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On the Approval of Measures to Prevent the Possible Spread of the Novel Coronavirus in Georgia and the Emergency Response Plan for Cases of Novel Coronavirus Disease | |
Document number | 164 |
Document issuer | Government of Georgia |
Date of issuing | 28/01/2020 |
Document type | Decree of the Government of Georgia |
Source and date of publishing | Website, 12/03/2020 |
Registration code | 000000000.00.003.025799 |
Consolidated publications |
Consolidated versions (05/05/2020 - 11/05/2020)
Government of Georgia
Decree No 164
28 January 2020
On the Approval of Measures to Prevent the Possible Spread of the Novel Coronavirus in Georgia and the Emergency Response Plan for the Cases of Novel Coronavirus Disease
In accordance with the Law of Georgia on Public Health and Article 6 of the Law of Georgia on the Structure, Powers and Rules of Operation of the Government of Georgia:
1. The annexed Emergency Response Plan for the Cases of Novel Coronavirus Disease shall be approved.
2. The following obligations shall be assigned to:
a) relevant state agencies:
a.a) to develop and approve their own special emergency plans by 1 March 2020, with appropriate financial estimates;
a.b) within their competence, to ensure the funding of the measures specified in this Decree from their own appropriations;
b) the Ministry of Finance of Georgia:
b.a) to allocate appropriate appropriations to relevant state agencies specified in this Decree or institutions established with the participation of the State (including from the Reserve Fund of the Government of Georgia) if additional financial resources are required.
3. The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia shall ensure the overall coordination of the activities provided for by this Decree.
31. LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health under the state control of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia shall be assigned to function as a secretariat to ensure the smooth implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree (gathering/analysing information and, if necessary, submitting it to relevant agencies).
4. The procurement of services/goods necessary to ensure the measures specified in this Decree shall be performed in the case of urgent necessity and/or through simplified procurement in accordance with Article 101(3)(d) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement.
5. This Decree, except for paragraph 4, shall enter into force upon signature.
6. Paragraph 4 of this Decree shall enter into force for each of the contracting entities responsible for the implementation of measures determined by the Emergency Response Plan, in accordance with the procedure established by legislation for the respective contracting entities concerning the performance of public procurement through emergency and/or simplified public procurement in agreement with LEPL State Procurement Agency.
Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia
Emergency Response Plan for the Cases of Novel Coronavirus Disease
Article 1 – Scope/general part
1. The Emergency Response Plan for the Cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease (‘coronavirus’) defines nationwide response measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the responsibilities and duties of relevant structures.
2. The actions described in the Plan may, in whole or in part, be performed where the need arises and in accordance with the procedure for the classification of emergencies.
3. The Plan includes the following measures to respond to cases of disease caused by coronavirus: the detection of cases of the disease caused by coronavirus, identification, confirmation and risk assessment; laboratory testing; the notification of bodies responsible for responding; epidemiological surveys/response actions; informing the public about the elimination/mitigation of the risks and consequences associated with coronavirus and about actions to find a solution to the situation.
Article 2 – Purpose
1. The purpose of the Plan is to ensure that the State is prepared to respond to coronavirus in terms of both preventive measures and necessary measures to respond to the virus where it is detected.
2. The Plan is intended to guide the work of state and non-state agencies and outlines the necessary preparatory measures for coordinating an early response.
Article 3 – Objectives
As part of the emergency response to and preparedness for coronavirus, the strategic objectives of the Government of Georgia are to:
a) prepare accordingly (and proportionally) for expected threats if coronavirus is imported;
b) take measures to prevent or reduce the consequences if coronavirus is imported to Georgia from abroad and transmitted locally;
c) support efforts to stop, slow down and limit coronavirus outbreaks and to fulfil international obligations in respect of reporting (to the World Health Organization);
d) strengthen epidemiological surveillance and survey functions for the early detection of coronavirus;
e) organise health care systems for the treatment and assistance of persons infected with coronavirus, in general, without discontinuing the provision of essential health services to the population;
f) continuously ensure public and media involvement and proper information.
Article 4 – Basic obligations and powers
For the purpose of implementing the measures specified in this Decree:
1. The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs (‘the Ministry’), together with LEPL L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (‘the National Center’) and LEPL Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center, shall ensure the following:
a) for the purposes of public health protection, and in accordance with the International Health Regulations, the coordination of the planning and implementation of response measures in co-operation with all relevant government agencies;
b) the development of a case management protocol with the involvement of experts;
c) the development of a screening protocol;
d) the implementation of screening, within its competence;
e) the carrying out of epidemiological surveillance of cases for the purpose of detecting coronavirus cases (including laboratory diagnostics);
f) the sending of suspect/positive specimens to the referral laboratory of the WHO for confirmation and additional research, where necessary;
g) the subsequent immediate evacuation of coronavirus cases;
h) the quarantine of passengers arriving from coronavirus areas (identified by the WHO as high-risk zones) and their isolation and restriction;
i) the identification of medical facilities for the management of suspect and/or confirmed coronavirus cases and the putting in place of a referral mechanism;
j) the provision of medical personnel, epidemiologists and other target groups with necessary information and training, based on WHO recommendations;
k) the tightening of infection control measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus;
l) upon the detection of possible coronavirus cases, the immediate informing of the Government of Georgia, with a view to launching the Response Plan for Particularly Dangerous Pathogens and Biological Incidents;
m) the screening of the drivers of freight vehicles carrying out the international transportation of cargo, within its competence; the drivers of vehicles in transit shall not be subject to isolation in the case of negative results upon thermal screening;
n) the provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia with information on persons subject to self-isolation in order to strengthen control over compliance with the rules of self-isolation.
2. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall ensure:
a) the coordination of all preventive and response measures provided for by this Decree and the protection of the safety of medical facilities;
b) assistance and security in the movement of ambulances and other vehicles transporting patients, as well as citizens for the purpose of isolation and restriction;
c) quarantine measures, the isolation of the focal points of coronavirus, and safety;
d) the protection of public order and security of strategic state facilities;
e) the monitoring of the movement in the territory of Georgia of freight vehicles (with their crew) at risk of spreading coronavirus, coming from a foreign country, in compliance with the following conditions:
e.a) after the completion by the motor vehicle of mandatory procedures at the customs checkpoint, all the way to an economic clearance zone, a customs warehouse or a place agreed with the customs authority, and from specified customs control areas to customs checkpoints, and in the case of transit movement, the movement from one customs checkpoint to another customs checkpoint shall be carried out without a stop, except in cases defined in sub-paragraph (e.b) of this paragraph;
e.b) a motor vehicle may only stop in specially designated areas (stop points) specified in Annex No 1, at points of purchase of a compulsory civil liability insurance policy of an owner of a foreign-registered motor vehicle moving in the territory of Georgia, and in parking areas for M2, M3, N2 and N3 category motor vehicles (detached, or with semitrailers or trailers) located on sections of the state land border of Georgia;
e.c) in a specially designated area (stop point), drivers can fill fuel tanks and purchase road-use fee cards. In addition to said services, drivers may tidy themselves up, purchase items for personal use and food. At stop points, it is desirable to make cashless payments, electronically, by means of a bank card or a special payment terminal. Such zones are intended only for the above purposes and no other users are permitted to enter there;
e.d) in the case of difficulties during the movement (vehicle malfunction, deterioration of health, etc.), the driver shall be obliged to contact relevant services and shall stay in the car cabin until the relevant services arrive;
e.e) a motor vehicle shall leave the territory of Georgia:
e.e.a) when moving in transit through the territory of Georgia (except when moving from or to the Kazbegi customs checkpoint, or when a freight vehicle exits Georgia by a ferry) – within 24 hours after entering the country;
e.e.b) when moving in transit from or to the Kazbegi customs checkpoint (except when a freight vehicle exits Georgia by a ferry) – within 48 hours after entering the country;
e.e.c) when a freight vehicle moving in transit through the territory of Georgia exits Georgia by a ferry – within 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
e.e.d) in other cases of the movement of a freight vehicle by a citizen of a foreign country – within 96 hours after entering the country, and if a freight vehicle, after bringing in and unloading goods in Georgia, is loaded with goods for the purpose of taking them from Georgia, or exits Georgia by a ferry – within 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
1. The restrictions provided for by sub-paragraphs (e.a) and (e.b) shall not apply in the case of the implementation of measures defined in paragraph 4 (e.b–e.e) of this article.
2. The period of time necessary for the completion of customs formalities and the period of stay in parking areas for M2, M3, N2 and N3 category motor vehicles (detached, or with semitrailers or trailers) located on the sections of the state land border of Georgia shall not be counted towards the time limits established in sub-paragraph (e.e).
3. Where the given rules are violated (arbitrary leaving of the motor vehicle, arbitrary stopping on prohibited sections, the violation of time limits for the movement in the territory of Georgia and so forth), except where climatic conditions or other ambient factors make it difficult and/or impossible to fulfil the established condition, the driver of a motor vehicle shall be imposed a fine for the violation of the regime of the state of emergency in accordance with Article 8 of Decree No 1 of the President of Georgia of 21 March 2020 on Measures to be Implemented in connection with the Declaration of a State of Emergency throughout the Whole Territory of Georgia and shall be placed in quarantine for a period of 14 days, and the vehicle shall be transferred to an impound lot.
4. Where climatic conditions and other ambient factors make it difficult and/or impossible to fulfil the established conditions, the movement of a vehicle and the place of stopping shall be determined on basis of the assessment of the situation on site by a relevant service;
f) the enforcement of relevant decisions on self-isolation and/or quarantine of persons, through appropriate units, in coordination with the relevant services of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
g) the taking of appropriate measures under Article 4(4)(f) within its competence.
3. The Patrol Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shall ensure:
a) the distribution of instruction booklets to passengers arriving from areas with coronavirus transmission, within its competence;
b) the registration of information at border checkpoints about the accommodation in Georgia of passengers arriving from foreign countries (identified by the WHO as high-risk zones), indicating entry characteristics (e.g. flight number, vehicle type, fellow-travellers), contact information, and the date of leaving the coronavirus affected area.
4. The LEPL Revenue Service within the governance of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia shall ensure:
a) within its competence, the distribution of leaflets (instruction booklets) among passengers arriving from areas with coronavirus transmission upon their entry into the country;
b) the handling of passengers (including transit passengers) arriving from coronavirus affected areas (identified by the WHO as high-risk zones) through international airports and other customs checkpoints:
b.a) according to the information received, the collection of detailed travel history data for each such passenger;
b.b) screening in accordance with the International Health Regulations;
b.c) the immediate provision of information to the National Center;
b.d) in order to reduce the risk of the spread of coronavirus in Georgia, requiring from persons arriving in Georgia who have travelled in countries nominated by the WHO as countries with the risk of epidemic (the People’s Republic of China, South Korea, the Republic of Italy, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the Confederation of Switzerland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Denmark, and from 00:00 am of 18 March 2020 – all other countries) in the previous 14 days, or who have travelled through such countries:
b.d.a) to present an appropriate certificate of testing for coronavirus (a specific laboratory polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test) issued within the previous 3 days by an appropriate laboratory of the country of departure or transit (except for the countries with the risk of epidemic as determined by WHO);
b.d.b) in the case of failure to present the certificate referred to in sub-paragraph (b.d.a) of this paragraph, to undergo an epidemiological examination first, and then a mandatory 14-day isolation procedure in accordance with the procedures established by the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
c) the registration of freight vehicles coming from foreign countries and the control of their movement in the territory of Georgia, in compliance with the condition that:
c.a) a motor vehicle shall leave the territory of Georgia:
c.a.a) when moving in transit through the territory of Georgia (except when moving from or to the Kazbegi customs checkpoint, or when a freight vehicle exits Georgia by a ferry) – within 24 hours after entering the country;
c.a.b) when moving in transit from or to the Kazbegi customs checkpoint (except when a freight vehicle exits Georgia by a ferry) – within 48 hours after entering the country;
c.a.c) when a freight vehicle moving in transit through the territory of Georgia exits Georgia by a ferry – within 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
c.a.d) in other cases of the movement of a freight vehicle by a citizen of a foreign country – within 96 hours after entering the country, and if a freight vehicle, after bringing in and unloading goods in Georgia, is loaded with goods for the purpose of taking them from Georgia, or exits Georgia by a ferry – within 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
c.b) the time limit for bringing a freight vehicle moved by a citizen of Georgia (except in transit) to an economic clearance zone, a customs warehouse or a place agreed with the customs authority, shall be 48 hours.
1. The period of time necessary for the completion of customs formalities and the period of stay in parking areas for M2, M3, N2 and N3 category motor vehicles (detached, or with semitrailers or trailers) located on the sections of the state land border of Georgia shall not be counted towards the time limits established in this sub-paragraph.
2. Where the given rules are violated, except where climatic conditions or other ambient factors make it difficult and/or impossible to fulfil the established conditions, the driver of a motor vehicle shall be imposed a fine for the violation of the regime of the state of emergency in accordance with Article 8 of Decree No 1 of the President of Georgia of 21 March 2020 on Measures to be Implemented in connection with the Declaration of a State of Emergency throughout the Whole Territory of Georgia and the vehicle (moved by a citizen of a foreign country) shall immediately leave the territory of Georgia;
d) the provision of information to importers and, in order to minimise the risks associated with road transportation, the giving of recommendations on the transportation of cargo into the country by rail transport (if possible);
d1) informing the drivers of freight vehicles that:
d1.a) motor vehicles coming from a foreign country shall leave the territory of Georgia:
d1.a.a) when moving in transit through the territory of Georgia (except when moving from or to the Kazbegi customs checkpoint, or when a freight vehicle exits Georgia by a ferry) – within 24 hours after entering the country;
d1.a.b) when moving in transit from or to the Kazbegi customs checkpoint (except when a freight vehicle exits Georgia by a ferry) – within 48 hours after entering the country;
d1.a.c) when a freight vehicle moving in transit through the territory of Georgia exits Georgia by a ferry – within 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
d1.a.d) in other cases of the movement of a freight vehicle by a citizen of a foreign country – within 96 hours after entering the country, and if a freight vehicle, after bringing in and unloading goods in Georgia, is loaded with goods for the purpose of taking them from Georgia, or exits Georgia by a ferry – within 7 (seven) calendar days after entering the country;
d1.b) it is recommended to use cashless payment (online purchase, a plastic card, etc.) in the territory of Georgia for financial settlements (purchase of fuel, food, other items, insurance, etc.);
d1.c) it is recommended to use individual protective equipment (medical masks etc.);
e) the screening of drivers of vehicles coming from foreign countries in accordance with the International Health Regulations, and if suspect cases are identified during screening, recording them. In such cases the following shall be performed:
e.a) the immediate temporary isolation of the person in question on site. If it is not possible to temporarily isolate the person on site, he/she shall be transferred with an escort to the nearest customs control area.
e.b) the proper disinfection of the freight vehicle under the supervision of an authorised person of the customs authority;
e.c) the replacement of the driver of the motor vehicle with a natural person who does not belong to a risk group, and the driver of the motor vehicle (the person who was driving the vehicle at the moment of entering the customs border of Georgia) shall be subject to return (in the case of a foreign national) or to quarantine/placement at a relevant medical institution depending on his/her clinical condition;
e.d) the replacement of the tractor unit of the motor vehicle (in the case of pair combination) with a tractor unit which is not considered as posing a risk of spreading coronavirus, and sending back the original tractor unit (which was used for the transportation of cargo to the customs territory of Georgia), or
e.e) the transportation of the motor vehicle (the freight vehicle, the pair combination) to the nearest customs control area and the transfer of cargo to another vehicle which is not considered as posing a risk of spreading coronavirus, and sending back the original motor vehicle (which was used for the transportation of cargo to the customs territory of Georgia).
Note: the requirements under sub-paragraph (e) which refer to the proper disinfection of vehicles, as well as to sending back the driver (the person who was driving the vehicle at the moment of entering the customs border of Georgia) (in the case of a foreign national), or to quarantine/placement at a relevant medical institution depending on the person’s clinical condition, shall apply to the entry into the country of light motor vehicles and buses;
f) within its competence, the imposition of the following restrictions on crossing the border of Georgia:
f.a) in terms of air traffic:
f.a.a) only citizens of Georgia and their family members shall have the right to enter Georgia from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation through the airspace from 14 March 2020, and after 00:00 am on 18 March 2020 – from all the other countries;
f.a.b) in accordance with the decisions of the executive authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, the movement for the citizens of third countries (except for citizens of third countries who are travelling together with citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, and the Russian Federation, and who are their family members) shall be restricted from leaving Georgia for the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, and the Russian Federation through the airspace;
f.a.c) transit passengers travelling by air through the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, and the Russian Federation, who are passing through the airspace of Georgia without stopping, shall not be restricted from leaving Georgia;
f.b) in terms of land traffic:
f.b.a) only citizens of Georgia and their family members shall have the right to enter Georgia from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation through land customs checkpoints from 14 March 2020, and after 00:00 am on 18 March 2020 – from all the other countries;
f.b.b) in accordance with the decisions of the executive authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, and the Russian Federation, only citizens of these countries (the Republic of Azerbaijan or the Republic of Armenia or the Russian Federation) and their accompanying family members shall have the right to leave the territory of Georgia for the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, and the Russian Federation through land customs checkpoints;
f.b.c) international cargo transportation by land to the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation through the territory of Georgia shall be carried out smoothly, in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations and under the control of the responsible authorities;
g) the restrictions set forth in sub-paragraph (f)(f.a.a) and (f.b.a) of this article shall not apply to:
g.a) representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Georgia and of international organisations, and their family members;
g.b) family members of citizens of Georgia, irrespective of their citizenship;
g.c) persons coming on a humanitarian mission, if there is a need for such a mission (doctors, volunteers, etc.);
g.d) stateless persons with a status in Georgia;
g.e) persons having a neutral identity card and/or a neutral travel document;
g.f) persons having refugee status in Georgia;
g.g) members of official delegations, if an appropriate decision is made;
g.h) drivers involved in international freight transportation, personnel involved in international railway transportation related to the carriage and escort of cargo by railway, and aircraft crew members.
1. The citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, and their family members, who are travelling in transit through the territory of Georgia from the third countries, shall travel through the territory of Georgia in an organised manner, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, under the supervision of the relevant authorities.
2. For the purposes of sub-paragraphs (f.a.a), (f.b.a) and (g.b) of this paragraph, a spouse and a minor child of a person shall be considered as his/her family member, which must be evidenced by appropriate documentation;
h) taking into consideration the epidemiological situation, a restriction on taking out (export and re-export) from Georgia certain pharmaceutical products and medical items as a provisional measure:
h.a) tests listed under commodity sub-subitem 3822 00 000 00 of the Foreign Economic Activity National Commodity Nomenclature (FEANCN), which are intended for diagnosing COVID-19 infection.
Note: An opinion that diagnostic tests listed under commodity sub-subitem 3822 00 000 00 of the FEANCN are not intended for diagnosing COVID-19 infection and, therefore, they may be exported or re-exported shall be issued by LEPL Regulation Agency for Medical and Pharmaceutical Activities under state control of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
h.b) shoe covers of plastic materials listed under commodity sub-subitem 3926 20 000 00 of the FEANCN;
h.c) (deleted – 10.4.2020, No 672);
h.d) nitrile surgical gloves listed under commodity sub-subitem 4015 11 000 00 and other nitrile gloves listed under commodity sub-subitem 4015 19 900 00 of the FEANCN;
h.e) isolation coveralls, medical gowns, sets of medical gowns, caps and shoe covers listed under commodity sub-subitem 6210 10 900 00 of the FEANCN;
h.f) facial masks and masks, shoe covers of cotton materials and shoe covers of textile materials listed under commodity sub-subitem 6307 90 990 00 of the FEANCN;
h.g) medical caps listed under commodity sub-subitem 6506 99 909 00 of the FEANCN;
h.h) protective eyeglasses of plastic listed under commodity sub-subitem 9004 90 900 00 of the FEANCN;
h.i) non-contact thermometers listed under commodity sub-subitem 9025 19 200 00 of the FEANCN;
h.j) respirators listed under commodity sub-subitem 9019 20 000 00 of the FEANCN;
h.k) disinfecting detergents listed under commodity sub-subitem 3808 94 of the FEANCN.
5. The LEPL National Food Agency and the LEPL Revenue Service shall prohibit the import of live animals from the People’s Republic of China.
6. The LEPL Georgian Public Broadcaster shall be requested to provide the general public with accurate and necessary information on the outbreak of coronavirus, and the measures aimed at reducing the risk of exposure to the virus.
7. The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, through other relevant structures within its system, shall ensure, within its competence:
a) the provision of information to natural and legal persons employed in the tourism industry on the spread of coronavirus;
b) the temporary termination of direct international flights to the People’s Republic of China; the temporary termination of direct international flights to the Islamic Republic of Iran from 23 February 2020; the temporary termination of direct international flights to the Republic of Italy from 6 March 2020, 16:00 CET; the temporary termination of direct international flights to the Republic of France from 19 March 2020, with the exception of a direct international flight to / from Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris on 20 March 2020. These restrictions shall not apply to flights where the aircraft arrives in Georgia from the mentioned countries without passengers for the purpose of taking passengers from Georgia;
b1) the temporary termination of scheduled international flights from 21 March 2020. This restriction shall not apply to flights where foreign aircraft arrive in Georgia from foreign countries without passengers for the purpose of taking passengers from Georgia. This restriction shall also not apply to cargo; governmental flights; flights to be carried out for outpatient care, emergency and technical landing purposes; flights to be carried out for aerial works and search and rescue activities. Applications for non-scheduled (chartered) flights shall be reviewed individually by LEPL Civil Aviation Agency in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia;
c) the restrictions set forth in sub-paragraphs (b) and (b1) of this paragraph may be revised taking into account the risk of the epidemic situation, in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry;
d) the procurement of relevant goods and services to provide masks (whether it be multilayer fabric (cotton / bandage) or other relevant material) for the purpose of preventing the spread of coronavirus.
8. The United Airports of Georgia LLC (ID/N: 404389693) shall be assigned to:
a) immediately ensure the procurement, at its own expense, of thermoscanners and related equipment, together with subsequent installation and integration services, for their placement at Georgian International Airports;
b) transfer on a temporary basis the thermoscanners procured under this paragraph to the LEPL called the Revenue Service within the Ministry of Finance of Georgia free of charge, which shall be used by the latter for screening passengers at the international airports of Georgia;
c) immediately apply to the Ministry of Finance of Georgia for the allocation of additional financial resources if the total value of the procurement referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph exceeds EUR 75 000;
d) ensure, within its competence, on the basis Article 4(86) and (87) of this Annex, a mutual comparison of information provided by the airline within the framework of a respective agreement between LEPL National Tourism Administration of Georgia and the airline on the prices of tickets sold, in particular, information on sold tickets (which shall be provided in the form of a list and shall contain information on the passengers and the prices of the tickets sold), the electronic copies of provided sold tickets and the electronic copies confirming respective bank transactions. The United Airports of Georgia LLC shall inform LEPL National Tourism Administration of Georgia of the results in the form of an official letter, which shall serve as a basis for partial subsidising provided for by paragraphs 86 and 87.
81. LEPL Land Transport Agency shall ensure:
a) the connection of companies which are owners of vehicles (hauling vehicles in the case of a combination of coupled vehicles) entering the border checkpoints of Georgia, whose drivers are subject to preventive measures in connection with the spread of the novel coronavirus, with local haulage companies for the replacement of hauling vehicles (together with drivers) or for the replacement of drivers only;
b) the provision of local haulage companies with information on health and customs procedures related to measures for the reduction of the risk of spreading coronavirus;
c) in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the procurement of the services related to the transportation of the citizens of Georgia from the Republic of Bulgaria to Georgia by a special charter flight. In accordance with Article 21(4) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement, and Article 10(8) of the Procedure approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Chairperson of the LEPL Public Procurement Agency On Approval of the Procedure for Determining the Simplified Procurement Criteria and for Conducting Simplified Procurement, the requirements of Article 10(2), Article 12(1)-(2), and Article 13(3) of the Procedure approved by the same Order shall not apply to the agreements to be concluded in relation to the procurement specified in this sub-paragraph.
82. LEPL Georgian National Tourism Administration shall ensure the procurement of various goods and services related to the placement under mandatory quarantine, transportation, nutrition, cleaning, security and creation of proper conditions for relevant persons during the period of quarantine in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In accordance with Article 21(4) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and Article 10(8) of the Procedure approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Chairperson of LEPL State Procurement Agency on the Approval of the Procedure for Determining Simplified Procurement Criteria and for Performing Simplified Procurement, the requirements established by Article 10(2), Article 11(1) and (11), Article 12(1) and (2), and Article 13(3) of the procedure approved by the same Order shall not apply to contracts to be concluded with regard to the procurement provided for by this paragraph.
83. Mountain Resorts Development Company LTD shall procure various types of goods and services related to anti-avalanche works to ensure the smooth passage of vehicles on the Kobi-Gudauri highway section. In accordance with Article 21(4) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and Article 10(8) of the Procedure approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Chairperson of LEPL State Procurement Agency on the Approval of the Procedure for Determining Simplified Procurement Criteria and for Performing Simplified Procurement, the requirements laid down in Article 10(2), Article 12(1) and (2) and Article 13(3) of the same Order shall not apply to contracts to be concluded in respect of procurement under this paragraph.
84. The Government of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara (the Ministries, the sub-agencies of the Ministries, enterprises operating with a 100% participatory interest of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara, legal entities under public law under the control of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara, etc.), to prevent the spread of coronavirus, shall ensure procurements of various goods and/or services, including those related to the purchase of food for persons with respective needs, the placement of respective persons in mandatory quarantine, their transportation and nutrition, cleaning, safety and creating proper conditions during the quarantine period, the transportation of citizens of Georgia from other states by a special charter flight, equipping the 170-bed multi-profile hospital in Batumi with medical supplies, the purchase of medical personal protective equipment and the purchase of individual protective equipment. In accordance with Article 21(4) of the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and Article 10(8) of the procedure approved by Order No 13 of 17 August 2015 of the Chairperson of LEPL State Procurement Agency on the Approval of the Procedure for Determining Simplified Procurement Criteria and for Performing a Simplified Procurement, the requirements established by Article 10(2), Article 11(1) and (11), Article 12(1) and (2), and Article 13(3) of the procedure approved by the same order shall not apply to contracts concluded with regard to the procurement of goods and/or services provided for by this paragraph.
85. The Georgian Post LLC (I/N: 203836233) shall, on instructions from the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and/or the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, ensure the free delivery to residential addresses of medical products and medicines, as well as parcel post packages containing any other items specified in the instructions.
86. Given the restrictions imposed on international flights for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus, for the purpose of returning to Georgia of the citizens of Georgia from various cities in Europe, LEPL National Tourism Administration of Georgia shall ensure the partial subsidising of respective chartered flights in the amount of USD 20 000 equivalent in laris in the case of a Tbilisi-destination place-Tbilisi flight, and in the amount of USD 25 000 equivalent in laris in the case of a Tbilisi-destination place-Batumi flight, under the 24 05 − Facilitation of the Development of Tourism programme code of the appropriations allocated on the basis of the Law of Georgia on the State Budget of Georgia for 2020. In the case of an international flight scheduled in the direction of Tbilisi-London-Tbilisi, the amount of the partial subsidising provided for by this paragraph shall increase by the amount of the fee of London Gatwick Airport (IATA: LGW) actually paid per traveller by a respective airline, but in any case by not more than EUR 108.4 equivalent in laris per traveler.
87. Given the restrictions imposed on international flights for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus, for the purpose of returning to Georgia of the citizens of Georgia from foreign countries, LEPL National Tourism Administration of Georgia shall ensure the partial subsidising of the international flight scheduled in the direction of Tbilisi-Riyadh-Amman-Tbilisi in the amount of not more than USD 45 000 equivalent in laris, under the 24 05 − Facilitation of the Development of Tourism programme code of the appropriations allocated on the basis of the Law of Georgia on the State Budget of Georgia for 2020. The amount of such partial subsidising shall be reduced by the amount of total profit received from the sale of tickets by a respective airline.
9. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia shall ensure:
a) the provision of information to the relevant embassies on the necessity of health insurance of citizens of their countries intending to enter the territory of Georgia, the health status of citizens of their countries staying in the territory of Georgia, and on additional regulations (if any) imposed by the Government of Georgia for preventing the spread of coronavirus;
b) the provision of official information on diseases in the country to the competent authorities of foreign countries and international organisations;
c) the provision of information to the Government of Georgia on cases of coronavirus diagnosis among the citizens of Georgia staying in countries with a high risk of spreading coronavirus and of those staying in other countries;
d) the negotiation of the possibility of introducing a temporary visa regime with countries nominated as high-risk zone countries;
e) to the extent possible, the organisation of the transportation to Georgia of citizens of Georgia staying abroad and the implementation prior to transportation of appropriate concurrent measures depending on the needs.
91. Local self-government bodies shall be requested to:
a) implement appropriate measures to restrict the transportation of passengers by M2 category buses within the administrative boundaries of a municipality from 18 March 2020;
b) ensure the disinfection on a daily basis of specially designated areas (stop points) specified in Annex No 1 in coordination with relevant companies.
10. The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia shall, on the basis of the recommendations of the Ministry and the National Center, and within the scope of its competence, ensure the taking of appropriate preventive measures in general education, vocational education, higher education and scientific research institutions operating within the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia.
11. The agencies referred to in this Annex shall, for the purposes of mutual coordination, ensure the exchange of information obtained by them.
Article 5 – Transitional provision relating to aliens and stateless persons
1. Without prejudice to the restrictions established by Article 4(4)(f) and Article 4(7)(b) and (b1) of this Plan, aliens or stateless persons, who were staying legally in the territory of Georgia on 14 March 2020 and could not leave the country before the expiry of the period of legal stay in Georgia, shall have the right to stay in the territory of Georgia until 30 June 2020, provided that their stay in the territory of Georgia was caused by the following circumstances:
a) the state of citizenship of the person was in a high-risk zone during the respective period;
b) a restriction on the crossing of the border has been imposed by the respective state;
c) the person was in hospital, quarantine or self-isolation because of his/her health condition;
d) the person could not leave the country within the specified time due to cancelled flights.
2. In the cases determined by paragraph 1 of this article, the presence of an alien or a stateless person in the territory of Georgia shall not be considered illegal and he/she shall not be subject to liability provided for by the legislation of Georgia if he/she presents respective supporting documents.
3. In the cases determined by paragraph 1 of this article, the presence of an alien or a stateless person in the territory of Georgia shall not be considered legal for the purposes of obtaining a residence permit in Georgia.
Annex No 1
The following areas shall be determined as specially designated areas (stop points) where freight vehicles can temporarily stop.
a) Urbnisi – Kareli District, vil. Urbnisi, the cadastral code of land (immovable property): No;
b) Terjola – Terjola District, vil. Siktarva, the cadastral code of land (immovable property): No;
c) Gori – Gori District, vil. Tiniskhidi, the cadastral code of land (immovable property): No;
d) Zestaponi – Zestaponi District, vil. Argveta, the cadastral code of land (immovable property): No
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