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On the Approval of Isolation and Quarantine Rules | |
Document number | 322 |
Document issuer | Government of Georgia |
Date of issuing | 23/05/2020 |
Document type | Ordinance of the Government of Georgia |
Source and date of publishing | Website, 23/05/2020 |
Activating Date | 23/05/2020 |
Expiration Date | 04/07/2023 |
Registration code | 470230000.10.003.022034 |
Consolidated publications |
Consolidated versions (04/06/2020 - 04/06/2020)
Ordinance No 322
of the Government of Georgia
23 May 2020
On the Approval of Isolation and Quarantine Rules
Article 1
The attached Isolation and Quarantine Rules shall be approved on the basis of Article 453 (1) of the Law of Georgia on Public Health, Article 5(c) and Article 6(2)(c) of the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection, the Law of Georgia on Healthcare, the Law of Georgia on Social Assistance, the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement, Article 30 of the Law of Georgia on State Budget of Georgia of 2020 and Article 6 of the Law of Georgia on Structure, Powers and Rules of Operation of the Government of Georgia.
Article 2
Special regular transportation of passengers by M2 and M3 category motor vehicles agreed for the purpose of providingeconomic activities in accordance with Ordinance No 181 of 23 March 2020 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of Measures to be Implemented in connection with the Prevention of the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Georgia, shall be deemed permitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 2(6) of Isolation and Quarantine Rules approved by this Ordinance.
Article 3
Regulations provided for by Decree No 164 of 28 January 2020 of the Government of Georgia on on the Approval of Measures to Prevent the Possible Spread of the Novel Coronavirus in Georgia and an Emergency Response Plan for the Cases of Novel Coronavirus Diseases, which do not contravene rules approved by this Ordinance, shall comprise an integral part of this Ordinance.
Article 4
1. This Ordinance shall enter into force from 23 May 2020.
2. This Ordinance shall be effective until 15 July 2020.
Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia
Isolation and Quarantine Rules
Chapter I −General Regulations
Article 1 - General provisions
The purpose of this Ordinance is to determine isolation and quarantine rules provided for by the Law of Georgia on Public Health for the prevention of the mass spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and to determine appropriate measures to minimise the possible threat to the life and health of the country's population and to manage the epidemiological situation.
Article 2 - Regulation ofmovement
1. International air, land and maritime movement shall be suspended.
2. Direct international regular flights shall be suspended.This restriction shall not apply to flights where a foreign aircraft lands in Georgia without passengers for the purpose of taking passengers from Georgia. Moreover, this restriction shall not apply to cargo, governmental and military flights; flights to be carried out for outpatient care, emergency and technical landing purposes; flights to be carried out for specific aerial works and search and rescue activities; flights to be carried out for training purposes within the territorial waters of Georgia by a helicopter attached to a seaborne facility of the military-marine unit under the operational subordination of the Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and under the flag thereof.
3. An application for non-regular (charter) flights shall be reviewed individually by the LEPL Civil Aviation Agency in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
4. The restriction provided for by paragraph 1 of this article shall not apply to a seaborne facility of the military-marine unit under the operational subordination of the Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and under the flag thereof, and/or to the entry of a seaborne facility into the territorial waters and open harbours of Georgia for navigational purposes.
5. The following shall be suspended:
a) the transportation of passengers by rail, other than service railway traffic, where the employees of JSC Georgian Railway are moved/carried from their places of residence to their places of employment and vice versa, in agreement with the Operations Headquarters ('the Operations Headquarters’) established under the auspices of the interagency council for the prevention of the spread of the novel conoravirus in Georgia;
b) intercity transportation of passengers by M2 and M3 category motor vehicles;
c) scheduled air traffic for the purposes of transportation of passengers within the country. An application for non-scheduled (charter) flights shall be reviewed individually by the LEPL Georgian Civil Aviation Agency in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
[5. The following shall be suspended:
a) the transportation of passengers by rail, other than service railway traffic, where the employees of JSC Georgian Railway are moved/carried from their places of residence to their places of employment and vice versa, in agreement with the Operations Headquarters ('the Operations Headquarters’) established under the auspices of the interagency council for the prevention of the spread of the novel conoravirus in Georgia;
b) scheduled air traffic for the purposes of transportation of passengers within the country. An application for non-scheduled (charter) flights shall be reviewed individually by the LEPL Georgian Civil Aviation Agency in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. (Shall become effective from 8 June 2020)]
6. (Deleted – 28. 5.2020, No 337).
7. The movement of more than three persons (including a driver) shall be prohibited while providing transportation services by taxi (M1 category). In addition, a driver shall be equipped with a face mask and passengers shall take seats behind the driver in accordance with recommendations issued by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
71) During transportation by public transport, including by metropolitan railway and cable transport, all persons (including a driver) shall be equipped with face masks.
8. Procedures for the epidemiological control and quarantine rules of drivers of motor vehicles providing international freight operations (except for transit) shall be approved by a joint order of the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Minister of Finance of Georgia.
81. Procedures for the epidemiological control and quarantine rules during the movement of sailors in Georgia shall be approved by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia in order to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. (Shall become effective from 15 June 2020)]
9. For the purpose of preventing the possible spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall process information on the placement of passengers arriving in Georgia from foreign countries; in particular, the Ministry shall collect information on flight numbers, data on motor vehicles, co-passengers, contact details and the date of leaving the infected area, and shall share such information with the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the LEPL Revenue Service operating within the system of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia for the purpose of exercising powers for the prevention of the disease.
Ordinance No 337 of 28 May 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 28.5.2020
Ordinance No 341 of 29 May 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 29.5.2020
Ordinance No 345 of 2 June 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 2.6.2020
Ordinance No 350 of 4 June 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 4.6.2020
Article 3 - Regulation of the educational process
1. General and higher educational institutions shall perform the educational process using various forms of distance teaching/communication (if any).
2. Higher educational institutions shall be authorised to provide practical/laboratory work and to conduct examinations non-remotely (physically), in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Approval of Recommendations for the Prevention of the Spread of the Novel Conoravirus (COVID-19) at Workplaces.
3. All typesof trainings, conferences and seminars shall be conducted in a distance-learning mode.
4. The restriction provided for by this article shall not apply to the system of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia.
Article 4 – Restriction of cultural and sports events
1. The conduct of cultural events shall be permitted only in a remote mode.
2. All types of mass sports events, including competitions, trainingsand coaching processes/assemblies, either in closed or open spaces, and all types of trainings, seminars and/or conferences related to sport shall be prohibited except where such events are conducted in a remote mode.
3.The restriction provided for by paragraph 2 of this article shall not apply to training and coaching measures taken in the Defence Forces of Georgia and in law enforcement agencies; nor to trainings which are necessary for the smooth provision of flights and airport services, nor to the training of sailors.Such trainings shall be conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
Article 5 - Regulation ofassemblies
1. An assembly of more than 10 natural persons shall be restricted where such assembly is related to social events (e.g. wedding parties, any kind of anniversaries, funeral repasts, etc.).
2. When assembling in a closed area, all persons are obliged to wear face masks.For the purposes of this article,a public space shall be any indoor or outdoor area, unless it is a space used by individuals for residential purposes.
3. The obligation referred to in paragraph 2 of this article shall not apply to the assembly of persons in medical institutions, public institutions, defence forces, special penitentiary institutions, and law enforcement bodies where functions assigned to them are being carried out.
4. The enforcement of restrictions referred to in this article shall be controlled by the respective units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.Municipalities may also be requested to participate in enforcement.
Article 6 - Regulation ofeconomicactivities
1. All types of economic activities shall be permitted, except for:
a) on-site food service of clients in restaurants, bars, cafés and any kind of canteens, which is rendered in closed spaces;
b) organising/conducting sports, cultural and entertainment events;
c) sports and recreation procedures/activities;
d) the activities of currency exchange shops.
[1. All types of economic activities shall be permitted, except for:
a) organising/conducting sports, cultural and entertainment events;
c) sports and recreation procedures/activities. (Shall become effective from 8 June 2020)]
2. (Deleted – 28.5.2020, No 337).
3. (Deleted – 28.5.2020, No 337).
4. (Deleted – 28.5.2020, No 337).
5. (Deleted – 28.5.2020, No 337).
6. Providing gambling services and prize winning games shall be permitted only in electronic forms.
7. The activities of hotels and similar accommodation facilities shall be permitted only for the purpose of arranging quarantine areas.
[7. The activities of hotels and similar accommodation facilities shall be permitted only :
a) for the purpose of arranging quarantine areas;
b) on the basis of the positive opinion with regard to the compliance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia as a result of inspection carried out by the Labour Conditions Inspection Department of the the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia directly, or with the assisstance of the state agencies provided for by Article 9 (2) and (3) of this Ordinance (Shall become effective from 8 June 2020)]
8. All economic activities shall be performed taking into account the specificity of a facility, keeping at least two metres of social distance and using face masks, in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Approval of Recommendations to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Conoravirus (COVID-19) at Workplaces.
Ordinance No 337 of 28 May 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 28.5.2020
Ordinance No 345 of 2 June 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 2.6.2020
Article 7 - Temporary rules for activities and administration of public institutions and for the provision of public services
1. The Minister of Justice of Georgia shall be authorised to:
a) determine rules and conditions other than those established by legislation for administering the activities of the Special Penitentiary Service, legal entities under public law operating in the system of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, andof notaries and private bailiffs, as well as for providing services to persons by these entities;
b) regulate the obligation to observe the regime established by law for probationers and parolees, as well asappearancingat a time and place determined by a probation officer in accordance with rules other than those established by legislation.
2. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall be authorised to:
a) establish rules other than those provided for by legislation of Georgia regarding the provision of certain services in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;
b) establish rules other than those provided for by legislation in the field of combating illegal migration;
c) establish rules other than those provided for by legislation for international defence procedures.
3. Public institutions, natural persons and legal persons shall be granted powers to useelectronic documents and/or electronic signatures made in accordance with conditions different from those provided for by the Law of Georgia on Electronic Documents and Electronic Trust Services.
Article 8 – Operations Headquarters
1. The head of the Operations Headquarters shall be appointed by the Prime Minister.
2. The head of the Operations Headquarters shall be selected from deputy permanent members of the National Security Council.
3. The rules of operation of the Operations Headquarters shall be determined by a legal act of the Prime Minister of Georgia.
4. The Operations Headquarters shall be authorised to create crisis centres under its jurisdiction.
5. The administrative and legal support of the Operations Headquarters shall be provided by the Office of the National Security Council.
Article 9 - Agencies responsible for the enforcement of the Ordinance and their powers
1. The enforcement of this Ordinance shall be under the responsibility of respective units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.Municipalities may also be requested to participate in enforcement.
2. The monitoring of the fulfilment of recommendations on work places given by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in relation to entities engagedin economic activities or entrepreneurial entities (except for medical institutions) shall be carried out by the Labour Conditions Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia ('the Labour Conditions Inspection Department') directly and/or through the following supervision/government agencies for the purposes of this Ordinance:
a) the LEPL Social Service Agency,subject to the state control of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
b) the LEPL National Food Agency, subject to the state control of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia;
c) the LEPL Technical and Construction Supervision Agency, under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
3. For the purpose of exercising the powers provided for by paragraph 2 of this article, the municipalities of self-governing cities and supervision services of municipalities, and in the case of the municipality of the City of Tbilisi - Government Supervision Services of Tbilisi municipality, shall be requested to assist the Labour Conditions Inspection Department.
4. The Labour Conditions Inspection Department, as the main controller of the safety of workplaces, employees, employers and other persons in the working area, shall be granted the right, on the basis of paragraph 1 of this article, directly or through the agencies provided for by paragraph 2 of this article, to control compliance with the recommendations developed by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia throughout the whole territory of Georgia for the purpose of preventing the spread of the novel conoravirus (COVID-19) at workplaces. The activities and powers of the Labour Conditions Inspection Department and agencies referred to in paragraph 2 of this article shall be determined by the Order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Approval of the Rule and Procedures for Carrying out the Monitoring and Control of Compliance with the Recommendations Developed by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, for the purposes of preventing the spread of infection (COVID-19) caused by the novel conoravirus (SARS-CoV-2) at workplaces.
5. The LEPL Office of Resource Officers of Educational Institutions operating under the governance of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, within the framework of existing resources, shall assist the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia regarding the detection of cases of violation of quarantine rules by persons placed in quarantine areas allocated by the State, through controlling the outer perimeter of quarantine areas.
6. In coordination with certain agencies and international partners, the Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality shall provide information on the carrying out of emergency measures for preventing the possible spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to the population living in the occupied territories of Georgia and to ethnic minority groups compactly settled in the territory controlled by Georgia, in an understandable language and through available means of communication. Moreover, in close coordination with the above-mentioned agencies and organisations, the Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality shall support the health care efforts.
Chapter II − Isolation and Quarantine Rules to be Applied in Relation to Natural Persons
Article 10 – General provisions
1. This Chapter regulates matters and conditions related to isolation and quarantine for the purposes of providing epidemiological control, response to and readinessagainst the infection (COVID-19) (epidemics, pandemic, epidemic outbreak) caused by the novel coronavirus and shall apply to all persons in the territory of Georgia.
2. For the purpose of epidemiological control, all persons are obliged to:
a) not perform activities which create the risk of spreading contagious diseases and cause or increase health risks;
b) immediately provide information on circumstances necessary to assess the risks of spreading the disease;
c) undergo all medical procedures to prevent exposing other people to healthrisks, upon the request of competent authorities, if there is a threat of developing and spreading contagious diseases;
d) terminate activities if they pose a threat to public health;
e) comply with isolation and quarantine measures in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter;
f) comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards.
Article 11 - Rules for placing natural persons in isolation or quarantine
1. For the purposes of this Chapter, isolation shall be imposed on persons suspected of being infected with coronavirus or being at high risk of coronavirus, in order to prevent the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
2. For the purposes of this Chapter, isolation may take place in a quarantine area (quarantine) allocated by the State or in an area provided by the person himself/herself (self-isolation).
3. Isolation measures shall be applied in relation to natural persons, groups of natural persons, residential houses/blocks of flats, medical institutions, shelters and population clusters/settlements/municipalities.
4. Every natural person arriving from a foreign country and/or having been in contact with a coronavirus case, as well as persons having moved from the occupied territories of Georgia shall be subject to quarantine for a period of 14 days, except in the cases specified in Decree No 164 of 28 January 2020 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of Measures to Prevent the Possible Spread of the Novel Coronavirus in Georgia and an Emergency Response Plan for the Cases of Novel Coronavirus Diseases.
5. Persons having arrived from foreign countries shall be subject to thermal screening at border points, to in-depth interviews by the epidemiologists of LEPL Revenue Service, and to registration through the completion of a Registration Card of a Traveller Arriving from an Infected Area (Annex No 9) approved by Ordinance No 454 of the Government of Georgia of 16 September 2019 on the Approval of the Technological Scheme for Carrying out Sanitary and Quarantine Control in the Border Line and Customs Control Areas of Georgia and the Procedure for Carrying out Sanitary and Quarantine Control, which shall also constitute a decision to place such persons in isolation.
6. Persons who are contacts shall be identified by the authorised persons (epidemiologists) of public health care services (the relevant services of LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health; municipal public health centres), who make decisions to place such persons in isolation.
7. Where a person expresses the desire for self-isolation, he/she shall complete a form requesting self-isolation (available on the official website of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of, on the basis of which the LEPL Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Centre shall determine the compliance of the person with the requirements provided for by paragraph 71 of this article and shall examine the living environment intended for self-isolation, and if the proper conditions specified by paragraphs 71 and 72 exist, shall make a decision to place in/transfer the person to self-isolation.
71. A person may be placed in/transferred to self-isolation:
a) taking into account the state of health of a person (e.g after surgery, chemotherapy, the need for dialysis sessions, etc.) where relevant medical documentation is submitted;
b) at the request of representatives of international missions, accredited diplomatic missions in Georgia and their family members, taking into account the request of the relevant state agencies;
c) in the presence of other special circumstances / social factors (persons with disabilities, minors, etc.) that justify the privillage of a person's presence in self-isolation.
72. During isolation the testing of a person shall be regulated by the order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
8. Relevant persons shall be transferred to quarantine areas by the LEPL Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center and, if necessary, with the escort of the relevant service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
9. Before being placed in isolation (quarantine, self-isolation), a natural person shall sign the information form (Annex No 3).If the person refuses to sign the form, a respective note thereon shall be made and signed by an authorised person.
10. Before being placed in isolation, the person shall be provided with an explanation/appropriate information about his/her rights and duties that he/she is to comply with while in isolation and/or quarantine.
11. A person shall be placed in isolation for a period of 14 days. If a person is transferred from quarantine to self-isolation, or from self-isolation to quarantine, the number of days spent in self-isolation/quarantine shall be deducted from self-isolation/quarantine days.
12. Decisions to place natural persons in isolation (quarantine, self–isolation) shall be made by a relevant authorised service (LEPL Revenue Service, LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, LEPL Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center) in writing or orally. A person shall be placed in isolation for a period of 14 days.
13. A decision shall specify the date and the period of placing a person in isolation.
14. The execution of Annex 9 approved by Ordinance No 454 of 16 September 2019 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of Technological Scheme for Carrying out Sanitary and Quarantine Control in the Border Line and Customs Control Areas of Georgia, orthe completion of the form developed by the LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health or the LEPL Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center (which may be in material or electronic form) shall be deemed a decision for the purposes of paragraph 13 of this article.
15. The issuance of an act under paragraph 13 of this article shall not be required where quarantine is announced with respect to a particular territory (municipality, settlement).
16. The relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall ensure the enforcement of decisions to place a person in isolation.
17. Within the scope of its competence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall be authorised to control the fulfilment of conditions of isolation by persons placed in isolation (self-isolation, quarantine) provided that there arerelevant facts and/or information. Such control shall involve, inter alia, control over whether a person concerned is physicallyin place, by making periodic telephone calls and by other means explicitly provided for by the legislation of Georgia.
Ordinance No 344 of 1 June 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 1.6.2020
Article 12 – Rightsand obligations of aperson placedin isolation
1. Receiving visitors in anisolation (self-isolation, quarantine) area shall be prohibited.
2. The provision of food and personal care items/clothes and, as needed, medicines, through indirect contact to persons placed in isolation shall be permitted.
3. Contact with other persons staying in the same living area shall be minimised.Close contact with other persons within less than 1 metre distance for more than 15 minutes shall be prohibited.
4. During the isolation period, a person shall use individual utensils (cups, plates, spoons, etc.), and towels, bed and disposables.
5. A person placed in isolation may unlimitedly use means of telecommunication (including the internet).
6. During the isolation period, within the scope of its competence, a relevant public health care service shall carry out periodic monitoring of persons placed in isolation.As appropriate, the monitoring may also be carried out, within the scope of their competence, by services authorised by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
7. If a person placed in isolation needs medical assistance, his/her transportation to/from a hospital shall be carried out by the LEPL Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Centre, in a special vehicle and, as appropriate, with the escort of a relevant service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.A person subject to isolation shall be placed in the isolation ward of an inpatient facility until the expiry of the isolation period.
8. A person placed in isolation shall be required to refrain from tobacco and alcohol consumption, and shall be prohibited from consuming psychoactive substances without prescription.
9. A person placed in isolation may not leave the place of isolation except when medical care is needed, regarding which a relevant public health care service shall be immediately notified.
10. During the isolation period, a person placed in isolation shall be prohibited to communicate with other persons without personal protective equipment recommended by a public health care service.
Article 13 - Controlling the rules provided for by this Chapter
Incidences of violation of isolation and quarantine rules and/or any information on the violation of isolation and quarantine rules shall be responded to by a relevant division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia authorised to review an administrative offence case on site and to impose an administrative penalty on an offender on site, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia.
Article 14 - Exchange of information
1. Information received from the thermal screening of persons having arrived from foreign countries, who are suspected of havingor being at high risk of conoravirus, and information referred to in the Registration Card of a Traveller Arriving from Infected Areas (Annex No 9) approved by Ordinance No 454 of 16 September 2019 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of the Technological Scheme for Carrying out Sanitary and Quarantine Control in the Border Line and Customs Control Areas of Georgia and the Procedure for Carrying out Sanitary and Quarantine Control, shall be transferred by the LEPL Revenue Service, within the scope of its competence, to the LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, or to municipal public health care centres, for the purposes of identifying contacts and making a decision on their placement in isolation.
2. For the purpose of transferring a person to a quarantine area, the LEPL Revenue Service, the LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health, and the LEPL Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Centre shall be authorised to deliver information on persons to be transferred to the quarantine area (name, surname, personal number and contact details) to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
3. Information on natural persons subject to isolation (self-isolation, quarantine) shall be sent to the LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health.
4. For the purpose of controlling the fulfilment of isolation conditions by a person in self-isolation, the LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health shall send information on a natural person subject to self-isolation (name, surname, personal number, contact details and address of the place of self-isolation/residence address) to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
Chapter III − Managing Effective Disease Areas
Article 15 - Separate villages of Bolnisi Municipality
1. In the territory of the village of Mushevani and the village of Geta of Bolnisi Municipality:
a) all types of travel shall be prohibited, namely:
a.a) entrance into the territory of these villages shall be prohibited.The prohibition shall not apply to persons registered or actually living in the territory of these villages;
a.b) leaving these villages shall be prohibited;
b) movement in the territory of the village of Mushevani and the village of Geta of Bolnisi Municipality shall be prohibited.This prohibition shall not apply to:
b.a) movement for the purposes of obtaining medical services;
b.b) movement for the purposes of acquiring food and pharmaceutical products;
b.c) movement for the purposes of performing activities provided for by sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph, or for acquiring goods or services, or carrying out activities provided for by the same sub-paragraph;
c) movement of public transport in the territory of the village of Mushevani and the village of Geta of Bolnisi Municipality shall be prohibited;
d) vehicles shall enter, leave or move by a decision of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Georgia;
e) economic activities shall be suspended, as well as the supply/sale of any goods, except for:
e.a) activities of medical institutions;
e.b) the sale of medical goods and pharmaceutical products;
e.c) the retail sale of food and feed, animals, animal and plant products, household cleaning and hygiene products, veterinary drugs, pesticides and agrochemicals, and seed and planting materials;
e.d) business entities in the territory of these villages, the list and the rules of operation of which shall be determined by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;
e.e) the performance of agricultural activities and activities related to animal husbandry and poultry;
e.f) the supply of power utilities, electricity, natural gas, water, petrol, diesel, liquefied gas;
e.g.) activities necessary for the continuous operation of automated teller machines (ATMs).
2. The restrictions determined by paragraph 1 (a) of this article shall not apply to persons who travel in the territory of the village of Mushevani and the village of Geta of Bolnisi Municipality in order to ensure the smooth implementation of quarantine measures provided for by this Ordinance.The movement of these persons shall be regulated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
3. All permitted economic activities shall be performed in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Approval of Recommendations to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Conoravirus (COVID-19) at Workplaces.
4. The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia shall be authorised to mobilise persons with appropriate medical education and powers from local and other municipalities in the territory of Bolnisi Municipality, as appropriate.
5. The measures provided for by this article shall be implemented by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the State Security Service of Georgia and other institutions/agencies within their system, as well as the local self-government bodies of Bolnisi Municipality.
6. In order to enforce the measures determined by this article, relevant institutions shall be granted the right to procure necessary services/goods in the case of urgent necessity and/or in accordance with Article 101 (3)(d) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement, under the simplified procurement procedure, with the consent of the LEPL State Procurement Agency.In accordance with Article 21(4) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and Article 10(8) of the procedure approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Chairperson of LEPL State Procurement Agency on the Approval of the Procedure for Determining Simplified Procurement Criteria and for Performing Simplified Procurement, the requirements established by Article 10(2), Article 11(1) and (11), Article 12(1) and (2), and Article 13(3) of the procedure approved by the same Order shall not apply to contracts to be concluded with regard to the procurement provided for by this article.
Article 16 - Tetritskaro Municipality
1. In the territory of Tetritskaro Municipality ('Tetritskaro’):
a) all types of travel shall be prohibited, namely:
a.a) entrance into the territory of Tetritskaro shall be prohibited.The prohibition shall not apply to persons registered or actually living in the territory of Tetritskaro;
a.b) it shall be prohibited to leave the territory of Tetritskaro;
b) movement in the territory of Tetritskaro shall be prohibited.This prohibition shall not apply to:
b.a) movement for the purposes of obtaining medical services;
b.b) movement for the purposes of acquiring food and pharmaceuticals;
b.c) movement for the purposes of providing activities referred to in sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph, or for acquiring goods or services, or carrying out activities provided for by the same sub-paragraph;
c) the movement of public transport shall be prohibited in the territory of Tetritskaro;
d) vehicles shall enter, leave or move by adecision of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Georgia;
e) economic activities shall be suspended, as well as the supply/sale of any goods, except for:
e.a) activities of medical institutions;
e.b) the sale of medical goods and pharmaceutical products;
e.c) the retail sale of food and feed, animals, animal and plant products, household cleaning and hygiene products, veterinary drugs, pesticides and agrochemicals, and seed and planting materials;
e.d) business entities in the territory of Tetritskaro, the list and the rules of operation of which shall be determined by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;
e.e) the performance of agricultural activities and activities related to animal husbandry and poultry;
e.f) the supply of power utilities, electricity, natural gas, water, petrol, diesel, liquefied gas;
e.g.) activities necessary for the continuous operation of automated teller machines (ATMs).
2.The restrictions determined by paragraph 1(a) of this article shall not apply to:
a) persons moving in the territory of Tetritskaro in order to smoothly carry out quarantine measures provided for by this Ordinance.The movement of these persons shall be regulated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
b) the railway service, when the movement/carriage of employees from the place of residence to the workplace and vice versa is provided according to the schedule developed by JSC Georgian Railway in order to carry out smooth freight operations, in agreement with the Operations Headquarter.
3. All permitted economic activities shall be performed in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Approval of Recommendations to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Conoravirus (COVID-19) at Workplaces.
4. The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia shall be authorised to mobilise persons with appropriate medical education and powers from local and other municipalities in the territory of Tetritskaro, as appropriate.
5. Measures provided for by this Ordinance shall be carried out by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the State Security Service of Georgia and other institutions/agencies within their system, as well as the local self-government bodies of Tetritskaro Municipality.
6. In order to enforce the measures determined by this article, relevant institutions shall be granted the right to procure necessary services/goods in the case of urgent necessity and/or in accordance with Article 101(3)(d) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement, under the simplified procurement procedure, with the consent of the LEPL State Procurement Agency.In accordance with Article 10(8) of the procedure approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Chairperson of LEPL State Procurement Agency on the Approval of the Procedure for Determining Simplified Procurement Criteria and for Performing Simplified Procurement, the requirements established by Article 10(2), Article 11(1) and (11), Article 12(1) and (2), and Article 13(3) of the procedure approved by the same Order shall not apply to contracts to be concluded with regard to procurement as provided for by this article.
Chapter IV −Temporary Measures in the System of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia
Article 17 - Social security
1. For the purpose of ensuring the uninterrupted payment of state cash payments (state pensions, compensation, social packages, etc.) at the transitional stage, the LEPL Social Service Agency ('the Agency') subject to the state control of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia ('the Ministry') shall not suspend the payment of state cash payments even where there are grounds for suspending such payments as provided for by the legislation.Moreover, the amounts of state cash payments paid within this period shall not be considered as paid in excess and shall not be subject to refund.
2. A body administering appropriate state cash payments shall be released from the obligation toadminister cash paymentswhere said administration may result in the suspension of a cash payment.
3. (Deleted – 1.6.2020, No 344).
4. Extracts of a medical and social examination act (Form IV-50/4) issued in accordance with the requirements of Order No 64/ნ of 27 February 2007 of the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Approval of Forms Required for the Medical and Social Examination, and accordingly the statuses provided for by these extracts which serve as the basis for determining the date of the next verification of disability status as March 2020 and the subsequent period, shall retain legal force until 1 July 2020.
5. Within the framework of Ordinance No 262 of 31 March 2014 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of State Target Programme Promoting the Improvement of Demographic Situation, the LEPL Social Service Agency shall not provide verification of the factual place of residence of families of beneficiaries referred to in Article 5(1) of the State Programme approved by the said Ordinance (for the purposes of confirming the fact of residence of beneficiaries), and pecuniary benefits shall be given within the framework of this programme according to the information kept in the database administered by the Agency, other than for exceptions established within the framework of this programme.
6. In terms of the additional administration of registration of socially vulnerable families in the unified database (' the database’) and/or of the living allowance:
a) the repeated verification of the social and economic situations of families registered in the database, irrespective of the rating score, shall not be provided at thethe initiative of the Agency and/or on the basis of confirmed information received and/or found (identified) from various sources within the competences and authority provided for by Ordinance No 126 of 24 April 2010 of the Government of Georgia on Measures for Lowering the Level of Poverty and Improving the Social Security of Population in the Country, except for cases where the initial and repeated verification of the social and economic situation of a family is requested by the family itself;
b) in relation to families registered in the database and having a rating score of less than 100 001, the Agency shall keep paying monetary social assistance, and the living allowance continuously, irrespective of the competences and authority provided for by Ordinance No 126 of 24 April 2010 of the Government of Georgia on Lowering the Level of Poverty and Improving the Social Security of Population in the Country and Ordinance No 145 of 28 July 2006 of the Government of Georgia on Social Assistance initiated by the Agency, and/or irrespective of confirmed information received from various sources and/or confirmed information found (identified), except for cases where the repeated verification of its social and economic situation is requested by the family itself. Moreover, amounts of living allowance paid within this period shall not be considered as paid in excess and shall not be subject to refund;
c) in the case provided for by sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph, (continuous payment of the living allowance), the amount of living allowance shall be determined according to the data (number of family members and the rating score) held in the database, except when a family member(s) die(s)or is/are placed in a specialised/penitentiary institution or is/are placed in foster care or leave(s)the country for more than three months in succession, in which case the living allowance shall be automatically re-estimated on the basis of information received from a competent authority, by deducting the amount designated for such member(s). Such re-estimations shall be calculated, in the case of death or placement in a penitentiary institution, from the month which follows the month when a family member was excluded, and in the case of placement in a specialised institution or in foster care, from the month when information was received by the Agency (if the transfer of the amount was made from the following month), and in the case of crossing the border, from the month which follows the month when the three-month period of crossing the border has expired (while counting months, the first month shall be the month when the border was crossed);
d) if a family obtains the right to receive a living allowance based on the examination/assessment of its social and economic situation, the Agency is obliged to automatically carry out the procedure for granting the living allowance, without requiring a visit to the family by an authorised person of the Agency;
e) the Agency shall not be authorised to terminate the registration of а family in the database on thegrounds referred to in Article 8(7) (e) of the Rule established by Ordinance No 126 of 24 April 2010 of the Government of Georgia on Measures for Lowering the Level of Poverty and Improving the Social Security of Population in the Country.Accordingly, the rating score shall be assigned according to the data held in the database;
f) the Agency shall not be authorised to terminate the registration of a family in the database if the family has violated obligations provided for by Article 6(1)(d) of the Rule established by Ordinance No 126 of 24 April 2010 of the Government of Georgia on Measures for Lowering the Level of Poverty and Improving the Social Security of Population in the Country, and in the cases provided for by Article 14 of Order No 141/ნ of 20 May 2010 of the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia on the Assessment of Social and Economic Situation of Socially Vulnerable Families and the Rule of Recording and Referring Information on Children Living in these Families, except for cases where the family does not allow an authorised person of the Agency to examine property/documents or the family refuses to complete a declaration/child declaration and/or register in the database or if not all family members have documents determined by the legislation to complete the declaration;
g) the Agency shall be authorised to consider the data held in the electronic database of the LEPL Public Service Development Agency subject to the control of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia as an equivalent document substituting the birth certificate of a child (children) in order to administer the programme within the framework of Ordinance No 145 of 28 July 2006 of the Government of Georgia on Social Assistance and Ordinance No 262 of 31 March 2014 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of Targeted State Programme for Promoting the Improvement of Demographic Situation, which shall be delivered to the Agency by the Public Service Development Agency in a mutually agreed format.
7. The provision of services in institutions providing services within the framework of various sub-programmes of the State Programme of 2020 for Social Rehabilitation and Childcare approved by Ordinance No 670 of 31 December 2019 of the Government of Georgia (except for 24-hour services and sub-programme for providing services by means of supporting equipment) shall be suspended until 1 July 2020.During the mentioned period, organisations providing services shall be remunerated for their services in accordance with the conditions set out by a respective legal act.
Ordinance No 344 of 1 June 2020 of the Government of Georgia – website, 1.6.2020
Article 18 - Medical assistance
1. To prevent the spread of possible cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 (epidemics, pandemic, epidemic outbreak) in Georgia and to be ready torespond to suspected and/or confirmed cases, the treatment of patients shall be continued in specially selected medical institutions (according to Annexes No 1 and No 2).
2. With regard to paragraph 1 of this article, the following shall be implemented in selected institutions, in coordination with the Ministry:
a) mobilising beds in medical institutions to diagnose and manage suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19, on the basis of the instructions of the Ministry, in accordance with Annex No 1, including:
a.a) transferring existing/current patients (mobilisation of beds in an institution) to medical institutions providing relevant medical services;
b) increasing the number of beds at their base (including in the intensive care unit) to the extent possible and, as appropriate, purchasing medical items, materials, apparatus and medications;
a.c) providing the diagnosis and management of suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19;
a.d) as appropriate, manage COVID-19 positive pregnant women, irrespective of having the level defined by Order No 01-2/ნ of 15 January 2015 of the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Protection of Georgia on the Approval of Regionalisation of Perinatal Services Levels and Patient Referral Criteria;
b) mobilising beds in hospitals determined by Annex No 2 to provide services to patients with fever in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry, with full observance of infection control rules in order to prevent the nosocomial spread of infection.
3. Services provided in medical institutions determined by paragraph 1 of this article shall cover:
a) the provision of primary triage and diagnosis of patients at high risk (persons placed in quarantine or self-isolation areas, and contacts of confirmed cases of COVID-19) by institutions determined by Annex No 1, and the management of confirmed cases of COVID-19, including patients referred from medical institutions determined by Annex No 2;
b) the provision of primary triage and diagnosis of any patient having fever by institutions determined by Annex No 2, the referral of patients to the nearest medical institutions determined by Annex No 1 after the COVID-19 diagnosis is confirmed, except for severe cases when patients are referred to medical institutions selected on the basis of instructions of the LEPL Social Service Agency; if the COVID-19 diagnosis is excluded, the redirection of patients to the nearest medical institution for further examination and treatment.
4. For the purposes of this article, any inpatient institution throughout the country is obliged to provide initial triage of patients having fever, and provide services to patients in an isolated environment in the medical institution, with strict observance of infection control measures by medical personnel.
5. All institutions determined by Annexes No 1 and No 2 are obliged to assign persons responsible for taking appropriate biological material for COVID-19 testing, performing fast tests and, as appropriate, storing and handling material to be analysed.The material to be analysed shall be handled in accordance with instructions/procedures determined by the General Director of the LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health.
6. During the period of epidemic, medical personnel (doctors, paramedics, hospital attendants) working in medical institutions determined by Annexes No 1 and No 2 who, at the same time, are employed by other medical institutions, are obliged to work only in the institutions determined by these Annexes.In addition, in such cases, the other medical institution is obliged to maintain the work position for the said medical personnel.
7. The measures defined by Annexes No 1 and No 2 shall be financed in accordance with terms and conditions determined by the State Programme for Universal Healthcare approved by Ordinance No 36 of 21 February 2013 of the Government of Georgia on Certain Measures to be Implemented to Transit to Universal Healthcare and by Annex No 20 (Management of the Novel Coronavirus Disease of COVID-19) approved by Ordinance No 674 of 31 December 2019 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of State Healthcare Programmes of 2020.
8. In a matter ofurgent necessity, taking into account the epidemiological situation, the Ministry shall be authorised to make a decision other than provided for by this Ordinance on changing the terms related to the mobilisation of institutions referred to in Annexes No 1 and No 2, and/or on mobilising samein accordance with the relevant terms of other inpatient institutions.
9. The following institutions shall be assigned the following functions:
a) the LEPL State Regulation Agency for Medical Activities to monitor the readiness of medical institutions in terms of infection control and maintaining the respiratory apparatus in good work order;
b) the LEPL Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Centre to ensure the transportation of patients, as needed;
c) the LEPL Social Service Agency to:
c.a) provide assistance, as appropriate, in the process of distribution of current patients to other medical institutions providing relevant services when the hospital is fully mobilised;
c.b) ensure that the medical institution is informed about this Ordinance.
10. In order to enforce the measures determined by this article, procuring institutions shall be given the right to procure necessary services/goods in the case of urgent necessity and/or in accordance with Article 101(3)(d) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement, under the simplified procurement procedure, with the consent of the LEPL State Procurement Agency.
11. The measures determined by sub-paragraph (a.c) of paragraph 2 of this article shall be financed in accordance with terms and conditions defined by the State Programme for Managing the Disease of Novel Conoravirus of COVID-19 approved by Ordinance No 674 of 31 December 2019 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of Healthcare State Programmes of 2020.
12. Taking into accountnational and public importance, a different procedure for the issuance of a licence/permit shall be established for medical institutions and, in agreement with the Ministry, the LEPL State Regulation Agency of Medical Activities shall be granted the right to issue a temporary licence/permit for medical activities by a relevant act with terms and conditions other than those established by the legislation.
13. To ensure the execution of this Ordinance, Batumi Republican Clinical Hospital LTD shall be granted the right to perform activities on the basis of the existing licence/permit at the address of property (land (real estate) cadastral code No05.27.09.011) located at No 2, Tbel Abuseridze Street, the City of Batumi.
14. To enforce the measures determined by this article, Academician Nikoloz Kipshidze Central University Hospital LTD (cadastral code: 205165453) shall use the plot of land (including the buildings and structures thereon/attached thereto) registered by cadaster code No of land (real estate) (address: the Village of Rukhi, Zugdidi Municipality), on the basis of the existing licence/permit, to manage infection (COVID-19) caused by the novel conoravirus (SARS-CoV-2).For the purposes of this article, Academician Nikoloz Kipshidze Central University Hospital LTD shall be authorised to use fixed and other assets, and other resources on its balance sheet.
15. Institutions providing dental services shall continue functioning in accordance with the recommendations/requirements and the ruleof functioning approved by the Order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
16. As appropriate, those persons responsible for the delivery/supply of medication to beneficiaries during the provision of appropriate services within appropriate state healthcare programmes in the system of the Ministry, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for by the same state programme, may be released from the obligation to deliver under the prescription form No 3 as a temporary measure.
Article 19 - Medical and pharmaceutical activities
The time limit for reviewing an application on the registration of the change of range I type (a) pharmaceutical products, and on registration through the recognition regime, and on notification regarding the first importation of pharmaceutical products already permitted inthe Georgian market, though in different packaging and with the different marking, (including dental materials and diagnostic means), shall be determined to be one month.
Article 20 - Enforcement of penalty sanctions
1. Within the framework of Ordinance No 36 of 21 February 2013 of the Government of Georgia on Certain Measures to be Implemented to Transit to Universal Healthcare, the moratorium shall be extended to 1 July 2020 on penalty sanctions (including disputable ones) determined by administrative legal act(s) of the programme administering body (bodies) for supplier institutions, and on the payment of administering measures determined by Article 191 of Annex 1 of the same Ordinance and Ordinance No 66 of 13 February 2019 of the Government of Georgia on Additional Measures for Administering State Programme for Universal Healthcare, taking into account paragraph 3 of this article.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall also apply to the enforcement of penalty sanctions determined within the framework of state healthcare programmes of the respective year (including the State Programme for the Management of Hepatitis C approved by Ordinance No 169 of 20 April 2015).
3. In the case provided for by Article 191(8) and (9) of Annex No 1 of Ordinance No 36 of 21 February 2013 of the Government of Georgia on Certain Measures to be Implemented to Transit to Universal Healthcare, the validity of a written agreement on the payment rescheduling of penalty sanctions shall be suspended only if a supplier ensures that the validity period of an appropriate guarantee related to the fulfilment of an obligation (a guarantee corresponding to the amount of the obligation) is postponed for an appropriate period and is submitted to a provider in a written form.
Article 21 - Measures related to property management and agreements
1. The Ministry and LEPLs subject to its control shall transfer movable state property to an appropriate organisation/institution, within the scope ofmeasures of prevention related to the novel conoravirus (COVID-19) and in accordance with applicable legislation, namely Ordinance No 285 of 20 July 2011 of the Government of Georgia on Transfer of Disposable and Rapidly Wearing Items, Pharmaceutical and Food Products by Institutions of the Executive Authority to be Used by Private and Public Legal Entities and/or Administrative Bodies, and/or Ordinance No 302 of 1 October 2010 of the Government of Georgia on the Approval of the Rule for Applying, Discussing and Making a Decision on Transferring State Owned Property for Use to the State, the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia or Ajara, a Local Self-government Body or a Legal Entity under Public Law.
2. In accordance with Article 36(2) of the Law of Georgia on State Property, the Ministry and LEPLs subject to its control shall be permitted to transfer appropriate movable property free of charge, without auction, by their own decision, within the framework of measures for ensuring readiness for the prevention of conoravirus and appropriate response measures related thereto.
3. The Ministry and LEPLs subject to its control shall be released:
a) from the requirements of Ordinance No 139 of 11 May 2010 of the Government of Georgia on Certain Measures Related to the Conclusion of Agreements with the Participation of Foreign Contracting Parties and Ordinance No 126 of 14 March 2011 of the Government of Georgia on Measures to be Implemented Regarding Grants by Relevant Institutions of the Executive Authority and Legal Entities under Public Law Subject to the State Control;
b) within the scope of preventive measures against the novel conoravirus (COVID-19), when making procurement of appropriate goods and services:
b.a) from the requirements determined by Article 21(4) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and taking into account Article 10(8) of the Rule approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Head of the LEPL State Procurement Agency on the Determination of Criteria for Simplified Procurement and on the Approval of the Procedure for Performing Simplified Procurement, and Article 10(2), Article 11(1) and (11), Article 12(1) and (2), also, Article 13(3)of the rule approved by the same Order;
b.b) from the requirements of Ordinance No 650 of 25 December 2019 of the Government of Georgia on Certain Measures to be Taken Regarding Public Procurement.
4. Within the framework of measures of prevention of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), in relation to the Ministry and LEPLs subject to its control, as well as relevant procuring medical institutions as provided for by Article 18 of this Ordinance:
a) the minimum time limits under the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and the minimum time limits of the agreement with the LEPL Public Procurement Agency, determined on the basis of the said Law, shall not apply;
b) the provisions of Article 18(10) of this Ordinance shall apply, in light of the content thereof.
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