On Pesticides and Agrochemicals

On Pesticides and Agrochemicals
Document number 1696
Document issuer Parliament of Georgia
Date of issuing 25/11/1998
Document type Law of Georgia
Source and date of publishing LHG, 6, 24/12/1998
Registration code 340.
Consolidated publications
LHG, 6, 24/12/1998
On Pesticides and Agrochemicals
Parliament of Georgia
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Consolidated versions (13/04/2016 - 07/12/2017)




Chapter I - General Provisions


Article 1 - Purpose and scope of the Law

1. The purpose of this Law is to provide legal grounds for the efficient use of pesticides and agrochemicals and for their application in such a manner which is safe both for humans and the environment.

2. This Law regulates relations that arise in relation to state governance of the efficient use and safe application of agricultural chemicals and biological material, and of the development, registration, production, labelling, packaging, selling, storing, and the transportation, use, decontamination, placement, and exchange of information, and the export and import, of pesticides and agrochemicals.


Article 2 - Legal grounds for the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals

The legal grounds for the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals are the Constitution of Georgia, treaties and international agreements, the FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, the laws of Georgia on Food/Feed Safety, the Veterinary and Plant Protection Code, the laws on Soil Protection, on Health Care and on Environmental Protection, this Law and other normative acts.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 6167 of 8 May 2012 – website, 25.5.2012


Article 3 - Definition of the terms used in the Law

The terms used herein have the following meanings for the purposes of this Law:

a) agricultural chemicals - a category of chemical substances which contain pesticides and agrochemicals and which are used in agriculture, as well as in forestry, communal economy, etc.;

b) pesticides - chemical or biological preparations used against plant diseases and their vectors, pests and weeds, against diseases of stored agricultural products, pests, rodents and zooparasites , as well as for the regulation of plant growth, for the removal of leaves from plants prior to harvesting (defoliants) and for drying plants (desiccants), for disinfecting storage facilities, warehouses, transport facilities, greenhouses, soils, products of plant origin and any other products subject to phytosanitary control;

c) agrochemicals - fertilisers, chemical ameliorants, agronomical ore and nutritional supplements envisioned for plant feeding, for the regulation of soil enrichment and for additional animal feeding;

d) active ingredient of a pesticide - a biologically active part of a pesticide that, when used in various forms of preparation, affects harmful organisms or the growth and development of plants;

e) state registration of pesticides and agrochemicals - a process by which a duly authorised executive authority, following the complex assessment and analysis of the results of testing the pesticides and/or agrochemicals in question, and on the basis of scientific data, and of analysis of the documents and information submitted by the registrant, grants permission to manufacture, import, store, sell, use and advertise pesticides and agrochemicals in Georgia;

f) re-registration of pesticides and agrochemicals - a repeated registration of pesticides and agrochemicals following the expiry of the validity of a registration certificate;

g) registration tests for pesticides and agrochemicals - a regulated system of the study of biological and economic efficiency of pesticides and agrochemicals and of their safety for humans and the environment;

h) regulation of the use of pesticides and agrochemicals - a mandatory requirement of the procedure and conditions for the use of pesticides and agrochemicals;

i) developer- a physical or a legal person who produces pesticides or agrochemicals and studies their reaction, their toxicological properties and their effects on the environment;

j) manufacturer- a physical or a legal person who manufactures pesticides or agrochemicals;

k) executive authorities - the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;

l) (deleted);

m) phytosanitary status - the state of agricultural land, forest and vegetation which is determined by the number of plant pests, the spread of plant diseases and the presence of weeds;

n) phytosanitary monitoring - the identification and prognostication of the estimated level of the spread of organisms, their number, the intensity of their development and their harmful effects;

o) complex security measures - a system of security measures against harmful organisms, based on which existing, and mutually complementing and efficient, means and methods are applied to the identification of levels of such harmful organisms, where significant economic damage is excluded;

p) safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals – the norms and standards of actions which prevent negative impacts on the health of humans, and plants and animals to be protected, and on the environment, during the use for a designated purpose, and for the development, testing, expert analysis, registration, manufacture, labelling, packaging, sale, storage, transportation, decontamination, placement, advertising and export and import of pesticides and agrochemicals;

q) efficient use of pesticides and agrochemicals - the regulated, scientifically justified and purposeful use of pesticides and agrochemicals to increase agricultural production, to provide human food products, to improve the health of plants and animals, and to enhance soil fertility;

r) packaging - a container with protective wrapping which is used during the transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals;

s) hazard – the probability of adverse effects on humans and the environment;

t) risk- the degree of probability of a hazard caused by pesticides or agrochemicals during their use under specific conditions;

u) residual amount- an active ingredient of a pesticide or its derivatives (by-products, metabolites), mixtures, nitrates, etc. contained in food or agricultural products or animal feed as a result of using pesticides and agrochemicals;

v) maximum residue limit of pesticides and agrochemicals - a maximum permissible concentration of residual amount which is envisioned by normative acts or universally approved for food or agricultural products or animal feed;

w) banned pesticides - pesticides which are prohibited from use in any field in order to protect human health and the environment, on the basis of a decision of the registration authority;

x) severely restricted pesticides - pesticides which are prohibited from use in order to protect human health and the environment on the basis of a decision of the registration authority, although their use in certain forms may be permitted;

y) prior informed consent - a principle in accordance with which it shall not be permitted to import banned and severely restricted pesticides in the course of international trade unless duly authorised, or to import them in non-compliance with a decision of the appropriate registration authority, and thereby in violation of the procedure of prior informed consent;

z) control measure - a measure aiming to ban or severely restrict the use of pesticides;

aa) antidotes - remedies used against poisoning that results from the improper handling of pesticides or agrochemicals;

bb) state catalogue - a list of pesticides and agrochemicals that are permitted for use in the territory of Georgia;

cc) (deleted);

dd) registrant - a physical or a legal person who submits an application for the registration of pesticides or agrochemicals;

ee) FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations;

ff) the authority registering plant protection means, growth regulators and agrochemicals - the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia;

gg) decontamination - measures for desinsection, disinfection and deratisation against pests, plant diseases and rodents.

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 - LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 73

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011


Article 4 - Distribution of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. The process of the supply of pesticides and agrochemicals to local or international markets through trade channels and their circulation within the country shall be based on the following principles:

a) pesticides and agrochemicals may be disposed of or circulated between physical and legal persons in accordance with the procedures provided for by the legislation of Georgia, unless they have been withdrawn from use or their circulation has been restricted;

b) pesticides and agrochemicals which are not included in the state catalogue of pesticides and agrochemicals shall not be permitted for import and circulation;

c) banned and severely restricted pesticides, which have revealed in registration tests a high probability of adverse effects on human health and the environment, may be circulated on the basis of special permission, in accordance with international requirements for the exchange of information, and in accordance with the principle of prior informed consent, for which the responsibility lies upon the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, along with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia.

2. In order to address the emergency situation in the agricultural sector, and in the absence of alternative means and methods, and where there is a danger of delay in taking necessary measures against harmful organisms, diseases and infectious vectors, permission to import severely restricted pesticides shall be issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia in agreement with the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia under procedures provided for by the law of Georgia on Licences and Permits.

3. The permit shall include the means, purpose, type, time and place of use, the amount, and the expected period before harvesting.

4. Physical and legal persons whose activities are related to the circulation and use of pesticides and agrochemicals shall provide information to duly authorised executive authorities by the end of the calendar year.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 482 of 25 March 2013 - website, 5.4.2013


Chapter II - Powers of Public Authorities of Georgia in the Field of the Efficient Use and Safe Application of Pesticides and Agrochemicals


Article 5 - Powers of public authorities of Georgia in the field of the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals

The powers of the public authorities of Georgia in the field of the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals include:

a) the issuance of normative acts;

b) the implementation of a unified state policy;

c) the exercise of state control over the implementation of the laws of Georgia;

d) the determination of a procedure for licensing;

e) the organisation of registration tests and expert analysis of results, and the state registration of pesticides and agrochemicals;

f) the organisation of activities related to the standardisation and certification of pesticides and agrochemicals;

g) the implementation of activities for organising and funding scientific research and other works in accordance with applicable standards;

h) the implementation of international relations;

i) the exchange of information with international organisations and the dissemination of information within the country on pesticides and agrochemicals;

j) the exercise of other powers provided for by the legislation of Georgia.


Chapter III - Regulation of the Efficient Use and Safe Application of Pesticides and Agrochemicals

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 6 - State governance in the field of the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. State policy for the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals shall be developed and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia shall regulate the processes of the safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals within the scopes of their authority.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 482 of 25 March 2013 - website, 5.4.2013


Article 7 - State control and supervision of the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia shall, within their scopes of authority, exercise public control and supervision of the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals.

2. Public control and supervision shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Georgia, and in compliance with the international requirements of FAO.

3. To ensure the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals, the controlling authorities may, within their scopes of authority, inspect land parcels, and storing, selling, and industrial premises and transport facilities, regardless of their form of ownership, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Georgia.

4. Physical and legal persons are obliged to meet the requirements of the legislation of Georgia in relation to the efficient use and safe application of pesticides and agrochemicals, and to provide necessary information and documents to the controlling authorities upon their request.

5. Deleted.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia is obliged to exercise control over compliance with the requirements of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides and to provide FAO with information on measures implemented to this effect.

7. The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia shall exercise control over the import, transportation, sale, labelling, storage, use, manufacturing (packaging) and the quality of pesticides and agrochemicals available on the market.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011


Article 8 - Testing, expert analysis, registering and coordinating of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia ('the Registration Authority') shall be responsible for the state registration of pesticides and agrochemicals.

2. The Registration Authority shall:

a) be guided in its activities by the International Code of Conduct of FAO, the standards of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), this Law and the legislation of Georgia;

b) (deleted);

c) within its scope of authority, develop special provisions and procedures for the registration testing, expert analysis, and registration, of pesticides and agrochemicals in Georgia, which shall be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, in agreement with the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 482 of 25 March 2013 - website, 5.4.2013


Article 9 - Objectives and powers of the Registration Authority

1. The Registration Authority shall: determine a list of pesticides and agrochemicals allowed for use in Georgia, and the regulations for their use; organise and coordinate registration tests; examine and analyse the results of the testing of pesticides and/or agrochemicals, and scientific data related thereto, as well as the documents and information submitted by registrants; carry out state registration and issue registration certificates; draw up lists of prohibited pesticides and agrochemicals, and periodically draft a state catalogue; publish additional lists where necessary; and exercise other powers provided for by the legislation of Georgia.

2. Within the scope of its authority, the Registration Authority shall:

a) review applications of physical and legal persons for the registration of pesticides and agrochemicals;

b) revoke registration on the basis of the well-grounded opinion of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, and remove from the state catalogue pesticides which have demonstrated properties which are hazardous to humans and the environment; 

c) draft regulations, instructions, procedures and methodical recommendations in accordance with the legislation of Georgia;

d) ensure the use of standardised methods during tests;

e) participate in the process of promotion related to the proper use of pesticides and agrochemicals.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 482 of 25 March 2013 - website, 5.4.2013


Article 10 - Registration tests and expert analysis of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. New pesticides (active ingredients), with some exceptions, and new agrochemicals, where necessary and as determined by the Registration Authority, shall be subject to registration testing before their registration in Georgia, the results of which shall be notified to the Registration Authority. Pesticides and/or agrochemicals that are registered in member states of the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (the OECDO) shall not be subject to registration testing for the purposes of their registration in Georgia.

2. The efficiency of pesticides and agrochemicals shall be tested and assessed by scientific research institutions and laboratories with appropriate expertise.

3. Registration tests and expert analysis shall be performed at the expense of the registrant.

4. Registration tests shall include:

a) the assessment of the biological, agricultural and economic efficiency of pesticides and agrochemicals and the development of regulations for their use;

b) the assessment of potential adverse effects on human health, and the elaboration of hygienic and sanitary norms and procedures;

c) the ecological assessment of regulations for the use of pesticides and agrochemicals.

5. A physical or legal person who has submitted an application for the state registration of pesticides or agrochemicals is obliged to present samples of the pesticides and agrochemicals free of charge.

6. During registration tests, experts are obliged to minimise experiments on animals.

7. The ecological, hygienic and toxicological expert analysis of pesticides and agrochemicals shall be carried out by scientific research institutions with appropriate expertise.

8. Procedures for the registration expert analysis of pesticides and agrochemicals shall be determined by the Registration Authority.

9. The period of expert analysis shall not exceed three hours.

10. The results of the testing and expert analysis of pesticides and agrochemicals shall be submitted to the Registration Authority, which shall make a decision on their registration, and shall issue a registration certificate within a month.

11. A physical or legal person who has submitted an application for the registration of pesticides or agrochemicals, or their developers, may not participate in the expert analysis of pesticides and agrochemicals.

12. Expert opinions may be appealed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Georgia.

13. If registration testing data reveal in pesticides or agrochemicals the presence of properties which are hazardous for humans or the environment, the Registration Authority shall be authorised to refuse the registration thereof.

14. It shall be mandatory to send to FAO all obtained scientific and technical data in relation to banning and/or severely restricting and/or applying control measures against pesticides and agrochemicals for the purposes of protecting human health or the environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia shall be responsible therefor.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55


Article 11 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 12 - State registration of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. Pesticides and agrochemicals which have been positively assessed during registration testing shall be subject to state registration. In accordance with the principles of international harmonisation of FAO, there shall be established a general standard called 'Risk/Benefit', whereby the benefits and the economic, social and ecological consequences of the use of the pesticides and agrochemicals in question shall be taken into account.

2. The period of state registration shall be determined by the Registration Authority. The period of registration of active ingredients of pesticides shall be generally 10 years, and for the registration of its derivative - five years. After the expiry of the period of validity of the registration certificate, pesticides may be re-registered.

3. In some cases a shorter period of registration of three years may be determined, where incomplete registration data has been submitted, or the need to perform additional testing has arisen, or if the pesticides are likely to be withdrawn from circulation, or their production is likely to be terminated.

4. Registration may be prematurely restricted or terminated, if new, previously unknown data on hazards caused by pesticides or agrochemicals have come to light. The Registration Authority shall include information on use limitations in supplements to the annual list. The Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia shall report to relevant international organisations on control measures taken.

5. An application for registration may be submitted by:

a) a developer;

b) a manufacturer;

c) a physical or legal person who deals in pesticides or agrochemicals.

6. To obtain registration, the registrants of pesticides and agrochemicals are obliged to submit:

a) information on the registrant;

b) the names of the pesticides or agrochemicals;

c) data on the composition of the pesticides or agrochemicals;

d) data on the scope of use and efficiency of the pesticides or agrochemicals;

e) data on the potential effects of the pesticides or agrochemicals on human health or the environment and the balance of nature;

f) data on the liquidation or methods of elimination of the pesticides or agrochemicals;

g) instructions for the use of the pesticides or agrochemicals;

h) details on the form of labelling and packaging;

i) details on the methods of analysis applied to reliably determine the composition of the pesticides or agrochemicals and of their residual amounts;

j) information on first medical aid in the case of poisoning.

7. If the testing demonstrates that pesticides and agrochemicals comply with the modern requirements of science and are efficient, and that they do not contravene the principles of the protection of the health of plants and animals, and do not have adverse effects on the balance of nature, and the elimination of which is impossible considering the existing level of scientific development, such pesticides and agrochemicals shall be subject to state registration.

8. The Registration Authority shall issue a registration certificate for the registered pesticides or agrochemicals to physical or legal persons.

9. Pesticides or agrochemicals that are permitted to be used in the territory of Georgia (in agriculture, forestry and communal economy, for therapeutic herbs and cultures containing essential oils), shall be included in the state catalogue, which shall also contain regulations for their use (according to agricultural crop species and animals), hygienic norms and environmental standards.

10. The state catalogue of pesticides and agrochemicals which are permitted to be used in Georgia shall be drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

11. Pesticides and agrochemicals shall not be subject to registration if they are imported for the purposes of scientific research and/or where there is a risk of delay in taking measures against particularly hazardous and harmful organisms.

12. Scientific and technical information on pesticides and agrochemicals shall be stored with the Registration Authority.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Article 55


Article 13 -. Licencing the activities related to biological pesticides

A licence for the production of biological pesticides shall be issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 - LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 73

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011


Article 14 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Chapter IV - General Requirements for the Efficient Use and Safe Application of Pesticides and Agrochemicals


Article 15 - Development of new pesticides and agrochemicals

1. When developing new pesticides and agrochemicals such methods shall be used which exclude adverse effects on human health and the environment.

2. Manufacturers are obliged to study completely the efficiency of pesticides and agrochemicals, including their toxicological properties and their effects on the environment.


Article 16 - Manufacturing of pesticides and agrochemicals

1. When manufacturing pesticides and agrochemicals, the manufacturer shall:

a) ensure the manufacture of pesticides and agrochemicals in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and the technical requirements of FAO;

b) comply with the norms of technological best practice and technical safety regulations;

c) ensure the packaging of pesticides and agrochemicals in a manner that is convenient for retail trade and users;

d) comply with international requirements for the packaging, labelling and storage of pesticides and agrochemicals;

e) systematically check the purity and quality of pesticides and agrochemicals intended for sale;

f) introduce analytical standards in order to control the amount of pesticides and agrochemicals in agricultural and food products, therapeutical raw materials and the environment;

g) terminate the sale of pesticides and agrochemicals and make the utilisation thereof at his/her own expense, if it becomes impossible to safely use, transport and store the said pesticides and agrochemicals, despite the fact that all the recommendations and procedures have been complied with;

g) (deleted);

h) manufacture pesticides and agrochemicals on the basis of actual needs.

2. It shall be prohibited to manufacture such pesticides and agrochemicals which have not undergone state registration.

3. (Deleted).

4. If a manufacturer fails to comply with the requirements of the legislation of Georgia when manufacturing pesticides and agrochemicals, the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, and other executive authorities which are responsible for their safe use, may suspend, restrict or prohibit the manufacturing of pesticides or agrochemicals in the manner prescribed by legislation.

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 - LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 73

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 17 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 - LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 73

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 18 - Essential information on pesticides and agrochemicals

1. Pesticides and agrochemicals may be introduced into circulation if they are accompanied by recommendations on their transportation, storage, utilisation and use, and if the products are labelled in accordance with applicable international procedures.

2. As a condition of registration, recommendations on the use of pesticides and on their labels shall be agreed with the Registration Authority.

3. Containers for the circulation of pesticides and agrochemicals shall be labelled in accordance with the international instructions of FAO; labelling shall be in the Georgian language.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 19 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 - LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 73

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 - LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 20 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 21 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 22 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 – LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 166

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 23 - Decontamination and placement of pesticides

1. Useless and banned pesticides and their containers shall be decontaminated and placed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Georgia.

2. Manufacturers of pesticides shall draft methods and recommendations for the decontamination of useless or banned pesticides and their containers in accordance with the instructions of FAO, in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia.

3. Physical and legal persons are obliged to deliver useless pesticides for their decontamination and placement at their own expense.

4. The decontamination and placement of useless and banned pesticides and their containers shall be controlled by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 – LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 166

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4411 of 11 March 2011 - website, 17.3.2011

Law of Georgia No 482 of 25 March 2013 - website, 5.4.2013


Article 24 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2182 of 7 May 2003 – LHG I, No 13, 2.6.2003, Art. 166

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 25 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Article 26 - (Deleted)

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460


Chapter V - Liability for the Violation of this Law


Article 27 - Liability for the violation of this Law

Liability for the violation of this Law shall be determined by the legislation of Georgia.


Chapter VI - Transitional Provisions


Article 28. Normative acts to be adopted with respect to this Law

1. Before 1 July 2006, the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia shall ensure the issuance of the following normative acts:

a) procedures for labelling pesticides and agrochemicals;

b) procedures for storing, transporting, selling and using pesticides and agrochemicals;

c) the regulation for registration testing, expert analysis and registration of pesticides and agrochemicals;

d) procedures for introducing samples, reference preparations and analytical standards of pesticides and agrochemicals required for registration testing in Georgia;

e) the state catalogue of pesticides and agrochemicals which are permitted for use in Georgia.

2. Before 1 July 2007, the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia shall ensure the issuance of the following normative acts:

a) procedures for organising the small packaging of pesticides;

b) procedures for controlling and taking samples from pesticides and agrochemicals placed on the market;

c) procedures for taking samples intended to control the presence of pesticides and agrochemicals in food and/or animal feed and environmental objects;

d) on additional requirements for the registration of such pesticides in Georgia that have been registered in member states of the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECDO).

3. Before 1 June 2016, the Government of Georgia shall ensure the adoption of the ordinance on the Procedures for the Export and Import of Certain Hazardous Chemical Substances and Pesticides and on the Prior Informed Consent drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia.

Law of Georgia No 2581 of 28 December 2005 – LHG I, No 59, 31.12.2005, Art. 460

Law of Georgia No 4312 of 29 December 2006 – LHG I, No 4, 12.1.2007, Art. 55

Law of Georgia No 4957 of 13 April 2016 – website, 26.4.2016


Chapter VII - Final Provision


Article 29 - Entry into force of the Law

This Law shall enter into force upon its promulgation.



President of Georgia                                                                                                                                         Eduard Shevardnadze


25 November, 1998

No 1696-I