ყოფილი სსრკ-ის მიერ XX საუკუნის 40-იან წლებში საქართველოს სსრ-იდან იძულებით გადასახლებულ პირთა რეპატრიაციის შესახებ სახელმწიფო სტრატეგიის დამტკიცების შესახებ

ყოფილი სსრკ-ის მიერ XX საუკუნის 40-იან წლებში საქართველოს სსრ-იდან იძულებით გადასახლებულ პირთა რეპატრიაციის შესახებ სახელმწიფო სტრატეგიის დამტკიცების შესახებ
დოკუმენტის ნომერი 1671
დოკუმენტის მიმღები საქართველოს მთავრობა
მიღების თარიღი 12/09/2014
დოკუმენტის ტიპი საქართველოს მთავრობის განკარგულება
გამოქვეყნების წყარო, თარიღი ვებგვერდი, 23/09/2014
სარეგისტრაციო კოდი 000000000.00.003.017641
ვებგვერდი, 23/09/2014
ყოფილი სსრკ-ის მიერ XX საუკუნის 40-იან წლებში საქართველოს სსრ-იდან იძულებით გადასახლებულ პირთა რეპატრიაციის შესახებ სახელმწიფო სტრატეგიის დამტკიცების შესახებ
საქართველოს მთავრობა

Government of Georgia

Decree No 1671

12 September 2014



On Approval of the State Strategy on the Repatriation of Persons

Internally Displaced by the Former USSR from the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Georgia in the 1940s of the 20th Century


In order to facilitate the dignified return and integration into society of returnees, the attached State Strategy on the Repatriation of Persons Internally Displaced by the USSR from the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Georgia in the 1940s of the 20th Century shall be approved.



Prime Minister                                                                     Irakli Gharibashvili



State Strategy on the Repatriation of Persons Internally Displaced by the Former USSR from

the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Georgia in the 1940s of the 20th Century


I. Preamble

The State Strategy on the Repatriation of Persons Internally Displaced by the former USSR from the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Georgia in the 1940s of the 20th Century (‘the Strategy’) has been developed under the Law of Georgia on Repatriation of Persons Internally Displaced by the Former USSR from the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Georgia in the 1940s of the 20th Century (‘the Law’) and under other relevant subordinate normative acts.

The Strategy is based on the Constitution of Georgia, the legislation of Georgia and international obligations undertaken by Georgia.        

The Strategy is intended to facilitate the dignified and voluntary return of returnees and to ensure civil integration of the returning population.

The Strategy is based on fundamental principles, such as equality of all citizens of Georgia, non-discrimination, and facilitation of civil integration.

The Strategy shall apply to the group of individuals who have acquired returnee status under the Law and to individuals who have acquired Georgian citizenship under the same Law and under Ordinance No 87 of 30 March 2010 of the Government of Georgia on a Simplified Procedure for Acquisition of Georgian Citizenship by Individuals Having Returnee Status (‘a returnee’).

The implementation of the Strategy shall be coordinated by the Ministry for Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia, and by the Inter-agency Governmental Council for the Repatriation of Persons Internally Displaced by the Former USSR from the Soviet Socialistic Republic of Georgia in the 1940s of the 20th Century, which was specially established under Ordinance No 111 of 1 March 2011 of the Government of Georgia to coordinate the activity of state agencies and institutions involved in the repatriation process.


II. Basic Areas of the Strategy

The Strategy defines the state vision and objectives in two basic areas: a dignified return of returnees and facilitation of their integration into society.


III. Dignified Return of Returnees

The dignified return of returnees shall be based on maximum awareness of the returnees and their adaption to a new regulatory environment.

In order to accomplish this goal, the following tasks shall be performed:

1. Needs assessment of returnees; it is recommended to obtain updated information on returnee needs to efficiently plan the repatriation process.

2. Identification of resources available in the regions; this will allow returnees to properly assess the resources available in the regions of Georgia.

3. Awareness of returnees; providing information to returnees on legal or everyday issues in a language they understand.

4. Facilitation of the dignified return of returnees; drafting appropriate normative acts to ensure that the returnees, when crossing the state border of Georgia, can bring in personal belongings and agricultural equipment under special terms.


IV. Facilitating the Integration of Returnees

The following tasks shall be performed to implement the returnee integration policy:

1. Raising of returnee awareness of legal issues

In order to ensure rapid adaption of returnees to a new regulatory environment, it is important to raise their awareness regarding the basic legislative acts in force in Georgia; this will allow returnees to effectively exercise their rights and freedoms and will also facilitate the provision of information to returnees about their rights and obligations in the State.

2. Facilitating the preservation of cultural identity of returnees

Preservation of cultural identity of returnees and sharing the traditions of multiculturalism of Georgian society is important for Georgia. It is recommended to develop and initiate appropriate cultural programmes.

3. Facilitating access to education for returnees and teaching of the official language

For the purpose of full civil integration, it is necessary that returnees know the official language. It will allow them to actively participate in political, economic and social life of the country. It is also necessary to organise Georgian language teaching programmes for returnees and their access to all related educational resources available in the State.

4. Access to media and information

In order to facilitate integration, it is important that information is provided to returnees in a language they understand. It is also important to raise public awareness about the repatriation process.

5. Social and economic integration

The Government of Georgia attaches great importance to ensuring equal and full participation of all individuals residing in Georgia in the country’s socio-economic life. The State shall promote maximum involvement of returnees in all State-developed programmes.


V. Strategy Implementation Mechanism

The authorities of the country shall develop an action plan that shall be based on this Strategy. The action plan shall define detailed and specific mechanisms, actions and procedures to implement the goals and objectives laid down in the Strategy. The plan will be carried out with the financial support of donor organisations.