On Fire Safety

Consolidated versions (08/06/2016 - 23/03/2017)

Law of Georgia

on Fire Safety


This Law establishes legal, economic and social grounds for ensuring fire safety, and regulates the relationship of state and local self-government and government bodies with natural and legal persons.


Chapter I -

General Provisions


Article 1 - Terms used in the Law

Definition of terms used in this Law:

a) fire safety - the protection of the life and health of natural persons and of private and state property from fire;

b) fire - an uncontrolled process of combustion that causes material loss, endangers human life and health, and damages public and state interests;

c) fire safety requirements - special conditions of a social and/or technical character established by the legislation of Georgia in order to ensure fire safety;

d) infringement of fire safety requirements – the non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of fire safety requirements;

e) fire safety arrangements - the procedure defining the behaviour of citizens, and the organisation of the production and maintenance and care of premises (territory) which ensure fire suppression and the prevention of the infringement of fire safety requirements;

f) fire safety measures - actions carried out to ensure fire safety, including the fulfilment of fire safety requirements;

g) firefighting service - a set of firefighting formations (forces, means) created according to the established procedure in order to prevent and extinguish fire and carry out immediate emergency-rescue operations related to fire;

h) immediate emergency-rescue operations related to fire suppression - the fighting operations of a firefighting service directed at rescuing the life and and protecting the health of natural persons and private and state property, and providing first medical assistance to victims;

i) firefighting-technical products – special technical, scientific-technical and intellectual products intended to ensure fire safety, including fire-fighting machinery, devices and equipment, fire extinguishing and fire retardant substances, means of special communications and management, computer software and databases, as well as other means for the prevention and suppression of fire;

j) firefighting service garrison - a set of firefighting service units and other firefighting formations stationed in a specified area, regardless of their departmental subordination and form of ownership;

k) enterprise - an enterprise, institution or organisation, regardless of its organisational and legal form, which manufactures products, conducts activities and provides services independently or in an organised way;

l) facilities under state fire supervision - educational and childcare institutions, medical institutions, and concert and spectator facilities.

Law of Georgia No 1777 of 24 June 2005 - LHG I, No 40, 18. 7. 2005, Art. 266


Article 2 - Legislation of Georgia on fire safety

The legislation of Georgia on fire safety shall be based on the Constitution of Georgia and consists of this Law and other normative acts.


Article 3 - Fire safety system

1. The fire safety system is a combination of forces and means directed at fighting fire, as well as a set of measures of a legal, organisational, economic, social, scientific and technical character.

2. The main subjects of the fire safety system shall be:

a) state authorities;

b) local self-government and government bodies;

c) natural and legal persons involved in the provision of fire safety under the legislation of Georgia.

3. The main functions of the fire safety system shall be:

a) the legal regulation and implementation of state measures in the field of fire safety;

b) the creation of fire-fighting services and the organisation of their activities;

c) the development and implementation of fire safety measures;

d) the realisation of the rights and duties of the subjects of the system in the field of fire safety;

e) the creation of firefighting propaganda and the training of the population in fire safety rules;

f) the promotion of the activities of volunteer firefighters and firefig­hti­ng services, and the mobilisation of the population in order to ensur­e fire safety;

g) the provision of scientific and technical support for fire safety;

h) the provision of informational support for fire safety;

i) the exercise of state fire supervision in order to ensure fire safety;

j) the manufacturing of firefighting products;

k) the performance of works in the field of fire safety, the provision of services, the certification of products and services ('Certification');

l) the implementation of social and economic stimulation measures for ensuring fire safety;

m) the suppression of fire and the performance of immediate emergency-rescue operations related to it ('the Suppression of Fire');

n) the record-keeping of fires and their consequences.

Law of Georgia No 2027 of 28 May 1999 - LHG I, No 20(27), 9.6.1999, Art. 94

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Chapter II -

Firefighting Services


Article 4 - Types and main tasks of firefighting services

1. Firefighting services shall be divided into the following types:

a) the State Firefighting Service;

b) the firefigh­ting services of local self-government and government bodies;

c) the forest fire service;

d) departmental firefighting services;

e) voluntary firefighting services;

f) associations of firefighting services.

2. The main tasks of firefighting services in the field of fire safety shall be:

a) the organisation of the prevention of fire;

b) the suppression of fire.

3. Firefighting services shall participate in measures aimed at suppressing and preventing mass riots only if their intervention is necessary for suppressing fire.


Article 5 - The State Firefighting Service

1. The State Firefighting Service is a structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
 Its status shall be defined by the statute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

2. The State Firefighting Service shall:

a) develop the main directions of state policy in the field of fire safety according to the established procedure and supervise their implementation;

b) develop legal acts regulating state fire supervision and submit them for approval to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia;

c) coordinate the activities of different firefighting services;

d) organise and carry out state fire supervision in Georgia;

e) develop, according to the established procedure, the acts necessary for ensuring fire safety and regulating the manufacturing and use of firefighting products;

f) develop and implement a single scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

g) conduct training, retraining and advanced training for the staff of firefighting services;

h) organise the activities of different fierefighting services in the case of difficult [to contain] and large fires;

i) carry out the inspection of firefighting services and provide them with methodological assistance;

j) establish the grounds for organising the firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies in the area of fire prevention and firefighting and define the powers of such firefighting services;

k) (deleted);

l) draft standards, norms, rules and other normative acts that contain fire safety requirements;

m) draft, according to the established procedure, normative acts necessary for ensuring fire safety and regulating the manufacturing and use of firefighting products;

n) organise the creation of a unified state statistical system in the country for keeping record of fires and their consequences and of immediate emergency-rescue (technical) operations;

o) monitor the compliance with the procedures of service and the organisation and implementation of the suppression of fire in the firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies, and monitor the improvement of tactical and professional training.

3. The structure and powers of the State Firefighting Service shall be defined by the Minister of the Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.51

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 Article 6 - Firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies

1. Local government bodies shall, and, where necessary, local self-government bodies may, create firefighting services in order to ensure fire safety and fire supervision over the administrative and territorial units of Georgia.

2. ₾ The Firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies shall:

a) organise and exercise fire supervision and fire suppression within the boundaries of the relevant administrative-territorial unit;

b) participate in the suppression of fire in the territory of Georgia and in planned fire and tactical drills;

c) ensure, on a contractual basis, the organisation of the prevention and suppression of fires at the facilities of the national economy , as well as the performance of other works and the provision of services in the field of fire safety.

3. In the case of fires and natural calamities, the involvement of the forces and means of the firefighting services of different administrative and territorial units of local government and self-government bodies shall be carried out according to a schedule developed by the State Firefighting Service or directly by order of the head or deputy head of the State Firefighting Service.

4. Any misuse of firefighting machinery and firefighting equipment shall be prohibited.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.51


Article 7 - Forest fire service

A forest fire service shall be created within the system of the State Department of Forestry of Georgia and it shall be guided in its activities by relevant legislation.


Article 8 - Departmental firefighting services

1. Executive authorities and enterprises may create units of departmental firefigh­ting services in order to ensure fire safety.

2. The procedure for the organisation, reorganisation and liquidation of the units of a departmental firefighting service, and the conditions for the implementation of their activities and the fulfilment of duties by their personnel, shall be established by relevant regulations in agreement with the firefighting services of the state and local self­-government and government bodies.

3. The monitoring of the provision of fire safety on air, sea, river, road and railway transport, and on floating maritime equipment and structures during their operation, shall be carried out by the relevant body of the executive authority.


Article 9 - Voluntary firefighting services

1. Voluntary firefighting services shall participate, on a voluntary basis, in the prevention of the origination of fire spots in localities, enterprises or other places, and in the organisation of the suppression of fires.

2. Volunteer firefighters shall be citizens who voluntarily (without entering into a labour contract) directly take part in fire prevention and/or suppression activities.

3. The procedure for registering volunteer firefighters and creating units (brigades) shall be established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

4. Volunteer firefighters shall be provided with social safeguards established by the executive authorities of Georgia and local self-government and government bodies, and by enterprises registering volunteer firefighters.

5. Volunteer firefighters shall carry out their activities in accordance with the duty roster established by local self-government and government bodies and agreed with the firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.51


Article 10 - Associations of firefighting services

Associations of firefighting services (public associations, unions, fire safety foundations, etc.) shall be created in accordance with the legis­lation of Georgia, in order to fulfil the tasks set in the area of fire safety, and to protect the rights and legal interests of the personnel of firefighting services. Such associations unions shall carry out their activities on the basis of a charter.


Article 11 - State fire supervision

1. State fire supervision is a special type of state supervisory activity, which shall be implemented by State Firefighting Service officials and officials of the firefighting service units of local self-government and government bodies, in order to ensure compliance with fire safety requirements and to monitor and eliminate violations.

2. The head of the State Firefighting Service shall be the Chief State Inspector of the Fire Supervision of Georgia.

3. The list of personnel positions of the firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies, as well as their rights and obligations in exercising state fire supervision, shall be established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

4. During the implementation of state fire supervision, the officials of the State Firefighting Service and of the firefighting service units of local self-government and government bodies may:

a) develop, in accordance with the established procedure, regulatory acts necessary for ensuring fire safety and for manufacturing and using firefighting products;

b) carry out state fire supervision over the compliance with fire safety requirements in public authorities and local self-government and government bodies, as well as in facilities under state fire supervision;

c) make proposals to the executive authorities and local self-government and government bodies on the fulfilment of fire safety measures;

d) conduct fire safety examination and inspection of facilities under state fire supervision in order to monitor the compliance with fire safety requirements and to eliminate violations;

e) in the manner established by the legislation of Georgia, enter into facilities that are under state fire supervision if there exists therein non-compliance with fire safety requirements that creates the risk of fire and/or endangers human safety;

f) participate in the work of a commission selecting construction sites and of a commission accepting completed (reconstructed) facilities into service;

g) in the case of justified deviation from fire safety requirements, or in the absence of such requirements, consider and approve design specifications and estimates of construction, capital repairs, re-construction, expansion or technical retrofitting of a facility under state fire supervision, as well as city planning design specifications and estimates in relation thereto;

h) conduct, in the context of conformity with fire safety requirements, random inspections of design specifications and estimates of a facility under state fire supervision in those enterprises that carry out design and design estimate works;

i) issue binding instructions to public authorities and local self-government and government bodies and facilities under state fire supervision in order to eliminate violations of fire safety rules;

j) fully or partially suspend the operations of a facility under state fire supervision if they identify violations of fire safety requirements or their non-fulfilment, which violations create a risk of fire and/or endanger human safety;

k) summon to the relevant firefighting service units the managers of enterprises and natural persons in connection with fire-related cases conducted by the firefighting service units, and receive from them necessary explanations, reports, documents and their copies;

l) impose, in accordance with the procedure established by legislation, administrative penalties for the violation of fire safety requirements, including for the failure to fulfil or to fulfil in a timely manner the instructions and orders of the officials of a firefighting service.

5. In exercising fire supervision, the officials of the firefighting services of state and local self-government and government bodies shall also enjoy the rights established by this article in relation to facilities owned by foreign legal persons.

6. Forest fire supervision shall be carried out by the bodies of the State Department of Forestry of Georgia, and in the case of underground facilities and at the time of an explosion at hazardous works, by the bodies of the State Inspection for Technical Supervision of Georgia.

7. The regulation of state fire supervision and other powers of a firefighting service on the facilities of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia and the Special State Protection Service of Georgia, or on board a sea-, river-, or aircraft, as well as on railway and road transport, shall be conducted on the basis of an agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and relevant governmental institutions.

8. During the implementation of state fire supervision, the instructions and orders of the managing officials of the State Firefighting Service and of the units of firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies shall be binding on their subordinates.

9. State fire supervision may not be conducted in facilities that, according to this Law, are not facilities under state fire supervision.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.51

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Article 12 - Firefighting service personnel

1. Citizens of Georgia shall be employed in the State Firefighting Service in the manner established by the legislation for employing persons at internal affairs bodies.

2. Service rules for the personnel of the firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies shall be established by the relevant local self-government and government bodies in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. At the time of performing their service duties they shall wear a standard uniform, with which they shall be provided free of charge, within the scope of the relevant standards.

3. (Deleted).

4. (Deleted).

5. The personnel of firefighting services may, in order to defend professional, social, and other legal rights and interests, join or voluntarily enter into relations with firefighting service trade-unions and associations.

6. Employees of firefighting services shall wear the uniforms established through the relevant procedure.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art. 51


Article 13 - Social and legal safeguards of firefighting service personnel

1. The social and legal safeguards and benefits of the personnel of firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies shall be established by the local self-government and government bodies.


3. The public authorities and local self-govern­ment and government bodies of Georgia may establish for firefighting service personnel social and legal safeguards other than those provided for by this Law.

4. The legal and social safeguards and benefits established by the legislation for employees of enterprises with harmful and/or dangerous labour conditions shall apply to firefighting service personnel protecting such enterprises from fire.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.51


Article 14 - Mandatory insurance and compensation of damage in the case of death or injury (mutilation) of the employees and workers of the firefighting services of state and local self-government and government bodies

1. The life and health of the employees of the firefighting services of state and local self-government and government bodies shall be subject to mandatory insurance.

2. The mandatory insurance of State Firefighting Service employees shall be provided through the state budget.

3. The mandatory insurance of firefighting service employees of local self-government and government bodies shall be provided through the funds envisaged by the budget­ allocated for the maintenance of the firefigh­ting services of the relevant local self-government and government bodies and through the funds of those enterprises in which firefighting service units have been created.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.51


Article 15 - Financial and logistical support in the field of fire safety

1. Financial support in the field of fire safety, including according to state targeted programmes, shall be planned and implemented by public authorities and local self-government and government bodies from relevant budgets, within the scope of their authority.

2. (Deleted).

3. The financing and logistical support of the firefight­ing service units of local self-government and government bodies shall be carried out through the local budget.

4. The firefight­ing units created on a contractual basis at enterprises shall function at the expense of the funds of the enterprises.

5. The logistical support of departmental and voluntary firefighting services shall be carried out by their owners.

6. (Deleted).

Law of Georgia No 895 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19.1.2005, Art.44

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Article 16 - Property of firefighting services

1. Firefighting services shall have movable and immovable property, which is necessary to perform the tasks assigned to them.

2. The intended purpose of the property of firefighting services may not be changed without agreement with the relevant executive agency and the firefighting services of state and local self-government and government bodies.

3. Public authorities and local self-government and government bodies, as well as enterprises in which firefighting service units are created, shall, in a mandatory manner, allocate for their firefighting services buildings equipped with means of communication, structures, service premises and other necessary property in accordance with established standards.


Article 17 - Representation

Any representation in matters related to fire safety shall be carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia at international foundations, committees, associations, and other organisations.

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Chapter III -

Rights and Obligations of Public Authorities and Local Self-Government and Government Bodies in the Field of Fire Safety


Article 18 - Rights and obligations of public authorities in the field of fire safety

1. The following shall fall within the powers of public authorities in the field of fire safety within the scope of authority defined by legislation:

a) the development and implementation of state policy, the adoption of normative acts and the monitoring of their fulfilment;

b) the development of targeted programmes, and the organisation and financing of their implementation;

c) the organisation of the development and approval of state standards, norms, rules and other normative acts;

d) the planning of a central budget and its implementation for fire safety, including the maintenance of firefighting services;

e) (deleted);

f) the organisation of state fire supervision;

g) the establishment of general principles for ensuring fire safety and the implementation of social and economic incentives for ensuring fire safety, the production and purchase of firefighting products, and the involvement of the population in fire-fighting;

h) (deleted);

i) the provision of firefighting services with necessary firefighting products;

j) the compilation of a list of enterprises, including those financed from the central budget, where it is necessary to create firefighting services;

k) the organisation of scientific and technical development, and the coordination of main scientific research and processing;

l) the determination of the nomenclature of firefighting products and their production volume for state needs, and the approval of the rules for their provision;

m) the creation of the state informational support system, as well as systems for keeping statistical records of fires and their consequences;

n) the determination of general principles for the organisation of civil defence firefighting formations and mobilisation tasks at firefighting service units;

o) the organisation of personnel training, retraining and advanced training for firefighting services;

p) the implementation of social and legal protection measures with respect to firefighting service personnel and their family members;

q) the promotion of the creation and functioning of fire safety foundations;

r) the establishment of insignia and uniforms for employees of firefighting services.

2. Public authorities shall, within their authority:

a) ensure the implementation of fire safety measures at enterprises under their supervision and in relevant territories;

b) create and maintain, according to the established norms, firefighting service units financed from the expenses of relevant budgets;

c) render necessary assistance to firefighting services in order for them to fulfil the set objectives;

d) create conditions for involving the population in fire prevention and suppression activities;

e) organise firefighting propaganda and train the population in firefighting safety rules;

f) finance scientific and technical works in the field of fire safety.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19. 1. 2005 Art. 51


Article 19 - Rights and obligations of local self-government and government bodies in the field of fire safety

1. The following shall fall within the rights and obligations of local self-government and government bodies in the field of fire safety:

a) the implementation of fire safety measures and the organisation of their fulfilment;

b) participation in the implementation of state and local targeted programmes;

c) the inclusion of funds for fire safety in local budgets, including for the maintenance of firefighting services;

d) the promotion of the creation and functioning of fire safety foundations;

e) the provision of economic and social incentives for fire safety, within the scope of their authority;

f) training the population in fire safety rules and involving them in fire prevention and suppression activities;

g) the promotion of the activities of firefighting services and volunteer firefighters;

h) the organisation of public control to ensure fire safety;

i) the creation, reorganisation and liquidation of firefighting service units financed from the local budget.

2. Local self-government and government bodies, within the scope of their authority, shall, in the relevant territories:

a) ensure compliance with fire safety rules;

b) receive firefighting service property in the case of the refusal of the property owner to maintain such property and use it for its intended purpose;

c) create and maintain, according to the established standards, firefighting service units financed from the expenses of local budgets;

d) organise the training of the population in fire safety rules;

e) support the activities of volunteer firefighters.


Chapter IV -

Ensuring Fire safety


Article 20 - Development and implementation of fire safety measures

1. Fire safety measures shall be developed in accordance with the legisl­ation of Georgia and normative acts adopted on fire safety, and on the basis of experience in firefighting and the evaluation of the fire hazards posed by substances, materials, technological processes, products, constructions, buildings and structures.

2. Manufacturers (suppliers) of substances, materials, products and equipment shall include in the relevant technical documentation the fire-hazard indicators of these materials, products and equipment, as well as the necessary fire safety requirements for handling them.

3. Measures for evacuating people in the case of fire shall be envisaged during the development, implementation and design of fire safety measures for enterprises, buildings, structures and other facilities.

4. It shall be mandatory to develop fire suppression plans for enterprises and such plans shall provide solutions to ensure human safety.

5. The development and implementation of the fire safety measures of autonomous republics, cities and regions shall be carried out by executive authori­ties, and relevant local self-government and government bodies.

6. With respect to fire safety requirements, investment projects developed in accordance with the decisions of state authorities shall be agreed with the bodies of the State Firefighting Service.

7. Normative acts adopted by executive authorities with respect to standardisation, which establish or are to establish fire safety requirements, shall be agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19. 1. 2005 Art. 51


Article 21 - Suppression of fire

1. The suppression of fire is an action that is conducted in order to save human lives, and protect health and private and state property, and extinguish the fire.

2. The procedure for the organisation of the suppression of fire at firefighting service garrisons shall be established by the firefighting services of state and local self-government and government bodies and shall be approved by relevant executive authorities and local self-government and government bodies.

3. Firefighting service forces and equipment shall be called where there is an emergency and for the liquidation of its consequences in the manner established by the legislation of Georgia.

4. A single number shall be established in the telephone networks of cities and localities for calling firefighting service units.

5. The chief operating officer of a firefighting service of a local self-government or government body, being the fire suppression manager who is present at the site of a fire, shall directly lead the suppression of the fire (unless the legislation of Georgia provides otherwise); he/she shall manage, under the principle of unity of command, the personnel of the firefighting services participating in the process of the suppression of the fire and other forces involved in the suppression of the fire.

6. The instructions of the fire suppression manager shall be binding on all officials and citizens in the territory where a fire-fighting operation is being carried out.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19. 1. 2005 Art. 51


Article 22 - Production of firefighting products

1. Firefighting products shall be produced according to a state order, in the manner established by legislation.

2. The State shall regulate and support the production of firefighting products.

3. The placement of a state order for and the distribution of firefighting products shall be carried out on the basis of targeted programmes in the field of fire safety.

4. The organisation of the placement of a state order shall be carried out in accordance with legislation.


Article 23 - Performance of works and provision of services in the field of fire safety

1. The works and services in the field of fire safety shall be performed for the implementation of fire safety requirements, and for the prevention and suppression of fire.

2. Works and services in the field of fire safety shall include:

a) the protection of enterprises and settlements from fire on a contractual basis;

b) the development of measures for ensuring fire safety, and the provision of scientific and technical consultations on fire safety issues;

c) the expert examination of organisational and technical solutions adopted for ensuring fire safety;

d) the testing of substances, materials, products, equipment and constructions in terms of their compliance with fire safety requirements;

e) the implementation of departmental control over the provision of fire safety;

f) the production, testing, procurement and provision of firefighting products;

g) the installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of fire fighting equipment and systems;

h) the organisation of the activities of the firefighting services of localities, ministries, agencies and enterprises;

i) the performance of design and survey works;

j) the implementation of firefighting propaganda, and the issuance of special literature and promotional products;

k) the performance of fire-protection and furnace works;

l) the repair of firefighting machinery, equipment and primary means of fire suppre­ssion;

m) the construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings, structures and premises of firefighting service units;

n) training in fire safety rules;

o) other fire safety works and services, the list of which shall be drawn up by a firefighting service department.


Article 24 - Firefighting propaganda, training in fire safety rules and informational support in the field of fire safety

1. Firefighting propaganda is the provision of information to the public on fire safety issues through mass media, publications, special literature and promotional products, and through thematic exhibitions, shows, conferences and other forms permitted by the legislation of Georgia for informing the public.

2. Firefighting propaganda shall be carried out by executive authorities and local self-government and government bodies, and by firefighting services and enterprises.

3. The training of the employees of an enterprise in fire safety rules shall be conducted by the administration of the enterprise concerned according to fire safety rules applicable in Georgia.

4. Mandatory training in fire safety rules for children, or for pupils of pre-school childcare and educational institutions, shall be carried out by relevant agencies under the programmes agreed with the State Firefighting Service.

[4. Mandatory training in fire safety rules for children, for pupils of early learning and preschool childcare and educational institutions shall be carried out by relevant agencies under the programmes agreed upon with the State Firefighting Service. (Shall become effective from 1 April 2017)]

5. Bodies in the education system and the bodies of firefighting services may create volunteer fire squads from teenagers.

6. Informational support in the field of fire safety shall be carried out through the creation and use of a data bank of those fire safety special information systems ('the Information Systems') that are necessary for the performance of the set objectives.

7. The grounds and procedure for entering fire safety information in the Information Systems, as well as the conditions and procedure for the use of this information by citizens and officials, shall be established by legislation.

8. The mass media shall, at the request of firefighting services, publish the latest information on fire safety issues.

9. Public authorities and local self-government and government bodies shall inform the population about any decisions made for ensuring fire safety and support the dissemination of technical knowledge relating to fire .

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19. 1. 2005 Art. 51

Law of Georgia No 5373 of 8 June 2016 – website, 24.6.2016


Article 25 - Keeping records of fires and their consequences

1. A unified state system for keeping records of fires and their consequences is operating in Georgia.

2. Official statistical record-keeping and state statistical reporting on fires and their consequences shall be carried out by the firefighting services of public authorities and of local self-government and government bodies.

3. The procedure for keeping records of fires and their consequences shall be established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia and other interested executive agencies.

4. Compliance with the established procedure for keeping records of fires and their consequences shall be binding on public authorities and on local self-government and government bodies, and on natural and legal persons who carry out business activities.

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Article 26 - Fire insurance

Fire insurance shall be voluntary and shall be carried out according to the Civil Code of Georgia and the Law of Georgia on Insurance.

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Article 27 - Scientific and technical support for fire safety

1. (Deleted).

2. Scientific and technical works in the field of fire safety shall be financed from central and local budgets and other sources of finance, in the manner established by legislation.

3. The coordination of scientific research in the field of fire safety shall be carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

4. Executive authorities and enterprises shall organise the conduct of necessary scientific and technical works during the creation of new technologies and production in the field of fire safety in order to support the legitimate interests of individuals, of the public and the State.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19. 1. 2005 Art. 51


Article 28 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2027 of 28 May 1999 - LHG I, No 20(27), 9.6.1999, Art. 94


Article 29 - (Deleted)

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Chapter V -

Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities in the Field of Fire Safety


Article 30 - Rights and obligations of citizens in the field of fire safety

1. Citizens may:

a) in the case of fire, protect their life, health and property;

b) receive compensation, in the manner established by legislation, for damage incurred as a result of fire;

c) take part in establishing the causes of a fire that has damaged their health and property;

d) receive information on fire safety issues, including from firefighting service units;

e) take part in ensuring fire safety, including the activities of voluntary firefighting services.

2. Citizens shall:

a) comply with fire safety requirements;

b) (deleted);

c) immediately inform firefighting services in the case of fire;

d) take measures, to the extent possible, for protecting human life, health, and private and state property, and for suppressing fire before the arrival of firefighting service units;

e) assist firefighting service units in the suppression of fire;

f) (deleted);

g) (deleted).

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Article 31 - Rights and obligations of enterprises and facilities under state fire supervision in the field of fire safety

1. Enterprises may:

a) create, in the established manner, units of firefighting services of local self-government and government bodies financed by them (contractual) or units of departmental firefighting services, and carry out their reorganisation and liquidation;

b) make proposals to the executive authorities and to local self-government and government bodies in relation to the provision of fire safety;

c) carry out works to determine the circumstances and causes of fires that have occurred in enterprises;

d) establish social and economic incentive measures to ensure fire safety;

e) receive information, in the established manner, on fire safety issues from firefighting service units.

2. Enterprises shall:

a) comply with fire safety requirements;

b) (deleted);

c) organise firefighting propaganda and provide employees with fire safety training;

d) enter fire safety issues in collective contracts (agreements);

e) maintain firefighting equipment and systems in operating condition , including the primary means of suppressing fire, and prevent their misuse;

f) (deleted);

g) support firefighting services in the suppression of fire, and in the establishment of the causes and conditions of its spread and break-out, as well as in the identification of individuals responsible for the violation of fire safety requirements and the break- out of fire;

h) allocate necessary forces and means during the suppression of fire in their territory;

i) (deleted);

j) (deleted);

k) immediately inform firefighting services about the break-out of a fire, the malfunctioning of fire-protection systems and equipment and changes in roads and exits;

l) support the activities of volunteer firefighters.

3. The rights and obligations provided for by this article with respect to enterprises shall apply to facilities under state fire supervision. In addition, the administration of facilities that are under state fire supervision shall:

a) ensure the entry of officials of firefighting services, in order for them to perform their official duties, to the territories, buildings, constructions and other premises of a facility under state fire supervision;

b) in cases provided for by legislation, present data and documents, at the request of the officials of firefighting services, on the fire safety status of a facility under state fire supervision, including information on fires that have occurred in their territory and their consequences.

Law of Georgia No 953 of 29 December 2004 - LHG I, No 6, 19. 1. 2005 Art. 51

Law of Georgia No 1777 of 24 June 2005 - LHG I, No 40, 18. 7. 2005 Art. 266


Article 32 - Liability for the infringement of fire safety requirements

Liability for the infringement of fire safety requirements shall be defined under the legislation of Georgia.


Chapter VI -

Transitional Provisions


Article 33 - Normative acts to be adopted in connection with this Law

In order to make this Law fully operational, the following normative acts shall be adopted within one year after its entry into force.

a) (deleted);

b) the Law of Georgia on Amendments to the Tax Code of Georgia;

c) the Law of Georgia on Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Customs Duties;

d) the Regulations on the Organisation of State Fire Supervision in Georgia;

e) the charter of a firefighting service organisation;

f) the fire suppression field manual;

g) Regulations on State Statistical Record-keeping of Fires and their Consequences in Georgia;

h) Regulations on Volunteer Firefighting Squads.

Law of Georgia No 1777 of 24 June 2005 - LHG I, No 40, 18. 7. 2005 Art. 266


Chapter VII -

Final Provision


Article 34 - Entry into force

This Law shall enter into force upon promulgation.



President of Georgia                                                                                                                                Eduard Shevardnadze


12 May 1998

No 1377 - II


J gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb


Yfcnjzobq Pfrjy ecnfyfdkbdftn ghfdjdst= 'rjyjvbxtcrbt b cjwbfkmyst jcyjds j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= htuekbhetn d 'njq catht jnyjitybz jhufyjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb= jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz c abpbxtcrbvb b .hblbxtcrbvb kbwfvb\


Ukfdf ^\

J , obt gjkj ; tybz


Cnfnmz 1\ Nthvbys = bcgjkmpjdfyyst d Pfrjyt

Hfp]zcytybt nthvbyjd= bcgjkmpjdfyys[ d Pfrjyt|

f) gj ; fhyfz , tpjgfcyjcnm - pfobnf pljhjdmz b ;bpyb abpbxtcrb[ kbw= f nfr;t xfcnyjuj b ujcelfhcndtyyjuj bveotcndf jn gj;fhjd+

,) gj ; fh - ytrjynhjkbhetvsq ghjwtcc ujhtybz= rjnjhsq dktxtn vfnthbfkmysq eoth,= cjplftn jgfcyjcnm pljhjdm. b ;bpyb k.ltq= ghbxbyztn dhtl bynthtcfv j,otcndf b ujcelfhcndf+

d) nht , jdfybz gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb - cgtwbfkmyst eckjdbz cjwbfkmyjuj b(bkb) nt[ybxtcrjuj [fhfrnthf= ecnfyjdktyyst pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb d wtkz[ j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

u) yfheitybt nht , jdfybq gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb - ytdsgjkytybt bkb ytyflkt;fott dsgjkytybt nht,jdfybq gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) ghjnbdjgj ; fhysq ht ; bv - ghfdbkf gjdtltybz uhf;lfy= gjhzljr jhufybpfwbb ghjbpdjlcndf b cjlth;fybz gjvtotybq (nthhbnjhbq)= j,tcgtxbdf.obt ghtctxtybt yfheitybq nht,jdfybq gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb b neitybt gj;fhjd+

t) vths gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb - ltqcndbz gj j,tcgtxtyb. gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= d njv xbckt gj dsgjkytyb. nht,jdfybq gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

;) ghjnbdjgj ; fhyfz cke ;, f - cjdjregyjcnm cjplfyys[ d ecnfyjdktyyjv gjhzlrt ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ ajhvbhjdfybq (cbk= chtlcnd) d wtkz[ ghtleght;ltybz b neitybz gj;fhjd= ghjdtltybz cdzpfyys[ c 'nbv gthdjjxthtlys[ fdfhbqyj-cgfcfntkmys[ hf,jn+

p) gthdjjxthtlyst fdfhbqyj - cgfcfntkmyst hf , jns = cdzpfyyst c neitybtv gj ; fhjd - ,jtdst ltqcndbz ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s= yfghfdktyyst yf cgfctybt pljhjdmz b ;bpyb abpbxtcrb[ kbw= xfcnyjuj b ujcelfhcndtyyjuj bveotcndf b jrfpfybt gthdjq vtlbwbycrjq gjvjob gjcnhflfdibv+

b) gj ; fhyj - nt [ ybxtcrfz ghjlerwbz - cgtwbfkmyfz nt[ybxtcrfz= yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrfz b byntkktrnefkmyfz ghjlerwbz= ghtlyfpyfxtyyfz lkz j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= d njv xbckt gj;fhyfz nt[ybrf= j,jheljdfybt b cyfhz;tybt= juytneifobt b juytpfobnyst dtotcndf= chtlcndf cgtwbfkmyjq cdzpb b eghfdktybz= ghjuhfvvs lkz dsxbckbntkmys[ vfiby b ,fps lfyys[= f nfr;t byst chtlcndf ghtleght;ltybz b neitybz gj;fhjd+

r) ufhybpjy ghjnbdjgj ; fhyjq cke ;, s - cjdjregyjcnm lbckjwbhjdfyys[ yf jghtltktyyjq nthhbnjhbb gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s b bys[ ghtlyfpyfxtyys[ lkz neitybz gj;fhjd ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ ajhvbhjdfybq ytpfdbcbvj jn b[ dtljvcndtyyjq ghbyflkt;yjcnb b ajhvs cj,cndtyyjcnb+

k) ghtlghbznbt - ghtlghbznbt= exht;ltybt bkb jhufybpfwbz ytpfdbcbvj jn b[ jhufybpfwbjyyj-ghfdjdjq ajhvs= ult cfvjcnjzntkmyj bkb jhufybpjdfyyj jceotcndkz.ncz cjplfybt ghjlerwbb= ltzntkmyjcnm= jrfpfybt eckeu\

м) объект, подлежащий государственному противопожарному надзору, - образовательное и воспитательное учреждение, медицинское учреждение, здания и сооружения концертного и зрительного назначения.(24.06.2005 N1777)


Cnfnmz 2\ Pfrjyjlfntkmcndj Uhepbb j gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

Pfrjyjlfntkmcndj Uhepbb j gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jcyjdsdftncz yf Rjycnbnewbb Uhepbb b cjcnjbn bp yfcnjzotuj Pfrjyf b bys[ yjhvfnbdys[ frnjd\


Cnfnmz 3\ Cbcntvf j , tcgtxtybz gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ Cbcntvf j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb - cjdjregyjcnm cbk b chtlcnd= f nfr;t vthjghbznbq ghfdjdjuj= jhufybpfwbjyyjuj= 'rjyjvbxtcrjuj= cjwbfkmyjuj b yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrjuj [fhfrnthf= yfghfdktyys[ yf ,jhm,e c gj;fhfvb\

2\ Jcyjdysvb ce,]trnfvb cbcntvs j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb zdkz.ncz|

f) jhufys ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb+

,) jhufys vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz+

d) abpbxtcrbt b .hblbxtcrbt kbwf= ghbybvf.obt exfcnbt d j,tcgtxtybb gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb d cjjndtncndbb c pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb\

3\ Jcyjdyst aeyrwbb cbcntvs j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb|

f) ghfdjdjt htuekbhjdfybt b jceotcndktybt ujcelfhcndtyys[ vth d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

,) cjplfybt ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s b jhufybpfwbz t/ ltzntkmyjcnb+

d) hfphf,jnrf b jceotcndktybt vth gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

u) htfkbpfwbz ghfd b j,zpfyyjcntq ce,]trnjd cbcntvs d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz ghjgfufylf b j,extybt yfctktybz ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

t) cjltqcndbt ltzntkmyjcnb lj,hjdjkmys[ gj;fhys[ b ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s= vj,bkbpfwbz yfctktybz d wtkz[ j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

;) yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrjt j,tcgtxtybt gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

p) byajhvfwbjyyjt j,tcgtxtybt d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

b) jceotcndktybt ujcelfhcndtyyjuj ghjnbdjgj;fhyjuj yflpjhf d wtkz[ j,tcgtxtybz vth gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

r) ghjbpdjlcndj gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbb+

k) dsgjkytybt hf,jn= jrfpfybt eckeu= cthnbabrfwbz ghjlerwbb b eckeu (lfktt - cthnbabrfwbz)d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+(28.05.1999 N2027, ddtcnb d ltqcndbt c 1 b.kz 1999 ujlf)

v) осуществление мероприятий по социальному и экономическому стимулированию обеспечения пожарной безопасности; (24.06.2005 N1777)

y) neitybt gj;fhjd b ghjdtltybt cdzpfyys[ c ybvb gthdjjxthtlys[ fdfhbqyj-cgfcfntkmys[ hf,jn (lfktt - neitybt gj;fhjd)+

j) extn gj;fhjd b b[ gjcktlcndbq\


Ukfdf ^^\

Ghjnbdjgj ; fhyst cke ;, s


Cnfnmz 4\ Dbls b jcyjdyst pflfxb ghjnbdjgj ; fhyjq cke ;, s

1\ Ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz cke;,f gjlhfpltkztncz yf cktle.obt dbls|

f) ujcelfhcndtyyfz ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz cke;,f+

,) ghjnbdjgj;fhyst cke;,s jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz+

d) cke;,f j[hfys ktcjd jn gj;fhjd+

u) dtljvcndtyyfz ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz cke;,f+

l) lj,hjdjkmyfz ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz cke;,f+

t) j,]tlbytybz ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\

2\ Jcyjdysvb pflfxfvb ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb zdkz.ncz|

f) jhufybpfwbz ghtleght;ltybz gj;fhjd+

,) neitybt gj;fhjd\

3\ D vthjghbznbz[ gj ghtctxtyb. b ghtleght;ltyb. vfccjds[ ,tcgjhzlrjd ghjnbdjgj;fhyst cke;,s exfcnde.n njkmrj d ckexft ytj,[jlbvjcnb b[ dvtifntkmcndf lkz neitybz jxfuf gj;fhf\


Cnfnmz 5\ Ujcelfhcndtyyfz ghjnbdjgj ; fhyfz cke ;, f (29.12.2004 N953)

1\ Государственная противопожарная служба является структурным подразделением Министерства внутренних дел Грузии. Ее статус определяется Положением о Министерстве внутренних дел Грузии.

2. Государственная противопожарная служба:

а) в соответствии с установленным порядком разрабатывает основные направления государственной политики в сфере пожарной безопасности и ведет надзор за их осуществлением;

б) разрабатывает правовые акты, регламентирующие осуществление государственного противопожарного надзора, и представляет Министру внутренних дел Грузии на утверждение;

в) координирует различного рода деятельность противопожарной службы;

г) организует и осуществляет в Грузии государственный противопожарный надзор;

д) в соответствии с установленным порядком разрабатывает акты, необходимые для обеспечения пожарной безопасности и регламентирующие производство и использование пожарно-технической продукции;

е) разрабатывает и осуществляет единую научно-техническую политику в сфере пожарной безопасности;

ж) осуществляет подготовку, переподготовку и повышение квалификации кадров противопожарных служб;

з) организует в случае сложных и больших пожаров различного рода деятельность противопожарных служб;

и) осуществляет инспектирование противопожарных служб и оказывает им методическую помощь;

к) устанавливает полномочия и основы организации противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления в деле пресечения пожаров и борьбы с ними;

л) (24.06.2005 N1777)

м) разрабатывает проекты стандартов, норм и правил, иных нормативных актов, содержащих требования пожарной безопасности;

н) в установленном порядке разрабатывает проекты нормативных актов, необходимых для обеспечения пожарной безопасности и регламентирующих производство и использование пожарно-технической продукции;

о) организует создание единой государственной статистической системы учета пожаров и их последствий в стране, а также первоочередных аварийно-спасательных (технических) работ;

п) контролирует выполнение порядка организации и осуществления службы и тушения пожаров, полноценность тактической и профессиональной подготовки в противопожарных службах органов местного самоуправления и управления.

3. Структуру и полномочия Государственной противопожарной службы определяет Министр внутренних дел Грузии.".



Cnfnmz 6\ Ghjnbdjgj ; fhyst cke ;, s jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz (29.12.2004 N953)

1\ В целях пожарной безопасности административно-территориальных единиц Грузии и обеспечения противопожарного надзора органы местного управления создают, а органы местного самоуправления в случае необходимости могут создавать противопожарные службы.

2. Противопожарные службы органов местного самоуправления и управления:

а) организуют и осуществляют противопожарный надзор, тушение пожаров в пределах административно-территориальной единицы;

б) обязаны участвовать в ликвидации пожаров на территории Грузии и запланированных пожарно-тактических учениях;

в) обеспечивают на договорной основе на объектах национального хозяйства организацию предотвращения и тушения пожаров, выполнение иных работ и оказание услуг в сфере пожарной безопасности.

3. В случае пожара и стихийного бедствия включение сил и средств противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления различных административно-территориальных единиц осуществляется по расписанию, разработанному Государственной противопожарной службой, или непосредственно по распоряжению ее начальника или заместителя.

4. Запрещается использование пожарной техники и пожарно-технического вооружения не по назначению.


Cnfnmz 7\ Cke ;, f j [ hfys ktcjd jn gj ; fhjd

Cke;,f j[hfys ktcjd jn gj;fhjd cjplftncz d cbcntvt Ujcelfhcndtyyjuj ltgfhnfvtynf ktcyjuj [jpzqcndf Uhepbb b d cdjtq ltzntkmyjcnb herjdjlcndetncz cjjndtncnde.obv pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv\


Cnfnmz 8\ Dtljvcndtyyfz ghjnbdjgj ; fhyfz cke ;, f

1\ Jhufys bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb= ghtlghbznbz d wtkz[ gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb dghfdt cjplfdfnm dtljvcndtyyst gjlhfpltktybz ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\

2\ Gjhzljr jhufybpfwbb= htjhufybpfwbb b kbrdblfwbb dtljvcndtyys[ gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s= jceotcndktybt b[ ltzntkmyjcnb b eckjdbz bcgjkytybz j,zpfyyjcntq kbxysv cjcnfdjv ecnfyfdkbdf.ncz cjjndtncnde.obvb gjkj;tybzvb= gj cjukfcjdfyb. c ujcelfhcndtyyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,jq b ghjnbdjgj;fhysvb cke;,fvb jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz\

3\ Rjynhjkm pf j,tcgtxtybtv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb ghb 'rcgkefnfwbb djpleiyjuj= vjhcrjuj (htxyjuj)= fdnjvj,bkmyjuj b ;tktpyjljhj;yjuj nhfycgjhnf= f nfr;t vjhcrb[ gkfdexb[ chtlcnd b cjjhe;tybq jceotcndkztncz cjjndtncnde.obv jhufyjv bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb\


Cnfnmz 9\ Lj , hjdjkmyfz ghjnbdjgj ; fhyfz cke ;, f

1\ Lj,hjdjkmyfz ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz cke;,f yf j,otcndtyys[ yfxfkf[ exfcndetn d jhufybpfwbb ghtleght;ltybz jxfujd gj;fhf= f nfr;t neitybz gj;fhjd d yfctktyys[ geyrnf[= yf ghtlghbznbz[ b d lheub[ vtcnf[\

2\ Lj,hjdjkmysq gj;fhysq - uhf;lfyby= ytgjchtlcndtyyj exfcnde.obq yf lj,hjdjkmyjq jcyjdt (,tp pfrk.xtybz nheljdjuj ljujdjhf) d ltzntkmyjcnb gj ghtleght;ltyb. b(bkb) neityb. gj;fhjd\

3\ Порядок регистрации добровольных пожарных и создания подразделений (отрядов) устанавливает Министерство внутренних дел Грузии.(29.12.2004 N953)

4\ Lj,hjdjkmysv gj;fhysv ghtljcnfdkz.ncz cjwbfkmyst ufhfynbb= ecnfyfdkbdftvst jhufyfvb bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb Uhepbb b jhufyfvb vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz= f nfr;t pfhtubcnhbhjdfdibvb b[ ghtlghbznbzvb\

5\ Добровольные пожарные ведут деятельность в соответствии с графиком дежурств, установленным органами местного самоуправления и управления и согласованным с противопожарными службами органов местного самоуправления и управления. (29.12.2004 N953)


Cnfnmz 10\ J ,] tlbytybz ghjnbdjgj ; fhyjq cke ;, s

J,]tlbytybz ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s (j,otcndtyyst j,]tlbytybz= cj.ps= fccjwbfwbb= ajyls gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb b n\ l\) cjplf.ncz d cjjndtncndbb c pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb d wtkz[ htitybz yfvtxtyys[ pflfx d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= pfobns ghfd b pfrjyys[ bynthtcjd kbxyjuj cjcnfdf ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\ Erfpfyyst j,]tlbytybz jceotcndkz.n cdj. ltzntkmyjcnm yf jcyjdfybb ecnfdf\


Cnfnmz 11\ Ujcelfhcndtyysq ghjnbdjgj ; fhysq yflpjh

1\ Государственный противопожарный надзор - специальный вид государственной надзорной деятельности, который осуществляется должностными лицами Государственной противопожарной службы и подразделений противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления в целях соблюдения требований пожарной безопасности, контроля и пресечения нарушений. (29.12.2004 N953)

2. Руководитель Государственной противопожарной службы является главным государственным инспектором противопожарного надзора Грузии. (29.12.2004 N953)

3. Перечень должностей личного состава противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления, его права и обязанности в сфере осуществления государственного противопожарного надзора устанавливает Министерство внутренних дел Грузии. (29.12.2004 N953)

4. Должностные лица Государственной противопожарной службы и подразделений противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления при осуществлении государственного противопожарного надзора имеют право: (29.12.2004 N953)

а) в установленном порядке разрабатывать акты, необходимые для обеспечения пожарной безопасности и регламентирующие производство и использование пожарно-технической продукции;

б) осуществлять государственный противопожарный надзор за выполнением требований пожарной безопасности в органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления и управления, на объектах, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору; (24.06.2005 N1777)

в) вносить предложения в связи с выполнением мер пожарной безопасности в органы исполнительной власти, местного самоуправления и управления;

г) в целях контроля за выполнением требований пожарной безопасности и пресечения нарушений проводить пожарно-технические исследования и проверки на объектах, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору; (24.06.2005 N1777)

д) в порядке, установленном законодательством Грузии, входить в объекты, подлежащие государственному противопожарному надзору, если существуют факты нарушения требований пожарной безопасности, создающие опасность возникновения пожара или(и) угрозу безопасности человека; (24.06.2005 N1777)

е) участвовать в работе комиссии по подбору строительных площадок, а также комиссии по приему оконченных (реконструированных) объектов;

ж) рассматривать и согласовывать проектно-сметную документацию строительства, капитального ремонта, реконструкции, расширения, технического перевооружения объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору, и градостроительства; (24.06.2005 N1777)

з) проводить в пределах соответствия пожарной безопасности выборочную проверку проектной и проектно-сметной документации объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору, которые выполняют проектные и проектно-сметные работы; (24.06.2005 N1777)

и) давать в отношении органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления и управления, объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору, обязательные для исполнения предписания по устранению нарушений правил пожарной безопасности; (24.06.2005 N1777)

к) приостанавливать полностью или частично эксплуатацию объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору, при выявлении нарушений или невыполнении требований пожарной безопасности, создающих опасность возникновения пожара или(и) угрозу безопасности людей; (24.06.2005 N1777)

л) вызывать в подразделения противопожарной службы руководителей предприятий, а также физических лиц по находящимся в их производстве делам и материалам, касающимся пожаров, получать от них необходимые объяснения, справки, документы и их копии;

м) налагать административное взыскание за нарушение требований пожарной безопасности, в том числе за невыполнение или несвоевременное выполнение указаний и постановлений должностных лиц противопожарной службы в порядке, установленном законодательством.

5\ Ljk;yjcnyst kbwf ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s ujcelfhcndtyys[ jhufyjd b jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz ghb jceotcndktybb ghjnbdjgj;fhyjuj yflpjhf yf j,]trnf[= yf[jlzob[cz dj dkfltybb byjcnhfyys[ .hblbxtcrb[ kbw= nfr;t gjkmpe.ncz ghfdfvb= ecnfyjdktyysvb yfcnjzotq cnfnmtq\

6\ Ghjnbdjgj;fhysq yflpjh d ktcf[ jceotcndkztncz jhufyfvb Ujcelfhcndtyyjuj ltgfhnfvtynf ktcyjuj [jpzqcndf Uhepbb= f yf gjlptvys[ j,]trnf[ b ghb dtltybb dphsdys[ hf,jn - jhufyfvb Ujcelfhcndtyyjq bycgtrwbb nt[ybxtcrjuj yflpjhf Uhepbb\

7\ Регламентирование государственного противопожарного надзора и иных полномочий противопожарной службы на объектах Министерства обороны Грузии и Специальной службы государственной охраны, морских, речных, воздушных судах, железнодорожном и автомобильном транспорте осуществляется на основании согласования между Министерством внутренних дел Грузии и соответствующими правительственными учреждениями. (29.12.2004 N953)

8. При осуществлении государственного противопожарного надзора указания и распоряжения руководящих должностных лиц Государственной противопожарной службы и подразделений противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления обязательны для исполнения их подчиненными. (29.12.2004 N953)

 9. Запрещается осуществление государственного противопожарного надзора на объектах, не являющихся по настоящему Закону объектами, подлежащими государственному противопожарному надзору. (24.06.2005 N1777)


Cnfnmz 12\ Kbxysq cjcnfd ghjnbdjgj ; fhys [ cke ;,

1\ D ujcelfhcndtyye. ghjnbdjgj;fhye. cke;,e uhf;lfyt Uhepbb ghbybvf.ncz d ecnfyjdktyyjv pfrjyjv gjhzlrt lkz ghbyznbz yf cke;,e d jhufys dyenhtyyb[ ltk\

2\ Порядок прохождения службы личным составом противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления устанавливается органом соответствующего местногосамоуправления и управления по согласованию с Министерством внутренних дел Грузии. При исполнении служебных обязанностей они пользуются одеждой установленной формы, которая им выдается бесплатно, в пределах нормы. (29.12.2004 N953)

3\ (29.12.2004 N953)

4\ (29.12.2004 N953)

5\ Kbxysq cjcnfd ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, d wtkz[ pfobns ghjatccbjyfkmys[ b bys[ pfrjyys[ ghfd b bynthtcjd vj;tn d cjjndtncndbb c pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv j,]tlbyznmcz bkb lj,hjdjkmyj dcnegfnm d ghjatccbjyfkmyst cj.ps= fccjwbfwbb b j,]tlbytybz ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\

6\ Cjnhelybrb ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, d cjjndtncnde.otv gjhzlrt yjczn jlt;le ecnfyjdktyyjq ajhvs\


Cnfnmz 13\ Ufhfynbb ghfdjdjq b cjwbfkmyjq pfobns kbxyjuj cjcnfdf ghjnbdjgj ; fhys [ cke ;,

1\ Правовые гарантии и льготы, а также гарантии и льготы по социальной защите личного состава противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления устанавливают органы местного самоуправления и управления. (29.12.2004 N953)

2\ (29.12.2004 N953)

3\ Jhufys ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb Uhepbb b jhufys vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz dghfdt ecnfyfdkbdfnm b byst yt ghtlecvjnhtyyst yfcnjzobv Pfrjyjv ufhfynbb ghfdjdjq b cjwbfkmyjq pfobns lkz kbxyjuj cjcnfdf ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\

4\ Yf kbxysq cjcnfd ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,= rjnjhsq j[hfyztn jn gj;fhjd ghtlghbznbz= bvt.obt dhtlyst b jgfcyst eckjdbz nhelf= hfcghjcnhfyz.ncz ecnfyjdktyyst pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv lkz hf,jnybrjd erfpfyys[ ghtlghbznbq ufhfynbb ghfdjdjq b cjwbfkmyjq pfobns b kmujns\


Cnfnmz 14\ J , zpfntkmyjt cnhf [ jdfybt b djpvtotybt eoth , f d ckexft ub , tkb ( cvthnb ) cjnhelybrjd b hf , jnybrjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq ghjnbdjgj ; fhyjq cke ;, s b ghjnbdjgj ; fhys [ cke ;, jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz bkb gjkextybz bvb gjdht ; ltybz ( edtxmz )

1\ Pljhjdmt b ;bpym cjnhelybrjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s b ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz gjlkt;fn j,zpfntkmyjve cnhf[jdfyb.\

2\ Обязательное страхование сотрудников Государственной противопожарной службы осуществляется за счет государственного бюджета. (29.12.2004 N953)

3\ J,zpfntkmyjt cnhf[jdfybt cjnhelybrjd ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz jceotcndkztncz pf cxtn chtlcnd= ghtlecvjnhtyys[ cvtnjq hfc[jljd yf cjlth;fybt ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz= f nfr;t pf cxtn chtlcnd ghtlghbznbq= yf rjnjhs[ cjplfys gjlhfpltktybz ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,\


Cnfnmz 15\ Abyfycjdjt b vfnthbfkmyj - nt [ ybxtcrjt j , tcgtxtybt d catht gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ Abyfycjdjt j,tcgtxtybt d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= d njv xbckt gj ujcelfhcndtyysv wtktdsv ghjuhfvvfv= gkfybhetncz b jceotcndkztncz jhufyfvb ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb b jhufyfvb vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz d ghtltkf[ b[ rjvgtntywbb bp cjjndtncnde.ob[ ,.l;tnjd\

2\ (29.12.2004 N953)

3\ Abyfycbhjdfybt b vfnthbfkmyj-nt[ybxtcrjt j,tcgtxtybt gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, jhufyjd cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz jceotcndkz.ncz pf cxtn vtcnys[ ,.l;tnjd\

4\ Gjlhfpltktybz ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,= cjplfyyst yf jcyjdt ljujdjhjd c ghtlghbznbzvb= aeyrwbjybhe.n pf cxtn chtlcnd ghtlghbznbq\

5\ Vfnthbfkmyj-nt[ybxtcrjt j,tcgtxtybt dtljvcndtyys[ b lj,hjdjkmys[ ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, jceotcndkztncz b[ cj,cndtyybrfvb\

6\ (29.12.2004N895)


Cnfnmz 16\ Bveotcndj ghjnbdjgj ; fhys [ cke ;,

1\ Ghjnbdjgj;fhyst cke;,s bvt.n ldb;bvjt b ytldb;bvjt bveotcndj= ytj,[jlbvjt lkz dsgjkytybz djpkj;tyys[ yf ghjnbdjgj;fhyst cke;,s pflfx\

2\ Wtktdjt yfpyfxtybt bveotcndf ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, yt vj;tn ,snm bpvtytyj ,tp cjukfcjdfybz c ujcelfhcndtyyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,jq b ghjnbdjgj;fhysvb cke;,fvb jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz b cjjndtncnde.obv jhufyjv bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb\

3\ Jhufys ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb b jhufys vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz= f nfr;t ghtlghbznbz= yf rjnjhs[ cjplf.ncz gjlhfpltktybz ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,= d j,zpfntkmyjv gjhzlrt ghtljcnfdkz.n ghjnbdjgj;fhysv cke;,fv plfybz= cjjhe;tybz= cke;t,yst gjvtotybz= j,tcgtxtyyst chtlcndfvb cdzpb= b lheujt ytj,[jlbvjt bveotcndj d cjjndtncndbb c ecnfyjdktyysvb yjhvfvb\


Cnfnmz 17\ Ghtlcnfdbntkmcndj (29.12.2004 N953)

Представительство, связанное с вопросами пожарной безопасности, в международных фондах, комитетах, объединениях и иных организациях осуществляет Министерство внутренних дел Грузии.


Ukfdf ^^^\

Ghfdf b j , zpfyyjcnb jhufyjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq

dkfcnb b jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b

eghfdktybz d catht gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb


Cnfnmz 18\ Ghfdf b j , zpfyyjcnb jhufyjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb d catht gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ D catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb r ghfdjvjxbzv jhufyjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb d ghtltkf[ rjvgtntywbb= jghtltktyyjq pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv= jnyjczncz|

f) hfphf,jnrf b jceotcndktybt ujcelfhcndtyyjq gjkbnbrb= ghbyznbt yjhvfnbdys[ frnjd b rjynhjkm pf b[ bcgjkytybtv+

,) hfphf,jnrf= jhufybpfwbz dsgjkytybz b abyfycbhjdfybt wtktds[ ghjuhfvv+

d) jhufybpfwbz hfphf,jnrb b endth;ltybt ujcelfhcndtyys[ cnfylfhnjd= yjhv= ghfdbk b bys[ yjhvfnbdys[ frnjd+

u) gkfybhjdfybt b bcgjkytybt wtynhfkmyjuj ,.l;tnf= dsltktyyjuj yf gj;fhye. ,tpjgfcyjcnm= d njv xbckt yf cjlth;fybt ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,+

l) (29.12.2004 N953)

t) jhufybpfwbz ujcelfhcndtyyjuj ghjnbdjgj;fhyjuj yflpjhf+

;) ecnfyjdktybt j,ob[ ghbywbgjd j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb b jceotcndktybt cjwbfkmyjuj b 'rjyjvbxtcrjuj cnbvekbhjdfybz lkz j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= ghjbpdjlcndj b pfregrb gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbb= f nfr;t ghbdktxtybt yfctktybz d ,jhm,e c gj;fhfvb+

p) (29.12.2004 N953)

b) j,tcgtxtybt ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, ytj,[jlbvjq gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbtq+

r) ecnfyjdktybt gthtxyz ghtlghbznbq= d njv xbckt cjlth;fob[cz pf cxtn wtynhfkmyjuj ,.l;tnf= yf rjnjhs[ ytj,[jlbvj cjplfybt ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,+

k) jhufybpfwbz hfpdbnbz yferb b nt[ybrb= rjjhlbyfwbz jcyjdys[ yfexys[ bccktljdfybq b hfphf,jnjr+

v) jghtltktybt yjvtyrkfnehs= j,]tvjd dsgecrf b endth;ltybt gjhzlrf gjcnfdjr gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbb lkz ujcelfhcndtyys[ ye;l+

y) cjplfybt cbcntv ujcelfhcndtyyjuj byajhvfwbjyyjuj j,tcgtxtybz= cnfnbcnbxtcrjuj extnf gj;fhjd b b[ gjcktlcndbq+

j) ecnfyjdktybt j,ob[ ghbywbgjd jhufybpfwbb d gjlhfpltktybz[ ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ ajhvbhjdfybq uhf;lfycrjq j,jhjys b vj,bkbpfwbjyys[ pflfybq+

g) jhufybpfwbz gjlujnjdrb= gthtgjlujnjdrb b gjdsitybz rdfkbabrfwbb rflhjd lkz ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,+

h) jceotcndktybt vthjghbznbq gj ghfdjdjq b cjwbfkmyjq pfobnt kbxyjuj cjcnfdf ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, b xktyjd b[ ctvtq+

c) cjltqcndbt d cjplfybb b aeyrwbjybhjdfybb ajyljd gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

n) ecnfyjdktybt jnkbxbntkmys[ pyfrjd b ajhvs jlt;ls lkz cjnhelybrjd ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,\

2\ Jhufys ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb d ghtltkf[ cdjtq rjvgtntywbb j,zpfys|

f) j,tcgtxbdfnm htfkbpfwb. vth gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb yf gjldtljvcndtyys[ ghtlghbznbz[ b cjjndtncnde.ob[ nthhbnjhbz[+

,) cjplfdfnm b cjlth;fnm cjukfcyj ecnfyjdktyysv yjhvfv gjlhfpltktybz ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,= abyfycbhetvst pf cxtn chtlcnd cjjndtncnde.ob[ ,.l;tnjd+

d) jrfpsdfnm ytj,[jlbve. gjvjom ghjnbdjgj;fhysv cke;,fv d dsgjkytybb gjcnfdktyys[ gthtl ybvb pflfx+

u) cjplfdfnm eckjdbz lkz ghbdktxtybz yfctktybz r hf,jnfv gj ghtleght;ltyb. b neityb. gj;fhjd+

l) jhufybpjdsdfnm ghjdtltybt ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq ghjgfufyls b j,extybt yfctktybz ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

t) abyfycbhjdfnm yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrbt hf,jns d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb\


Cnfnmz 19\ Ghfdf b j , zpfyyjcnb jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz d catht gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ R ghfdfv b j,zpfyyjcnzv jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jnyjczncz|

f) jceotcndktybt vth gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb b jhufybpfwbz b[ dsgjkytybz+

,) exfcnbt d dsgjkytybb ujcelfhcndtyys[ b vtcnys[ wtktds[ ghjuhfvv+

d) ghtlecvjnhtybt hfc[jljd d vtcnys[ ,.l;tnf[ yf gj;fhye. ,tpjgfcyjcnm= d njv xbckt yf cjlth;fybt ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,+

u) cjltqcndbt cjplfyb. b aeyrwbjybhjdfyb. ajyljd gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) jceotcndktybt d ghtltkf[ b[ rjvgtntywbb 'rjyjvbxtcrjuj b cjwbfkmyjuj cnbvekbhjdfybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

t) j,extybt yfctktybz ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb b tuj ghbdktxtybt r ghtleght;ltyb. b neityb. gj;fhjd+

;) cjltqcndbt ltzntkmyjcnb ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, b lj,hjdjkmys[ gj;fhys[+

p) jhufybpfwbz j,otcndtyyjuj rjynhjkz pf j,tcgtxtybtv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

b) cjplfybt= htjhufybpfwbz b kbrdblfwbz gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,= cjlth;fob[cz pf cxtn vtcnys[ ,.l;tnjd\

2\ Jhufys vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz d ghtltkf[ cdjtq rjvgtntywbb yf cjjndtncnde.ob[ nthhbnjhbz[ j,zpfys|

f) j,tcgtxbdfnm dsgjkytybt ghfdbk gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

,) ghbybvfnm bveotcndj ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s ghb jnrfpt cj,cndtyybrf erfpfyyjuj bveotcndf jn cjlth;fybz b bcgjkmpjdfnm erfpfyyjt bveotcndj gj ghzvjve yfpyfxtyb.+

d) cjplfdfnm b cjlth;fnm d cjjndtncndbb c ecnfyjdktyysvb yjhvfvb gjlhfpltktybz ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,= abyfycbhetvst pf cxtn chtlcnd vtcnys[ ,.l;tnjd+

u) jhufybpjdsdfnm j,extybt yfctktybz ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) cjltqcndjdfnm ltzntkmyjcnb lj,hjdjkmys[ gj;fhys[\


Ukfdf ^&\

J , tcgtxtybt gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb


Cnfnmz 20\ Hfphf , jnrf b htfkbpfwbz vth gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ Vths gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb hfphf,fnsdf.ncz d cjjndtncndbb c pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb b ghbyznsvb yjhvfnbdysvb frnfvb j gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= f nfr;t yf jcyjdt jgsnf ,jhm,s c gj;fhfvb= jwtyrb gj;fhyjq jgfcyjcnb dtotcnd= vfnthbfkjd= nt[yjkjubxtcrb[ ghjwtccjd= bpltkbq= rjycnherwbq= plfybq b cjjhe;tybq\

2\ Bpujnjdbntkb (gjcnfdobrb) dtotcnd= vfnthbfkjd= bpltkbq b ecnfyjdjr d cjjndtncnde.otq nt[ybxtcrjq ljrevtynfwbb j,zpfys ghbdjlbnm gjrfpfntkb gj;fhyjq jgfcyjcnb 'nb[ dtotcnd= vfnthbfkjd= bpltkbq b ecnfyjdjr= f nfr;t erfpsdfnm j nht,jdfybz[ gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb ghb j,hfotybb c ybvb\

3\ Ghb hfphf,jnrt b htfkbpfwbb vth gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb lkz ghtlghbznbq= plfybq= cjjhe;tybq b bys[ j,]trnjd= f nfr;t ghb b[ ghjtrnbhjdfybb ljk;ys ,snm ghtlecvjnhtys vthjghbznbz gj j,tcgtxtyb. 'dfrefwbb k.ltq d ckexft gj;fhjd\

4\ Lkz ghtlghbznbq d j,zpfntkmyjv gjhzlrt hfphf,fnsdf.ncz gkfys neitybz gj;fhjd= ghtlecvfnhbdf.obt htitybz gj j,tcgtxtyb. ,tpjgfcyjcnb k.ltq\

5\ Hfphf,jnrf b htfkbpfwbz vth gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb lkz fdnjyjvys[ htcge,kbr= ujhjljd b hfqjyjd jceotcndkz.ncz jhufyfvb bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb= cjjndtncnde.obvb jhufyfvb vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz\

6\ Bydtcnbwbjyyst ghjtrns= hfphf,jnfyyst cjukfcyj htitybzv jhufyjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb= ljk;ys ,snm cjukfcjdfys c jhufyfvb ujcelfhcndtyyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s d xfcnb nht,jdfybq gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb\

7\ Нормативные акты о стандартизации, принятые органами исполнительной власти, устанавливающие или которыми должны быть установлены требования пожарной безопасности, должны быть согласованы с Министерством внутренних дел Грузии. (29.12.2004 N953)


Cnfnmz 21\ Neitybt gj ; fhjd

1\ Neitybt gj;fhjd ghtlcnfdkztn cj,jq ltqcndbz= yfghfdktyyst yf cgfcfybt pljhjdmz b ;bpyb k.ltq= xfcnyjuj b ujcelfhcndtyyjuj bveotcndf b kbrdblfwb. gj;fhjd\

2\ Gjhzljr jhufybpfwbb neitybz gj;fhjd d ufhybpjyf[ ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, ecnfyfdkbdftncz ujcelfhcndtyyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,jq b ghjnbdjgj;fhysvb cke;,fvb jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz b endth;lftncz cjjndtncnde.obvb jhufyfvb bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb b vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz\

3\ Cbks b chtlcndf ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, lkz kbrdblfwbb xhtpdsxfqys[ cbnefwbq b b[ gjcktlcndbq ghbdktrf.ncz d gjhzlrt= ecnfyjdktyyjv pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb\

4\ Lkz dspjdf gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, d ntktajyys[ ctnz[ ujhjljd b yfctktyys[ geyrnjd ecnfyjdkty tlbysq yjvth\

5\ Тушением пожара на месте непосредственно руководит прибывшее на место пожара старшее оперативное должностное лицо противопожарных служб органов местного самоуправления и управления - руководитель тушения пожара (если законодательством Грузии не установлено иное), которое по принципу единоначалия руководит участвующим в процессе тушения пожара личным составом противопожарных служб и другими силами, включенными в дело ликвидации пожара. (29.12.2004 N953)

6\ Erfpfybz herjdjlbntkz neitybz gj;fhf j,zpfntkmys lkz bcgjkytybz dctvb ljk;yjcnysvb kbwfvb b uhf;lfyfvb yf nthhbnjhbb= yf rjnjhjq jceotcndkz.ncz ,jtdst ltqcndbz gj neityb. gj;fhf\


Cnfnmz 22\ Ghjbpdjlcndj gj ; fhyj - nt [ ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbb

1\ Gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrfz ghjlerwbz ghjbpdjlbncz d cjjndtncndbb c ujcelfhcndtyysv pfrfpjv d gjhzlrt= ecnfyjdktyyjv pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv\

2\ Ghjbpdjlcndj gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbb htuekbhetncz b gjllth;bdftncz ujcelfhcndjv\

3\ Ujcelfhcndtyysq pfrfp b hfcghtltktybt yf gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcre. ghjlerwb. jceotcndkz.ncz gj wtktdsv ghjuhfvvfv d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb\

4\ Jhufybpfwbz dsgjkytybz ujcelfhcndtyyjuj pfrfpf jceotcndkztncz d cjjndtncndbb c pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv\


Cnfnmz 23\ Dsgjkytybt hf , jn b jrfpfybt eckeu d catht gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ Hf,jns b eckeub d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb dsgjkyz.ncz d wtkz[ htfkbpfwbb nht,jdfybq gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= f nfr;t d wtkz[ ghtleght;ltybz b neitybz gj;fhjd\

2\ R hf,jnfv b eckeufv d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jnyjczncz|

f) j[hfyf jn gj;fhjd ghtlghbznbq b yfctktyys[ geyrnjd yf ljujdjhyjq jcyjdt+

,) hfphf,jnrf vthjghbznbq gj j,tcgtxtyb. gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= ghjdtltybt yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrjuj rjycekmnbhjdfybz gj djghjcfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

d) ghjdtltybt 'rcgthnbps jhufybpfwbjyys[ b nt[ybxtcrb[ htitybq gj j,tcgtxtyb. gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

u) bcgsnfybt dtotcnd= vfnthbfkjd= bpltkbq= j,jheljdfybz b rjycnherwbq c njxrb phtybz cjjndtncndbz c nht,jdfybzvb gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) jceotcndktybt dtljvcndtyyjuj rjynhjkz pf j,tcgtxtybtv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

t) ghjbpdjlcndj= bcgsnfybt= pfregrf b gjcnfdrf gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrjq ghjlerwbb+

;) vjynf;= yfkflrf= htvjyn b nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt j,jheljdfybz b cbcntv ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq pfobns+

p) jhufybpfwbz b ltzntkmyjcnm ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, yfctktyys[ geyrnjd= vbybcnthcnd= dtljvcnd b ghtlghbznbq+

b) dsgjkytybt ghjtrnyj-bpscrfntkmcrb[ hf,jn+

r) jceotcndktybt ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq ghjgfufyls= bplfybt cgtwbfkmyjq kbnthfnehs b htrkfvyjq ghjlerwbb+

k) dsgjkytybt juytpfobnys[ b gtxys[ hf,jn+

v) htvjyn gj;fhyjq nt[ybrb= cyfhz;tybz b gthdbxys[ chtlcnd neitybz gj;fhf+

y) cnhjbntkmcndj= htrjycnherwbz b htvjyn plfybq= cjjhe;tybq b gjlcj,ys[ gjvtotybq gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,+

j) j,extybt ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

g) lheubt hf,jns b eckeub= yfghfdktyyst yf j,tcgtxtybt gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= gthtxtym rjnjhs[ ecnfyfdkbdftncz ltgfhnfvtynjv ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\


Cnfnmz 24\ Ghjnbdjgj ; fhyfz ghjgfufylf = j , extybt ghfdbkfv ghjnbdjgj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb b byajhvfwbjyyjt j , tcgtxtybt d catht gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ Ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz ghjgfufylf - wtktyfghfdktyyjt byajhvbhjdfybt j,otcndf j ghj,ktvf[ gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= jceotcndkztvjt xthtp chtlcndf vfccjdjq byajhvfwbb= gjchtlcndjv dsgecrf bplfybq= cgtwbfkmyjq kbnthfnehs b htrkfvyjq ghjlerwbb= ecnhjqcndf ntvfnbxtcrb[ dscnfdjr= cvjnhjd= rjyathtywbq= f nfr;t bcgjkmpjdfybz lheub[ ajhv byajhvbhjdfybz yfctktybz= yt pfghtotyys[ pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb\

2\ Ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz ghjgfufylf jceotcndkztncz jhufyfvb bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb= jhufyfvb cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz= ghjnbdjgj;fhysvb cke;,fvb b ghtlghbznbzvb\

3\ J,extybt ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb hf,jnybrjd ghtlghbznbq jceotcndkztncz flvbybcnhfwbtq 'nb[ ghtlghbznbq d cjjndtncndbb c ltqcnde.obvb d Uhepbb ghfdbkfvb gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb\

4\ Обязательное обучение детей учреждений дошкольного воспитания и учащихся учебных учреждений правилам пожарной безопасности осуществляют соответствующие ведомства по программам, согласованным с Государственной противопожарной службой. (29.12.2004 N953)

4. Обязательное обучение детей, воспитанников учреждений раннего и дошкольного воспитания и образования и учащихся учебных учреждений правилам пожарной безопасности осуществляется соответствующими ведомствами по программам, согласованным с Государственной противопожарной службой. (8.06.2016 N5373, ввести в действие с 1 апреля 2017 года.)

5\ Jhufyfvb cbcntvs ghjcdtotybz b ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, vjuen cjplfdfnmcz lhe;bys lj,hjdjkmys[ gj;fhys[ bp gjlhjcnrjd\

6\ Byajhvfwbjyyjt j,tcgtxtybt d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jceotcndkztncz gjchtlcndjv cjplfybz b bcgjkmpjdfybz cgtwbfkmys[ byajhvfwbjyys[ cbcntv b ,fyrjd lfyys[ (lfktt - byajhvfwbjyyst cbcntvs) j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= ytj,[jlbvs[ lkz dsgjkytybz yfvtxtyys[ pflfx\

7\ Jcyjdfybt b gjhzljr dytctybz d byajhvfwbjyyst cbcntvs cdtltybq j gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= f nfr;t eckjdbz b gjhzljr gjkmpjdfybz 'nbvb cdtltybzvb uhf;lfyfvb b ljk;yjcnysvb kbwfvb ecnfyfdkbdf.ncz pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv\

8\ Chtlcndf vfccjdjq byajhvfwbb j,zpfys gj nht,jdfyb. ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, ge,kbrjdfnm jgthfnbdye. byajhvfwb. gj djghjcfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb\

9\ Jhufys ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb b jhufys vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz j,zpfys byajhvbhjdfnm yfctktybt j ghbyzns[ bvb htitybz[ gj gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb b cjltqcndjdfnm hfcghjcnhfytyb. gj;fhyj-nt[ybxtcrb[ pyfybq\


Cnfnmz 25\ Extn gj ; fhjd b b [ gjcktlcndbq

1\ D Uhepbb ltqcndetn tlbyfz ujcelfhcndtyyfz cbcntvf extnf gj;fhjd b b[ gjcktlcndbq\

2\ Jabwbfkmysq cnfnbcnbxtcrbq extn b ujcelfhcndtyye. cnfnbcnbxtcre. jnxtnyjcnm gj gj;fhfv b b[ gjcktlcndbzv dtlen ujcelfhcndtyyfz ghjnbdjgj;fhyfz cke;,f b ghjnbdjgj;fhyst cke;,s jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz\

3\ Порядок учета пожаров и их последствий устанавливает Министерство внутренних дел Грузии по согласованию с Министерством экономического развития Грузии и другими заинтересованными органами исполнительной власти. (29.12.2004 N953)

4\ Dsgjkytybt ecnfyjdktyyjuj gjhzlrf extnf gj;fhjd b b[ gjcktlcndbq j,zpfntkty lkz jhufyjd ujcelfhcndtyyjq dkfcnb b jhufyjd vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz= f nfr;t abpbxtcrb[ b .hblbxtcrb[ kbw= jceotcndkz.ob[ ghtlghbybvfntkmcre. ltzntkmyjcnm\


Cnfnmz 26\ Ghjnbdjgj ; fhyjt cnhf [ jdfybt (24.06.2005 N1777)

Противопожарное страхование является добровольным и осуществляется в соответствии с Гражданским кодексом Грузии и Законом Грузии «О страховании».


Cnfnmz 27\ Yfexyj - nt [ ybxtcrjt j , tcgtxtybtgj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ (29.12.2004 N953)

2\ Yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrbt nhels d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb abyfycbhe.ncz bp wtynhfkmys[ b vtcnys[ ,.l;tnjd= f nfr;t bys[ bcnjxybrjd abyfycbhjdfybz d gjhzlrt= ecnfyjdktyyjv pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv\

3\ Координацию научных исследований в сфере пожарной безопасности осуществляет Министерство внутренних дел Грузии. (29.12.2004 N953)

4\ Ghb cjplfybb yjds[ nt[yjkjubq b ghjlerwbb d wtkz[ j,tcgtxtybz pfrjyys[ bynthtcjd kbxyjcnb= j,otcndf b ujcelfhcndf d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jhufys bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb b ghtlghbznbz jhufybpjdsdf.n ghjdtltybt ytj,[jlbvs[ yfexyj-nt[ybxtcrb[ hf,jn\


Cnfnmz 28\ ( bcrk . c 1 b.kz 1999 ujlf, 28.05.1999 N2027)

Cnfnmz 29\ ( bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)



Ghfdf= j,zpfyyjcnb b jndtncndtyyjcnm

d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb


Cnfnmz 30\ Ghfdf b j,zpfyyjcnb uhf;lfy d catht gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb

1\ Uhf;lfyt bvt.n ghfdj yf|

f) pfobne b[ ;bpyb= pljhjdmz b bveotcndf d ckexft gj;fhf+

,) djpvtotybt ghbxbytyyjuj eoth,f d gjhzlrt= ecnfyjdktyyjv pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv+

d) exfcnbt d ecnfyjdktybb ghbxby gj;fhf= ghbxbybdituj dhtl b[ pljhjdm. b bveotcnde+

u) gjkextybt byajhvfwbb gj djghjcfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= d njv xbckt jn gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,+

l) exfcnbt d j,tcgtxtybb gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb= d njv xbckt d ltzntkmyjcnb lj,hjdjkmyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s\

2\ Uhf;lfyt j,zpfys|

f) cj,k.lfnm nht,jdfybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

,) ( bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

d) ytvtlktyyj edtljvkznm ghjnbdjgj;fhyst cke;,s j gj;fhf[+

u) lj ghb,snbz gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, ghbybvfnm gjcbkmyst vths gj cgfcfyb. ;bpyb= pljhjdmz k.ltq= xfcnyjuj b ujcelfhcndtyyjuj bveotcndf b neityb. gj;fhjd+

l) jrfpsdfnm gjvjom gjlhfpltktybzv ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;, ghb neitybb gj;fhjd+

t) (bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

;) (bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)


Cnfnmz 31\ Права и обязанности предприятий и объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору, в сфере пожарной безопасности (24.06.2005 N1777)

1\ Ghtlghbznbz bvt.n ghfdj|

f) в установленном порядке формировать находящиеся на их финансировании подразделения противопожарных служб (договорных) органов местного самоуправления и управления или ведомственных противопожарных служб, а также осуществлять их реорганизацию и ликвидацию; (29.12.2004 N953)

,) dyjcbnm d jhufys bcgjkybntkmyjq dkfcnb b jhufys vtcnyjuj cfvjeghfdktybz b eghfdktybz ghtlkj;tybz gj j,tcgtxtyb. gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

d) ghjdjlbnm hf,jns gj ecnfyjdktyb. ghbxby b j,cnjzntkmcnd gj;fhjd= ghjbcitlib[ yf ghtlghbznbz[+

u) ecnfyfdkbdfnm vths cjwbfkmyjuj b 'rjyjvbxtcrjuj cnbvekbhjdfybz lkz j,tcgtxtybz gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) d ecnfyjdktyyjv gjhzlrt gjkexfnm byajhvfwb. gj djghjcfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jn gjlhfpltktybq ghjnbdjgj;fhys[ cke;,\

2\ Ghtlghbznbz j,zpfys|

f) соблюдать требования пожарной безопасности; (24.06.2005 N1777)

,) ( bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

d) dtcnb ghjnbdjgj;fhye. ghjgfufyle= f nfr;t j,tcgtxbdfnm j,extybt cjnhelybrjd ghfdbkfv gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

u) drk.xfnm d rjkktrnbdysq ljujdjh (cjukfitybt) djghjcs gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb+

l) cjlth;fnm d bcghfdyjv cjcnjzybb ghjnbdjgj;fhyst chtlcndf b cbcntvs= d njv xbckt gthdbxyst chtlcndf neitybz gj;fhjd= yt ljgecrfnm b[ bcgjkmpjdfybz yt gj yfpyfxtyb.+

t) ( bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

;) в соответствии с установленными нормами формировать и содержать подразделения противопожарных служб (договорных) органов местного самоуправления и управления или ведомственных противопожарных служб; (29.12.2004 N953)

p) dsltkznm ytj,[jlbvst cbks b chtlcndf ghb neitybb gj;fhjd yf nthhbnjhbz[ ghtlghbznbq+

b) (bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

r) (bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

k) ytpfvtlkbntkmyj cjj,ofnm ghjnbdjgj;fhysv cke;,fv j djpybryjdtybb gj;fhjd= ytbcghfdyjcnz[ cbcntv b chtlcnd ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq pfobns= bpvtytybz[ ljhju b ghjtpljd+

v) cjltqcndjdfnm ltzntkmyjcnb lj,hjdjkmys[ gj;fhys[\

3. В отношении объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору, распространяются предусмотренные настоящей статьей для предприятий права и обязанности. При этом администрация объекта, подлежащего государственному противопожарному надзору, обязана (24.06.2005 N1777)

а) обеспечивать должностным лицам противопожарных служб при выполнении ими служебных обязанностей вход на территории, в здания и сооружения и иные объекты объектов, подлежащих государственному противопожарному надзору;

б) в случаях, предусмотренных законодательством, по требованию должностных лиц противопожарных служб представлять данные и документы о состоянии пожарной безопасности объекта, подлежащего государственному противопожарному надзору, в том числе о случаях пожаров, происшедших на его территории, и их результатах.


Cnfnmz 32\ Jndtncndtyyjcnm pf yfheitybtnht , jdfybq gj ; fhyjq , tpjgfcyjcnb

Jndtncndtyyjcnm pf yfheitybt nht,jdfybq gj;fhyjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb jghtltkztncz d cjjndtncndbb c pfrjyjlfntkmcndjv Uhepbb\


Ukfdf &^\

Gtht [ jlyst gjkj ; tybz


Cnfnmz 33\ Yjhvfnbdyst frns = gjlkt ; fobtghbyznb . d cdzpb c yfcnjzobv Pfrjyjv

Lkz gjkyjuj pfltqcndjdfybz yfcnjzotuj Pfrjyf d ntxtybt jlyjuj ujlf cj lyz tuj dcnegktybz d cbke ghbyznm cktle.obt yjhvfnbdyst frns|

f) ( bcrk . 24.06.2005 N1777)

,) Pfrjy Uhepbb @J dytctybb ljgjkytybq d Yfkjujdsq rjltrc Uhepbb@+

d) Pfrjy Uhepbb @J dytctybb ljgjkytybq d Pfrjy Uhepbb @J nfvj;tyyjv yfkjut@+

u) Gjkj;tybt @J, jhufybpfwbb ujcelfhcndtyyjuj ghjnbdjgj;fhyjuj yflpjhf d Uhepbb@+

l) Ecnfd jhufybpfwbb ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq cke;,s+

t) <jtdjq ecnfd neitybz gj;fhjd+

;) Gjkj;tybt @J ujcelfhcndtyyjv cnfnbcnbxtcrjv extnt gj;fhjd b b[ gjcktlcndbq d Uhepbb@+

p) Gjkj;tybt @J lj,hjdjkmyjq ghjnbdjgj;fhyjq lhe;byt@\


Ukfdf &^^\

Pfrk . xbntkmyjt gjkj ; tybt


Cnfnmz 34\ Ddjl Pfrjyf d ltqcndbt

Yfcnjzobq Pfrjy ddtcnb d ltqcndbt gj jge,kbrjdfybb\



Ghtpbltyn Uhepbb                       " lefhl Itdfhlyflpt

N , bkbcb

12 vfz 1998 ujlf

` 1377-^^c