholic intoxication is detected by means of a test, the driver of a snowmobile and/or a motor sledge may apply, within two hours after the test, to a medical/expert institution to undergo a clinical-laboratory examination and/or to draw blood sample and determine ethanol content in it. If the medical institution does not have the means to determine ethanol content in blood, the blood samples drawn for determining ethanol content shall be sent to the relevant expert institution. In that case, the rules and time limits for drawing and storing a blood sample and for sending it to the relevant expert institution shall be defined by a joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia. Their order shall also define the list of medical/expert institutions that are authorised to conduct clinical-laboratory tests and/or to determine ethanol content in blood, also the list of those medical institutions that are only authorised to draw blood samples. If the clinical-laboratory examination does not detect a state of alcoholic examination of a driver of a snowmobile and/or a motor sledge, he/she shall be released from administrative liability. The driver of the snowmobile and/or a motor sledge may claim, according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia, the damages incurred by him/her.

Law of Georgia No 4790 of 19 February 2016 – website 7.3.2016


Article 1162 - Violation of safety rules by a user of a ski run when using ski slopes and/or ski tracks covered with snow/ice

1. Violation of safety rules by a user of a ski run when using ski slopes and/or ski tracks covered with snow/ice-

shall entail the issuance of a written warning.

2. The same offence committed repeatedly on the same day shall carry a fine of GEL 20.


1. An authorised police officer shall serve a written warning upon a user of a ski run, who poses evident, direct and essential threat to his/her own life and/or the life and/or health of others when using a ski slope and/or a ski track covered with snow/ice. If an offender does not dispute his/her act on a ski slope and/or a ski track covered with snow/ice which contains a threat, he/she shall confirm it by signing a protocol drawn up by an authorised police officer. If an offender disputes his/her act on a ski slope and/or ski track covered with snow/ice which contains a threat, and/or if the offender refuses to sign the protocol of warning, an authorised police officer shall reflect this fact in the protocol drawn up by him/her.

2. If a user of a ski run commits the same offence on the same day repeatedly, an authorised police officer shall be obliged to impose an administrative penalty on him/her on site. If a user of a ski run cannot be identified on site, an authorised police officer shall be obliged to seize his/her means of using ski run temporarily until the user is identified,, and not to let him/her use the ski slope and/or ski track during a (the same) day and shall ensure his/her safe transfer.

Law of Georgia No 4790 of 19 February 2016 – website 7.3.2016


Article 1163 - Use of a ski slope and/or a ski track covered with snow/ice by a user of a ski run in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication and/or avoiding the examination in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation of Georgia for the purposes of determining alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication when using a ski slope and/or a ski track covered with snow/ice

1. The use of a ski slope and/or a ski track covered with snow/ice by a user of a ski run in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication and/or avoiding the examination in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation of Georgia for the purposes of determining alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication when using a ski slope and/or a ski track covered with snow/ice -

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

2. The same offence committed repeatedly within one year shall carry a fine of GEL 200.


1. An authorised police officer shall be obliged not to let a person who is reasonably believed to be in a state of narcotic or psychotropic intoxication use a ski run and shall present this person for examination to a duly authorised person designated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

2. An authorised police officer shall be obliged: not to let a person who is reasonably believed to be in a state of alcoholic intoxication use a ski run temporarily during a day (the same day) and to seize the means of using a ski run during a day (the same day) unless the offender disputes the fact of consuming alcohol and confirms this by signing a protocol, a police officer shall impose an administrative penalty on site, but if the offender does, the police officer shall examine him/her on site; if the examination confirms that the user of a ski run has consumed alcohol, the police officer shall draw up a protocol of an administrative offence reflecting the consequences of alcoholic intoxication. If a user of a ski run disputes the fact of consuming alcohol or he/she cannot be identified on site, an authorised police officer shall be obliged to seize his/her means of using a ski run until he/she is identified and/or the alcoholic intoxication is detected.

3. The state of alcoholic intoxication provided for in this article shall mean that the blood of the user of ski run contains ethanol more than 0.5 per mile. If the state of alcoholic intoxication is detected by means of a test, the user of a ski run may apply, within two hours after the test, to a medical/expert institution to undergo a clinical-laboratory examination and/or to draw blood sample and determine ethanol content in it. If the medical institution does not have the means to determine ethanol content in blood, the blood samples drawn for determining ethanol content shall be sent to the relevant expert institution. In that case, the rules and time limits for drawing and storing a blood sample and for sending it to the relevant expert institution shall be defined by a joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia. Their order shall also define the list of medical/expert institutions that are authorised to conduct clinical-laboratory tests and/or to determine ethanol content in blood, also the list of those medical institutions that are only authorised to draw blood samples. If the clinical-laboratory examination does not detect a state of alcoholic examination of the user of a ski run, he/she shall be released from administrative liability. The user of a ski run may claim, according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia, the damages incurred by him/her.

Law of Georgia No 4790 of 19 February 2016 – website 7.3.2016


Article 117 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.7.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Decision No 1/4/535 of 6 August 2013 of the Constitutional Court of Georgia – website, 13.8.2013

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013


Article 1171 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3


Article 1172 - (Deleted)

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.07.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3


Article 118 - Driving a vehicle that has not undergone a periodic technical inspection in accordance with the established procedure or letting another person drive/putting into operation/authorising the operation of such vehicle

1. Driving a vehicle that has not undergone a periodic technical inspection in accordance with the established procedure

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

2. Letting another person drive/putting into operation/authorising the operation of a vehicle that has not undergone a periodic technical inspection in accordance with the established procedure

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 for the natural person, and GEL 200 for the legal person and/or individual entrepreneur.


1. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed for voluntary payment by Article 290(1) of this Code, a penalty shall be imposed in the amount of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced with a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

2. If an authorised person of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence under this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by this article shall be paid in accordance with the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

3. Enforcement of the payment of the fine or replacement of the fine with the driving licence suspension shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

Ordinance No 1370 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 3 August 1987 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 8, August, 1987, Art. 207

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995–The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 1916 of 23 December 2017 – website, 28.12.2017


Article 1181 - Failure of the driver or a passenger of a moving vehicle to wear a seatbelt

Failure of the driver or a front seat passenger of a moving vehicle to wear a seatbelt –

shall carry a fine of GEL 40 for the driver of the vehicle.


1. The liability provided for in this article shall not be imposed on the driver of a vehicle the design of which does not provide for seatbelts.

2. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period for voluntary payment fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed of GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

3. Payment of the fine or replacement of the fine with a driving licence suspension shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

4. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence under this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

5. (Deleted – 30.6.2017, No 1194).

Law of Georgia No 1748 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 249

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 3772 of 28 October 2010 – LHG I, No 63, 10.11.2010, Art. 399

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 1182 – Use of a mobile communication device by a driver while driving a motor vehicle

Using a mobile communication device by the driver while driving a motor vehicle –

shall carry a fine of GEL 30.


1. The liability under this article shall not be imposed on a person acting in an exceptional case under the Law of Georgia on Traffic.

2. After expiry of the period provided for in Article 290(1) of this Code for the voluntary payment of a fine under this article, a person shall be charged with a surcharge of twice as much as the fine imposed but no more than GEL 500, and if a fine or a surcharge is not paid within the period under Article 290(11) of this Code, the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of a motor vehicle driving licence.

3. Enforcement of payment of a fine or replacement of a fine by the suspension of a motor vehicle driving licence shall not release a person from the obligation to pay a surcharge.

4. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence under this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

5. (Deleted – 30.6.2017, No 1194).

Law of Georgia No 1748 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 249

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 5851 of 11 March 2008 – LHG I, No 6, 25.3.2008, Art. 21

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1835 of 24 December 2013 – website, 3.1.2014

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 1183 - Failure of a driver and/or a passenger to wear a fastened motorcycle helmet while driving a moped or a motorcycle

Failure of a driver and/or a passenger to wear a fastened motorcycle helmet while driving a moped or a motorcycle –

shall carry a fine for a driver in the amount of GEL 100.


1. After expiry of the period provided for in Article 290(1) of this Code for the voluntary payment of a fine under this article, a person shall be charged with a surcharge of twice as much as the fine imposed but no more than GEL 500, and if a fine or a surcharge is not paid within the period under Article 290(11) of this Code, the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of a motor vehicle driving licence. In this case, the replacement of a fine by the suspension of a motor vehicle driving licence shall not be applied to a moped driver.

2. Enforcement of payment of a fine or replacement of a fine by the suspension of a motor vehicle driving licence shall not release a person from payment of a surcharge.

3. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence under this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

4. (Deleted – 30.6.2017, No 1194).

Law of Georgia No 1748 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 249

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1700 of 11 December 2013 – website, 25.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 119 - Violation of vehicle operation rules

1. Operation of a vehicle by a person who does not have in his/her immediate possession a driving licence (except for the driving licence issued by competent bodies of Georgia after 31 March 2006), transport vehicle registration documents (except for the transport vehicle registration document when the transport vehicle is owned by the driver), or a temporary driver licence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10.

2. Operation of a vehicle that has a malfunctioning brake system, steering mechanism or trailer linkage or malfunctioning headlights, rear clearance lights in the dark time of the day, or malfunctioning windscreen wipers during rain or snow, or if the air-tightness of the engine feeding system is compromised –

shall carry a fine of GEL 15.

3. Operation of a vehicle the emissions of which contain pollutants in excess of the established limit –

shall carry a fine of GEL 30.

4. Putting into service a malfunctioning transport vehicle provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article by a legal person and/or an individual entrepreneur that operates the transport vehicle –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100 for the legal person and/or the individual entrepreneur operating the transport vehicle.

5. Operation of a vehicle that has been altered without relevant authorisation (the fuel tank or the body has been altered, or a natural gas system has been installed, or the vehicle construction has been otherwise modified and does not meet traffic safety requirements and/or the manufacturer’s standards) –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

6. Operation of a vehicle by a person who does not hold a driving licence for the category/subcategory of the vehicle he/she is driving –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

7. Operation of a vehicle the windows of which have been dimmed or their transparency has been limited in violation of the rules laid down by the Minister of the Internal Affairs of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

71. Commission of the offence provided for in paragraph 7 of this article for a second time during one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

72. Commission of an offence provided for in paragraph 7 of this article for a third time and every subsequent commission during one year –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.

8. The offences provided for in this article that resulted in a minor damage to the transport vehicle, cargo, road, road or other structures, any other property or minor bodily harm to a person –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.


1. If the offender does not have in his/her immediate possession a driving licence or the transport vehicle registration documents in the case of the offences provided for in Articles 116, 117, 118, 1181, 1182, 119, 120, 121, 1211, 123, 125 and 1271 of this Code, he/she shall be deprived of the vehicle pending a hearing and the vehicle shall be carried to a special impound lot; the towing and storage expenses shall be paid by the offender; the vehicle shall be returned to its possessor (owner) after the vehicle registration certificate or the power of attorney has been presented. A vehicle may not be moved if it has such technical malfunction that it is prohibited to operate the vehicle.

2. (Deleted).

3. A vehicle referred to in this Code shall mean all types of automobiles, tractors and other self-propelled machines, trams and trolleybuses as well as motorcycles and other engine-driven motor vehicles (other than mopeds).

4. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the vehicle driving licence.

5. (Deleted – 2.5.2014, No 2375).

6. Payment of the fine or replacement of the fine by a driving licence suspension shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

7. The liability provided for in paragraph 7 of this article shall not apply to a person whose vehicle does not require approval of the Patrol Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia to have the windows dimmed.

8. (Deleted – 21.4.2017, No 712).

9. If the offence provided for in paragraph 71 of this article is committed, the driver shall be fined and also given a 3-day period to remedy the offence. No administrative liability shall be imposed on the driver within that period in the cases provided for in paragraphs 7-72 of this article.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.7.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 851 of 16 September 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 41, 8.10.1997, p. 35

Law of Georgia No 977 of 17 October 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 44, 11.11.1997, p. 79

Law of Georgia No 1443 of 12 June 1998 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 30.6.1998, p. 51

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 4687 of 17May 2011 – website, 1.6.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 6442 of 12 June 2012 – website, 25.6.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1700 of 11 December 2013 – website, 25.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017


Article 1191 - Littering or damaging a road surface

1. Carriage of construction or other material by a transport means that has a malfunctioning trunk or a trailer presenting a risk of littering or damaging a road surface –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.

2. The same act committed repeatedly –

shall carry a fine of GEL 900.

Law of Georgia No 3500 of 24 July 2006 – LHG I, No 35, 3.8.2006, Art. 256

Law of Georgia No 5564 of 24 June 2016 – website, 13.7.2016


Article 120 - Violation of the rules for mounting a special loud speaking, flashing or sound device or misuse of such device

1. Mounting a special flashing signal and/or sound signal and/or special loud-speaking device and/or using a specific colouring designated for rapid response or special service vehicles in violation of the procedure defined by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200, also the confiscation of the special flashing signal and sound signal and/or special loud speaking device.

11. Repeated commission of an offence provided for in paragraph 1 of this article during one year –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.

2. Misuse of the special device indicated in paragraph 1 of this article, or violation of the rules for giving an uninterrupted passage to a transport vehicle equipped with such device –

shall carry a fine of GEL 30.

3. Interruption of the movement of a vehicle which has a special signal turned on (except for an orange or yellow flaring special flashing signal), or which is escorting or is being escorted, except for an ambulance or a fire and rescue motor vehicle with appropriate identifying signs –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 100.

31. Interruption of the movement of an ambulance, a fire and rescue or a police motor vehicle with appropriate identifying signs, which has a special signal turned on, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.

4. An offence provided for in paragraphs 2, 3 and 31 of this article resulted in a minor damage to the vehicle, cargo, road, to a road or other structure, to any other property or to a human body, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 700.


1. A special flashing device shall be deemed to be unlawfully installed if it is placed in violation of the rules laid down by the legislation of Georgia on the transport vehicle or in its salon at the place visible for other road traffic participants (whether in a working condition or not).

2. A special loud speaking, flashing or sound device shall be deemed to be misused if its use is not related to the discharge of duties connected with the designation of the rapid response or special vehicle.

3. (Deleted – 21.4.2017, No 712).

31. (Deleted – 21.4.2017, No 712).

4. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

5. (Deleted – 2.5.2014, No 2375).

6. Payment of the fine or replacement of the fine with the suspension of the driving licence shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

7. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for any offence provided for in paragraphs 2, 3 and 31 of this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 313 of 27 June 1996 – The Parliament Gazette, No 19-20, 30.7.1996, p. 32

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1835 of 24 December 2013 – website, 3.1.2014

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 121 - Operation of a vehicle by a person who does not have a driving licence or whose driving licence is suspended for another offence, or lending a vehicle for driving to a minor or to a person who does not have a driving licence or whose driving licence is suspended for another offence

1. Operation of a transport vehicle by a person who does not have a driving licence or whose driving licence is suspended for another offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 for the person operating the vehicle.

2. Lending a vehicle for driving to a minor (other than the person that has a driving licence) or to a person who does not have a driving licence or whose driving licence is suspended for another offence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 700 for the possessor/owner of the vehicle.

3. The offence provided for in paragraph 1 and/or 2 of this article that has resulted in a minor damage to the vehicle, cargo, road, to a road or other structure, to any other property or a minor injury to a human being–

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 000.

4. Repeated commission of the offence provided for in this article during one year –

shall carry a fine of GEL 1 500 or an administrative detention for up to 15 days.


1. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

2. If the offence provided for in this article is committed by a person who does not hold a driving licence, he/she shall be allowed to take a driving licence test only after he/she has paid the fine imposed on him/her.

3. Payment of the fine or replacement of the fine by suspension of the driving licence shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

4. For committing the offence provided for in paragraph 4 of this article, the person shall be deprived of the right to carry arms for up to three years.

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Law of Georgia 30 January 1991 – The Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, No 1, January, 1991, Art. 38

Law of Georgia 10 August 1991 – The Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, No 8, August, 1991, Art. 600

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 1505 of 17 July 2009 – LHG I, No 21, 3.8.2009, Art. 116

Law of Georgia No 2456 of 25 December 2009 – LHG I, No 50, 31.12.2009, Art. 394

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 4687 of 17May 2011 – website, 1.6.2011

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014


Article 1211 – Unlawful use of a driving licence by a driver of a vehicle, violation of passenger carriage rules by a person under 18 who holds a driving licence or performance of work of this person as a driver under a labour contract or commission by this person of some administrative offences for a third time

1. Provision by a driver of a motor vehicle to a person authorised by the police of false information for the purpose of using somebody else’s driving permit (driving licence) or concurrent use by him/her of a driving licence lost earlier or damaged and of a driving licence issued as its replacement, or unlawful use of a revoked driving licence and/or provision by a person to the authorised body of false information on the loss, damage or destruction of a driving licence in order to obtain a replacement driving licence –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 150.

2. Carriage of passengers to gain income (profit) (including by a taxi) or working as a driver under a labour contract by a person under 18 who holds a Category B or Subcategory A1 or B1 driving licence –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

3. Commission for a third time of any of the offences provided for in Articles 118, 1181, 1182, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125 and 1271 of this Code by a person under 18 who holds a driving licence –

shall carry a 1-year suspension of the driving licence.


1. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

2. Enforcement of the payment of the fine or replacement of the fine by a driving licence suspension shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 5611 of 14 December 2007 – LHG I, No 47, 26.12.2007, Art. 411

Law of Georgia No 4687 of 17 May 2011 – website, 1.6.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 6442 of 12 June 2012 – website, 25.6.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1835 of 24 December 2013 – website, 3.1.2014

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017


Article 122 - Driving a vehicle without a state number plate or in violation of the vehicle registration rules

1. Knowingly driving a vehicle without a state number plate or with an otherwise changed state number plate or with a state number plate attached to the windscreen of the vehicle –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

2. Driving a vehicle not registered according to the established rule –

shall carry a fine of GEL 250.

3. Knowingly driving a vehicle with another state’s number plate or with a masked state number plate -

shall carry a fine of GEL 500.


1. If the offences provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this article are committed (except for driving a vehicle with a state number plate attached to the windscreen of the vehicle, unless there is a reasonable suspicion that the state number plate has been changed), the offender shall be deprived of the vehicle pending the hearing and the transport vehicle shall be carried to a special impound lot; the towing and storage expenses shall be borne by the offender. The vehicle shall be returned to its possessor (owner) after the vehicle registration certificate or the power of attorney has been presented.

2. If the offence provided for in paragraph 2 of this article is committed, an administrative offence report shall be prepared and the offender shall be given notice in the established form; the offender shall have the vehicle registered within the period indicated in the notice. If the vehicle is not registered, the operation of the vehicle shall be prohibited.

3. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall approve the form of the notice indicated in paragraph 2 of the Note of this article and the procedure for completing it.

4. (Deleted – 15.5.2012, No 6173).

5. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

6. Enforcement of the payment of the fine or replacement of the fine by a driving licence suspension shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

7. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence provided for in this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by a respective paragraph of this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

8. (Deleted – 30.6.2017, No 1194).

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Ordinance No 2156 of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Law of Georgia 30 January 1991 – The Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, No 1, January, 1991, Art. 38

Law of the Republic of Georgia of 28 June 1991 - The Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, No 6, June, 1991, Art. 450

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1443 of 12 June 1998 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 30.6.1998, p. 51

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 123 - Leaving the scene of a road accident or not complying with a police officer’s/traffic controller’s demand to stop the vehicle

1. Leaving of the scene of a road accident by a driver involved in the accident or relocation of the vehicle involved in the road accident from the scene except as provided for by law –

shall carry a fine of GEL 250.

2. Failure to comply with a request to stop a vehicle given by a police officer that ensures safety of the road traffic participants and supervises the observance of traffic regulations, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.

3. (Deleted – 21.4.2017, No 712).

4. Offences provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article that resulted in creation of an accident situation or interruption of traffic, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 500 or an administrative detention for up to 15 days or a 2-year suspension of a motor vehicle driving licence.


1. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11) the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

2. (Deleted – 2.5.2014, No 2375).

3. Payment of the fine or replacement of the fine with the driving licence suspension shall not release the person from the obligation to pay the penalty.

4. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence provided for in this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by a respective paragraph of this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

5. (Deleted – 30.6.2017, No 1194).

6. If circumstances extenuating administrative liability for the offence provided for in this article are discovered, the body examining the case may replace the driving licence suspension by a fine of GEL 500.

7. For the offence provided for in paragraph 4 of this article the person shall be deprived of the right to carry arms for three years.

Ordinance No 408 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 16 October 1985 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Annex of No 10, October, 1985, Art. 370

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 1505 of 17 July 2009 – LHG I, No 21, 3.08.2009, Art. 116

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 5018 of 1 July 2011 – website, 14.7.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1835 of 24 December 2013 – website, 3.1.2014

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 124 - (Deleted)

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3


Article 125 - Violation of traffic regulations by the driver of a vehicle

1. Exceeding by the driver of a vehicle of the established speed limit by more than 15 km/h but not more than 40km/h, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 50.

11. Exceeding by the driver of a vehicle of the established speed limit by more than 40 km/h, – shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 150.

2. Commission of an offence provided for in paragraph 1 or 11 of this article by a person who carries out a local city, inter-city, or international regular passenger transportation according to the international agreements and treaties of Georgia, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 300.

3. (Deleted – 2.5.2014, No 2375).

4. An offence provided for in paragraph 1 or 11 of this article that resulted in creation of an accident situation, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.

5. An offence provided for in paragraph 1 or 11 of this article that has resulted in a minor damage to the vehicle, cargo, road, to a road or other structure, to any other property or a human body, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 500.

51. Violation of the traffic regulations by a driver in relation to pedestrians under Article 25 of the Law of Georgia on Traffic, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 40.

52. Repeated commission of an offence under paragraph 51 of this article during one year, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 150.

6. Violation by a driver of a vehicle of the regulations for observing a road sign or a road marking, regulations for towing, for using an external lighting device, a sound signal or an emergency light signal, regulations for learner driving, driving in a residential area or on a road, violation of the rules for yielding the right of way to a fixed-route transport vehicle and/or rules for driving animal-drawn transport, or taking part in group riding of motorcycles or group driving of other vehicles that interrupts traffic or endangers traffic safety, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 20.

61. Blocking a road with vehicles in an organised way or taking part in a group driving in town or in another built-up area during which the roadway is fully occupied, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 500.

62. Violating the regulations for stopping, starting and/or manoeuvring vehicles on a roadway –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

63.Driving or riding in violation of the rules for attaching an identification mark to a vehicle –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50 for the driver or the company.

7. Failure to observe a traffic controller’s demand or non-compliance with prohibition traffic lights, with priority (GIVE WAY, Stop) or prohibition signs (NO ENTRY, NO TRAFFIC), violation of the rules for overtaking, crossing intersections or railway crossings, obstruction of a vehicle that has a right of way –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

71. Crossing of a continuous centre line dividing an oncoming traffic, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 50.

72. Repeated commission of an offence provided for in paragraph 71 of this article during one year, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 100.

73. Crossing of a continuous centre line dividing an oncoming traffic and moving in an opposite traffic direction, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 200.

8. Failure to observe the requirement of the NO STANDING and NO PARKING prohibition signs; and failure to observe any other requirement of standing and parking rules –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10.

9. Offences provided for in paragraph 8 of this article that have resulted in creation of an accident situation or interruption of the traffic in such a way as to cause traffic congestion, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

91. Offences provided for in paragraphs 51 and 52 of this article that have resulted in creation of an accident situation, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

92. Offences provided for in paragraphs 6-73 of this article that have resulted in creation of an accident situation or interruption of the traffic in such a way as to cause traffic congestion, –

shall carry a fine of GEL 200.

10. Offences provided for in paragraphs 6, 62 and 7-8 of this article that have resulted in a minor damage to the vehicle, cargo, road, to a road or other structure, to any other property or a human body, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 250.

11. Offences provided for in paragraphs 51 and 52 of this article that have resulted in a minor damage to a property or a human body, –

shall carry a fine in the amount of GEL 300.


1. Where an offence under paragraph 8 of this article committed, in particular where there is a failure to observe the requirement of NO STOPPING or NO STANDING prohibition sign, or to observe the requirements of Article 37 of the Law of Georgia on Traffic, and where an offence under Article 125(9-11) of this Code is committed, if an offender is away from his/her vehicle or refuses to remove the vehicle from the prohibited area, and the vehicle blocks the traffic, or creates an accident situation or a traffic jam, the vehicle shall be towed to the special protected impound lot. A vehicle shall be towed away from the validity area of NO STOPPING or NO STANDING prohibition sign to the special protected impound lot if the prohibition sign contains an indication of such towing. An appropriate self-government body or its authorised person shall ensure that information about the location of the towed vehicle is received without delay via the Hot Line and electronic text messaging. Costs of transportation of the vehicle and its storage at the special protected impound lot shall be imposed on the offender. The vehicle shall be returned to its possessor (owner) upon presentation of a document evidencing payment of costs of the vehicle transportation and its storage at the special protected impound lot, the vehicle registration certificate or the power of attorney, and the identity document.

2. (Deleted – 21.4.2017, No 712).

21. (Deleted – 12.6.2012, No 6442).

3. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period fixed by Article 290(1) of this Code for voluntary payment, a penalty of two times the fine for the offence provided for in this article shall be imposed, but not to exceed GEL 500, and if the person fails to pay the fine or the penalty within the period fixed by Article 290(11), the fine shall be replaced by a 6-month suspension of the driving licence.

4. (Deleted – 2.5.2014, No 2375).

41. If an owner of a transport vehicle is not identified in the case of an offence under paragraph 8 of this article, administrative liability shall be imposed on the owner of the transport vehicle. Furthermore, in the cases defined by this Code for the above offence, a respective person under Article 2901(1)(a, b) of this Code shall be considered as the owner of a transport vehicle.

42. If a person fails to pay the fine within the period defined by Article 290(1) of this Code after the relevant services of a local self-government body or a natural and/or a legal person authorised by them prepare a report for voluntary payment of the fine provided for in paragraph 8 of this article, a penalty of GEL 150 shall be imposed on the person. If the fine and the penalty are not paid within 30 days after the penalty is imposed, the fine and the penalty shall be enforced against the offending driver or the vehicle owner according to the procedure laid down by the legislation of Georgia.

5. Payment of the fine or replacement of the fine by a suspension of the driving licence shall not release the person from the penalty.

6. If an authorised person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia does not issue a penalty charge notice for an offence provided for in this article at the scene and this fact of offence is captured by a video camera and/or a photo camera, the fine defined by a respective paragraph of this article shall be paid according to the procedure established by Articles 2901 and 2902 of this Code.

7. (Deleted – 30.6.2017, No 1194).

8. For the purposes of paragraph 91 of this article, an accident situation shall be:

a) an abrupt manoeuvring by a driver of a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing;

b) at a green light signal on a pedestrian traffic light, an abrupt manoeuvring, beginning of movement or keeping on moving, or reversing by a driver of a vehicle;

c) creation by a driver of a vehicle of such a different situation that has resulted in interruption of traffic, and/or falling of a pedestrian or otherwise endangerment of his/her health but which has not caused a consequence under paragraph 11 of this article.

9. An action shall be considered to be an offence under paragraph 73 of this article if a vehicle moving in an opposite traffic direction completely crosses a continuous centre line dividing an oncoming traffic.

10. Exceeding of the established speed limit defined by paragraphs 1 and 11 of this article shall also be deemed the exceeding of the established speed limit on a distance between the automatic video technical means installed/placed on a road section, which is calculated by an automatic video technical means in automatic mode by dividing the distance passed between the automatic video technical means installed/placed on the road section by the time passed.

Ordinance No 2156 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR of 5 June 1989 – The Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, No 6, June, 1989, Art. 72

Decree of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia of 3 August 1992 – Collection of the Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, Vol. I, 1992, Art. 128

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 436 of 17 March 1994 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 16, March, 1994, Art. 308

Law of the Republic of Georgia No 771 of 29 June 1995 - The Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 27-30, April-July, 1994-1995, Art. 649

Law of Georgia No 696 of 13 May 1997 – The Parliament Gazette, No 23-24, 7.6.1997, p. 3

Law of Georgia No 1753 of 23 June 2005 – LHG I, No 38, 15.7.2005, Art. 251

Law of Georgia No 2962 of 28 April 2006 – LHG I, No 15, 16.5.2006, Art. 110

Law of Georgia No 4707 of 8 May 2007 – LHG I, No 18, 22.5.2007, Art. 137

Law of Georgia No 5027 of 22 June 2007 – LHG I, No 25, 5.7.2007, Art. 225

Law of Georgia No 5851 of 11 March 2008 – LHG I, No 6, 25.3.2008, Art. 21

Law of Georgia No 956 of 30 December 2008 – LHG I, No 41, 30.12.2008, Art. 330

Law of Georgia No 1505 of 17 July 2009 – LHG I, No 21, 3.8.2009, Art. 116

Law of Georgia No 1812 of 20 October 2009 – LHG I, No 30, 2.11.2009, Art. 187

Law of Georgia No 3280 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 38, 16.7.2010, Art. 227

Law of Georgia No 4684 of 17 May 2011 – website, 18.5.2011

Law of Georgia No 4708 of 20 May 2011 – website, 3.6.2011

Law of Georgia No 6173 of 15 May 2012 – website, 18.5.2012

Law of Georgia No 6442 of 12 June 2012 – website, 25.6.2012

Law of Georgia No 1644 of 27 November 2013 – website, 13.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1884 of 26 December 2013 – website, 30.12.2013

Law of Georgia No 1835 of 24 December 2013 – website, 3.1.2014

Law of Georgia No 2375 of 2 May 2014 – website, 16.5.2014

Law of Georgia No 3675 of 29 May 2015 – website, 4.6.2015

Law of Georgia No 712 of 21 April 2017 – website, 10.5.2017

Law of Georgia No 1160 of 29 June 2017 – website, 29.6.2017

Law of Georgia No 1194 of 30 June 2017 – website, 14.7.2017


Article 1251 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2070 of 9 June 1999 – LHG I, No 24(31), 26.6.1999, Art. 109

Law of Georgia No 956 of 30 September 2008 – LHG I, No 41, 30.12.2008, Art. 330


Article 1252 - Violation of vehicle parking regulations in the territory of the capital city

1. Parking motor vehicle at a parking place in the territory of the capital city without paying the motor vehicle parking fee established by a self-governing unit –

shall carry a fine of GEL 10, furthermore, the relevant body of the local self-government or a person authorised by it shall transport the motor transport that has been parked at a parking place in the territory of the capital city for more than 12 hours to a special impound lot, if the