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Consolidated publications
On Official Statistics | |
Document number | 2291 |
Document issuer | Parliament of Georgia |
Date of issuing | 11/12/2009 |
Document type | Law of Georgia |
Source and date of publishing | LHG, 45, 21/12/2009 |
Expiration Date | 30/08/2023 |
Registration code | 300. |
Consolidated publications |
Consolidated versions (22/06/2016 - 23/03/2017)
Chapter I –General Provisions
Article 1 – Purpose and scope of the Law
1. The purpose of this Law is to keep independent, impartial and reliable statistics in the country in compliance with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice, based on internationally recognised fundamental principles of statistics.
2. This Law defines the concept, purpose and principles of official statistics, and determines the legal grounds for keeping statistics, and for storing and disseminating information obtained as a result of the keeping of statistics, and for carrying out the general census of population, and determines the system and functions of the authorities responsible for keeping official statistics.
3. This Law applies to all resident legal and natural persons of Georgia, and to all non-resident persons staying in the territory of Georgia as provided for by the legislation of Georgia.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 2 - Legislation of Georgia in the area of official statistics
The legislation of Georgia in the area of official statistics includes the Constitution of Georgia, the international agreements and treaties of Georgia, this Law and other legislative and subordinate normative acts of Georgia.
Article 3 - Definition of terms
The terms used in this Law have the following meanings:
a) administrative source – the State Registry or another database in electronic or any other form, kept or administered by an administrative body;
b) administrative body - a body determined by Article 2(1)(a) of the General Administrative Code of Georgia;
c) confidential statistical data – any information collected for statistical purposes which makes it possible to identify the observation unit or to establish such information;
d) general census of population – the unified process of obtaining, processing, evaluating, analysing, generalising and publishing social, economic and demographic data about the population of the country at a specific time;
e) official statistics – the system of statistical activities performed within the scope of the Statistical Activity Programme, based on which the statistical data of social, economic, demographic and environmental conditions of the country are acquired; and statistics kept by the National Bank of Georgia in line with the function determined by Article 3(3)(h) of the Organic Law of Georgia on the National Bank of Georgia, as well as statistics kept by other administrative bodies, provided such statistics are maintained according to methodologies and standards which comply with the international analogues and approved and/or recognised by the Board of the GeoStat;
f) statistical survey – a survey conducted exclusively for statistical purposes, and which is based on the collection of information on statistical units;
g) statistical unit – an elementary unit of a statistical survey, and which is a statistical unit of observation;
h) Statistical Activity Programme – an annual and long-term plan approved by the Government of Georgia, which mainly includes a list of work to be performed and those responsible for the performance thereof, and which specifies the frequency of observation and the dates of publication;
i) household – a group of persons who observe the rules of living together in a single housing unit and have a common budget (its part), and comprising related and/or unrelated persons (a household may also be a one-person household);
j) the GeoStat –the National Statistics Office of Georgia, a Legal Entity under Public Law (LEPL);
k) statistical methodology – a set of techniques, rules and methods of statistical surveys of social and economic events;
l) National System of Official Statistics – a group of bodies and units keeping official statistics in the country and collecting, processing and disseminating official statistical data on behalf of Georgia.
Law of Georgia No 1292 of 24 September 2013 - website, 8.10.2013
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 4 - Basic principles of official statistics
1. Keeping statistics and disseminating the information obtained as a result of keeping statistics shall be based on the following principles of official statistics:
a) relevance, impartiality, equal access – official statistics are a necessary element in the information system of a democratic society, and provide state authorities, economic units and society with statistical data on the social, economic, demographic and environmental conditions of the country. For these purposes and in order to ensure the right of citizens to access public information, the entities keeping official statistics shall impartially prepare and disseminate statistical data of practical value;
b) observance of professional standards and ethics – in order to maintain trust in official statistics, the entities keeping official statistics shall make decisions on the methods and procedures for collecting, processing, storing and presenting statistical data only in accordance with professional standards and on the basis of scientific principles and professional ethics;
c) accountability and transparency – in order to facilitate the correct interpretation of statistical data, the entities keeping official statistics shall present information related to statistical sources, methods and procedures in compliance with scientific standards;
d) prevention of misuse of statistical data – in the case of misinterpretation or misuse of statistical data, the entities keeping official statistics shall have the right to provide relevant clarifications;
e) existence of a statistical source – for statistical purposes data may be collected from all types of sources, including statistical surveys and/or information available at administrative bodies. A statistical agency shall select a statistical source by taking into account the quality, timeliness, expenses and burden on the respondents;
f) confidentiality – the data on natural and legal persons collected by an entity keeping official statistics for statistical purposes is strictly confidential and shall be used only for statistical purposes;
g) publicity of the legislative framework – the legislation, norms and measures, within the scope of which the official statistical system functions, shall be made public;
h) national coordination – coordination among the entities keeping official statistics is vital for the sustainability and efficiency of the National System of Official Statistics of the country;
i) application of international standards – the application of international concepts, classifications and methods by the entities keeping official statistics facilitates coordination and the efficiency of the systems of official statistics;
j) international cooperation – bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the area of official statistics facilitates the improvement of the systems of official statistics.
2. Statistics shall be kept and the information obtained as a result thereof shall be disseminated in compliance with international standards and practice.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 5 - Cooperation with international and local organisations
1. In light of the basic principles determined by Article 4 of this Law, the cooperation of the GeoStat with international and local organisations is important for the efficiency of keeping official statistics.
2. The purpose of international cooperation in the area of statistics is to establish international practice and methodology and share relevant experience on the basis of contracts and agreements concluded with international organisations operating in that area.
3. Cooperation with local organisations means cooperation and coordinated work by the GeoStat with statistical agencies for the purpose of the efficient keeping of statistics.
Article 6 - Legal Status of the GeoStat
The GeoStat is a Legal Entity under Public Law (LEPL) established under the legislation of Georgia for the purpose of keeping statistics and disseminating statistical information, and which carries out its activities independently on the basis of the legislation of Georgia.
Chapter II - Authority, Structure and Financing of the GeoStat
Article 7 - Authority of the GeoStat
1. The GeoStat shall be authorised to:
a) design a common policy in the area of statistics and ensure coordinated work with its territorial bodies and other statistical agencies;
b) design the Statistical Activity Programme;
c) carry out statistical activities determined by the Statistical Activity Programme, which include the:
c.a) conduct of statistical surveys;
c.b) processing of administrative data exclusively for statistical purposes;
c.c) processing of data on units of observation;
c.d) drawing up of a schedule for publishing statistical data and ensuring its publicity;
c.e) dissemination of statistical data according to a published schedule and the provision of equal access to all users;
c.f) development and facilitation of the adoption of statistical methodologies and standards corresponding with international analogues;
d) conduct of the general census of population;
e) preparation of an annual progress report;
f) establishment of territorial statistical agencies and determination of their scope of activities;
g) preparation, within its competence, of an administrative offence report and its presentation to court;
[g 1 ) exercise the official powers provided for by the Law on early learning and preschool education of Georgia; ( Shall enter into force from 1 April 2017)]
h) performance of other activities determined by this Law and the GeoStat Statutes.
2. The GeoStat shall keep statistics on the basis of the methodologies and standards corresponding with international analogues approved and/or recognised by the Board of the GeoStat.
3. The GeoStat shall have the right to keep statistics, outside the scope of the Statistical Activity Programme, on the basis of a relevant agreement.
4. The GeoStat may not perform any activity that contravenes the basic principles of official statistics determined by Article 4 of this Law and the goals and priorities set forth by the State.
5. The specific powers of the GeoStat bodies shall be determined by the GeoStat Statutes, which is approved by the Government of Georgia upon the recommendation of the Executive Director of the GeoStat.
Law of Georgia No 1292 of 24 September 2013 – website, 8.10.2013
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – website, 18.5.2015
Law of Georgia No 5370 of 8 June 2016 – website, 24.6.2016
Article 8 - Executive Director of the GeoStat
1. The GeoStat is run by the Executive Director, who is simultaneously the Chairperson of the Board of the GeoStat and the GeoStat Advisory Board, unless otherwise decided by the Board of the GeoStat under Article 141(4) of this Law.
2. The Executive Director of the GeoStat shall be appointed from the members of the Board specified in Article 11(4) of this Law for a term of four years and may be dismissed by the Prime Minister of Georgia upon the recommendation of the Board of the GeoStat.
3. The Executive Director shall have at least one deputy, who shall perform the duties of the Executive Director in the case of his/her absence.
4. The Deputy Executive Director shall be appointed and may be dismissed by the Executive Director.
5. The Executive Director shall perform his/her functions as determined by this Law and the GeoStat Statutes through the staff of the GeoStat.
6. The requirements of the legislation of Georgia with respect to conflict of interest shall apply to the Executive Director.
7. After the expiration of the term of office of the Executive Director, he/she may participate in the competition for selecting members of the GeoStat Board.
Law of Georgia No 1292 of 24 September 2013 – website, 8.10.2013
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 9 - Functions of the Executive Director of the GeoStat
1. The Executive Director of the GeoStat shall have the following functions:
a) to manage the GeoStat;
a1) to appoint members of the GeoStat Advisory Board;
b) to develop the statistical standards, classifications, and methodologies to be applied in statistical activities, and to submit them to the Board of the GeoStat for approval;
c) to develop the Statistical Activity Programme and to submit it to the Government of Georgia for approval;
d) to design the methodology for the general census of population and to submit it for approval to the Government Commission for Coordinating the Census of Population;
e) to develop the programme for the general census of population and to submit it for approval to the Government Commission for Coordinating the Census of Population;
f) to prepare the staff list and payroll budget of the GeoStat and submit them to the Board of the GeoStat for approval;
g) to appoint and dismiss the GeoStat employees;
h) to prepare a draft GeoStat budget in accordance with the Statistical Activity Programme;
i) to submit an annual progress report of the GeoStat to the Government and the Parliament of Georgia;
j) to ensure the publicity of the annual progress report of the GeoStat approved by the Board of the GeoStat;
k) to perform other functions determined by the GeoStat Statutes and the legislation of Georgia.
2. In order to ensure the efficient functioning of the GeoStat, and taking into account the recommendations of the Board of the GeoStat, the Executive Director shall have the right to invite foreign or local experts on the basis of appropriate agreements.
3. The Executive Director shall submit the GeoStat's progress report for the previous year to the Government and the Parliament of Georgia by not later than 1 May of each year.
4. The report determined by paragraph 3 of this article shall include information on:
a) the statistical work carried out in the year;
b) the performance of the GeoStat budget.
5. The Executive Director may delegate certain functions determined by the GeoStat Statutes, except for the functions determined by this article, to authorised persons designated by him/her.
Law of Georgia No 3755 of 26 October 2010 - LHG I, No 144, 5.11.2010, Art.394
Law of Georgia No 1292 of 24 September 2013 – website, 8.10.2013
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – website, 18.5.2015
Law of Georgia No 5500 of 22 June 2016 – website, 29.6.2016
Article 10 - Sources of financing the GeoStat
The GeoStat is financed from:
a) the State Budget of Georgia, annually, under the Law of Georgia on the State Budget of Georgia;
b) income gained from services rendered;
c) grants awarded by donors determined by Article 3 of the Law of Georgia on Grants;
d) other sources permitted by the legislation of Georgia.
Chapter III – Board of the GeoStat
Article 11 - Board of the GeoStat
1. The Board of the GeoStat (’the Board’) functions at the GeoStat.
2. The Board shall comprise seven members and the Chairperson of the Board.
3. Out of eight members of the Board one member shall be a representative of the National Bank of Georgia, one member a representative of the Ministry for Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and one member a representative of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia.
4. The other five members of the Board shall not be public servants.
Law of Georgia No 4469 of 22 March 2011 - website, 1.4.2011
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 12 - Appointment of the Board members
[Article 12 - Recruitment and appointment of the Board members (Shall enter into force from 1 January 2018) ]
1. The candidates for the members of the Board determined by Article 11(3) of this Law shall be presented by the heads of appropriate agencies to the Prime Minister of Georgia for approval.
2. The persons specified in Article 11(4) of this Law shall be appointed by the Prime Minister of Georgia with the consent of the Parliament of Georgia, as provided for by this article.
[2. The members of the Board determined by Article 11(4) of this Law shall be appointed by the Prime Minister of Georgia, from among the persons selected through an open competition, with the consent of the Parliament of Georgia, as provided for by this article.
2 1 . The competition for selecting those members of the Board who are not public servants shall be announced by the GeoStat and the competition commission shall be established by the Prime Minister of Georgia. (Shall enter into force from 1 January 2018) ]
3. The Prime Minister of Georgia shall nominate to the Parliament of Georgia eight candidates for the existing five vacant positions; if there are less than five vacant positions, the number of the candidates presented to the Parliament by the Prime Minister of Georgia shall exceed at least by one the total number of vacant positions.
[3. The Prime Minister of Georgia shall nominate to the Parliament of Georgia at least eight candidates for the existing five vacant positions from among the persons selected by open competition; if there are less than five vacant positions, the number of candidates presented by the Prime Minister of Georgia to the Parliament of Georgia shall exceed at least by one the total number of vacant positions. (Shall enter into force from 1 January 2018) ]
4. The Parliament of Georgia, within 21 days after the nomination of candidates, and in the case of parliamentary recess, within two weeks after the session resumes, shall give consent, by secret ballot, to the Prime Minister to appoint the members of the Board.
5. Consent shall be deemed to be given with respect to a candidate nominated to a vacant position if he/she receives the majority of votes of the members of the Parliament of Georgia present at a plenary session, but not less than one third of the total number of the members of the Parliament of Georgia.
6. If the number of votes determined by paragraph 5 of this article is received by more candidates than the number of existing vacant positions, consent shall be deemed to be given to the number of candidates with the best results corresponding to the number of vacant positions.
7. If the number of candidates with the best results, identified under paragraph 6 of this article, is more than the number of vacant positions due to the equal number of votes received by them, the candidates shall be put to a repeat vote and the winner/winners shall be determined by a relative majority of votes.
8. If any of the candidates nominated for the vacant position is rejected, the Prime Minister of Georgia shall nominate to the Parliament of Georgia new candidates for the given vacant position within 21 days; the nominated candidates shall be elected according to the procedure established by this article.
9. After the Parliament of Georgia has given its consent, the members of the Board shall be appointed by the Prime Minister of Georgia.
[8. If any of the candidates nominated for the vacant position is rejected, the Prime Minister of Georgia shall nominate to the Parliament of Georgia other candidates, selected through an open competition, for the given vacant position within 21 days. The candidates shall be elected according to the procedure established by this article. Otherwise a new competition shall be announced.
9. After the Parliament of Georgia has given its consent to the relevant candidate, the members of the Board shall be appointed by the Prime Minister of Georgia. (Shall enter into force from 1 January 2018)]
10. The term of office of the members of the Board determined by Article 11(3) of this Law shall be determined by the term of office of the relevant positions held by them in public service.
11. The term of office of the members of the Board determined by Article 11(4) of this Law shall be four years. A person may not be appointed as a member of the Board for two consecutive terms.
[11. The term of office of the members of the Board determined by Article 11(4) of this Law shall be four years.
11 1 . After the expiration of the term of office of a member of the Board, he/she may participate in the competition for selecting members of the Board. (Shall enter into force as of 1 January 2018)]
12. The mandatory qualification requirements and relevant appointment procedures of the members of the Board shall be determined by the Board Statutes on the basis of this Law.
Law of Georgia No 1292 of 24 September 2013 – website, 8.10.2013
Law of Georgia No 1682 of 29 November 2013 - website, 17.12.2013
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 13 - Functions of the Board
The Board shall have the following functions:
a) to submit to the GeoStat appropriate recommendations related to statistical activities;
b) to review the Statistical Activity Programme submitted by the Executive Director of the GeoStat and to prepare appropriate recommendations;
c) to review and approve the annual progress report of the GeoStat submitted by the Executive Director of the GeoStat;
d) to review the statistical standards, classifications, and methodologies to be used in statistical activities, to prepare and approve recommendations or to recognise international standards, classifications, and methodologies;
e) (deleted - 1.5.2015, No 3584);
f) to make appropriate recommendations regarding the general census of population;
g) to review and approve the staff list and the payroll budget of the GeoStat;
h) to review the draft GeoStat budget and prepare appropriate recommendations;
i) to prepare and approve the Board Statutes, which shall determine the operational and decision-making procedures of the Board;
i1) to make decisions on drawing up an administrative offence report;
j) to carry out other activities determined by this Law and the Board Statutes.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Law of Georgia No 5500 of 22 June 2016 – website, 29.6.2016
Article 14 - Grounds for termination of authority of the Executive Director and members of the Board
1. The authority of a member of the Board may be terminated:
a) on the basis of a letter of resignation;
b) if he/she is declared by court as missing or dead or recognised as a beneficiary of support, unless otherwise determined under the court decision;
c) if a court’s judgement of conviction against him/her enters into force;
d) if he/she dies.
2. In addition to the grounds specified in paragraph 1 of this article, the authority of a member of the Board may also be terminated on the following grounds:
a) in the case of a member of the Board determined by Article 11(3) of this Law:
a.a) violation of the legislation of Georgia on conflict of interest;
a.b) termination of activities in a relevant position in public service;
b) in the case of a member of the Board determined by Article 11(4) of this Law:
b.a) expiration of the term of office of a member of the Board;
b.b) failure to perform the duties of a member of the Board for two months without valid reason;
b.c) assumption of office in public service;
c) in the case of the Executive Director of the GeoStat:
c.a) violation of the legislation of Georgia on conflict of interest;
c.b) expiration of the term of office of the Executive Director.
3. The authority of a member of the Board shall be terminated by an order of the Prime Minister of Georgia.
4. The Executive Director may be dismissed by the Prime Minister of Georgia.
Law of Georgia No 1292 of 24 September 2013 – website, 8.10.2013
Law of Georgia No 3355 of 20 March 2015 – web-site, 31.3.2015
Chapter III1 – The GeoStat Advisory Board
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 141 - The GeoStat Advisory Board
1. The GeoStat Advisory Board is a consultative body of the GeoStat. The members of the GeoStat Advisory Board shall be appointed for the term of office of the Executive Director of the GeoStat and may be dismissed by the Executive Director.
2. The GeoStat Advisory Board shall comprise at least eight members.
3. The mandatory qualification requirements for membership of the GeoStat Advisory Board and the operational and decision-making procedures of the Advisory Board shall be determined by the Statutes of the GeoStat Advisory Board, which shall be approved by the Executive Director of the GeoStat.
4. Upon the decision of the Board, any member of the Board who is not a public servant may be elected as the Chairperson of the Advisory Board.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 142 – Functions and decisions of the GeoStat Advisory Board
1. The GeoStat Advisory Board shall have the following functions:
a) to provide consultation to the GeoStat regarding statistical activities and to submit recommendations within its authority;
b) to analyse the draft Statistical Activity Programme and to prepare appropriate recommendations;
c) to perform scientific analysis of the statistical standards and methodologies to be used in statistical activities and to prepare recommendations for the Board;
d) to review modern methods of statistical activities, and to provide consultation and submit proposals to the Board regarding the improvement of statistical methodologies;
e) to carry out other activities determined by this Law and the Board Statutes.
2. The decisions of the GeoStat Advisory Board shall be recommendatory.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Chapter IV – Other Agencies Keeping Official Statistics
Article 15 - Function of the National Bank of Georgia in the area of official statistics
The function of the National Bank of Georgia in the area of official statistics is to keep statistics on the basis of the function determined by Article 3(3)(h) of the Organic Law of Georgia on the National Bank of Georgia, in accordance with international standards and methodologies.
Article 16 - Official statistics kept by administrative bodies
1. State and local self-government bodies, Legal Entities under Public Law and other administrative bodies keep official statistics taking into account the purpose and objectives of their activities and their duties, on the basis of the standards and methodologies corresponding with international analogues approved and/or recognised by the Board.
2. The GeoStat shall ensure coordinated work with the agencies keeping official statistics, shall issue recommendations on statistical standards and methodologies required for keeping statistics, shall coordinate the exchange of information existing in the administrative bodies for the purpose of keeping statistics and shall facilitate the effective implementation of approved statistical standards and methodologies.
Chapter V – General Census of Population
Article 17 - Purpose of the census
The general census of population shall be carried out in all administrative and territorial units of Georgia in order to obtain accurate data on the population, which is necessary for determining the demographic condition of the population of the country, for defining social and economic development priorities, and for informing society.
Article 18 - Obligation of citizens
1. All citizens of Georgia, as well as all foreign persons and stateless persons residing in Georgia, shall be obliged to participate in the general census.
2. The persons concerned shall provide the GeoStat with accurate data in the process of the survey.
3. Those foreign persons and members of their households who have diplomatic immunity, as well as foreign military servicepersons and their household members, shall not be subject to general census.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 19 - Basic principles of census
The following are the basic principles of the census:
a) the universality of census taking;
b) take census at least every ten years;
c) the conduct of the census according to a uniform methodology and procedure across the country;
d) (deleted - 1.5.2015, No 3584);
e) the conduct of the census simultaneously across the country, except where:
e.a) communication is complicated in the mountainous populated areas of Georgia, which are difficult to reach, and where the census shall be conducted during a specific period of time according to the local conditions in that populated area;
e.b) it is impossible to conduct the census in a certain territory for reasons that are beyond the control of the GeoStat.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Law of Georgia No 5500 of 22 June 2016 – website, 29.6.2016
Article 20 - General census programme and date of census
1. The census shall be conducted according to the general census programme, which shall be designed by the Executive Director of the GeoStat and submitted for approval to the Government Commission for Coordinating Population Census.
2. The date of the census shall be determined for each census according to the general census programme.
3. If at the time of conducting a census communication is complicated in some mountainous populated areas of Georgia that are difficult to reach, the census shall be conducted during a specific period of time according to the local conditions in that populated area.
4. The methodology for the general census in accordance with international standards shall be approved by the Government Commission for Coordinating the Population Census.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 21 - Bodies responsible for conducting census
1. The GeoStat shall be responsible for preparing and conducting the census of population, and for processing the obtained data, and for publishing and disseminating the results.
2. In order to determine the exact date of the census, and to decide in a timely manner issues related to the preparation and conduct of the census, and to ensure the coordinated work of executive authorities, the Government Commission for Coordinating the Population Census (’the Commission’) shall be established on the basis of an ordinance of the Government of Georgia, upon the recommendation of the Executive Director of the GeoStat, not later than three years before the estimated date of the census.
3. The GeoStat shall prepare the general census programme, shall review the methodological and organisational issues of conducing the census, shall determine the list of necessary work to be carried out and the dates of its performance and the names of those responsible for the performance of said work. The general census programme and questionnaire shall be approved by the Commission.
4. The Chairperson of the Commission is the Prime Minister of Georgia or a member of the Government of Georgia, who shall be appointed to the position of the Chairperson of the Commission by the Prime Minister of Georgia.
5. The rules of procedure and activities of the Commission shall be determined by the internal regulations of the Commission, which shall be approved by the Government of Georgia.
6. The Commission shall continue its work for at least six months after the general census.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 22 - (Deleted)
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 23 - Publication of the census results
The preliminary results of the census shall be published within six months after the census, and final results shall be published not later than 18 months after the census.
Article 24 - Storage of the census data
The census data held in hard copy shall be stored until the full publication of the census results, and information held in an electronic form shall be stored for an indefinite period of time.
Chapter VI – Collection, Dissemination, Storage and Protection of Confidentiality of Statistical Data
Article 25 –Obligation to submit statistical data and other information
1. Unless otherwise provided for by the legislation of Georgia, the GeoStat shall be authorised to require and obtain from administrative bodies, and natural and legal persons, all statistical data and other information necessary for performing its functions, including information containing confidential and/or personal data in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection.
2. Unless otherwise provided for by the legislation of Georgia, upon the request of the GeoStat, administrative bodies shall be obliged to provide the GeoStat with available information on natural persons and legal persons under private law in accordance with the legislation of Georgia, including information containing confidential and/or personal data in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection.
3. Unless otherwise provided for by the legislation of Georgia, upon a written request of the GeoStat, including in eclectronic form, the entities registered with the Registry of Entrepreneurs and Non-entrepreneurial (Non-commercial) Legal Persons shall be obliged to provide the GeoStat with available information, including confidential information, in hard copies or in electronic form.
4. In the case of failure to provide the GeoStat with the information within the scope of the Statistical Activity Programme approved by the Government of Georgia, the persons registered with the Registry of Entrepreneurs and Non-entrepreneurial (Non-commercial) Legal Persons shall be held liable under the Administrative Offences Code of Georgia.
5. The time limit for submitting information specified in paragraph 3 of this article shall be determined by the GeoStat, taking into account the period of the statistical survey. This time limit shall not be less than seven calendar days from the delivery to or receipt by the addressee of the request in written or electronic form.
6. The delivery of a written request to the addressee shall be acknowledged by an appropriate document, and the receipt of an electronic letter by the addressee shall be acknowledged by a letter of acknowledgement.
7. In the case of refusal to receive a letter, the letter shall be deemed delivered.
8. The imposition of administrative liability shall not exempt the person from the obligation to provide information.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 26 - Availability and storage of statistical data
1. Statistical data shall be public, except for data that might reveal the identification of a unit of observation.
2. Statistical data, except for the statistical data of the general census of population, shall be stored in hard copies until their complete publication, and electronic copies shall be stored for 20 years.
3. Information containing personal data, which is collected for the purpose of keeping statistics and which is in hard copies, shall be destroyed within three months after the publication thereof.
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 27 - Income gained from the dissemination of statistical data and publications
1. Within the scope of the Statistical Activity Programme, the GeoStat shall:
a) provide statistical data in an electronic form to all users free of charge;
b) provide printed statistical publications to all users for a fee, except for administrative bodies, other state authorities, diplomatic missions accredited to Georgia, foreign statistical bodies and international organisations disseminating statistical information.
2. The income gained from the statistical work performed beyond the scope of the Statistical Activity Programme on the basis of a contract shall be determined by the relevant contract.
3. Statistical data identified beyond the scope of the Statistical Activity Programme may be disseminated by the GeoStat for a fee. The types and fees of the statistical data specified in this paragraph shall be determined by the Board of the GeoStat upon the recommendation of the Executive Director of the GeoStat.
4. The income gained under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall be used for carrying out the activities of the GeoStat.
Law of Georgia No 3293 of 2 July 2010 – LHG I, No 37, 14.7.2010, Article 224
Law of Georgia No 3584 of 1 May 2015 – web-site, 18.5.2015
Article 28 – Confidentiality of statistical data
1. The data collected for the purpose of keeping official statistics shall be confidential where they might reveal the identification of a unit of observation or enable such identification to be established.
2. Confidential statistical data shall not be released or disseminated or used for non-statistical purposes, except for the cases provided for by the legislation of Georgia.
3. When keeping official statistics, data relating to identification, including the questionnaires of statistical surveys containing such data, shall be destroyed or stored separately as provided for by the legislation of Georgia.
Article 29 - Obligations and responsibilities of persons employed at the GeoStat agencies
1. The employees of the GeoStat agencies shall not use and/or disseminate, whether for personal reasons or for academic, scientific or other purposes, the confidential statistical data collected and processed for the purpose of a statistical survey.
2. The GeoStat agencies shall be obliged to ensure the dissemination of true statistical data.
3. The violation of this Law by persons employed at the GeoStat agencies shall result in the imposition of disciplinary liability.
4. Based on the degree of culpability and/or the incurred damage, the Executive Director of the GeoStat shall impose the following disciplinary liabilities: a warning, a salary deduction, and/or dismissal.
Chapter VII –Transitional and Final Provisions
Article 30 - Transitional provisions
1. The reorganisation of the public sub-agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia - the Department of Statistics, shall be announced within not later than 10 working days from the entry into force of this Law and shall be completed by 1 February 2010.
2. As a result of the reorganisation, the public sub-agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia - the Department of Statistics, shall be re-established as the National Statistics Office of Georgia – the GeoStat, a Legal Entity under Public Law. The GeoStat shall be deemed established upon the appointment of the acting Executive Director and the approval of the GeoStat Statutes.
3. Upon the completion of reorganisation, the President of Georgia shall appoint an acting Executive Director of the GeoStat and shall approve the GeoStat Statutes.
4. The acting Executive Director of the GeoStat shall head the Board of the GeoStat until the appointment of the first composition of the Board.
5. Within not later than 30 working days from the entry into force of this Law, the President of Georgia shall nominate to the Parliament of Georgia the candidates for the members of the Board, who shall be nominated and appointed under Article 12 of this Law.
6. The GeoStat is a legal successor to the public sub-agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia - the Department of Statistics.
Article 31 - Final Provisions
1. This Law, except for Articles 1-29 and Article 31(3), shall enter into force upon promulgation.
2. Articles 1-29 and Article 31(3) of this Law shall enter into force as of 1 February 2010.
3. The following shall be declared void:
a) the Law of Georgia on Statistics of 12 November 1997 (the Gazette of the Parliament of Georgia, No 46, 3.12.1997, p. 58);
b) the Law of Georgia on General Census of Population of Georgia of 12 October 2001 (Legislative Herald of Georgia, No 31, 1.11.2001, Art. 122).
President of Georgia M. Saakashvili
11 December 2009
No 2291–რს
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